The Media The Media

The Media - PowerPoint Presentation

stefany-barnette . @stefany-barnette
Uploaded On 2016-05-21

The Media - PPT Presentation

Jounalism in History US media has much more freedom than in other countries Our media is privately owned Only need licenses from the govt to operate GB politicians can sue media that pokes fun at them ID: 329502

media stories news newspapers stories media newspapers news press politicians radio national political people time reporters local gov




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The MediaSlide2

Jounalism in History

US media has much more freedom than in other countries

Our media is privately owned

Only need licenses from the gov’t to operate

GB – politicians can sue media that pokes fun at them.

FR – controlled by national agency that decides what to show publicSlide3

Some people believe since the media is a business, they will distort facts to satisfy advertisers and readers

Probably isn’t true because: they have different types of advertisers and readers Slide4

The Party Press



– early factions and parties created and controlled newspapers to further their interest

Circulation was small

Newspapers expensive

Very few large advertisers to help pay for it

Political parties or presidents provided gov’t money to help pay for newspapers

Very partisan viewsSlide5

Popular Press

New development:

High speed rotary press can print thousands quickly and cheaply

Invention of telegraph got news to newspapers quickly

1848 – creation of the

Associated Press

Telegraphed non-biased stories to newspapers all over the USSlide6

Newspapers became cheaper in urban areas because retailers put ads in papersNow if newspapers were partisan, it was because of the views of their editors

Began to attract readers with “sensationalism” and “yellow journalism”Slide7

Magazines of Opinion

began to discuss issues of public policy around late 1800’s and early 1900’s

Developed a national constituency for certain issues like “


”, reforming civil service, etc.


” were intent on exposing bad behavior in business or politics

Set pattern for “

investigative reporting


Big newspapers started buying up competitionSensationalism

gradually reduced

Today’s magazines focus mostly on politics and they are a declining marketSlide9

Electronic Journalism

Radio – 1920’s

Television – 1940’s

Major change in the way news was gathered and disseminated

Politicians can speak directly to viewers without having to speak through someone who can change their words and toneSlide10

Disadvantage: people can ignore the


or radio – tune out or change the channel

Also, more expensive than newspapers

The number and length of stories


and radio can carry is much smaller than newspapers

Don’t’ want to bore the people!Slide11

Politicians have to do something bold to gain tv

or radio time

Or have lots of $ to buy it

President is the only one who can get free time whenever he wants

Until the 1990’s, the “big three” networks controlled 80% of viewership (ABC, NBC, CBS)Slide12

Now there are competitors and evening news has changed a lotThe average sound bite has dropped from 42 seconds in 1968 to 7.3 in 2000 for prez. candidates

Now there is cable


, early morning news, entertainment shows, “news-magazine” shows that give politicians the spotlight Slide13

Politicians favor call-in formats, town meetings, human interest interviews and appearances on entertainment shows

Do not like “

talking heads

” news shows

Clearly – most politicians love the spotlight

One easy way for politicians to get the spotlight is criticize the presidentSlide14


Newest electronic source of news

Summaries, newspapers, magazines, gossip, chats

You can join rooms that have similar political views

The ultimate free market in political news

Hard to ban, control or regulateSlide15

Structure of the Media

Relationship between journalism and politics is two way street:

Politicians take advantage of the media available to them

The media uses politicians as a way to entertain and inform audiences

However, the media can select, edit and serve the story they wantSlide16

Degree of Competition

Number of daily newspapers had dropped dramatically

Large papers have bought smaller ones

Many metropolitan areas have readership areas that overlap

People now get most of their news from televisionSlide17

Radio and TV are becoming more competitiveOver 1,000 local television stations

Over 11,000 cable stations

Almost 10,000 radio stations

Some broadcast nothing but news

Some have a specialized followingSlide18

The American press is made up of locally

owned and managed businesses

In other countries, the media are owned and operated with a


audience in mind

US newspapers,


and radio are oriented to local markets and local audiencesSlide19

Until mid 1990’s, no one could own and operate more than one newspaper, one AM, one FM or one


station in a given market

According to the

Federal Communications Commission

Networks can’t force local stations to accept a particular broadcast, but most doSlide20

National Media

Associated Press


United Press International

provide most of the national news

Three truly national newspapers:

Wall Street Journal


Christian Science Monitor, USA Today


New York Times


Washington Post

have gotten a national readership because so many politicians use them


tv and local newspapers use their storiesSlide21

Existence of national press is important for two reasons:1. gov’t officials pay attention to what they say

2. reporters for them are better educated and generally have more liberal views – they write more “investigative” storiesSlide22

National press plays role of gatekeeper, scorekeeper and watchdog for the federal gov’t



Can influence which subjects become issues and for how longSlide23


Keep track of and help make political reputations – decide who is winning and losing

After the scorekeepers decide a politician is important, they become the



Every move is scrutinized and reported onSlide24

Rules Governing the Media

Newspapers and magazines do not need a license to publish

Their freedom to publish can’t be restrained in advance

They are liable only under certain highly restricted circumstances



Amendment provides much protectionSlide25

If something is published that is libelous, or obscene or incites someone to commit an illegal act, they can be sued

Those terms have been defined so narrowly that it is hard for any court to convict the pressSlide26

Confidentiality of Sources

Some states have passed laws that protect sources

Federal government does not agree

In most cases, the courts have to decide

In general the Supreme Court has said the gov’t has the right to compel reporters to divulge infoSlide27

Regulating Broadcasting

No one can operate a radio or television station without a license from the FCC – renewable

There is a movement to deregulate broadcasting

The argument is that there are so many stations on the air that competition should be allowed

Citizens can choose what they want to hear or seeSlide28

Radio has been deregulated the most1996 –

Telecommunications Act

allowed one company to own as many as 8 stations in large markets (5 in smaller ones) – as many as they wanted nationally

Result – many more news radio showsSlide29

Content of tv and radio is still regulated:


equal time rule

: if a station sells time to one candidate, they must sell equal time to the opposing candidate.


right of reply rule

: if a person is attacked, they must have the right to reply on that same station


political editorializing rule

: if a broadcaster endorses a candidate, the opposing candidate must have a right to reply.Slide30


The “equal time rule” applies

TV stations and networks can sponsor debates limited to the major candidates

Presidential candidates buy national time

Others buy local time


– an area easily reached by a television signal

200 of them in USSlide31

Effects of the Media on POlitics

research suggests that what appears in print or on air does effect


citizens think and


they think about

TV and radio suffer from a process called “

selective attention

” (what teenagers have

 )

Citizens see and hear only what they wantSlide32

If this is true, why is millions spent on advertising each year for consumer items?Because, if the ad persuades them to buy something, not much is at stake

However, if the ad convinces them to vote for a candidate, they are stuck with them for 2 + yearsSlide33

Effects of the media have less to do with how people vote -more to do with how politics is conducted - politicians are perceived – and how policies are formulated

Media helps set the political agenda on issues that the citizens don’t have much personal experience with

But, the media has

less influence over

how people react

to things that affect

them directly.Slide34

Interpreting Political News

Americans worry that editors and reporters allow their personal political beliefs to influence the stories

Americans tend to accept what they hear or read as truth, especially if they have no prior knowledge.

According to polls, journalists are much more liberal than the publicSlide35

Are News Stories “Slanted?”

Several factors play into how stories are written:

Need to meet a deadline

Desire to attract an audience

Obligation to be fair and tell the truth

Need to develop sources among people of different viewsSlide36

To understand circumstances under which a reporter’s opinion is likely to affect a story, you must know the three types of stories:


routine stories

– public events regularly covered – simple, easy to describe

Ex: president takes a trip, bill passes CongressSlide37


feature stories

: reporter takes the initiative to chose an event, write about it and persuade an editor to run it.

Ex: controversial ruling, investigations, etc.


insider stories

: someone with inside knowledge tells a reporter, possibly a “leak”, and the reporter engages in “investigative reporting”

How reliable is the source? What is their motive?Slide38

Routine stories are covered almost the same way by all reportersAP and Reuters supply stories almost as they happen to all media outlets

Even routine stories can be incorrectly reported

Feature and insider stories must be selectedSlide39

The selection process includes what the reporter thinks is importantAlso may include stories that go along with his political beliefs

Newspapers are using more feature stories to compete with magazines and


The media puts their own “spin” on feature storiesSlide40

Why Do We Have So Many “Leaks?”

America’s government is the “leakiest” in the world.

Members often leak stories to benefit them

Why do we have them? The Constitution

We have separate branches that compete with each other for power (use the press to your advantage, make the other side look bad)Slide41

Other democratic nations don’t have as many leaks.Why?

Because the Prime Minister is chosen from the majority party, so no need for competition to get upper hand

Also, not against the law for press to receive or print government secretsSlide42

Since Vietnam, Watergate and Iran-Contra, politicians have come to distrust one anotherSo, reporters are less inclined to accept at face value what politicians say in “official statements”

Rather find someone who will give them the “real story”Slide43

We have an “adversarial press

” – one that is suspicious of “official” things and rather break an embarrassing story to bring them kudos

All this has led to an era of “

attack journalism

They cover any rumor, gaffes, etc. that involve politicians

This used to be tabooSlide44

The media’s growing cynicism about the government is the same that the public feels about the media

Most people believe the media slants their coverage, has too much influence over events and abuse its constitutional privileges

Most Americans dislike “biased” journalism

None of this looks like it will change in the futureSlide45

Sensationalism in the Media

In the “old days” the “


” of FDR, JFK and MLK were all known about by reporters, but not reported on

Today, famous figures can’t get away with that.

What changed?

The economics of journalism and ideas of reportersSlide46

Until the 1970’s, it was just the “big three” now there is a lot of competition and they are in the business to make money

Have to rely on “sensational” news stories – sex, violence and intrigue

Also, reporters are more likely to be easily manipulated by sources

Now many break stories that only have one sourceSlide47

Government Constraints on Journalists

A reporter is only as good as their sources

Important to keep sources happy

15,000-20,000 staffers for Congress members means it is always possible to find a source

Number of press officers on gov’t payroll has increased in recent decades

They can try to win journalistic friends by offering “leaks” or background stories