Sermon #2771 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit 1Volume 48 www.spurgeongem Sermon #2771 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit 1Volume 48 www.spurgeongem

Sermon #2771 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit 1Volume 48 www.spurgeongem - PDF document

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Sermon #2771 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit 1Volume 48 www.spurgeongem - PPT Presentation

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Sermon #21 MetropoOLtan TabernacOe PuOpLt 1VoOume 4 1 A SERMON DELIVERED BY C. H. SPURGEON AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON G, OCTOBER 22, 1882 “And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. “And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cockAnd Peter went out, and wept bitterly.” Luke 22:61-62 PETER¶S faOO as Ze notLced Ln our readLnJ Ls four tLmes recorded at consLderabOe OenJtK but Lt Ls not once e[cused. TKere Ls not 2 Peter¶s FaOO and RestoratLon Sermon #21 2 VoOume 4 of Rome Ls OLNe Peter for Ke Peter¶s faOO seems to sa\ to ever\ one of us ³You too are ZeaN \ou too ZLOO faOO Lf \ou are Oeft to \ourseOf. TKerefore trust ZKoOO\ to \our Master but never trust Ln \ourseOf. /ooN aZa\ to +Lm and reO\ not upon \our oZn e[perLence or tKe fLrmness of \our oZn resoOutLons for \ou ZLOO assuredO\ faOO as TKese Oessons mLJKt profLt us even Lf Ze Oearned no otKers but , tKLnN Ze ma\ fLnd some more as , noZ proceed to speaN to \ou fLrst concernLnJ Peter’s fall, ne[t concernLnJ the means of his recovery,tKLrdO\ concernLnJ the signs of his restoration, and afterZards Lf Ze Kave tLme for tKem , Kope to maNe nLnJ PETER¶S FA//. ,t Zas a ver\ sad faOO because Lt Zas the fall of one of the most favored of Christ’s disciples. :e NnoZ tKat tKere Ls sucK a tKLnJ as eOectLon and tKat tKere Ls sucK a tKLnJ as eOectLon out of eOectLon and Ln tKe case of CKrLst¶s dLscLpOes tKe prLncLpOe Zas carrLed stLOO furtKer for tKere Zere some ZKo Zere tKe eOect out of tKe eOect of tKe eOect. CKrLst Kad man\ dLscLpOes \et +e saLd to tKe apostOes ³, Kave cKosen \ou tZeOve.´ Out of tKose tZeOve +e Kad evLdentO\ specLaOO\ cKosen tKree—Peter and -ames and -oKn ZKo Zere prLvLOeJed to be ZLtK +Lm on varLous occasLons ZKen aOO otKers Zere sKut out. Peter Kad been After KLs decOaratLon concernLnJ CKrLst¶s MessLaKsKLp and DeLt\ -esus saLd to KLm ³BOessed art tKou SLmon Bar-Mona for fOesK and bOood KatK not reveaOed Lt unto tKee but m\ FatKer ZKLcK Ls Ln Keaven.´ So \ou see tKat Ke Zas a KLJKO\ favored man and for KLm to den\ KLs Master Zas a ver\ terrLbOe sLn. TKe KLJKer our prLvLOeJe dear frLends tKe Jreater Ls our responsLbLOLt\ tKe nobOer our SecondO\ Peter¶s faOO Zas especLaOO\ sad because he had been faithfully warned concerning it. Our /ord Kad saLd to tKe eOeven ³AOO \e sKaOO be offended because of me tKLs nLJKt´ and tKen ZKen Peter decOared tKat Ke ZouOd not be offended our /ord pOaLnO\ foretoOd KLs trLpOe denLaO. :Ken -esus after tKe fLrst part of +Ls aJon\ Ln tKe Jarden came bacN to tKe tKree specLaOO\ favored dLscLpOes and found tKem aOO asOeep Ke saLd to Peter ³SLmon sOeepest tKou? couOdest not tKou ZatcK one Kour? :atcK \e and pra\ Oest \e enter Lnto temptatLon.´ So tKat Peter NneZ tKe danJer to ZKLcK Ke Zas e[posed Ke Zas not as some Lne[perLenced persons are surprLsed on a sudden—carrLed off tKeLr feet b\ a fLerce tornado of ,f Ke dLd not ZatcK and pra\ Ke ouJKt to Kave done so for Ke Kad been e[pressO\ Zarned a\ and toOd tKat Ln tKat ver\ nLJKt not onO\ ZouOd Ke be Ln danJer but tKat Ke ZouOd actuaOO\ faOO Lnto tKe snare ZKLcK Satan tKe Jreat foZOer Zas settLnJ for KLm. After tKat ZarnLnJ Ke Zas not OLNe a bLrd cauJKt Ln a trap ZKLcK Lt Kas not seen but OLNe one tKat fOLes boOdO\ Lnto tKe snare. SoOomon sa\s Ln tKe Proverbs ³SureO\ Ln vaLn tKe net Ls spread Ln tKe sLJKt of an\ bLrd´ \et Peter ran Lnto Lt Ln spLte of aOO tKe ZarnLnJ tKat Ke Kad receLved. TKLs made KLs sLn aOO tKe Jreater and Lf an\ of \ou sLn aJaLnst tKe OLJKt \our sLn FurtKer tKe JuLOt of Peter¶s sLn Ls enKanced b\ tKe fact tKat it came so soon after his protestation of fidelity to his Master. +e Kad saLd to -esus ³TKouJK anever be offended.´ NoZ marN tKat decOaratLon Zas made Ln tKe evenLnJ and tKe sun Kad not rLsen—tKe cocN Kad not croZed—before Ke Kad tKrLce denLed KLs Master. ,t ma\ Kave been quLte Oate Ln tKe evenLnJ ZKen Ke uttered KLs boastfuO decOaratLon and tKe nLJKt Kad onO\ darNened doZn to mLdnLJKt or AK bretKren! Lf Ze eat our Zords so soon as tKat—Lf Ze Jo Kome from tKLs Kouse of pra\er and faOO Lnto sLn or Lf tomorroed bread of tKe comso act as practLcaOO\ to den\ CKrLst—Lt ZLOO be a ver\ terrLbOe tKLnJ. ,t ZouOd Kave been bad enouJK Lf Sermon #21 Peter¶s FaOO and RestoratLon 3 VoOume 4 3 Peter Kad sLnned tKus tZent\ \ears after maNLnJ KLs professLon of Oove to CKrLst but to den\ KLs /ord an Observe aOso tKat Peter’s sin had degrees in it. TKLs maNes Lt tKe more LnterestLnJ to us especLaOO\ Lf Ze Kave ourseOves Jone an\ part of tKe same evLO Za\ for tKe fLrst tLme Ke denLed KLs Master Lt Zas not Ln tKe same st\Oe as tKe tKLrd tLme. BeLnJ Oet Lnto tKe KLJK prLest¶s paOace tKe damseO ZKo opened tKe door OooNed KLm Ln tKe face and afterZards ZKen Peter Zas sLttLnJ ZLtK tKe servants and offLcers round about tKe fLre tKLs someZKat bus\ Oad\ came up to KLm and Ja]LnJ Lnto KLs face saLd ³TKou aOso Zast ZLtK -esus of *aOLOee.´ Peter made a NLnd of evasLve ansZer tKere Zas a sort of subterfuJe Ln Lt ³, NnoZ TKLs Zas reaOO\ a denLaO of CKrLst but Ke Kad so Zorded Lt as to quLet KLs conscLence to some e[tent Ke Kad not posLtLveO\ Ln so man\ Zords denLed KLs Master. +e peopOe noZada\s do and Ke tKouJKt perKaps tKat Ke mLJKt be abOe to draZ bacN from tKe posLtLon Lnto ZKLcK Ke Kad been Oed b\ KLs cu pronounced as Lt afterZards became. TKe second tLme Ke seems to Kave Jot up from ZKere Ke sat b\ tKe fLre Ke Zas evLdentO\ not to see tKe end of tKe matter Ke Kad come bacN. +e dLd not press KLs Za\ Lnto tKe Lnner cLrcOe around tKe fLre and sLt tKere but Ke stood and Oeaned forZard Must to Zarm KLs Kands and tKen Lt Zas tKat tKLs Zoman notLcLnJ KoZ restOess Ke Kad been came up ZLtK a companLon of Kers and OooNLnJ at KLm beJan to sa\ to tKe otKer Zoman ³, NnoZ tKat Ke Ls one of tKem , am sure tKat Ke Ls´ and tKen sKe and tKe otKer botK broNe out sa\LnJ ³You Zere ZLtK KLm Ze are sure \ou Zere ZLtK KLm´ and tKe men MoLned Ln tKe cr\ perKaps most of tKem saLd ³OK \es! Ke Ls one of tKem´ and tKen Peter ³denLed ZLtK an oatK , do not NnoZ tKe man.´ OK KoZ dreadfuO for KLm to caOO CKrLst ³tKe man´ ZKen Ke Kad boOdO\ After tKLs Peter Jets up and Joes aZa\ from tKe fLre aOtoJetKer. ,t Ls a OarJe pOace so Ke stLOO Neeps ZLtKLn tKe encOosure but Ke Jets up Lnto a corner ZKere tKe OLJKt does not faOO upon KLm and tKere Ke KLm. +e tKouJKt tKat tKe\ ZouOd not fLnd KLm out noZ because tKe fLreOLJKt dLd not reacK so far but Ke dLd not remember tKat KLs tonJue ZouOd teOO taOes for tKose near KLm saLd ³+arN! tKat feOOoZ Kas tKe broJue of *aOLOee Ke Ls a *aOLOean and aOO tKe peopOe tKat Zere ZLtK -esus Zere *aOLOeans. Depend upon Lt Ke Ls one of tKem. :e are sure tKat Ke Ls for KLs speecK bTKe brusqueness of KLs countrLfLed speecK sKoZed KLm up as beLnJ one of tKe fLsKers from tKe OaNe of *aOLOee so noZ tKe\ come aOO round KLm and tKe\ sa\ to KLm ³:e NnoZ tKat \ou are a dLscLpOe of -esus.´ TKen tKere Zas tKe KLJK prLest¶s servant ZKose NLnsman¶s ear Peter Kad cut off Ke saLd ³DLd not , see tKee Ln tKe Jarden ZLtK KLm? , carrLed a Oantern and , NnoZ tKat \ou are tKe man tKat cKopped Ke NneZ tKat a true sZear and tKerefore tKe Za\ to prove tKat Ke Zas no CKrLstLan Zas to curse and sZear tKerefore Ke dLd Lt. +e cursed and sZore to convLnce tKem tKat Ke Zas not a dLscLpOe of -esus CKrLst. OK but tKLs Zas dreadfuO tKLs Zas terrLbOe! No e[cuse Ls JLven for Peter Ln *od¶s :ord nor ZLOO Ze tr\ to tKLnN of an\ but Ze ZLOO eacK one of us pra\ ³+oOd tKou me up and , sKaOTKere Ls anotKer aJJravatLon of Peter¶s sLn ZKLcK , must mentLon tKat Ls tKat all this was done very close to where his Lord and Master was suffering at that time. , tKLnN tKat tKLs TabernacOe mLJKt ver\ ZeOO pLcture tKe NLnd of pOace tKat paOace Zas. TaNe aZa\ tKose JaOOerLes and Oeave tKLs upper portLon Kere Ls CKrLst ZLtK tKe KLJK prLests and aOO tKe rest of tKem Ln tKLs upper part. PerKaps Lt Zas not so mucK raLsed above tKe rest of tKe KaOO as tKLs pOatform Ls but stLOO Lt Zas a raLsed pOace. And tKere Zere tKe servants sLttLnJ doZn beOoZ ZKere tKe\ couOd see ever\tKLnJ and aOso be seen Ln tKe open square ZLtK a bLJ fLre bOa]LnJ up Ln tKe mLdst and sendLnJ Lts voOumes of smoNe up to tKe mLdnLJKt sN\. And 4 Peter¶s FaOO and RestoratLon Sermon #21 4 VoOume 4 OK! , tKLnN tKat fact aOone ouJKt to Kave cKecNed Peter¶s tonJue and LnspLred KLm ZLtK sucK Oove and pLt\ and s\mpatK\ tKat Ke ZouOd Kave found Lt LmpossLbOe to den\ KLs Master. And for \ou and me What was the reason why Peter thus sinned? , ansZer fLrst tKat Lt Zas because of KLs fear of man. BoOd Peter became an arrant coZard. And aK! KoZ man\ Kave denLed tKeLr Master because tKe\ Kave been afraLd of a Mest or a Meer! ,t Zas but a sLOO\ maLd and anotKer JossLp ZLtK Ker and a feZ LdOe Zomen and servLnJ men around tKe outdoor fLre but Peter Zas afraLd of tKem and tKerefore Ke Zas not afraLd to confLdence Ln KLmseOf. ,f Peter Kad feOt KLmseOf to be ZeaNer Ke ZouOd reaOO\ Kave been stronJer but because Ke feOt so stronJ Ln KLmseOf er. :e NnoZ aOso tKat Lt Zas caused b\ a Zant of ZatcKfuOness and pra\er on tKe part of Peter. +e Zas off KLs Juard ZKen Ke Zas sLttLnJ or standLnJ comfortabO\ b\ tKe fLre and tKerefore Ke feOO so sadO\. +Ls faOO Zas caused , e[pect b\ a JeneraO Zant of steadfastness Ln KLs cKaracter. +e Zas Lmpetuous LmpuOsLve quLcN read\ brave couraJeous but at tKe same tLme Ke OacNed bacNbone. +e dLd even after tKLs OacN tKat essentLaO eOement of a stronJ cKaracter for PauO Kad to ³ZLtKstand KLm to tKe face because But Ln tKLs tLme of testLnJ Ke manLfested a sad Zant of soOLdLt\ of cKaracter. +e Zas carrLed aZa\ b\ surroundLnJ cLrcumstances and ZKen tKe\ Kappened to be aJaLnst KLs /ord and Master Ke Zas carrLed aZa\ ZLtK tKem. TKose of \ou ZKo Kave abundance of OLfe Ln \ou and pOent\ of force of cKaracter must mLnd tKat \ou Kave aOso tKe force of Jrace Oest \our vLvacLt\—tKe ver\ tKLnJ ZKLcK maNes \ou to be Oeaders amonJ us— sKouOd become \our ruLn Ln tKe tLme of trLaO. +e Ls ZeOO Nept ZKom *od Neeps and Ke Lt Ls aOso ZKo ZLtK pra\er and ZatcKfuOness Juards KLmseOf aJaLnst aOO tKe danJers tKat surround KLm. TKe fLrst means Zas the crowing of the cock. ,t seemed stranJe tKat Lt sKouOd croZ tKe fLrst tLme before tKe perLod tKat Zas NnoZn amonJ tKe -eZs as ³tKe cocN-croZLnJ.´ TKat Kappened after Peter Kad denLed KLs Master once but Ke does not appear to Kave taNen an\ notLce of Lt for Ke afterZards denLed KLs Master aJaLn and \et aJaLn and Must as Ke Zas speaNLnJ tKe tKLrd tLme ZKLOe tKe Zords Zere Ln KLs moutK sKrLOO and cOear over tKat paOace ZaOO came tKe cOarLon of tKe cocN. OK tKat croZ must Kave Jone :e cannot preacK KaOf sucK LmpressLve sermons as tKat bLrd tKen deOLvered for Lts mZa\ Lnto Peter¶s conscLence. *od Kas man\ Za\s of reacKLnJ man¶s conscLence. , Kave NnoZn +Lm toucK tKe conscLence b\ ver\ sLnJuOar means—b\ tKe observatLon of a OLttOe cKLOd ver\ frequentO\—b\ tKe sudden deatK of a neLJKbor or a frLend—even b\ some sentence Ln a neZspaper. TKere are man\ cocNs tKat *od can cause to croZ ZKen Ke bLds tKem and tKe\ startOe tKe sLnner as mucK as tKat one Ln TKe ne[t tKLnJ tKat toucKed Peter and tKe maLn tKLnJ Zas the look of Christ. ,t Ls not possLbOe for an\ one of us to JLve sucK a OooN as tKat. ,t Zas sucK a OooN as -E+OVA+ Jave to tKe prLmevaO darNness ZKen +e saLd ³/et tKere be OLJKt´ and tKe darNness Zas dLssLpated b\ one JOance of -E+OVA+¶S e\e. So tKe darNness ZKLcK tKe devLO Kad cast over Peter¶s souO Zas made to fO\ b\ one fOasK from tKe e\e of -esus. TKere Zere voOumes of meanLnJ Ln tKat OooN. ³,s tKat Peter ZKo decOared tKat Ke ZouOd never den\ Me? Remember Peter ZKat , saLd and ZKat \ou ansZered and see ZKLcK of TKat OooN aOso saLd to Peter ³AOO tKese JrLefs and aOO tKLs sKame tKat , am endurLnJ do not pLerce Me so NeenO\ to tKe Keart as \our denLaO does.´ Yet Zas Lt not aOso a OooN of Lne[pressLbOe tenderness as Lf tKe Master saLd b\ Lt ³, Oove \ou stLOO Peter so come bacN to Me and , ZLOO \et restore \ou´? , tKLnN Lt Zas a Keart-pLercLnJ OooN and a Keart-KeaOLnJ OooN aOO Ln one—a OooN ZKLcK reveaOed to Peter tKe Sermon #21 Peter¶s FaOO and RestoratLon 5 VoOume 4 5 bOacNness of KLs sLn and aOso tKe tenderness of KLs Master¶s Keart toZards KLm. TKat OooN dLd tKe ZorN tKat Zas tKe Jreat means of Peters recover\ fLrst tKe croZLnJ of tKe cocN or sometKLnJ Ln provLdence TKen ZKat came Ln ne[t Zas Peter’s remembrance of Christ’s word, for tKat OooN aZaNened KLs memor\ and KLs memor\ remLnded KLm of aOO tKat KLs Master Kad saLd to KLm and of aOO tKe Kapp\ feOOoZsKLp Ke Kad Kad ZLtK tKe dear Master and ZKat Zonders Ke Kad seen +Lm do. , daresa\ tKat Peter recoOOected KoZ Ke Kad once ZaONed upon tKe Zater KoZ Ke beJan to sLnN untLO -esus stretcKed out +Ls Kand to save KLm. At an\ rate memor\ dLd Lts ZorN for ³Peter caOOed to mLnd tKe Zord tKat -esus saLd unto KLm Before tKe cocN croZ tZLce tKou sKaOt den\ me tKrLce. And ZKen Ke tKouJKt tKereon Ke But tKere Zas one tKLnJ at tKe bacN of aOO tKese ZKLcK Ze must never forJet tKat Ls the prayer of Christ for Peter. +e saLd to KLm ³, Kave pra\ed for tKee´ and tKe effect of tKat pra\er Zas made apparent Ln tKe apostOe¶s restoratLon. TKat OooN Zas effectuaO upon Peter because tKe /ord -esus Kad Ln prLvate made prevaOent LntercessLon for KLm so KLs faLtK Zas not to faLO KLm and Ke Zas to come out of tKe devLO¶s sLeve ZLtK not one partLcOe of tKe JenuLne ZKeat tKat Zas Ln KLm faOOen to tKe Jround but TKat Zas tKe Jreat means ZKLcK CKrLst used for Peter¶s recover\ and , beJ \ou dear frLends to emuOate \our SavLor¶s e[ampOe Ln tKLs respect. Pra\ for tKe faOOen OooN OovLnJO\ and pLtLfuOO\ upon tKe faOOen for \our ver\ OooN ma\ do tKem Jood. SpeaN to tKe faOOen seeN to JuLde tKe faOOen bacN to CKrLst NoZ Ln tKe tKLrd pOace , am to speaN ver\ brLefO\ upon T+E S,*NS OF PETER¶S he went out. TKere Zas sometKLnJ suJJestLve Ln tKat actLon of KLs. ,t mLJKt be ver\ coOd outsLde but Peter Oeft tKe ZarmtK of tKe fLre. +Ls Keart Zas Kot ZLtKLn KLm so Ke couOd stand tKe coOd and tKerefore Ke Zent out. ,t Ls aOZa\s a sLJn of repentance Ln CKrLstLans ZKo Kave faOOen ZKen tKe\ ,f an\ of \ou Zere once professors of tKe faLtK and \ou Kave turned asLde tKrouJK tKe evLO assocLatLons tKat \ou Kave formed out \ourseOves Ooose from tKose assocLatLons at once. ³OK!´ sa\s someone ³but , mLJKt be a Ooser Lf , Zere to do so.´ You cannot Oose so mucK as \ou ZLOO do Lf \ou Oose \our souO ³OK! but , do not see KoZ , can escape.´ You must fLnd a Za\ of escape someKoZ \ou must do as /ot dLd. TKouJK Ke Kad aOO KLs ZeaOtK Ln Sodom Ke Kad to fOee from Lt and tKe messaJe to \ou professors ZKo are amonJ tKe unJodO\ Ls ³Come out from amonJ tKem and be \e separate saLtK tKe +e not onO\ Zent out but Ke Zept. As Ke Nept on turnLnJ over KLs sLn Lt appeared to KLm Ln aOO Lts bOacNest Kue. :e are toOd tKat he wept bitterly. ConvuOsLve ZeepLnJ came upon KLm Ke couOd not bear ,t Ls a bOessed sLJn of tKe ZorN of Jrace Ln tKe souO ZKen tKe man ZKo Kas sLnned quLts KLs evLO companLons and mourns over KLs sLn as one ZKo Ls Ln bLtterness for KLs fLrstborn. ,f an\ of \ou Kave sLnned OLNe Peter Jo and Zeep OLNe Peter. ,f \ou Kave faOOen OLNe Peter tKen Oet \our souO bLtterO\ beZaLO \our transJressLon. Man\ taON about tKe Jreatness of DavLd¶s sLn but Lf tKe\ NneZ tKe deptKs of DavLd¶s t so JOLbO\ speaN of Lt. TKere Ls a tradLtLon tKat Peter never Keard a cocN croZ or tKouJKt of tKLs LncLdent as OonJ as Ke OLved ZLtKout ZeepLnJ and REMAR.S UPON T+E ,NC,DENT. M\ fLrst remarN Ls—Christian, it is bad for you to be in evil company. ,t Zas bad for Peter to be amonJ tKose ZKo Zere standLnJ or sLttLnJ round tKat fLre. On a coOd nLJKt ever\one OLNes a nLce comfortabOe fLre. Yes but \ou Kad better suffer an\ dLscomfort and LnconvenLence ratKer tKan assocLate 6 Peter¶s FaOO and RestoratLon Sermon #21 6 VoOume 4 ZLtK ZLcNed men. Peter Zas sLttLnJ Ln tKe seat of tKe scorner so Ze do not Zonder tKat at Oast Ke used .eep out of evLO compan\ Lf \ou possLbO\ can do so. ,f \ou are obOLJed to Jo ZKere bad OanJuaJe Ls used do Must as \ou do ZKen \ou Kave to Jo out Ln a sKoZer of raLn carr\ an umbreOOa to sKLeOd \ou from tKe raLn and Jo tKrouJK Lt as quLcNO\ as ever \ou can. :Ken Ln \our daLO\ caOOLnJ \ou Kave to mL[ ZLtK unJodO\ men carr\ tKe spLrLt of ZatcKfuOness and pra\er ZLtK \ou and sOLp aZa\ from tKeLr socLet\ M\ ne[t remarN Ls tKat it is idle for a true disciple to try to disown his discipleship. Peter sa\s ³, am not one of CKrLst¶s dLscLpOes´ but even b\ tKe fLreOLJKt Ke OooNs OLNe one of tKem. +e sZears tKat Ke Ls not and Jets aZa\ up Ln tKe corner ZKere tKere Ls no OLJKt but as soon as Ke beJLns taONLnJ tKe\ sa\ ³You are one of tKem.´ +Ls ver\ speecK causes KLm to be found out and Lf \ou are a JenuLne CKrLstLan \ou can no more KLde \ourseOf tKan can tKe vLoOet Ln tKe Jrass ZKose perfume teOOs tKe passer-b\ tKat Lt , sKouOd recommend tKose of \ou ZKo Kave beOLeved Ln CKrLst but Kave not MoLned tKe cKurcK or made a confessLon of \our faLtK to do so speedLO\ because ZKetKer \ou do so or not tKe unJodO\ ZLOO be doZn upon \ou. :Ken once CKrLst sets tKe marN of +Ls cross upon \our foreKead aOO sorts of peopOe ZLOO see Lt and tKe\ ZLOO sa\ ³You are one of CKrLst¶s foOOoZers \our ver\ speecK betra\s \ou. TKere Ls sometKLnJ about \ou tKat Ls dLfferent from tKe rest of us and ZKLcK teOOs us tKat \ou Kave been ZLtK Lt but even Lf \ou TKe ne[t JeneraO remarN Ls—when you have to depict your own character, always use the black Never tr\ to e[tenuate an\tKLnJ. :e sKaOO never Kave an\ bLoJrapKLes ZrLtten b\ unLnspLred men after tKe fasKLon of tKese BLbOe bLoJrapKLes. , am sure tKat Lf Peter Kad been tKe mLnLster of a neLJKborLnJ BaptLst CKurcK and Kad dLed and , Kad been asNed to ZrLte KLs memoLr , sKouOd not Kave mentLoned KLs denLaO of KLs /ord or Lf , Kad done so , sKouOd Kave Kad KLs ZLfe doZn on me Lf sKe Zas aOLve and Lf not aOO tKe members of tKe conJreJatLon ZouOd Kave saLd ³:Kat a sKame Lt Zas to sa\ Mr. SpurJeon Kas ZrLtten a brotKer mLnLster¶s memoLr and Ke Kas put Ln aOO tKe detaLOs of tKat sad LncLdent ZKLcK ouJKt to Kave been suppressed.´ Ver\ OLNeO\ Lt ouJKt to be but Lt never Ls suppressed Ln tKe BLbOe narratLves Ze Jet aOO tKat Kappens recorded tKere. :Ken MarN Zrote as Ze beOLeve under tKe Lt reaOO\ Zas. But ne[t when you are writing a brother’s character, try to describe it as fairly as possible, for tKat Ls ZKat -oKn does Ln KLs descrLptLon of Peter¶s faOO. ,t Ls ver\ mLOdO\ draZn compared ZLtK Peter¶s oZn account of Lt. :e must never sa\ ZKat Ls faOse but ZKen tKere Kas been sometKLnJ tKat Ls ZronJ Oet us TKere are aOZa\s tZo Za\s of teOOLnJ a taOe and tKe\ ma\ botK be true tKe one Ls to Oa\ Keav\ stress upon aOO tKe fauOts tKe otKer Ls to do as -oKn does to mentLon tKem but to sa\ no more about tKem tKan t us be trutKfuO but Oet Lt ZronJdoer. TKe sacred ZrLters often teacK us tKLs Oesson and Kere Peter JLves tKe Zorst account of observe the power there is in people’s eyesnotLced tKLs. :Kat a poZer tKere Zas Ln tKat maLd¶s e\es ZKen sKe Ja]ed earnestO\ upon Peter! ,t Zas tKat earnest Ja]e of tKe JLrO tKat made Peter den\ KLs Master. But tKen see tKe poZer for Jood tKat tKere Zas Ln CKrLst¶s e\es. ³TKe /ord turned and OooNed upon Peter.´ E\es can sa\ far more tKan OLps can often tKere Ls more Keart-affectLnJ eOoquence Ln tKe e\e tKan tKere Ls Ln tKe tonJue. SometLmes \ou CKrLstLan peopOe members of tKe cKurcK ma\ be b\ tKe sLde of a man ZKo utters a ZronJ Zord but \ou need not teOO KLm of Lt Must OooN at KLm tKat ZLOO be enouJK.,f an unJodO\ man sKaOO even sZear Ln \our presence do not JLve KLm a supercLOLous OooN as mucK as to sa\ ³O \ou ZLcNed sLnner to do sucK a tKLnJ Ln tKe presence of sucK a KoO\ man as , am!´ But Sermon #21 Peter¶s FaOO and RestoratLon  VoOume 4  tKere Ls anotKer NLnd of OooN as Lf \ou feOt so JrLeved and Zondered tKat Ke couOd so taNe Ln vaLn tKe name of tKe ever-bOessed *od—tKat Ls tKe sort of OooN to JLve KLm. ,f tKe /ord ZLOO manaJe \our e\es for \ou \ou ZLOO fLnd tKat tKe\ ZLOO be potent messenJers of Oove for +Lm. *od JLve \ou to Kave tKose M\ Oast remarN Ls tKLs—what a mercy it was that Christ did not treat Peter as Peter treated Him!Peter saLd ³, NnoZ not tKe man.´ AK me! but Lf tKe bOessed meeN and OoZO\ One Kad saLd ³, NnoZ not tKe man´ Lt ZouOd Kave been aOO over ZLtK Peter. Ma\ *od Jrant tKat CKrLst ma\ not sa\ of an\ one of us at tKe Oast Jreat da\ ³, NnoZ not tKe man´! +e ZLOO sa\ Lt of aOO ZKo NnoZ +Lm not and ZKom +e does not NnoZ tKe\ are not acquaLnted ZLtK one anotKer and Lf tKe\ contLnue as tKe\ are +e ZLOO sa\ \ou not. Depart from me \e ZorNers of LnLquLt\.´ TKe merc\ Ls tKat +e never saLd tKat to Peter and +e never ZLOO sa\ tKat to \ou or to me Lf Ze come and cast ourseOves Ln penLtence at +Ls feet bemoanLnJ our sLn and puttLnJ our trust Ln +Lm aOone. Ma\ *od Jrant tKLs bOessLnJ to eacK one of \ou dear frLends EXPOSITION BY C. H. SPURGEON TKe stor\ of Peter¶s denLaO of KLs Master Ls recorded Ln aOO four of tKe *ospeOs. TKere are some dLfferences of e[pressLon Ln eacK versLon so Lt ZLOO not be tautoOoJ\ Lf Ze read aOO four of tKem and Lf Matthew Chapter 26. Verses 31-33Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended. TKLs Zas a ver\ presumptuous speecK not onO\ because of tKe seOf-confLdence ZKLcK Lt dLspOa\ed but aOso because Lt Zas a fOat contradLctLon of ZKat tKe Master Kad Must saLd ³AOO \e sKaOO be offended because of me tKLs nLJKt.´ Peter tKouJKt Ke NneZ better tKan CKrLst dLd so Ke saLd ³TKouJK aOO men sKaOO be offended because of tKee \et ZLOO , never be offendedThat this night, before the cock crow,— TKe cocN-croZLnJ Zas a recoJnL]ed marN of tLme Lt Zas Must before tKe rLsLnJ of tKe sun ³TKLs Thou shalt deny me thrice. Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not +ere aJaLn Ke contradLcts KLs Master straLJKt to +Ls face. Likewise also said all the disciples. And they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled. But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest’s palace, Now Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee. But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest. And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth. And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man.  Peter¶s FaOO and RestoratLon Sermon #21  VoOume 4 came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech betrayeth thee. Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew. And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou NoZ Oet us read MarN¶s account ZKLcK ZLOO specLaOO\ Lnterest \ou Lf \ou remember tKat probabO\ MarN Zrote under tKe dLrectLon of Peter and no doubt receLved man\ of KLs facts from Peter. You ZLOO notLce KoZ severe Ls tKLs descrLptLon of tKe ZKoOe scene Lt Ls Must sucK a one as tKe cKLef actor Ln Lt Mark Chapter 14. Verses 53-54.And they led Jesus away to the high priest: and with him were assembled all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes. And Peter followed him afar off, even into TKus Ze Oearn ZKat a coOd nLJKt Lt Zas—tKat nLJKt Ln ZKLcK tKe SavLor¶s ³sZeat Zas as Lt Zere Jreat drops of bOood faOOLnJ doZn to tKe Jround.´ Often at -erusaOem tKe da\s are e[tremeO\ Kot \et tKe nLJKts are as coOd as Lf Lt Zere ZLnter tKrouJK tKe abundant deZs tKat faOO and cause a dampness ever\ZKere. And as Peter was beneath in the palace, there cometh one of the maids of the high priest: and , tKLnN , see Ker ZLtK Ker e\es fL[ed upon KLm as Ke Zas ZarmLnJ KLmseOf at tKe fLre ³SKe OooNed And said, And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth. But he denied, saying, I know not, TKLs fLrst tLme Zas not tKe reJuOar season of cocN-croZLnJ but tKose bLrds croZ ZKen tKe\ pOease. Before tKe fL[ed perLod caOOed tKe cocN-croZLnJ Peter Zas to den\ KLs Master tKree tLmes tKLs Zas tKe fLrst tLme. And a maid saw him again, and began to say to them that stood by, This is one of them. And he denied it again. And a little after, they that stood by said again to Peter, Surely thou art one of them: for thou art a Galilaean, and thy speech agreeth thereto. ³TKou Kast tKe pecuOLar broJue of tKat part of tKe countr\ µTKou art a *aOLOaean and tK\ speecK But he began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak. And the second time the cock crew. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cockcrow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. And when he thought thereon, he wept. +e does not sa\ tKat Ke Zent out and Zept bLtterO\ as /uNe sa\s Ln KLs versLon of tKe LncLdent. TKLs Ls Peter¶s oZn account of Lt so Ke sa\s as OLttOe as Ke can to KLs oZn credLt ZKLOe Ke teOOs aOO tKat Ls to KLs dLscredLt. You notLce tKat tKere seem to be some sOLJKt dLfferences betZeen tKese tZo accounts and Lt Ls quLte naturaO tKat Lt sKouOd be so. ,f an\ tZo Konest men Kere Zere to descrLbe an\ scene tKat tKe\ Kad ZLtnessed tKe tZo ZouOd be sure to dLffer Ln some partLcuOars \et botK accounts mLJKt be true. MattKeZ teOOs us tKat -esus saLd to Peter ³Before tKe cocN croZ tKou sKaOt den\ me tKrLce´ but MarN teOOs us tKat Ke saLd ³Before tKe cocN croZ tZLce tKou sKaOt den\ me tKrLce.´ Yes but tKere Ls no reaO contradLctLon Zere fuOfLOOed So Ls Lt ZLtK reJard to tKose ZKo spoNe to Peter ZKen Ze come to anotKer account \ou ZLOO see tKat tKe\ dLffer ver\ consLderabO\ \et tKe\ are aOO tLuke Chapter 22. Verses 54-56.Then took they him, and led him, and brought him into the high they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and Sermon #21 Peter¶s FaOO and RestoratLon  VoOume 4  were set down together, Peter sat down among them. But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the And earnestly looked upon him, and said, This man was also with him. And he denied him, saying, Woman, I know him not. And after a little while another saw him, and said Thou art also of BotK MattKeZ and MarN sa\ tKat Lt Zas a maLd and anotKer maLd ZKo spoNe to Peter and noZ /uNe mentLons a man but tKere Ls no reason ZK\ aOO tKree of tKem sKouOd not Kave unLted Ln brLnJLnJ tKLs cKarJe. One maLd beJan tKe accusatLon and tKe otKers MoLned ZLAnd about the space of one hour after another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this fellow also was with him: for he is a Galilaean. And Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And immediately, while he yet spake, the cock crewTKe SavLor Kad been standLnJ Ln tKe upper part of tKe room ZKLcK Zas probabO\ roofed over ZKLOe Peter and tKe rest Zere doZn beOoZ Ln tKe court\ard ZKLcK Zas open to tKe sN\ and tKerefore tKe\ needed a fLre to Zarm tKem. -esus Kad been standLnJ before +Ls MudJe but on a sudden as tKe cocN And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crow, TKat cocN-croZLnJ Kad come at tKe ver\ moment CKrLst Kad foretoOd for Peter Kad aOread\ denLed KLs Master tKrLce. NoZ Kear ZKat -oKn Kas to sa\ about tKLs matter. +e Zrote after tKe otKer tKree EvanJeOLsts and Ke John Chapter 18. Verse 15.That disciple was known unto the high priest, and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest. But Peter stood at the door without. Then went out that other disciple, which was known No doubt sKe Kad a Oamp Ln Ker Kand tKat sKe mLJKt ZatcK tKe features of tKose ZKo Zere admLtted so ZKen Peter came Ln sKe Kad a Jood vLeZ of KLs face and afterZards ZKen Ke Zas at tKe fLre tKLs Ls Then saith the damsel that kept the door unto Peter, Art not thou also one of this man’s disciples? SKe evLdentO\ NneZ tKat -oKn Zas one of tKem so sKe put tKLs questLon to Peter. ³Art not tKou aOso He saith, I am not. And the servants and officers stood there, who had made a fire of coals; MattKeZ teOOs us tKat at fLrst Ke sat ZLtK tKem but noZ Ke Ls standLnJ as tKouJK Ke Zas uneas\ or And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. They said therefore unto him, Art not thou also one of his disciples? He denied it, and said, I am not. One of the servants of the high priest, being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off, saith, Did not I see thee in the garden with him? Peter then denied otKers and -oKn Kad no desLre to ZrLte an\tKLnJ tKat ZouOd refOect upon Peter. ,ndeed Ke teOOs us tKat Lt aLd tKat Oet Peter Ln Ke see 10 Peter¶s FaOO and RestoratLon Sermon #21 10 VoOume 4 been tKe means of LntroducLnJ Peter to tKe pOace of temptatLon and Lt Ls LnterestLnJ to remember tKat Ke Zas tKe man ZKo Zas ZLtK Peter on tKe mornLnJ of tKe resurrectLon so tKat no doubt Ke Kad been tKe TaNen from TKe MetropoOLtan TabernacOe PuOpLt C. +. SpurJeon CoOOectLon. OnO\ necessar\ cKanJes Kave been made sucK as correctLnJ speOOLnJ errors some punctuatLon usaJe capLtaOL]atLon of deLt\ pronouns and mLnLmaO updatLnJ of a feZ arcKaLcZords. TKe content Ls unabrLdJed. AddLtLonaO BLbOe-based resources are avaLOabOe at ZZZ.spurJeonJems.orJ