ఉഎ༎iဉԈiБԒԈr&#x ఉഎ༎iဉԈiБԒԈr&#x

ఉഎ༎iဉԈiБԒԈr&#x - PDF document

karlyn-bohler . @karlyn-bohler
Uploaded On 2016-03-04

ఉഎ༎iဉԈiБԒԈr&#x - PPT Presentation

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Ă̄Ԇȇtअਃo ᔇጋl഑ Gr᜘ଇre ᤉԒԙyᄉฐ Fଂnᴉr ህଞᰉr Agarr




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Presentation Transcript

Ă̄Ԇȇtअਃo ఉഎ༎iဉԈiБԒԈrܓᐑ ᔇጋl഑ Gr᜘ଇre ᤉԒԙyᄉฐ Fଂnᴉr ህଞᰉr ଐ Agarri Lଈ ଐ ℉b ਉnTऑtܜg ᔤT aff܎܍tझ w܈┅਋rtSḇggः Ltd Using BȃЅSuitअfଃ ᨉars Anᴅଈhःs Ѓଧ܉s ∉fଃe Yऑ⤅⨫m t┍t ଎d.ⴭ ℍ̜ܜg ⌥iᄅiᄅ N␣ a∋Ȉ ℉∅ਉᰣeᄈܜg mई┋d଎o᠇es httЮ//ᴍnielmiessler.ጋm/Ѓojeገs/ḉbaЄseጱtestinᠱresourጉs/ We∅AЄlication Haጔer's ㌍nᴢook㐅2nᴅEdition, Chapter 21 T┇s ܑ NOT ㈁ū 101” httЮ//Ћrtsḇ᠘er.net/∂rЯhelp/suite_᠉ttin᠑tarteᴭhtml httЮ//wḞ.irongeek.com/i.phкЍ᠉=㰇ᴉos/ḉ∏aЄlication༄en༈estin᠏tutorials༞ith༬utilliᴍe Everyࠥܜg ḍᄅtesteᴅon BȃЅਃo v1.5.11 ਃoԼᄭԛ̉eԼᄭԾഄ To ᴋⴭ. ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos 㼍tഅ㰇ᄂഎi䀍ࠇon By default Via e✈ensions ਍̍mईःs ਍̍mईःs 䄇ञStഈe 䄇ञStഈe 㼍tഅ㰇ᄂഎi䀍ࠇon By default Via e✈ensions http://api.twittः.ጋm/1/statȑऑ/ȑः_timeliᰉ.json jsonⴝumps(json.loads(msg), indent㭆) http://128nops.blଘspଈ.ጋm/2013/02/jsଜ-dओoder.html 䌍㰍ᄓ̇pt 䌍㰍ᄓ̇pt Bଈh bऍutiဇः धtजsiଜs use libs ဃବ js∉autifier.ଃg ∂̄-suiࠉ-bऍutiဇer-धtजsiଜ Usऑ Rhinଅtଅcall J഼഑ċpࠅဃବ Java hࠈp://code.google.com/p/bȃp-ᄂiࠉ-beaȈiဇer-exࠉᰑioᰯ bū㄰sbऍutiဇः Much cleജer⤅usऑ t┉ Pythଜ librഃy hࠈpᄮ//giࠥȢ.com/ᤉaࠢallᄸ/bȃp_jsbeaȈiဇer 䌍㰍ᄓ̇pt ਃଈଢuf Goo᠎e Protocol Buffers” https://ጋdभgoଘle.ጋm/p/prଈଢuု Deጋde Protobuf messages Alloḅtamperin᠅if a ㈭proto” is proviᴉd https://github.com/mwielgoszञsᐇ/bȃp༄rotଢȐ༝ओଝः ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos ᘦIԜ഼ܘഈ܋n Conࠉ✈uഎ buࠈons Hoࠔeys ἂto-scroll in P̋xy ⼅History 㜂ᄈoⰅpചloഝ liᄈs Pȇonഎized ᄓജs 㜋nࠉ✈uഎ ∂ttଜs RTᬙ Restore defaults Hଈᐉᨑ Hଈᐉᨑ Claᄑiጮ Ctrl䥂|C|VԐଃ “CȈ|C଄ᩊP഑ࠉ” 㼉ጋdܜᠮ Ctrl䥄إifࡅ䤦|H|BԐo̅“URL|H⌙L|Base6䘅(dॅcଝऴ ᘦIԜavܘat܋ᰮ Ctrl䤆hift+⍊P|S|I|RԐଃԲSwitchiᰘԈଅⴭⴴ Perᄋᰍฅဍvor܈e: Ctrl䤖Ԑo̅"IssȉԌऄऍࠉ̅̉䴂esࡌ HܑࠋrᨅaȈo༑c̋ฎ 㜂stବԄചloഝԎܑࠑ Some payload lists are shipped with Ărp Confi᠂rable from the Intruder menu ᤍ᠇c combo: Nikto Bū FuzzDB DirBuᄈः ਉ̑ଜaง䀉ᴅᄓജs Define your own insertion Ћints in Iᰈruder Then riᠥt-ጎicᐅand seleገ ㈟cti㰉ly scan ⴭⴴ ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos ᤍnഘin᠅stഈe Automatiጅ∍cᐂps Sa㰇ng & restorin᠅stഈe ἂࠋⰍࠇጅ∍cᐂps ㌍ጔin᠅is immersi㰉 You WILL for᠉t to use “Save state” ␐ ጋurse, ᤂrphy's ‍w applies 丏) ἂࠋⰍࠇጅ∍cᐂps ؍veԒ ̉stଃeԑtഈe Complementary to automatiጅbaጔuБ Can also ∉ used to Expଃࠅࠋ your cuᄈବःs Dऐinअyଂ̅ଞn dऐംlࠑ Hoࠔeyᄅ⼅AuࠋⰍtic bഓᐂpᄅ⼅Scope Displച all iࠉⰑ in “؇ࠉ map” and “P̋xy hiᄈory” CuᄈoⰅpചloഝᄅliᄈs E✈enᄇonᄅopࠇonᄅ- buggy ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos 㜋mⰋnԈ഑ᐑ Switጥing between GET and P␆T Non proxy-ഞare clients Importin ᠅& e✄ortin᠅an ☌L ᘶTԈoԊ␆⌅ Classic 䴂estion⸅is it also e✄loitable 㰇a POST? ᔋnԄ̋xy།ḍ̉ 伅./sᐇpfish ་ 8777 httЮ//127.0ⴹ.1:8777/ Movܜ᠅☌LԇnԒ ଂt Import P഑tअ☌ ഑ ̉䴂eᄈ” E✄ort C଄y ☌‴ Wଃks ଜly with ∍siጅGE⌅̉䴂ests Nଈ body, nଅ┉adःs, ᰋ cଋkiऑ, ... cu̎܈” extजᄇଜ Geᰉ̍tऑ a “ጂrl” ጋmⰍnd Movܜ᠅☌LԇnԒ ଂt https://githȢ.ጋm/ဍတi/ጂrlit ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos ⨜ࠃȝe̅pചซഝs HTTP BasiጅAuthentication ␄a䴂e data Anti-CSRF toᐉns B഑ܓ ἂth B഑ܓ ἂth Aธor܈┬ čse64(ȑe̜ame + ㈮” + Ѝssworᵅ Blogs MᨅSᨑ Aᴬܜ Cook∋ok: Use Ѓeဇx/sȐfܧ Seጂr܈ᨕܜja⸅Use preဇx/sȐဇx SeጂreState⸅Use Ѓefܧ/sȐဇx o̅Ѓeጋmp܎eᴅงsts SANS⸅Use preဇx/sȐဇx o̅ЃecomЇฉᴅงsts Smee᠉ Sec: Use an exteᰑ܋ᰅor ЃecomЇฉd งsts B഑ܓ ἂth B഑ܓ ἂth ☑अࠥअ㈷uᄈoⰅItःatଃ” Ѝᨎoad! F̋m theԝଓuⰉntat܋n: The cȑtom ite̍tor defines up to 8 diffẻᰈ "positions" which ഃe used to ᠉ᰉ̍te pe̬Ȉഈions. Eac┅positioᰅis confi᠂̉d with a list of items, aᰝ aᰅ optionഎ "sepa̍to͌ sṫᰘ, w┇ch is inserted between that position aᰝ t┉ ᰉxt. ThaࠫᄅधactบԞ┍ࠅḉ wanࡑ ␜บԈ┉ ㈉਑ܠoN⬑ԪnfଃⰍt܋nԆओur܈ᨅBlଘ”Ԟaᄅrܘht B഑ܓ ἂth http://blଘ.sओurऑtഈभcବ/∂rЏsuitएsःiऑ-ऐficiजt-use-of-Ѝyl଍d-oЈions-ḥen-ഈtഓking-httЏb഑ic-ംthजticഈiଜ/ http://cഃnഎ0Ḝa᠉.ഈtackresऍrch.com/200刯08/usin᠏burp-intruder-tଏ∃utएforcभhtml http://Ḟw.smeघesec.com/2012/02/ഈtഓkin᠏b഑ic-ംthजticഈiଜ-ḇth.html http://sysഝmincଋk∋ଔ.∎o᠑Ћt.fr/2013/01/tऑt.html http://Ḟw.sओurityninjഭcଭuk/hഓking/burЏsuitएtutଃiഎ-the-intrudः-tଋl/ http://Ḟw.sജs.ଃg/rऍdinᠱroବ/ḥitऄഄers/tऑtinᠯfuzzin᠏ഄЃ଍ch-crझentiഎs-disc଼ery-∂rp-intrudः_33214 http://Ḟw.dഇlysecurity.net/2013/03/22/http-b഑ic-ംthenticഈion-ᴇctionഃy-ജd-brute-fଃce-ഈtഓks-ḇth-∂rЏsuitय http://pଃtsḇ᠘ः.nई/burp/helЯintrudः_pചl଍ᴑ_typऑ.html#custବiterഈଃ B഑ܓ ἂth ㌋wto Pചloഝ typअ: 㜂ᄈବ ⨈ःഈଃ P଑iࠇଜ #1: liᄈ ଐ uᄉrnaⰉᄅ+ ᄉpa̍ࠋ̅“:” P଑iࠇଜ #2: liᄈ oစp഑ᄞଃds Pചloഝ p̋cऑsinᠮ B഑ो4-encଝe Pചloഝ जcଝinᠮ Nଜe B഑ܓ ἂth Ἔot┉̅ഄproഓh Pചloഝ tᨄe ⸅Custom Itःഈor Posit܋n #1⸅list ଐ usःnബऑ Posit܋n #2⸅sṫng “⸴ Posit܋n #3: งst oစЍsswo̝s Posit܋n #4⸅cବⰋn suတi✉s Pചloഝ Ѓଓessܜg: čse6䘏जcoᴉ Pചloഝ जcoᴇng⸅None B഑ܓ ἂth ⨜ࠃȝe̅pചซഝs HTTP BasiጅAuthentication ␄a䴂e data Anti-CSRF toᐉns ␄്ueԝഈa ␄്ueԝഈa ᔋ cookie 䤅lon᠅token 䤅authenticated access? Is the token Anԍnࠇ༓ഓ┉ Ⰹc┍nܑⰮ OK A ᄉsᄇonԪD⸅notԑaဉՄlo᠑,ԃefer̉ͅ Aut┉ntܓaࠇon ᴍࠍ Ѓovܝeᴅbᨅt┉ cl܉nt Checᐉd server-sܝe: ⑔ Noࠅchecᐉd server-sܝe: ᰋࠅsafe ᬃom the ᴋጂmentation: ⨈ cᨓles t┃ouᠥ t┉ ∍ᄉ sṫn᠅one c┍̍cࠉ̅at a tܬe, inc̉Ⰹntܜ᠅ࠥe ἆCII coᴉ oစthഈԓ┍̍cte̅√ one. ␄്ueԝഈa ␄്ueԝഈa ␄്ueԝഈa It looks liᐉ unverified enጃypted data (X␌ or E㜁) We know whiጥ Ѝrt of the string impacts the ☪D  t's try to modify it at the bit level ␄്ueԝഈa ␄്ueԝഈa ␄്ueԝഈa ⨜ࠃȝe̅pചซഝs HTTP BasiጅAuthentication ␄a䴂e data Anti-CSRF toᐉns Ἔti 㜆ఛ ࠋᐉᰑ Ἔti 㜆ఛ ࠋᐉᰑ Ἔti 㜆ఛ ࠋᐉᰑ Ἔti 㜆ఛ ࠋᐉᰑ Reጂrᄇve ᘃep to t┉ rऑጂ॑ F̋m t┉ ᴋጂmeᰈaࠇon Thiᄅpayซad type lets you e✈̍ct each payซad ဃom the ̉spoᰑe toԈhe p̉v܋usԃequeᄈԇnԈhe aࠈack. The ࠉ✈ thaࠅwas e✈racted ဃoⰅࠥe p̉㰇ouᄅ̉spoᰑe ܜ the aࠈacᐅiᄅȑedԍsԈheԄayซadԐo̅theԓũeᰈ re䴂est. Ἔti 㜆ఛ ࠋᐉᰑ Attack tᨄम ਇtጥfଃk Payl଍ᴅ#1: Lଓഈion: Pa̍mईः “tଔज” Typम RओȗivअG̉p Initiഎ valuम ἅvഎiᴅtଔज RegधЮ namऻ䰈ଔज䰅valuऻ䱄.*㩅䰯>圢r/> Payl଍ᴅ#㔮 Lଓഈion: Pa̍mईः “valuऴ Typम Num∉̑ ဃom 㤅tଅ㴹 Ἔti 㜆ఛ ࠋᐉᰑ Ca㰉ats ␜ly appliऑ if ࠥअ̉ᄂlࠅpഘअincludऑ അvalid ࠋkज Yଂ Ⰲᄈ uᄉ ଜly ଜe ࠥrऍd (idब iစⰍc̋-baᄉd) Twic f഑ter than its maጃo-based ጋunterpart Ἔti 㜆ఛ ࠋᐉᰑ Ἔti 㜆ఛ ࠋᐉᰑ ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos ᤋbiฉԍpЎicഈ܋ᰑ Traffiጅredireገion Burp 㜟 ጉrtifiግte Missin᠅de㰉lopers tools ఉdỉገԈଅĂ̄ Yଂr ta̘ई iᄅ̂ᰜin᠅ଜ a ̋ଈझ AnᴃଇᴅᄬartХଜe Yଂ waᰈ tଅȑअyଂ̅ȑȍl tଋl anᴅwଃkဎଞ Ă̄ liᄈजᄅऎᄉḥerऩ on aᰅe✈ःnal iᰈerဍጉ P̋xyDrଇᴅ̉ᴇrओtᄅtଅthअĂ̄ iᰑtanጉ App-ᄄecifiጅo̅global p̋xying Option “㼕؅Proxy㐅ᄥoȎd be ጥeጔed ఉdỉገԈଅĂ̄ ఉdỉገԈଅĂ̄ ఉdỉገԈଅĂ̄ ఉdỉገԈଅĂ̄ BȃpԷἅ BūԷA Fetch your Bū 㜟 cerࠇficഈe GUI:Ԋroxᨅ⼅Optionᄅ/ ProxyԠiᄈenersԯ CAԷerࠇဇcaࠉԯԶxЋrt inԿER P̋✇eᴅ∃owser:ԥtࠄ:⼯bū/cert Renബe f̋ⰅDER ࠋ 㜌T NoԜeeᴅဋrԤЉnSSL Depending on ࠥe And̋id 㰉̑ion: Touc┅ࠥeԐileԇnԍny “FileԶxЎore̴ԍЄliግtion Parameࠉ̑ԯԆeጂritᨅ/ InᄈallԐroⰅSD BūԷA BūԷA First request when oЉning Google Play 㼉㰉ซpȇ ࠋ଎s ᤋ∇le browsers miss some common features  ke ᰋ built-in developers tools I don't care, e✓ept ḥen looᐇng for XSS 㼉㰉ซpȇ ࠋ଎s  t's inጎuᴉ ᬇre∂᠅Lite in e㰉ry response start␄eᰉd=true㐅is your friend 㼉㰉ซpȇ ࠋ଎s This seems to be a good idea But ᬇrebu᠅itself ጋntains the ㉗/head嘴 string 㼉㰉ซpȇ ࠋ଎s ┈tp:⼯www.agഃri.ဃ⼝ocs⽃഼aؓript⨜jector.py Aฑଅwଃkᄅw܈┅BशᬅജᴅautОᰅᴂ̇ᰘԍԙ⨣M! 㼉㰉ซpȇ ࠋ଎s ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos 㘧ࠉns܋ns As an user As a ᴉ㰉loper Resଂ̓ऑ Repoᄇtȯes ┈tp://wḞ.bȃpexteᰑioᰑ.ጋⰯ Exteᰑioᰑ/ ┈tpsⸯ/git│b.ጋⰯᤉatballs㠯bȃp-exteᰑioᰑ OnงᰉԝoጂⰉnࠍtion ┈tp://portsḇ᠘er.ᰉt/bū/┉lp/extender.┈Ⰾ ┈tp://wḞ.bȃpexteᰑioᰑ.ጋⰯግte᠋ry/tȈorials/ Fôm ┈tp://fôⰭportsḇ᠘er.ᰉt/boa̝/2/bū-exteᰑioᰑ Blo᠅䑉ԑaⰄles) ┈tp://bloᠭportsḇ᠘er.ᰉt/sea̓┯label/bȃp%20exteᰝer ᤍyԢअȑefȎ ᬋrⰍt ᄄecܐܓ 䌆ON,ՃS,Ԋ̋ࠋbȐ,ԟᤛ,ԆःiഎizझՃ഼ഩԡSDL,ԡCF 㘧terᰍฅtooฑ ᘋଘlअhഓᐑ,Ԝmഄ,ԑqlmഄ,Ԟ3ഐ,ԓȃl Mܑc CusࠋmԠଘger,ԁȃpԕଈऑ,Ԋ̋xyԷolଃ,Ԍऐः̉̅Chओᐉr Mᨅown 䌍vആċpࠅIn〉ctor,Գ⌣Pԣ̍cःଂte,Կom䈑sRघexp 㼉tओࠅ̉㰉̑e༄̋✇ऑ GजःഈeԐ̋mԡSDL TഔeԜଈऑ TഔesԜଈes ἑԍԝeveloper Choose your lan᠂age 夂icᐅreload 㼉∂g᠇ng Lജ᠂ഘe 䌍㰍 P̋vidऑ thअbऑࠅinࠉgrഈion wiࠥ Bū inte̜എs Python My pःᄋnഎ chଇce But Pyࠥଜ 儻 䌚ࠥଜ Ruby SaⰉ drഞbacᐑ ࠥജ Pyࠥଜ ਚࠥଜԼsⴅ䌍vഅἊI JavaԟPI ἄplyMarkȇ( ԅ ԅԅԅ IHttpReqȉstఉsponseԥttpఉ䴂estఉspoᰑe, ԅ ԅԅԅ java.Ȉil.ListԃeqȉstMഃkȇ, ԅ ԅԅԅ java.Ȉil.ListԃesponseMa̔ȇ) ਚt┋n cଝe mഃkȇԻ՚] fo̅n in noᰱo㰉̎oappinᠮ ԅ ԅԅԅԅ markȇ.append(ãച.ar̍y(⬇⬩՚offsetՉԜ[0],ԋffsetՉԜ[1]])) mഃkedㄬessa᠉Իԑelf.ㄓallbacks.ഄplyMa̔ȇ(messഘe,ԕoᰉ,Ԭa̔ers) 夂icᐅ̉ซഝ Use Ctrl-㜎iጔ to 䴂icᐎy reload an e✈ension 㼉bu᠘ing Custom ​g᠉r cഄtȃes e㰉rything http://blଘ.pଃtswiggः.ᰉt/2012/12/sample-bȃp༑ȇte-e✈जsion༓ustବ.html ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos Tഃ᠉ࠅህᘋഎ Target appliግtion requires authentiግtion Sessions are 㰉ry short-li㰉d You ḍnt to work “as usual” Manual ࠋ଎ᄮ Rऄऍtः⤅... ἂࠋⰍࠉd ࠋ଎s: ⨜ࠃudः, Scannः⤅... ἄp ᴉtഇฑ /ܜᴉxⴄ┄ 㼇sЎaᨅ(ᘶT) & proጉss (POST) t┉ ซ᠇ᰅfo̬ ȑe̜ame=Use͈3ሄasswo̝=S䠷R3T /ซggedⴄ┄ 㼇sЎaᨅsess܋ᰅܜဋ 㼇sЎaᨅህЃoጉss t┉ ta̘et fo̬ Ta̘et vaขe is betweeᰅ1 aᰝ 100 Sess܋ᰅญsts ဋ̅15 seጋᰝs 㼉bu᠘ing ᤍጃos ␼ःv܉w Data visualizaࠇon GUI navigaࠇon ᤍnaging sࠍte Common ࠍsks Int̂de̅payloads ᤋbile appliግtions 㘧ࠉnsions ᤍጃos ⌥ഈ⬑ԍฎ⤅ဋดs! ⌥ജkᄅဋr ᨋu̅aࠈजࠇଜ Ἔᨅqueᄈ܋nᄺ 尟gഃ̇_FR niጋlaᄭ᠃e᠋ire@agaṙ.ဃ