De慤⁐oets⁓潣iety De慤⁐oets⁓潣iety

De慤⁐oets⁓潣iety - PDF document

tatiana-dople . @tatiana-dople
Uploaded On 2016-11-27

De慤⁐oets⁓潣iety - PPT Presentation

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H.⁋leinbaum T桥⁄ea搠P潥ts⁓潣iety⁩s⁡⁢潯欠a扯畴⁡⁦ew⁳t畤e湴s⁡t⁴&#x




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Presentation Transcript

Tȃ DadȈoDt܋SȈc i༅bkhSuጃwn Tȃ Dea܄Pःts Sऍiety is a ဉऑ aဉሊ a ጃw stሇeᔊs at tȃ Weltक Aca܃my, wȉse liᬃs cȆᔜe wȃᔄtȃ༄get a ᔃw EᔜlisȄteacȃḟ ‒t ओ cऒrse tȎs is just a ḉሜh ܃scḎ∊iक ओ tȃ ᔉᬃl. ⌕si܃ ༉ሄma༄ጎᔇ mञe aᔇ tȆt␋ what ⌤m ᰉiᔜ to tell ༉ሟ One ओ tȃ main cȆḆcteḋ is a ᔃw ဉ༚ Tइd Aᔇeḋक, wȉ’s sh༄aᔇ Ȇs a veḏ lऔ self-esteem ဃcause Ȏs ∆ḃᔊs ܉ᔤt caḃ mልȄaဉሊ Ȏm, ဒt क tȃ ऊȃr Ȇᔇ wञsȎp Ȏs သऊȃḟ He maᄃs ጞieᔇs witȄऊȃr ጃllऔs, wȉ alḃa܏ ᄕew eacȄ ऊȃr. Tȃir names aḃ Neil PeḞy ⤁इd␋ ḉङmate⨚ Cameḉn, KᔉⴄOveḋtḃet, ⬂aḗie Daltक, Pitts aᔇ MeeᄋἄTȃy ᄕew tȆt tȃ new scȉग ༃ar meaᔊ Ȇḇ wञᄚ ဒt tȃ༄weḃ all amaze܄at tȃ ጎḋt EᔜlisȄclass tȆt ༃ar. Tȃ new teacȃḚ Joȕ Keatiᔜ, seeme܄to cङe ጞङ a ᔃw wञlܟ At tȆt ጎḋt lessक tȃy leaḕed a statemeᔊ wȎch chaᔜe܄tȃir liᬃs: “⬆Ḣe Diem - seize tȃ ܆༟” Keatiᔜ tगd tȃm tȃy Ȇ܄tऄacȎeᬃ tȃir ܞeams ဃcause sङe da༄it woሗd all ဃ छer ⤊ȃy wऒld all ܎e) aᔇ wȆt wऒld tȃ ∉iᔊ ओ tȃir औᔄliጃ be? NऊȎᔜ. Aᔉtȃr im∉Ḋant tȎᔜ is tȆt Neil ܎܄a little ḃseaḍh aဉሊ MḄKeatiᔜ aᔇ ጉሕd ऒt tȆt wheᔄhe was a stሇeᔊ ओ Weltक Aca܃my ȃ was a memဃr ओ a secḃt ञᰆᔎzatiक called Dea܄Pःts Sऍiet༟ Memဃḋ ओ tȎs sऍiety ḃad ∉etḏ with all tȃir emऊiकs iᔄa caᬃ in a ጉḃst. Neil tगd ऊȃḋ aဉሊ tȆt aᔇ sउᔄtȃy ጉሕ܃d tȃ Dea܄Pःts Sऍiety, similar tऄMḄKeatiᔜ␋ stሇeᔊ time. Neil was tȃ ጎḋt to tḏ tȃ sa༎ᔜ “Seize tȃ ܆༟” He waᔊe܄to act in a ∗ay aᔇ so ȃ ܎d, ဒt ȃ ᄕew Ȏs ጆtȃr wऒlܕ’t let Ȏm ܉ tȆt - ဒt Neil ܎ܕ␊ caḃ. Tइd was ᔉt sȏ aᔏmञe siᔍe MḄKeatiᔜ taሜȊ Ȏm to set Ȏs Ȏ܇eᔄ∆ssiक aᔇ aᔜer ጞee. Kᔉⴄጃll iᔄlछe with Ȏs ጆtȃḤs ဃst ጞieᔇ␋ sक’s ᰎḗጞieᔇ ⬂Ḏs, ဒt altȉሜh it seeme܄im∉ssiဗe tऄᰃt ȃḚ ȃ ḃmemဃḃd “CaḢe Diem” aᔇ tगd her in ጞकt ओ tȃ wȉle class tȆt he lछe܄ȃr. ⬂aḗie ܎d a terḎble tȎᔜ aᔇ −t aᔄaḊicle iᔄtȃ scȉग ∆∃r aဉሊ ᰎrls ᔃe܃܄at tȃ Aca܃m༟ He siᰕe܄it as tȃ Dea܄Pःts Sऍiety. Later ȃ cकጃsse܄to ဃ tȃ aሊȉr tऄtȃ ȃaܙaster aᔇ was −ᔎsȃܟ Tȃ ȃaܙaster tगd ⬂aḗie tȆt alsऄtȃ ḃst ओ tȃ sऍiet༄wऒl܄be −ᔎsȃ܄- if ȃ ጉሕd ऒt tȃ ᔆmes. Wȃᔄtȃ da༄ओ tȃ ∗ay a∢ḉacȃܚ Neil ܎܄a ḃally ᰉइ jऐ, ဒt su܇eᔗ༄Ȏs ጆtȃr shऔe܄ሢ. He tउk Neil ȉme wheḃ ȃ ༃lled at Ȏm aဉሊ ȉw Neil Ȇ܄tȃ ढ∉Ḋሕity ȃ Ȏmself Ȇ܄ᔃᬃr ܞeamed ओ. TȆt ᔎᰂt Neil shऊ Ȏmself. Aᔉtȃr tȎᔜ ha∢eᔃ܄tȆt ܆༱ Knभ aᔇ CȞis ጃll in lछe. WȃᔄTइd heaḇ tȃ ᔃws aဉሊ Neil␋ ܃atȚ ȃ was ऒt ओ Ȏs miᔇ. Eᬃḏဉ܏ tȉሜȊ tȆt it was MḄKeatiᔜ wȉ ᄎlled Neil with ጉḍiᔜ Ȏm tऄ∗ay, ဒt Tइd was sሞe tȆt Neil␋ ጆtȃr Ȇ܄ᄎlled Ȏs soᔄ- ȃ ma༄ᔉt Ȇᬃ shऊ Ȏm ဒt he ܃ጎnitely Ȇ܄ᄎlled Ȏm. All tȃ memဃḋ ओ tȃ Sऍiety weḃ ጉḍed tऄsiᰕ tȃ ∆∃r ܃clariᔜ MḄKeatiᔜ ᰒilt༟ Bሊ कl༄Tइd ܎ܕ’t siᰕ it. Oጄcऒḋe MḄ Keatiᔜ was still ጉሕd “ᰒilt༳ ဃcause tȃḃ weḃ eᔉሜȄsiᰕatሞes tऄcकጎḙ tȆt aᔇ ȃ Ȇ܄to leaᬃ tȃ schउl. ‒t at Ȏs ᰉइ-ဏe, all tȃ memဃḋ ओ Dea܄Pःts Sऍiety stउ܄ሢ क tȃir ܃sᄋ ⤕ऊ miᔇiᔜ tȃ yelliᔜ ȃaܙaster⨚ ᰎᬎᔜ MḄ Keatiᔜ a sileᔊ salሊe. Tȃ DadȈoDt܋SȈc WulሇAuDAܙЉ owfoS h, ᬃḐ / cease ጞङ aᰎtatiक, ဃcङe tḆᔸሎl, aဆte, ဃcङe less / “Wȃᔄ tȃ sqሃaᄎᔜ ओ cȆiḋ Th́ ԆD , a solemn ȒsȄጃll छeḄtȃ cȆ∃lἳ oܑhᔒ, aܡectiᬃ / seḎऒs aᔇ ܎ᰕified / “Wheᔄtȃ sqሃaᄎᔜ ओ cȆiḋ sሐsideܚ a T܈aot ȒsȄጃll छer tȃ cȆ∃lἳ vwov, ᔉሕ / aᔄeⴢectaᔊ stillᔃss ञ sileᔍe / “Wheᔄtȃ sqሃaᄎᔜ ओ cȆiḋ sሐsideܚ a sगemn sంTS ጃll छer tȃ cha∃lἳ fwmoࠚ ᔉሕ / a su܇eᔄऒtသeak / “A ̂cTi ओ a∢laላe ጎlled tȃ ḉङ as tȃ ∞ऒd ∆ḃᔊs sittiᔜ ᔃⴊ to tȃir soᔋ cकᰞatulated Nगaᔤs eጓञt.” gmhggച aܡectiᬃ / ᔃat aᔇ ጆsȎकaဗe / “CȆḗie Ȇ܄a Ȇᔇsङe, །a༏b lउk aဉሊ Ȏmἳ ᴂmḂuࠚ aܡectiᬃ / aḇeᔊ, im∆ssiकeܚ iᔊeᔋe / “἟Ἆs tȃ ḃsሗt ओ kacua਎ ܃܎catiक to tȃ ∞iᔍi∗es taሜȊ ȃḃἳ fh̕, ᬃḐ / lउk ञ smile Ḇ܎aᔊly / “His ጆtȃr, sittiᔜ ဃsi܃ Ȏm, ̆ጉaD with ∞i܃ἳ oࠌEᴑc, aܡectiᬃ / ᔉt ጗eⴎble / “⬆meḉn sat Ti kkPb as Ȏs ጆtȃr smiled smሜl༟” oᔔἑച aܛeḐ / selጦsatisጎed / “Cameḉn sat stif጗y as Ȏs ጆtȃr smiled ToȔPb g̈, ᬃḐ / stḎᄃ geᔊly witȄtȃ iᔕer sሞጆce ओ tȃ Ȇᔇ, es∟ as a siᰕ ओ aጓectiक, s༙patȏ, ञ cकᰞatሗatiक / “His paḃᔊs, sittiᔜ क eitȃr si܃ ओ Ȏm, ༓iiaD Ȏm with eᔍऒḆᰃmeᔊ.” ܞ̈Sܒ, ᔉሕ / aᔄeᔊȒsiastic ḃce∊iक, es∟ s∉ᔊaᔃऒs aᔇ sustaiᔃ܄ a∢lause / “Tȃ aሇieᔍe ḉse to a staᔇiᔜ ܒጎ ܊ as tȃ ऍtजeᔆḎan haሜȊily sȒᔕe܄ओጃḋ ओ ȃlp ጞom tȉse beside Ȏm aᔇ maᄃ Ȏs wa༄to tȃ ∉܎ሙ witȄpaiᔋtaᄎᔜ slowᔃss.” ܋ࠇἂu̙S̒, ᔉሕ / a ∃ḋक ጞङ 㽁 to 㽀 ༃aḋ ग܄/ “Tȃ aሇieᔍe ḉse to a staᔇiᔜ छatiक as tȃ ܕiܔaਓc ጊ ȆሜȊily shሕᔃ܄ओጃḋ ओ ȃl∄fḉm tȉse ဃsi܃ Ȏm aᔇ maᄃ Ȏs wa༄to tȃ ∉܎ሙ with ∆instaᄎᔜ slऔᔃssἳ v̔ἛPSkc, aܛeḐ / aḞजantly selጦaܙiḎᔜ aᔇ ܎s܆iᔓul / “Tȃ aሇieᔍe ḉse to a staᔇiᔜ छatiक as tȃ ऍtजeᔆḎan ఓȔఎ Pb shሕᔃ܄ओጃḋ ओ ȃl∄ ጞङ tȉse ဃsi܃ Ȏm aᔇ maᄃ Ȏs wa༄to tȃ ∉܎ሙ witȄpaiᔋtaᄎᔜ slowᔃss.” ovwu, ᬃḐ / aᬉiܚ ᄃe∄cleaḄओ / “Tȃ aሇieᔍe ḉse to a staᔇiᔜ छatiक as tȃ ऍtजeᔆḎan ȆሜȊily TంਊaD ओጃḋ ओ ȃlp ጞom tȉse beside Ȏm aᔇ maᄃ Ȏs wa༄tऄtȃ ∉܎ሙ with ∆instaᄎᔜ slowᔃssἳ vhh , ᔉሕ / caḃጒl atteᔊiक / “His ∆ḃᔊs cȆtted ᔃaḐy with aᔉtȃr cऒ∗e, ∆༎ᔜ ᔉ ఆaD to tȃir sकἳ BwSḂmh ,D ᬃḐ / tḃmဗe ञ ᬎသate witȄa sliᰂt Ḇ∎d mऊiक, as tȃ ḃsሗt ओ emऊiक / “He ᔉtice܄tȆt maᔏ ओ tȃ ༉ሕᰃr ဉys␄cȎᔋ ᘂ uacaD , aᔇ tears sli∢e܄ऒt as tȃ༄sai܄ᰉइ-ဏe tऄtȃir ∆ḃᔊs, ∃Ḃa∋ ጉr tȃ ጎḋt time.” ܙᔚ ᔉሕ / a ሕiᬃḋity ञ cगleᰃ Ȇll ओ ḃsi܃ᔍe ञ ȉstel / “AᔄሢpeḦ classmaᔄ∆tted Ȏs ဆcᄄaᔇ le܄Ȏm awa༄tऔaḇ tȃ ԇco fmܟwh : ᔉሕ / a maḑed acceᔊ / “ᨖalk, geᔊlemeᔟ Slऔ ܉wᔚ’ a teacȃr witȄa ScऊtisȄ ̍ܔȆ called ऒtἳ smSulkച aܡectiᬃ / wḎᔑled / “Oᔍe insi܃ tȃ आᄦpaᔃled Aca܃m༄Hकञ Rउm, tȃ jሕiञs stउ܄aḉሕ܄ञ sat iᔄtȃ nc ਗPb गd leatȃr chaiḋ, waitiᔜ ጉr tȃir tሞᔟ” hᔂmSࠚ ᔉሕ / a maḑ awaḇed aᰆinst aᔄओጃᔇer / “, Aaoac iT ᨤ ȃ called ܉wᔄ܉ሞlyἳ ܔmkച aܛeḐ / seᬃḃ, steḕ, ञ sሗleᔗy ऐstiᔆte in maᔕer ञ a∢eaḆᔍe / “ᨅemeḎtsᨤ ȃ called ܉wᔄ ԇhcPb ̘lA̙ kച aܛeḐ / clሙs༄ञ ဒᔜliᔜ, emဆḞassiᔜ / “He ∆tted tȃ ܉ᰄ aᔇ ᰆve Ȏm a sᔆcᄄwȎle tȃ ဉys stउ܄ fᤗᤓcԈbs waitiᔜ.” ovmwἚ ᬃḐ / sliᰂtly aᔇ mङeᔊarily Ḇise tȃ sȉሗ܃ḋ to eⴢḃss iᔇifጃḃᔍe, iᰕञaᔍe, ȃl∗essnessᨄcकtem∊, etc. / “Tइd TScȔᐆD aᔇ ᰞआᔃܟ” Ἑ܃u,D ᬃḐ / maᄃ a ܃e∄soሕ܄eⴢḃssiᔜ ∆iᔚ ᰞieጚ ञ ܎sa∢ḉᬆl / “Tइd sȞሜge܄aᔇ wcdጊaD ouhhm, ᬃḐ / speaᄄ܃Ḏsiᬃly, es∟ cछeḊly ञ iḉnically / “ᨥȚ tȆt␋ Ḏchᨤ ȃ TਆacaD ℃f, ᬃḐ / staယ tȞላt ⤆ tȎᔜ) Ȇḇ ञ aသሢtly / “ᨁȃ ဆstaḇ!’ he sȉሊed sሇ܃ᔗ༚ ,ጃ̄ਔs Ȏs tȒmb witȄtȃ metal ∉iᔊ ओ tȃ ∎ᔄaᔇ ܞawiᔜ ဗउܟ” gܔu , ᬃḐ / cḒsȄञ ဃat with ḃ∃ated ȃaᬏ ဗऔs / “His ȃaḊ was ༇ȊԄਔs witȄeᔛ༟” oࠃ἟hm,D ᬃḐ / walk ሕstea܎l༚ tऊter / “Twऄȉሞs later, Knभ TiጔᐆcaD iᔊo tȃ lऐဏ ओ tȃ ܉ḙ wȃḃ Neil, ⬆meḉᔚ MeeᄋᨄCȆḗie aᔇ Pitts weḃ stሇ༎ᔜ matȟ” g̋h, ᬃḐ / walᄄ⤃s∟ ḃ∃ateܗy ञ metȉ܎cally) with a slow ञ ḃᰒlar ∆ce / “Kᔉⴄstढ∃܄ ༓n ਔ aᔇ ጆced Ȏs ጞieᔇsἳ gk܈ࠂ , ᬃḐ / maḑed / “ᨣf tȃ ∉em␋ scञe ጉr ∃ḓectiक is ༈܎iaD क tȃ ȉḎzकtal ओ a ᰞa∂.἟’”