Garden of health therapies Garden of health therapies

Garden of health therapies - PDF document

RohitKumar2021 . @RohitKumar2021
Uploaded On 2021-07-27

Garden of health therapies - PPT Presentation

Chiropractics purpose is to remove interferences to the natural healing power running through the body When that power is unleashed the healing that results may be profoundbrbrI find more and more parents bringing their children to our office for daytoday health concerns were all famil ID: 856246

Chiropractic care in Buffalo Chiropractic care for family




Presentation Transcript

Garden of Health Family Chiropractic Buffalo NY – Therapy List SPINAL RELATED PROBLEMS BACK PAIN CAUSES : • Injuries • Stress • tendons, ligaments, discs, muscles, and bone damaged • Conditions such as obesity, arthritis, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections CURE AND PREVENTIONS Chiropractic treatement go to the roots of the problem and search the cause. It has seen that the common caus e in many cases of back pain is the misalignment of the vertebrae in the spine. This treatment involves spinal manipulation or mobilization, traction, ultrasound and other therapies. And also regular exercise and massage with proper dietary chart. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ HEADACHE AND MIGRAINE CAUSES: • Stress at work or home can cause migraines. • Sensory stimuli. • Bright or flashing lights can induce migraines, as can loud sounds. • Strong smells — such as perfume, paint CURE AND PREVENTION We take drugs like aspirin. And they do give relief for some time. But they do not treat the cause of migraine and headache. But chiropractic care do help you to treat the cause of this p roblem. Chiropractor therapy will adjustment your misalign spine and this help to reduce pressure from your nervous system. Once your nervous system starts to functions properly your entire body will function smoothly. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ NECK PAIN CAUSES: • Muscle strains - too many hours hunched over your computer or Smartphone • Worn joints • Nerve compression • Injuries • Diseases • Bad posture CURE & PREVENTION Chiropractors are trained in various diagnostic tools which help to locate the source of neck pain. By taking drugs of neck pain, it go away . But spine misalignment still there so neck pain comes over and over. And drugs give only short term relief. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ SCIATICA CAUSES: • Herniated or slipped disk • Spinal stenosis • Spondylolisthesis - slippage of one vertebra • Osteoarthritis • Trauma injury to the lumbar spine CURE AND PREVENTION Treatment length for sciatic pain can vary significantly from patient to patient. Some people respond very quickly while others take more time to recover. It really depends on the condition of the disc or the joints that the chiropractor has to correct. In most cases, the longer the issue persists, the longer it will take to achieve correction. The great news is that it typically takes less time to fix an issue like this than it took to create it. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ SCOLIOSIS CAUSES: • cerebral palsy, a group of nervous system disorders that affect movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking • muscular dystrophy, a group of genetic disorders that result in muscle weakness • birth defects that affect an infant's spinal bones, such as spinal bifida • spinal injuries or infections CURE AND PREVENTION We will perform a full health history to identify any factors that could be contributing to the presence of scoliosis. Often occupational factors, lifestyle habits, previous traumas, and recreational activities are at the roots of the problem. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ INJURIES DISC INJURY CAUSES : • Disk herniation is most often the result of a gradual, aging - related wear and tear called disk degeneration. As you age, your disks become less flexible and more prone to tearing or rupturing with even a minor strain or twist. CURE AND PREVENTION Your chiropractor will develop a treatment plan for your herniated disc, and if your symptoms do not improve with chiropractic care techniques, your chiropractor may recommend and co - manage your condition with a pain management specialist and/or a spine surgeon . http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ WHIPLASH CAUSE S : • Motor vehicle collisions (such as getting rear - ended • you can get a whiplash injury anytime your head jerks or lurches in a sudden forward or backward motion • Trauma due to a hard fall or sports injury may cause whiplash CURE AND PREVENTATION Chiropractic care is an effective modality for patients that have been injured in motor vehicle accidents. The study mentioned earlier was able to clearly document the success and experience most chiropractors see in clinical practice. Symptoms ranging from headaches to neck pain, back pain, inter - scapular pain, and related extremity pain with numbness and tingling often respond v ery well to chiropractic care. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ WORK INJURY CAUSES: • Risk factors associated with work injury is repetitive stress • Small tasks that happen with poor posture create big problems over time • Twisting and turning while moving boxes and even continuous typing in a poor position CURE AND PREVENTATION Chiropractors have high success rates helping people with work injuries. Lower back pain and repetitive stres s injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome, are just two of the more common work - related conditions that chiropractors regularly treat. When the spine and joints become misaligned it can commonly cause injuries. Joints that are misaligned cause swelling which can irritate surrounding nerves leading to multiple problems . http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ EXTREMETIES ARM AND LEG PAIN CAUSES: • many people develop arm and leg pain gradually over time like vertebral structural shiftss, arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, and frozen shoulder • switching or taking new medications such as antibiotics, birth control, and anxiety medications has been shown to contribute to development of arm and leg pain Cure And Prevention Chiropractic care do complete physical examination and with the help of advance imagining they go to the roots of the problem . They do adjustment of the mis positioned bone that cause ir ritation in the surrounding area and also to the nerves. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ CARPAL TUNNEL PAIN CAUSES: • Keeping your wrists in an overextended position for too long • Repetitive motions like typing or playing piano • Prolonged exposure to vibrations from hand tools CURE AND PREVENTION Chiropractor will perform an evaluation of your condition and formulate an individualized treatment plan that best suits you. Following s pinal corrections, many patients experience substantial improvements of their symptoms. If symptoms persist, adjustments to the bones of the wrist and therapies to the surrounding tissues is often considered. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ SHOULDER PAIN CAUSES: • neck and upper back problems • arthritis in the shoulder complex • abnormal motor patterns causing aberrant motion • participation in athletic events • automobile accidents CURE AND PREVENTION Chiropractic care will do detailed analysis of spine and focuses on the neck region. Chiropractors are trained to provide adjustment of shoulder complex. Additional manual and passive therapies are also provides for fast recovery. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/ FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC CARE FOR KIDS WHY DO CHILDREN NEED CHIROPRACTIC CARE? A child’s spine develops rapidly in the first decade of life and many things can affect its development. In the infant, things such as falls from a bed or change table, sudden stops in a vehicle, sudden unsupported head movement, or even the birthing process itself can affect how the spine grows and develops. As they continue to develop children commonly bump into things, have falls, or hit their heads, especially at milestones such as when learning to crawl and walk. All of these incidents, which may seem in significant at the time, can lead to spinal problems. HOW CAN CHIROPRACTIC HELP? Spinal adjustments in the infant and young child are extremely gentle and are aimed at relieving nerve interference in the child’s spine and restoring proper motion in the sp inal segment. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/pedia trics.html PREGNANCY CHIROPRACTIC CARE THROUGH PREGNANCY prepares the woman’s body for the altering biomechanics, allows the baby to be in the optimal position for a natural delivery, maintains pelvic space so the uterus may expand with the developing fetus and corrects irritation to the spinal nerves to allow for the f ull expression of life. For Comfortable Pregnancies and Easier Births Dr. Nick is often sought out by pregnant women to help them experience more comfortable pregnancies and easier births. The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic adjustment for pregnant women that address the shifts in the pelvis in order to restore normal biomechanics and allow for a healthy pregnancy and birth. The woman’s pelvis contains several ligaments that attach the uterus to the pelvis. Releasing the tens ion within these ligaments will allow the uterus to expand with the developing fetus while maintaining the space in the pelvis which is necessary for a vaginal delivery. Getting ready for pregnancy, being pregnant, and recovering from child birth are amon g the female processes that can be made easier and less painful through chiropractic treatments. Back adjustments while women are carrying can ease their daily life, while chronic pelvic pain and pain from the menstrual cycle also can respond to chiropract ic care. Using the diversified technique of manually re - adjusting misaligned vertebrae can improve the health of the entire body, no matter where in the reproductive cycle you may be. . ht tp://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo.com/pregn ancy.html OTHERS VERTIGO CAUSES: • Severe headaches such as migraine or tension headaches are known for creating the sensations of dizziness and sickness • Chronic earaches or damage to the inside of the ear • A lack of blood flow to the brain • Car accidents resulting in damage to the joints and ligaments throughout the spine • Most frequently misalignments or structural shiftss of the vertebrae in the neck SYMPTOMS: • Blurry vision or difficulty focusing • Problems hearing, especially in one ear • Ringing ears • Trouble maintaining balance • Difficulty concentrating • Feeling fatigued or tired all the time • Nausea with no other explanation • New onset of sea - sickness • Slurring speech • Double vision CURE AND PRE VENTION Through a careful and meticulous history and examination chiropractors will be able to identify the source of your symptoms leading to a more focused treatment. http://www.gardenofhealthbuffalo .com/