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VETERANS BENEFIT ADMINISTRATION Veterans Resource and Benefits Workshop December 13 2012 Jim Davis Veterans Benefit Administration To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ID: 688729

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Presentation Transcript




Veterans Resource and Benefits WorkshopDecember 13, 2012

Jim DavisSlide3

Veterans Benefit Administration

"To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan“

-Abraham LincolnSlide5


General EligibilityService-Connected DisabilitiesAlaska National GuardAlaska Territorial GuardPrograms for Service-Connected Disabilities

Education and Training

Home Loan Guaranty

Special Groups of Veterans

Burial and Memorial Benefits

VA PensionsSlide6

General Eligibility

Eligibility for most VA benefits is based upon discharge from active military service under other than dishonorable conditions. Active service means full-time service,

other than

active duty for training, as a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or as a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service, Environmental Science Services Administration or National Oceanic

and Atmospheric Administration, or its predecessor, the Coast and

Geodetic Survey. Generally, men and women Veterans with similar

service may be entitled to the same VA benefits.

Dishonorable and bad conduct discharges issued by general court martial

may bar VA benefits. Veterans in prison and parolees must

contact a VA regional office to determine eligibility. VA benefits will

not be provided to any Veteran or dependent wanted for an outstanding

felony warrant.Slide7

Service-Connected Disabilities

Disability compensation: a monetary benefit paid to Veterans who are disabled by an




that was

incurred or aggravated during active military service

. These disabilities are considered to be service-connected.

To be eligible, the

service of the Veteran must have been terminated through separation or discharge under conditions other than dishonorable.

For additional details, visit the Web site at www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/.Slide8


Reserve and National Guard

Reservists who serve on active duty establish Veteran status and may be eligible for the full-range of VA benefits, depending on the length of active military service and a discharge or release from active duty under conditions other than dishonorable. In addition, reservists not activated may qualify for some VA benefits.Slide11

Reserve and National Guard


National Guard members can establish eligibility for VA benefits if activated for federal service during a period of war or domestic emergency.Activation for other than federal service does not qualify guard members for all VA benefits. Claims for VA benefits based on federal service filed by members of the National Guard should include a copy of the military orders, presidential proclamation or executive order that clearly demonstrates the federal nature of the service.Slide12


Alaska Territorial Guard Continued

Complete ATG Form 214Application for Federal Transcript of Military Record and Certificate of DischargeSubmit to Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

Call Joint Public Affairs Office at 9074286031 or visit dmva.alaska.govSlide14

Programs for Service-Connected Disabilities

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment


The (VR&E): Program assists veterans who have service-connected disabilities obtain and maintain suitable employment. Independent living services are also available for severely disabled Veterans who are not currently ready to seek employment.

Additional information is available on VA’s Website at www.vetsuccess.gov.Slide15

Programs for service-connected Disabilities Continued

Specially Adapted Housing Grants

Automobile Allowance

Clothing Allowance

Additional Allowances for Veterans who Need Aid and Attendance are HouseboundSlide16

Education and Training

Post – 9/11 GI BillThe Post- 9/11 GI Bill is a new education benefit program

for service members and Veterans who served on active duty

on or after Sept.11, 2001.

Montgomery GI Bill

VA educational benefits may be used while the service

Member is on active duty or after the service member’s

Separation from active duty with a fully honorable military

discharge. Discharges “under honorable conditions” and

“general” discharges do not establish eligibility.

*For more information visit


or call 1 800 442 4551Slide17

Home Loan Guaranty

VA home loan guaranties are issued to help eligible service members, Veterans, reservists and certain unmarried surviving spouses obtain homes, condominiums, residential cooperative housing units, and manufactured homes, and to refinance loans For additional information or to obtain VA loan guaranty forms, visit www.homeloans.va.gov/.Slide18

Special Groups of Veterans

Homeless Veterans

VA’s homeless programs constitute the largest integrated network of homeless assistance programs in the country, offering a wide array of services to help Veterans recover from homelessness and live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible.


National Call Center for Homeless Veterans

(NCCHV) assists homeless Veterans, at-risk Veterans, their families and other interested parties with linkages to appropriate VA and community-based resources.

The call center provides trained VA staff members 24 hours a day, seven days a week that assess a caller’s needs and connect them to appropriate resources. The call center can be accessed by dialing 1-877-4AID VET (1-877-424-3838).


Incarcerated Veterans

VA benefits are affected if a beneficiary is convicted of a felony and imprisoned for more than 60 days.

Disability or death pension paid to an incarcerated beneficiary must be discontinued.

Disability compensation paid to an incarcerated veteran rated 20 percent or more disabled is limited to the 10 percent rate.

For a veteran whose disability payable to a veteran evaluated as 10 percent disabled. Rating is 10 percent, the payment is reduced to half of the rate.

Any amounts not paid may be apportioned to eligible dependents.

Payments are not reduced for participants in work-release programs, residing in halfway houses or under community control.Slide20

You are Not AloneSlide21

Transition Assistance

Transition From Military to VA:

VA has stationed personnel at major military hospitals to help seriously injured service members returning from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) as they transition from military to civilian life. OEF/OIF service members who have questions about VA benefits or need assistance in filing a VA claim or accessing services can contact the nearest VA office or call 1-800-827-1000.Slide22

VA Life Insurance

For complete details on government life insurance, visit the VA Internet site at www.insurance.va.gov/ or call VA’s Insurance Center toll-free at 1-800-669-8477. Slide23

Burial and Memorial Benefits


Burial and Memorial Benefits

Burial in VA National Cemeteries

Veterans discharged from active duty under conditions other than dishonorable

Service members who die while on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training,

Spouses and dependent children of Veterans and active duty service members

may be eligible for VA burial and memorial benefits.

The Veteran does not have to die before a spouse or dependent child for them to be eligible.

*For more information call 1-800-827-1000, or visit the Web site at www.cem.va.gov/.Slide25


* At least 90 days of active military service (generally, 24 months for enlistment after September 7, 1980*At least one day of wartime service (combat service not required)*Totally and permanently disabled, or attained age 65

*Within income limits to qualify for this benefit

The 90-day active service requirement does not apply to veterans with a service-connected disability justifying discharge from the military.


Additional information can be found in the Compensation and Pension

Benefits section of VA’s Internet pages at www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/index.htm.Slide26


Complete VA Form 21-526 EZ or VA Form 21-526 (Veterans Application for Compensation)

Provide Other supporting records

Complete VA Form 21-4142 (Authorization and Consent to Release Information)

Submit All documents to the nearest VA Regional OfficeSlide27


There is NO time limit to Apply for Compensation or PensionFor Compensation, benefits will be paid retroactive to the date of separation/retirement if VA receives the application within one year of the separation/retirementSlide28



Disability Rating Monthly Rate Paid to Veterans


10 percent

20 percent

30 percent*

40 percent*

50 percent*

60 percent*

70 percent*

80 percent*

90 percent*

100 percent*











Thank You for serving Our Veterans

“I can think of no higher responsibility than ensuring that the men and women who have served our nation in uniform are treated with the care and respect that they have earned.”

-Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki-Slide31


Phone Numbers

Bereavement Counseling............................................1-202-461-6530

Civilian Health and


Program (CHAMPVA).....1-800-733-8387

Caregiver Support ..................................................... 1-855-260-3274


Federal Recovery Coordination Program ...................1-877-732-4456

Foreign Medical Program……………..................…….1-888-820-1756

Headstones and Markers.............................................1-800-697-6947

Health Care.................................................................1-877-222-8387

Homeless Veterans.....................................................1-877-424-3838

Home Loans................................................................1-888-244-6711

Life Insurance..............................................................1-800-669-8477

National Cemetery Scheduling Office..........................1-800-535-1117

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline............................1-800-273-8255

Pension Management Center......................................1-877-294-6380

Presidential Memorial Certificate Program..................1-202-565-4964

Special Health Issues..................................................1-800-749-8387

Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD)...........1-800-829-4833

VA Benefits..................................................................1-800-827-1000

Women Veterans.........................................................1-202-461-1070



Burial and Memorial Benefits ....................................www.cem.va.gov

Caregiver Support ............................................. www.caregiver.va.gov

CHAMPVA....... www.va.gov/hac/forbeneficiaries/forbeneficiaries.asp

Education Benefits....................................................www.gibill.va.gov

Federal Jobs.....................................................www.usajobs.opm.gov

Health Care Eligibility...............................www.va.gov/healtheligibility

Home Loan Guaranty......................................www.homeloans.va.gov

Life Insurance...................................................www.insurance.va.gov

Memorial Certificate Program.....................www.cem.va.gov/pmc.asp

Mental Health...............................................www.mentalhealth.va.gov

My HealtheVet……………..................................www.myhealth.va.gov

National Resource Directory ........www.nationalresourcedirectory.gov

Prosthetics………………................................ www.prosthetics.va.gov


Returning Servicemembers.....................................www.oefoif.va.gov

Women Veterans...................www.publichealth.va.gov/womenshealth

VA Vet Centers………....................………..……www.vetcenter.va.gov

VA Home Page..................................................................www.va.gov

VA Benefit Payment Rates......................www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/rates

VA Forms...............................................................www.va.gov/vaformSlide34

List of Sources

Photos by Paul OntoogukFotosearch.comFederal Benefits for Veterans Dependents and Survivors Booklet



Complete Application Submit supporting documents (i.e.:copies of service treatment records, DD214, private medical records, other VA FormsSubmit Applications to Alaska VA Regional Office,Service Organization or Online ApplicationYou will be contacted by letter by the Department of Veterans Affairs

You will be notified of additional information that is needed to process your claim or you may be told that an examination will be scheduled for you.Slide36


Examination(s):Automatically given to Veterans that have recently been released from Active Duty or are within a year from their discharge.You will be contacted by C & P in regards to the scheduling of an examination.

There is

no cost

to the veteran for this travel

You are


to show up for your examination in order to move forward with your claimSlide37


Medical Opinions and ExaminationsA condition MUST be found in service! After reviewing service treatment records, If there is a history found in service for your condition a Medical Opinion is ordered. This will

result in the Veteran being scheduled for an examination.

This generally takes longer because a thorough review of the Veterans service treatment records is required!Slide38

No Examination(s)

There will NOT be an examination scheduled for the veteran if there was no condition found in service.(There are exceptions: Secondary conditions, within a year, etc…)Slide39


The Veterans claim is sent to the Rating Board The Veteran is notified of the decision