Chess for Beginners Chess for Beginners

Chess for Beginners - PowerPoint Presentation

briana-ranney . @briana-ranney
Uploaded On 2019-12-25

Chess for Beginners - PPT Presentation

Chess for Beginners Every chess master was once a beginner Irving Chernev Liam Murray 2018 primarychessworkshopgmailcom Basic rules of chess White always starts One square one piece Players shake hands before and after games ID: 771420

murray chess primary workshop chess murray workshop primary 2018 gmail liam move pieces white knight wins king player moves




Presentation Transcript

Chess for Beginners Every chess master was once a beginner.Irving Chernev Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com

Basic rules of chess:White always starts One square – one piecePlayers shake hands before and after games.Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com How to Set Up the Board and Pieces

Players shake hands before and after games. Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.comRespect!

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Board – the battleground White on the right!

It is useful to remember that each piece has 3 main operations: Starting positionMoving rulesCapture moves If you can recall these 3 rules for each piece you’re on the right track! Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Pieces

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Pawn – the foot soldier

White pawns start on rank 2, black pawns on rank 7.Pawns can move only one space forward at any time except for their first move when each pawn has the choice of moving one or two spaces forward. Pawns can capture other pieces by moving one space diagonally forward to the left or right.Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Pawn

To decide colours of each playerPlace a black and white piece behind your back Mix pieces upKeeping the pieces covered by your fists, show to opponent (opponent cannot see pieces)Opponent chooses a fist and plays with revealed colour When colours are decided, white always moves first. Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com * Chess Toss*

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Pawn GameFirst player to get ONE pawn to the other side wins.

You win the game: a) if your opponent gives up; or b) if you are the first to capture all your opponent's pawns; or c) if you are the first to reach the last rank (i.e. your opponent's first rank) with one of your pawns; or d ) if it is your opponent's turn to move but all her pawns are blocked and do not have any moves, while you yourself can make at least one move. The game is a draw: a ) if the two players agree to call it a draw; or b ) if both sides pawns are blocked up so that neither side can make any moves. Other rules: a ) If you touch one of your own men when it is your turn to move, you must move it. b ) If you touch one of your opponent's men, you must capture it if you can. c ) Once you make a move, you cannot change it so think carefully. Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Pawn Game

If a player touches one of their own pieces they must move that piece as long as it is a legal move. If a player touches an opponent’s piece, they must capture that piece. A player who wishes to touch a piece only to adjust it on the board must first announce the intention, usually by saying “adjust”.Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com *Touch Move Rule*

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Rook – the catapult

The Rooks begin on the extreme corners of the board.The rook moves horizontally and vertically any number of squares, forwards or backwards. A Rook cannot move through or jump pieces but can capture opposition pieces in its way (but only one at a time!).Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Rook

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Rook Challenge First player to get ONE pawn to the other side wins.

8 white pawns v’s one black rookChess toss for colour White moves first as alwaysWhite or black wins if it gets one of its pawns to the other side of the boardSwitch sides after first gameIncorporate time or remove pawns to differentiate Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Rook Challenge

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Knight – the horseman

The knights start next to the rooks. The knight moves using “hippoty , hippoty, hop”The knight moves in an L shape in any direction. So it can move 2 squares sideways (2 hippoties) and one square up or down (1 hop) or one square sideways and 2 squares up or down. Just like a real horse, the knight can jump other pieces to get where it wants to go. The knight only captures on it’s finishing square (hop square) Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Knight

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Knight

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com O Lonely Knight GameWhite wins if one pawn reaches the other side. Black wins if it captures all white pieces or stops it reaching the other side.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Mary’s GameWhite wins if one pawn reaches the other side. Black wins if it captures all white pieces or stops it reaching the other side.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Knight’s Tour (requires counters)This is a puzzle!The knight must try to go to every square on the board only once. Use counters to mark the squares already visited. It is possible!!!

If a knight starts on a light coloured square it will always finish on a dark coloured square (after completing it’s L shape move). Similarly if it starts on a dark coloured square it will finish on a light coloured square.Try it out! Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Interesting Knight Fact

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Radioactive Horse Poo!!! (requires counters)Every time the knight moves it leaves it’s radioactive horse poo behind! A knight cannot go to any square with radioactive poo in it! Don’t get trapped by the radioactive poo (use other pieces or counters to make the squares with poo in it).

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Knight Swap 2 knights v’s 2 knights. First player to get both their knights to the opposite squares will win. Eg . White knights must get from b1 and g1 to b8 and g8 respectively.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Stuck in the Mud Pawns None of the pawns can move but they can be captured. First player to capture the opponent’s pawns will win. Be careful not to lose your knights!

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Dark Knight Game First player to get ONE pawn to the other side wins.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Bishop – the sniper

The bishop begins next to the knightThe bishop moves diagonally any number of spaces, forwards or backwards Bishops will only ever move on their starting colour The bishop can be blocked by other pieces – the bishop cannot jump over other pieces Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Bishop

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Bishops Rule! White wins if it gets one pawn to the other side of the board Black wins if it captures all white pieces or stops it reaching the other side.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Bishops Swap 2 bishops v’s 2 bishops. First player to get both their bishops to the opposite squares will win. Eg . White bishops must get from c1 and f1 to c8 and f8 respectively.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Chess Without Royalty First player to capture one opposition bishop wins.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Queen – the all powerful!

The queen starts next on its own colour (white – D1, black – D8)The queen is the most powerful piece on the board. She can move straight or diagonally any number of squares. The queen cannot jump over other pieces (only the knight can jump other pieces).The queen is like two other pieces combined. What are these two pieces? Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Queen

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Team v’s Queen White wins if it gets one pawn to the other side of the board Black wins if it captures all white pieces or stops it reaching the other side.

This is a puzzle to be solved.Imagine you have 8 queens of the same colour and a blank board. Your challenge is to place the 8 queens on the board in such a way that no two queens intersect each otherRemember a queen moves horizontally, vertically and diagonally.Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The 8 Queen Conundrum

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The King – the lazy leader

The king starts next to the queen. It is the most important piece on the chessboard! The king can move one space in any direction. The king can never move onto a square that is being attacked (the king can never move into check). The king can capture other pieces.The kings don’t like each other and can never stand next to one another. Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The King

Kings long ago were very wealthy! However they had loads of feasts and parties and got very fat. They are always out of breath and very lazy so the only move one space at a time. Kings have massive egos and so cannot bear to be next to another King so they always stay one square distance away from each other. Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Fat Egocentric King

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com The Hungry (Egocentric) Kings A 2 player game. Place two different sets of counters in the middle two rows as shown. Each king is assigned a colour counter to collect. First to collect their 8 counters is the winner.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com A Knight’s Kingdom A 2 or 4 player game (black v white or 1 piece per player). Set up pieces as shown. The kings must trap the knight in as few moves as possible. If the knight lasts 30 moves then the knight wins.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Game of Thrones A 2 player game. Get your king to your opponent’s King starting place. Example: black must get King from e8 to e1 Discuss: is it a fair game? Why not?

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com King’s Escort White wins if it gets one pawn to the other side of the board Black wins if it gets the King to the other side safely.

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Indoor Football Pawns as players, Kings as goalkeepers. If you get a pawn past the king it’s a goal. Count the score.

The board – letters close to you, white on the rightPawns – ranks 2 and 7Rooks, knights and bishopsQueen – on its own colour (light or dark) King – next to queenLiam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Remember the 5 Steps

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Early Chess First player to capture the opposition King wins. This is NOT proper chess!!!

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Safe or Unsafe? Can you spot any safe moves to make? Is black queen to e1 a safe move? Can you spot any unsafe moves? Is black pawn to c5 a safe move?

A king can never move to an unsafe square. Safe or Unsafe? Liam Murray 2018 primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com

Liam Murray 2018 - primary.chess.workshop@gmail.com Football Chess Arrangement Phase – first 7 moves for black and white – no captures. To take control of the ball one must occupy the square with the ball. The ball then travels with this piece. If the piece with the ball is captured the ball is transferred to the new piece. First player to deliver the ball to the goal area wins.