The Trial of the king The Trial of the king

The Trial of the king - PowerPoint Presentation

calandra-battersby . @calandra-battersby
Uploaded On 2016-08-08

The Trial of the king - PPT Presentation

CITIZEN CAPET FACES HIS NATION Louis cannot be judged he has already been judged He has been condemned or else the republic is not blameless To suggest putting Louis XVI on trial in whatever way is a step ID: 438767

king louis guilty people louis king people guilty revolution prosecution evidence questions trial robespierre defense death enemies execution blood terror scaffold treason




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Presentation Transcript


The Trial of the king


"Louis cannot be judged, he has already been judged. He has been condemned, or else the republic is not blameless. To suggest putting Louis XVI on trial, in whatever way, is a step


it is a counter-revolutionary idea; because it puts the Revolution itself in the dock. After all, if Louis can still be put on trial, Louis can be acquitted; he might be innocent. Or rather, he is presumed to be until found guilty.” -Robespierre

Lawyers, judges, and a kingSlide3

Trial prep– 35 minutes

Prosecution and Defense Lawyers:

Take 3-4 BEST pieces of evidence and turn them into questions for the other side to answer Write your questions on the side board and decide who will ask it, and who will respond to the questions, and howWrite ~ ½ Page opening statement that introduces your argument and why the king should/should not be found guilty

Judges:Discuss each of the “Surprise Exhibits” and put them in order of most interesting/important to least

Discuss when each piece of evidence could be introduced

Read over the list of



against Louis – which three are the most severe?


Write a speech to


save your life – you will deliver this at the end of the trialSlide4

Trial procedures

Prosecution opening statement

Defense opening statementProsecution Question #1 and Defense Response

Defense Question #1 and Prosecution ResponseProsecution Question #2 and Defense Response…

Defense Question #3 and Prosecution Response


 JUDGES: At any time you can ask other questions or use your evidence to support/attack someone’s pointSlide5


Everyone should write down the following four verdicts and

HIGHLIGHT/CIRCLE the one that they believe (out of role):1. Louis was guilty of treason, and deserves to die2. Louis was guilty of treason, but does not deserve to die.

3. Louis was not guilty of treason, but should no longer be King.4. Louis was not guilty of treason and should be made King again.Slide12

The death of a king

The Final Hours of the French MonarchySlide13

The Verdict

Louis’ fate determined by a vote on THREE questions…

1 – Guilty or Not Guilty All 693 Votes = Yes2 – Should there be a

referendum to decide his fate?284 = Yes, 409 =


3 – What should the punishment be?

321 = Prison/Exile, 372 =


The King will be executed on 1/21/1793Slide14


200 mounted guards and 1,200 foot

soldiers will surround Louis’s coach and escort him to guillotine80,000 armed men in Paris to prevent problemsLouis XVI’s Preparations…Meet with his family6am Mass

Note to his servant ClerySlide15

Instructions to clery

Will you give this seal to my son…the wedding ring to the Queen. Tell her that I leave her with a great deal of pain…

This little package contains locks

of hair of all my family. Give

it to

her too. Tell the Queen, tell my

dear children

, that I had promised to

see them

this morning, but that I

had wanted

to spare them the pain of

such a

cruel separation.”Slide17

The execution

10:00 – Louis XVI reaches the guillotine…..

10:22 – The King is dead!Soon after – Body taken to cemetery in wicker basket and buried in a wooden casket, in a mass grave.France quickly at war with all monarchies in EuropeAfter 800+ Years, Louis’s family (and French Kings) lose powerSlide18

One view of execution


blood flows; cries of joy from 80,000 armed men rend the air. His blood flows and there are people who dip a fingertip, a quill, a scrap of paper in it. One tastes it: ‘It is vilely salt!’ An executioner at the scaffold side sells small bundles of his hair; people buy the ribbon that tied it. Everyone carries off a small bundle of his clothing or some other bloodstained 

remnant…The whole populace go by, arm in arm, laughing and talking as if from some festivity. The taverns on the bloody square had their wine bottles emptied as usual. They sold cakes and patties around the beheaded body, which was put in the wicker basket of a common criminal.”Slide19

Differing View…

“Louis XVI lost his life on Monday at half past ten in the morning

, and to the very last he maintained the greatest possible courage. He wished to speak to the people from the scaffold, but was seized by the executioners, who were following their orders

, and who pushed him straight under the fatal blade. He was able to speak only these words: ‘I forgive my enemies; I trust that

my death

will be for the happiness of my people, but I grieve

for France

and I fear that she may suffer the anger of the Lord.

’ The

King took of his coat himself at the foot of

the scaffold

, and when someone sought to help him he said cheerfully

, ‘

I do not need any help.’ He also refused help to climb onto

the scaffold

, and went up with a firm, brisk

step. After

his death his body and head were immediately

taken to

the parish cemetery and thrown into a pit fifteen feet deep

, where

they were consumed by quicklime. And so there

remains nothing

of this unhappy prince except the memory of his

virtues and

his misfortune.”Slide20

Final words…

“He (Louis) pronounced

these unforgettable words: ‘I die innocent of all the crimes with which I am charged. I forgive

those that are guilty of my death, and I pray to God that

the blood you are

about to

shed will never

be required

of France.’…

The king’s

last words

were drowned

out by

the drummers


The terror –


to traitors will destroy us all."*After the execution of the King, the Revolution entered “The Terror”

*12-Man Committee of Public Safety *~40,000 people executed across France

*85% of executed were 3


Estate – Why?

The Suspension of

Civil Liberties-


Law of Suspects

– “suspected

persons, ... those who, either by their conduct or their relationships, by their remarks or by their writing, are shown to be partisans of tyranny and federalism and enemies of



Law of Evidence

– “

"if material or


proof exists, independently of the evidence of witnesses, the latter will not be heard, unless this formality should appear necessary, either to discover accomplices or for other important reasons concerning the public interest


The “National Razor”

“The National Assembly, considering that humanity requires that the death penalty be as painless as possible decrees that decapitation is carried out according to the approved method of the guillotine.”

 Equality of executionSlide23

“As the guillotine was always ready 15 minutes before the arrival of the victim, many assistants would dance around and do impressions to entertain the crowd. But the highlight was the amputation of heads, which, severed by the blade of the guillotine, fell speedily on top of one another into a kind of basin where they were floated in blood, which splashed as the heads dropped and flooded the pavement.”Slide24

Jacobins v. girondists

“We must suspend free speech and liberty

so we can win the war. Otherwise, therewill be nothing left to defend”

-The Jacobins, Robespierre

“We must preserve the ideals of free

speech and liberty at all costs. Otherwise

the Revolution is not worth fighting for




, Madame RolandSlide27

Georges Danton

“We Must Dare,

and again dare, and forever dare.”

He was known for his

ugliness – he had been

twice gorged by a bull, and

trampled over by a herd of

pigs as a child.


-Paul Marat

“God has always been hard

on the poor”.

He was known as “The

Toad” due to his ugliness.

Suffered from a rare disease

that left his skin peeling off in




“Every Revolution eats its


He was a talented lawyer

with amazing energy,

dedication and intelligence,

but with a streak of absolute


Louis Saint-Just

“Keep cool and you

command everybody”

He was a young law student

who robbed his parents and

ran away to Paris, where he

befriended Robespierre.Slide29

Reading Questions

Read through the “Reign of Terror” reading and answer questions 1-6



“Robespierre is extremely touchy and suspicious” (

mayor of Paris 1791)“The bastard isn’t satisfied with being the boss, he’s

got to be God as well” (a sans-culottes)“Robespierre was bred a butcher..” (from the

London Times)



believed was the only way to stop

the spread

of evil.” (Bertrand


1832, he sat on

the Committee

with Robespierre


“a depraved monster of small talent.” (a

government enquiry)

“..physically repulsive..


” (British

newspaper, 1987)

He had been the equal of emperors and kings…he was

the most

hateful character in history” (Lord Acton,

British historian

, 1890s)


institution which does not suppose the people good, and the magistrate corruptible, is evil



without terror is fatal; terror without virtue is impotent. The terror is nothing but justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is thus an emanation of virtue



, did you want a revolution without revolution



sealing our work with our blood, we may see at least the bright dawn of universal happiness


“We must smother the internal and external enemies of the Republic or perish with it; now in this situation, the first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror


“..in a revolution the state is at war, it

doesn’t have to follow all the laws



proof necessary to convict the enemies of the people is every kind of evidence, either material or moral or verbal or written. . . . Every citizen has the right to seize conspirators and counter-revolutionaries and to arraign them before magistrates. He is required to denounce them when he knows of them
