Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Cancer Centre The Cancer Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Cancer Centre The Cancer

Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Cancer Centre The Cancer - PDF document

debby-jeon . @debby-jeon
Uploaded On 2015-08-03

Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Cancer Centre The Cancer - PPT Presentation

1 of 7 Your gynaecological cancer team Welcome to Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundareferral for you to come to the Cancer Centre based at Guy146s and St Thomas146 hospitals This leaflet w ID: 99367

cancer 146 guy hospital 146 cancer hospital guy thomas gynaecological care team consultant cns centre nhs contact www support




Presentation Transcript

1 of 4 Your gynaecological cancer team This leaflet will help you understand the service we provide, who will be involved in your care, and what support is available to you. The contact details of the health professionals who may be involved in your care are also provided in this leaflet. C linical nurse specialists (CNS) Your CNS is a nurse with specialist skills and experience in caring for women with gynaecological cancer. Your CNS may be able to help by:  a nswering your questions and offering written information about your cancer, investigations, treatments or symptoms  o ffering emotional and practical support and advice  h elping you to manage any symptoms or side effects of treatment  o ffering advice on how to access extra support at home  s upporting you with financial concerns  o ffering support to friends, relatives and partners  r eferring you for additional specialist supportive care and complementary therapies. Our working hours are Monday to Friday , 9am - 5pm. All phone calls will be answered by the CNS patient call centre who will forward your query onto your CNS team , t: 020 7188 2707 . The multidisciplinary team Your care will be provided by a group of experts called the multidisciplinary team . They includ e :  medical oncologists  clinical oncologists  oncology surgeons  radiologists  pathologists  radiography practitioners  dietitians  physiotherapists  occupational therapists  chaplaincy  counsellors and psychologists . W e speciali se in the treatment of gynaecological cancer and work together to make decisions about your care. We have a weekly meeting called the multidisciplinary meeting (MDM) to discuss patient cases and decide the best treatment plan. 2 of 4 The consultant who will be caring for you depends on the treatment you receive. Your consultant may change if you go on to receive a different type of treatment. If you are ever unsure about who is in charge of your care , please speak to your CNS. Comin g for an outpatient appointment We have outpatient clinics at Guy’s Main Hospital and the Cancer Centre at Guy’s. You will receive an outpatient appointment text or letter with information on where to go . At your appointment, you are welcome to bring anot her person with you. This may be a relative or friend, who can help you to remember the information given to you by the doctor. If you have any questions, it may be helpful to write them down and bring them with you. For outpatient appointment queries: Cancer Centre appointments , t: 020 7188 8053 McNair Centre appointments , t: 020 7188 3584 Inpatient care There are two onco logy wards at Guy’s Hospital. If you are having surgery, you will be admitted to the Gynaecology W ard at St Thomas ’ Hospital . If you need to be admitted into hospital, your doctors will try to admit you to one of these wards: Samaritan Ward 8th Floor , Borough Wing Guy’s Hospital t: 020 7188 8855 Hedley Atkins 8 th Floor , Borough Wing Guy’s Hospital t: 020 7188 8854 Gynaecology Ward 8 th Floor , North Wing St Thomas’ Hospital t: 020 7188 2697 Guy’s Cancer Centre nursing support Acute oncology Patients on chemotherapy or radiotherapy who are feeling unwell , have unmanageable side effects from treatment , or have a raised temperature of 3 7. 5 C or above , must contact the acute oncology service (AOS) who are available 24/7 , t: 020 7188 3754 . Chemotherapy team Chemotherapy nurses care for patients while they receive chemotherapy treatment at Guy’s and Q ueen M ary’s Hospital S idcup Cancer Centre s, t: 020 7188 6452 . Radiotherapy treatment support helpline t: 020 7188 4220 , Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.30pm Useful n umbers Medical and clinical oncology PA , t: 020 7188 1447 Radiology bookings , t: 020 7188 5542 Patient transport service , t: 020 7188 2888 Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup (QMS) The Cancer Centre at QMS, can be contacted, t: 020 7188 0770 3 of 4 Out of hours contact details The gynaecological oncology CNS team are available Monday to Friday , 9am - 5pm. If you need of urgent advice at any other time, please follow the advice below:  If you have recently had surgery, you can call 020 7188 2697 for the G ynaecology W ard .  If you are on chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment please contact AOS .  In an emergency, go to your nearest E mergency D epartment (A&E) or dial 999. Holistic needs assessment A h olistic n eeds a ssessment (HNA) is a simple questionnaire you can complete in clinic or at home. It helps your CNS identify your concerns and develop a personalised care plan. They will discuss how t o complete the HNA and arrange a time to complete the care plan together. Support g roup The CNS team and Dimbleby Cancer Care p sycho logy team run a gynaecological cancer support group on the first Tuesday of each month. This is open to all women at any stage of their treatment. This is held in Dimbleby Cancer Care , in the Welcome Village at Guys Cancer Centre, 1.30pm - 3pm. Please speak to your CNS team for more information. Free prescriptions All people living with cancer can apply for a certificate to allow them to get free prescriptions. This is called an exemption certificate. You can apply for this through your GP, pharmacy or cancer centre. Please speak to you CNS team for more information. Information and support organisations Dimbleby Cancer Care t: 020 7188 5918 w: www.dimblebycancercare.org Macmillan Cancer Support (freephone) t: 0808 808 0000 w: www.macmillan.org.uk Cancer Research UK t: 0808 800 4040 w: www .cancerresearchuk .org Jo’s Trust (for cervical cancer) t: 0808 802 8000 w: www.jostrust.org.uk Ovacome (for ovarian cancer) t: 0800 008 7054 w: www.ovacome.org.uk Target Ovarian Cancer t: 020 7923 5475 w: www.targetovarian.org.uk The Eve Appeal (all gynaecological cancers) t: 0808 802 0019 w: www.eveappeal.org.uk e: nurse@eveappeal.org.uk Cancer Hair Care t: 014 3 831 1322 w: www.cancerhaircare.co.uk e: support@cancerhaircare.com 4 of 4 Shine Cancer Support (adults under 40) t: 0780 4497 9413 w: www shinecancersupport.org Guy’s and St Thomas’ H ospitals offer a range of cancer - related information leaflets for patients and carers, available at www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/cancer - leaflets . For information leaflets on other conditions, procedures, treatments and services offered at our hospitals, please visit , w: www.guysandstthomas.nhs.u k/leaflets Pharmacy Medicines Helpline If you have any questions or concerns about your medicines, please speak to the clinical nurse specialist or other member of staff caring for you or call our helpline. t: 020 7188 8748 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday Your comments and concerns For advice, support or to raise a concern, contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). To make a complaint, contact the complaints department. t: 020 7188 8801 (PALS) e: pals@gstt.nhs.uk t: 020 7188 3514 (complaints) e: complaints2@gstt.nhs.uk Language and Accessible S upport Services If you need an interpreter or information about your care in a different language or format, please get in touch: t: 020 7188 8815 e: languagesupport@gstt.nhs.uk NHS 111 Offers medical help and advice from fully trained advisers supporte d by experienced nurses and paramedics. Available over the phone 24 hours a day. t: 111 NHS Choices Provides online information and guidance on all aspects of health and healthcare, to help you make choices about your health. w: www.nhs.uk Leaflet number: 0 357/VER 9 Date published: August 2020 Review date: August 2023 © 20 20 Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust A list of sources is available on request Dimbleby Cancer Care provides cancer support services for Guy’s and St Thomas’. We have a drop - in information area staffed by specialist nurses and offer complementary therapies, psychological support and benefits advice for patients and care rs. Dimbleby Cancer Care is located in the Welcome Village of the Cancer Centre at Guy’s, t: 020 7188 5918 e: DimblebyCancerCare@gstt.nhs.uk