Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is a pathogen, which causes liver disease and inflammation of Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is a pathogen, which causes liver disease and inflammation of

Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is a pathogen, which causes liver disease and inflammation of - PowerPoint Presentation

karlyn-bohler . @karlyn-bohler
Uploaded On 2018-10-28

Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is a pathogen, which causes liver disease and inflammation of - PPT Presentation

History In 1963 Dr Baruch Blumberg accidentally discovered an antigen that detected the presence of hepatitis B in blood samples Dr Blumberg and his team identified a strange antigen from a blood sample of an Austrian Aborigine ID: 700449

hepatitis hbv antigen liver hbv hepatitis liver antigen infected test symptoms person blood shows result positive include months tests




Presentation Transcript


Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a pathogen, which causes liver disease and inflammation of the liver.Slide2


In 1963, Dr Baruch


accidentally discovered an antigen that detected the presence of hepatitis B in blood samples.



and his team identified a strange antigen from a blood sample of an Austrian Aborigine.

They decided to name this antigen the Australia antigen.

In 1967, further research showed that this was the hepatitis B causing antigen, which was then officially recognised.Slide3


Signs and symptoms of HBV usually appear about one to four months after you've been infected. Symptoms include:

Abdominal pain

Dark urine


Joint pain

Loss of appetite

Nausea and vomiting



Hepatitis B is usually diagnosed with routine or requested blood screening tests such as:

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

This test shows if you're contagious. A positive result means you have HBV and can spread the disease. A negative result means you don't have HBV.

Hepatitis B Core Antigen Test

This shows whether you are currently infected with HBV. A positive result indicates that you have chronic hepatitis B.Slide5

Antibody Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

Shows whether you're immune to HBV. A positive test shows that it is very unlikely you will contact hepatitis B.

Liver Function Tests

These check your blood for heightened enzymes from your liver. HBV can mimic the symptoms of other conditions such as liver diseases.Slide6


You may get HBV if you:

Get a tattoo or a piercing with unsterilised tools.

Share needles with an infected person.

Have unprotected sex with an infected person.

Share personal items,

like toothbrushes and razors with an infected person. Slide7


The hepatitis B virus usually only stays in the system for around one to three months and is therefor an acute infection.

In severe cases, if a person remains infected they may develop complications such as liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.Slide8


Chronic hepatitis B is not curable but it is treatable.

Treatments include:



an injection of hepatitis B immune globulin within 12 hours of coming in contact with the


Antiviral medications .

Liver transplants.Slide9


The hepatitis B vaccine is typically given as three or four injections over six months. You can't get hepatitis B from the vaccine


Other ways to reduce your risk of HBV include


Before you travel to a foreign country, ask your doctor about the HBV vaccine.

Know the HBV status of any sexual partner.

Be cautious about getting piercings and tattoos .

Stop using illicit drugs.Slide10


Other drugs to treat hepatitis B are

being developed.Slide11


This year alone, 10 to 30 million people will become infected with HBV.

Infection kills one person every 30-45 seconds .

HBV is about 10 times more prevalent than HIV in the world.Slide12


What are three symptoms of HBV?

Is HBV curable?


tests do doctors use to test for HBV?

How can you help prevent HBV?

How can you get HBV?