2011 Wis. ACT 51 Revisions to Laws Governing Firearms, Bows & Crossbow 2011 Wis. ACT 51 Revisions to Laws Governing Firearms, Bows & Crossbow

2011 Wis. ACT 51 Revisions to Laws Governing Firearms, Bows & Crossbow - PDF document

lindy-dunigan . @lindy-dunigan
Uploaded On 2015-11-23

2011 Wis. ACT 51 Revisions to Laws Governing Firearms, Bows & Crossbow - PPT Presentation

Revised on November 10 2011 Q1 Do firearms still have to be in a case before they are placed in or on a motorized vehicle including ATVs UTVs snowmobiles and farm implementsA No Effective No ID: 202688

Revised November 2011




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