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ADF RECREF132 the DFR Intranet are uncontrolled Revised 02 April 2014 This document is provided by Defence Force Recruiting DFR Contact your Case Manager on 13 19 02 for any enquiries Page ID: 467634

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ADF - RECREF132 ***All documents not on the DFR Intranet are uncontrolled*** Revised 02 April 2014 This document is provided by Defence Force Recruiting (DFR). Contact your Case Manager on 13 19 02 for any enquiries. Page: 1 of 6 Revision date 02 April 201 5 A Guide to Aptitude Testing for Joining the ADF This guide seeks to provide you with an overview of the psychological testing process that you will undertake when applying to join the ADF. The ADF psychological testing process includes:  A General Ability Test; and  A Mathematical Ability Test. Depending on the role applied for, you may also be required to sit additional testing, such as:  Testing for Officer entry;  Testing for Aircrew and Aviation related roles; and  Testing for Other Specialist Occupations. This guide will provide you with an idea of what to expect during psychological testing, and hints and tips to help prepare you for this testing. W ha t is p sy c ho l og i ca l t es ti ng ? The aim of psychological testing is to determine what skills and abilities candidates have and then to match the ADF jobs that require these same sets of skills and abilities. The ps y cho l og i cal te s t i n g proce s s During the psychological testing sessions you will be asked to answer a series of questions within a restricted period of time. You should attempt to get as many questions correct as possible in the time allowed. All tests include questions that range from the rel atively straightforward to others that are quite difficult. Psychological testing can be administered either by computer, or in paper - and - pencil format. We hope that most applicants will feel comfortable completing the computer - based versions of the test s. However, if you are not comfortable using computers, and would prefer to complete the paper - and - pencil tests instead, you will be permitted to do so. Instructions will either be read to you before you begin each test, or included as an introduction whe re testing is done on a computer. Listen carefully to the instructions, and feel free to ask the test room supervisor questions if you are not sure what to do. Ensure that you read the question carefully and understand what you are being asked to do. Yo u must give only one answer per question , except where specifically told otherwise. ADF - RECREF132 ***All documents not on the DFR Intranet are uncontrolled*** Revised 02 April 2014 This document is provided by Defence Force Recruiting (DFR). Contact your Case Manager on 13 19 02 for any enquiries. Page: 2 of 6 Revision date 02 April 201 5 W ha t ca n y ou t ak e i n to t h e r o o m? You will be able take you r personal belongings into the room. However, you must turn off all electronic equipment, including your mobile phone. You are not allowed the use of a calculator or a dictionary of any variety during any of the psychological tests. You are no t permitted to use any material that may aid or advantage you when completing the tests, and if you are found using these, your test scores will not be deemed valid. During the test session you will be provide d with pencils, an eraser, and writin g paper. Please remember to bring your reading glasses on the day to assist you in reading the computer screen or printed test material. Preparing Y ou for Testing Below are some ideas that may help you prepare for psychological tests. P r epa r a ti o n Resou rc e s You may find attempting practice questions to be useful. This guide has so me practice questions in Annex A. In addition to the questi ons provided in this guide, practice tests containing test items similar to those used by the ADF can be obtained from bookstores, your local library, and online from test publishers. P r epa r a ti o n T i p s  The following are a few tips to help you prepare: I f you find you are having trouble with particular types of practice items (e.g. maths, language), you may wish to seek assistance from friends, tutors, or books;  Do not attempt to prepare in one big session the night before you are due to undergo testing. Try to space your study periods out (e.g. an hour a day); a nd  While preparing , don’t simply read over information, practice recalling and using it. Attempt to test yourself on how much you have learnt wherever possible. This may also help you identify areas in which you need further practice.  On the day of testin g you should plan to arrive at the Defence Recruiting testing area well rested, in good health, and with plenty of time so you are not rushed. Tes t Tak i n g I ns tr uc t ion s Before you start the test:  Listen carefully to the instructions given by the test supervisor;  Read the test instructions very carefully. If you have any questions, make sure you ask the test supervisor before you start the test. Once the test starts:  Read every question carefully and ensure you understand what you are required to do; and  Work as quickly and as accurately as you can. ADF - RECREF132 ***All documents not on the DFR Intranet are uncontrolled*** Revised 02 April 2014 This document is provided by Defence Force Recruiting (DFR). Contact your Case Manager on 13 19 02 for any enquiries. Page: 3 of 6 Revision date 02 April 201 5 For multiple choice tests:  Read all the possible answers before selecting one;  Ensure that the question you are marking on the answer sheet matches the one you are intending to answer in the question booklet;  Give only one answer per question (except where specifically instructed otherwise); and  If you make a mista ke with paper and pencil tests, rub it out with your eraser or using the method demonstrated by the test supervisor. Su mm a ry The outcome of your testing will provide Defence Force Recruiting a deeper understanding of your aptitudes/abilities and underlying knowledge, so that they can assist you in identifying an occupation for which you are best suited. Although some candidates migh t not obtain high enough scores for the occupation they most prefer, most will find that they are suitable for some form of employment within the ADF. All candidates, including those who do not achieve high enough scores for their preferred occupation, but who still wish to serve in the ADF in some capacity, will receive career information from a Career Counsellor / Case Manager regarding their chosen career. Or, alternatively, assistance in identifying another job for which they might be better suited. The strategies and examples in this guide are provided to both familiarise you to the ADF testing process as well as reduce any test anxiety you may be experiencing. It is anticipated that you find the guide useful in your test preparation. ADF - RECREF132 ***All documents not on the DFR Intranet are uncontrolled*** Revised 02 April 2014 This document is provided by Defence Force Recruiting (DFR). Contact your Case Manager on 13 19 02 for any enquiries. Page: 4 of 6 Revision date 02 April 201 5 A p p e nd ix A Sa m p le Q ues ti on s General Ability Test The f o ll ow i ng are e x a m p le s of t he ty pe of ques tio ns y ou can e x p e ct t o see i n t he Gen e ral Abilit y Tes t . A ns w e r s a r e pro vi d e d at t he end of t h i s app e nd ix . 1. Ar i th m et i c Quest i o n : G iv e t he nu mb er t hat c o rr es pon d s w it h th e qu e s ti on m ark (?) i n t he f o ll ow in g add iti on p rob l e m : 6 8 + 7 ? 1 ? 2 2. Ar i th me t i c Que s t i on: H o w m any p i ec e s of pa pe r, ea c h c o s t i ng 20 c en t s, can y ou bu y f or t wo do ll a r s? 3. Ar i th m et i c Que s t i on: A bus t ra v e l s at a cons tan t speed of 80 k m/ h. How f ar do e s i t t r av el i n 45 mi nu t e s ? 4. Nu m ber S er i es: What n u m b e r co m es ne x t i n t he f o ll ow i ng s e r ies : 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , ? 5. Word M e a n i ngs: W h ic h word d o e s n ot be l ong i n t h i s li s t : a. F l ow e r b. Wha l e c. El ephant d. Dog e. P arrot 6. Word A n a l og y : Em pty is t o Fu l l as W e t i s t o ? a. Da m p b. S oak e d c. Dry d. Wa te r e. Ra i n 7. A bs t r a ct R ea s on in g: W hi ch fi gu r e i s n e x t i n t he ser i es? a. b. c. d. ADF - RECREF132 ***All documents not on the DFR Intranet are uncontrolled*** Revised 02 April 2014 This document is provided by Defence Force Recruiting (DFR). Contact your Case Manager on 13 19 02 for any enquiries. Page: 5 of 6 Revision date 02 April 201 5 8. A bs t r a ct R ea s on in g: W hi ch fi gu r e i s n e x t i n t he ser i es? a. b. c. d. 9. A bs t r a ct R ea s on in g: W hi ch fi gu r e i s t he odd o ne o u t ? a. b. c. d. e . M a t he m a ti ca l Ab il i ty Tes t Th i s te st m e a su r es y o u r u n de r s t and i ng o f m ore ad v a n ced m a t h emati cal co n cep t s re l e va nt t o te chn i cal t rade t ra i n i n g , s u ch a s a l g ebra, g e o m e t r y , and t r ig o n o m e t r y , a s w e l l a s m ore b as i c a r it h m e t i c (up t o app r o xim a t e l y y ear 11 – 12 l e v e l ). For ex a m p l e: 1. If 3 x = 81, what is the value of x ? a. 9 b. 27 c. - 4 d. 4 2. What is the value of .03 x .50? a. 0.150 b. 0.015 c. 1.500 d. 0.530 ADF - RECREF132 ***All documents not on the DFR Intranet are uncontrolled*** Revised 02 April 2014 This document is provided by Defence Force Recruiting (DFR). Contact your Case Manager on 13 19 02 for any enquiries. Page: 6 of 6 Revision date 02 April 201 5 Answers to Sample Questions Gene r al Apt i tude T e st 1. 4 2. 10 3. 60 km 4. 32 5. a. fl ower 6. c. dry 7. a. To so lv e t h i s it e m , no tic e t hat t here i s one m o r e b lo ck i n e ve ry fi gure, r e ad in g f rom l e f t t o r i gh t . Fur t h er , e v ery tim e a new b loc k i s add e d, i t i s added i n a n a nti - c lo c k w i se di rec tio n runn i ng a lo ng t he i ns i de of t he sq u are. Al so, e v ery in d ivi dual b lo ck a lt erna te s b et ween sh a ded a nd bl ank. The on l y resp o n s e f o ll ow i ng t h i s s er ie s i s a. 8. c. To solve this item, notice that the centre circle alternates between blacked out and a cr os s ha i r. Fur t h e r, e v ery s e co n d i ns ta nce of t he pa t t ern, a new ar m i s add e d r u nn i ng be t w e en t he cen tr e c i rc l e and t he ou t s i de c ir c l e, i n a c l o ck w is e d ir ec ti on. The n e x t fi gure i n t he ser i es i s he n ce c. 9. a. To so lv e t h i s it e m , no tic e t hat a l l of t he pa tt er n s h av e t wo b l a c k sq u ar e s, or f l ags, at t he end of t wo a rm s of t he m a i n cr os s. Th e se b lac k fl ags are a lw a y s f ac in g i n t ow a rds e a c h o t her. The p os iti on o r a re a t hat t hese t wo b lac k fl a g s are i n va r ie s, but t here i s a l wa y s tw o wh it e fl a g s p o s iti on e d i n t he area ( ma r k ed w it h an ‘x ’) d i rec tl y op po s it e. For a l l t he pa tt er n s, one w h it e fl ags f a c es i n t o t he area a nd one ou t , e x c e pt f or op ti on a. , where t hey bo t h f ace ou t . a. b. c. d. x e. x x x x M athe m at i c a l Ability Test 1. d. 4 2. b. 0 . 015 Additional Block Additional Block Same blocks changing colour Additional Block Circle changing colour Additional ‘arm’ added to previous diagram with same coloured circle Area opposite black flags Both white squares facing away from the area marked with an ‘X’ One white square facing in and one facing out