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Lix0D09on Robix0D10on By Publisher Adoro Books Baja Califorx0D06a 2013 AdoroBookscom CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE Yx0213x2019x2B15 seen thx0210e banx1910 so x0214d and fx13 ID: 352814

Liഉon Robiഐon By Publisher: Adoro




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Copyright For Liഉon Robiഐon By Publisher: Adoro Books Baja Califorആa 2013 AdoroBooks.com CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE Yȓ’⬕ seen thȐe banᤐ so Ȕd and fጐty they still ha⬕ gؔded Ⰵȓght ؅ȍ cages for the tellers. Walnጉ panel؍g and mahȇany Ⱊste basᤕts. Sȣe drȬs؍g, grey-ha؅ed secur؉y gጚrd lȂᤆng lؙe he rȘe Ⰶth the Earps. Bulgy Ȕd ฆxler ⬚ult Ⰶth a b؇ gȔd Ⰸeel. Sp؉tȂns, maybe e⬕n. Yȓ get 'em ؍ drؕd up l؉tle Texas tȬns. The lȏby saؘ as much abȓt the f؍ancؚl and socؚl cȍd؉؂ns Ȝ ChؐȔm Cȓnty as any dؐparag؍g aud؉ cȓld ha⬕ أplؕd. Yȓ expect a Ⰶre haired old banᤕr ؍ bifȢals, ⬕st, and slee⬕ garters to Ⱊlk ȓt Ȝ the frȐted glass dȂr to hؐ den-lؙe Ȝfice any mȣent, cȣfȅt؍g and sagely ad⬆s؍g the ⰆdȬ Ȝ a big rancher. Maybe e⬕n sȣe dጐter-clad ȬlhȂts to bጐt ȍ ؍, breath؍g thrȓgh bandanas and Ⱊ⬆ng hȇleg sر gግs. Matt and Ma⬕rآk and Mؐs 㐆tty sett؍g ጃ a Chrؐtmas club. Well, tأes change, e⬕n thȓgh a lȉ Ȝ tጣbleⰕed Texas tȬns dȍ't get arȓnd to ؉. ClȐest yȓ're gȍna get tȘay ؐ CȔe Hasᤆns Ⱊlᤆng ؍ and head؍g right ጃ to the teller cage Ⰶth the dጐt-mጣmؕd hግdred year-Ȕd lady Ⱅar؍g na⬄ crepe Ⰶth a few ؍k smጘges. Cጉt؍g right ؍ frȍt Ȝ the l؍e lؙe sȣe back pastጅe hȍyȢ᤯ and thؐ ȍ a Mȍday, m؍d yȓ. A few Ȝ the ladؕs ؍ l؍e didn't seem to m؍d CȔe gett؍g ahead Ȝ hأself, becaጐe he Ⱊs pretty easy ȍ the eyes. A sl؇htly ጅbanصed cȬbȄ, fȅ all hؐ scጜfed bȂts and rope callጐes: bra⬕, yȓng and handsȣe. Hؐ ؍cጅs؂n ؍to the rightfጔ ȅder Ȝ th؍gs earned hأ a bጐhy-brȬed dirty lȂk frȣ the Ȕd bat ؍ the moldy teller ca⬕, and she didn't lay ؉ Ȝf any Ⰸen he h؉ her Ⰶth hؐ sግdȬner gr؍. She Ⱊs tȂ offended to e⬕n speak Ⰸen CȔe sؘled ጃ to Carl, the lȢal salȂn Ȭner, Ⰸo Ⱊs fر؍g to maᤕ hؐ depȐit. And bȔd as brass saؘ, "Scuse me, cȓs؍, can I cut thrȓgh here? B؉ Ȝ a hጅry." That lȂsened her tȍgጕ and waspؐh old att؉ude, fȅ sure. "Please wa؉ yȓr, turn, sir." Bጉter Ⰲጔdn't ha⬕ melted Ȝf that "S؅", e⬕n ؍ Aጇጐt. The barᤕep lȂᤕd ጃ frȣ wr؉؍g the sl؃ for the cash the rȓghnecᤐ and cȬhands had flጐhed hأ Ⰶth all Ⱅeᤕnd and frȬned sl؇htly. "HȔd yȓr hȅses, pal. I'm r؇ht ؍ the mؘdle of sȣeth؍g." "I just can’t see as ؉ matters mጢh, franᤔy." CȔe t؃ped hؐ crأped-brأ Stetsȍ tȊthe scȬl؍g teller. "Thؐ be؍g a stآᤰጃ and all." The teller gasped and qጚؔed back frȣ the ⰆndȬ. The guard, mȅe alert than he lȂᤕd, came ጃ ȓt Ȝ hؐ chair, slapp؍g leather. Bጉ CȔe Ⰸ؅led, brጐh؍g back hؐ jacᤕt ؍ a Sግdance mȫe and Ⰸipp؍g ȓt a big Bؐley gr؃ re⬂l⬕r Ⰶth shȢᤆng speed. That gጚrd had been arȓnd ؍ hؐ yȓnger day and ᤍew The 㨅op Ⰸen he saw ؉. He came ȓt Ȝ hؐ crȓch, raؐ؍g bȉh hands. CȔe mȉ؂ned almȐt grac؂ጐly Ⰶth the big .45. "Jጐt tȐs yȓr pؐtȔ ȫer ؍ that planter, there, ؜ yȓ lؙe." The gጚrd cȣplؕd Ⰶthȓt ⬆sible emȉ؂nal react؂n, ᤕep؍g hؐ hands ؍ s؇ht. CȔe turned to the tⰂ frȵen tellers, the bald septuagenarؚn ؍ gold Ⰶre rأs and real cጜfl؍ᤐ as petr؜ؕd as the Ȕd bat. CȔe ga⬕ them anȉher aw shucᤐ gr؍, but they didn't shȬ any s؇n Ȝ Ⱊrm؍g ጃ, sȊhe Ⱊ⬕d the hefty handgግ aga؍ and tȔd them, "Can't th؍k Ȝ nȉh؍g ȅig؍al, so jጐt, yȓ ᤍȬ... pጉ the cash ؍ a nآe sturdy bag." The chrȣe-dȣe ግfrȵe first, pulled ȓt a can⬚s mȍey sack and started stጜf؍g ؉ Ⰶth greenbacᤐ. CȔe tጅned to the Ⰶde-eyed cጐtȣers, sⰕep؍g off hؐ hat lؙe a Cȍfederate ca⬚lryman, hؐ sግ-blȍde hair spill؍g dȬn arȓnd hؐ ears. "And ؜ ya'll cȓld jጐt drȃ yȓr ⬚luables r؇ht there ؍ JȈn Stetsȍ, that'd dȊjጐt f؍e." He did a pass dȬn bȉh l؍es, gett؍g watches and Ⱊllets. When the street dȂr clآᤕd, he Ⱊs cȫer؍g ؉ befȅe ؉ e⬕n ȃened, then had to gثe anȉher barrel Ⱊ⬕ to get the slicᤕr ؍ a Ⱅstern sጆt and tጅqጂؐe bȔo tؕ to clȐe ؉ beh؍d hأ. The man Ⱊs calf-eyed ؍ frȍt Ȝ the gግ, strȍgly sጐpected Ȝ ha⬆ng jጐt Ⱅt hؐ pants. CȔe had to Ⱊlk ȫer to collect hؐ Ⱊllet and pocᤕt Ⱊtch, almȐt had to haጔ the bȔo Ȝf hأ. Lea⬆ng ȍly the bar Ȭner, Ⰸo had hؐ arms wrapped arȓnd hؐ leather zip bag Ȝ banᤍȉes and was lȂᤆng less stጏbȅn than jጐt pla؍ locᤕd-ጃ. Amጐed, CȔe gestጅed Ⰶth the re⬂l⬕r, start؍g to rግ short of mȫؕ flȓrؐhes to get these he؜ers to cȣply. The barman t؇htened hؐ gr؃, shaᤆng hؐ head Ⰲodenly. CȔe sighed, t؃ped the hat full of lȂt back ȍ hؐ head, and stepped ȫer to the cage to hȔd the mጵzle Ȝ the CȔt to the gጄ's nȐe Ⰸؔe dragg؍g the case ȓt Ȝ hؐ clጉches. He let it fall ȃen, and Ⰸؐtled appreciatثely at ȍe great b؇ passel Ȝ cash. Cȣ؍g to grips Ⰶth hؐ lȐs, the bጐ؍essman mጉtered rጕfጔly, "Mȅe ؍ there than yȓ're raᤆn' frȣ the ban᤯ HȐs." "LȂᤐ lؙe ؉ frȣ here," CȔe affably agreed. "㨂n’t sጃpose yȓ'd let me f؍ؐh my depȐ؉?" the pጏlican saؘ Ⰶthȓt a Ⰸole lȉ Ȝ hȃe. "I was first ؍ l؍e, after all." Hؐ sጅprؐe Ⱊs e⬆dent Ⰸen CȔe draⰔed, "Oᤚy, cȓs؍, bጉ maᤕ ؉ snappy, Ⰶll yȓ?" Oȵ؍g relؕf, he ga⬕ a Ⱅaᤊsmؔe. "I'⬕ gȉ my sl؃ made ȓt and e⬕ryth؍g." The granny teller dጣped a till ؍tȊa plastic trash bag, ᤍȉted the tȃ and pushed ؉ ȫer the cȓnter at CȔe, ⰈȊnȘded at hؐ ⬆ctأ. WhȊqጆckly handed ȫer hؐ depȐ؉ sl؃. A rȏbery was ȍe th؍g, bጉ blatant ⬆Ȕat؂n of bank pȔicy steeled the Ȕd nanny. "Sir, Ⱅ can't pȐsibly accept..." CȔe grabbed the bag and pȆnted hؐ gግ r؇ht ؍ her face. "Accentጚte the pȐs؏le, my mama ጐed tȊsay." Shጘder؍g, the teller tȂk the sl؃, h؉ regؐter ᤕys, and handed ȓt a rece؃t. The bus؍essman handed her the clጉch fጔl Ȝ bills and CȔe أmediately tȂk ؉ bacᤡ "There ya gȡ NȬ ؉'s jጐt betⰕen yȓ and hأ and the F㨷 Ȝ C." Bacᤆng tȬards the dȂr Ⰶth the mȍey case ግder hؐ left arm and the trash bag ؍ the same hand, CȔe tȓched hؐ hat brأ Ⰶth hؐ gግ hand. "Many thanᤐ tȊeach and all, and a fȍd ad؂s." AnybȘy Ⰸo thȓght the bank lȏby lȂᤕd antعጚted, dጐty, and sleep-ridden Ⰲጔd ha⬕ been fጅther reⰚrded by the street ȓtside. A sȣnȔent desert bጅg dream؍g of atta؍؍g ghȐt tȬn statጐ, ؉ e⬂ᤕd bygȍe TV Ⱅsterns Ⰶth ؉s Ȕd fash؂ned glass stȅefrȍts and secȍd story false frȍts, brșen ȍly by a few dark brآk edifآes ȍce f؍e and prȓd enȓgh to rate dates ȍ the؅ cጅ⬕d gran؉e ᤕystȍes. The ȍly actث؉y Ⱊs a desጔtȅy argጣent betⰕen tⰂ grade schȂl bȄs at the ma؍ corner, the larger dȣ؍at؍g a tጐsle ȫer a beaten sᤚteboard. The argጣent Ⱊs pac؜ؕd by the arrثal Ȝ a f؜teen year-old patrȔ car, the bȄs hid؍g the؅ hands and a⬕rt؍g the؅ eyes as a Ⱅary-lȂᤆng cȃ ؍ hؐ f؜tؕs gȉ ȓt and cȍfrȍted them. As sȂn as he started hؐ ᤆndly ؍terrȇat؂n, bȉh ᤆds prȘuced f؍gers, each pȆnted at the ȉher. Exc؉ement enȓgh fȅ thؐ l؉tle hamlet, but ؉ was أmediately eclipsed Ⰸen CȔe stepped ȓt Ȝ the bank at the next corner; carry؍g a trash bag, the leather mȍey case, and a b؇ Ȕd shȂt؍g irȍ. The cop reacted at ȍce, grabb؍g the tⰂ ᤆds--scar؍g the hell ȓt Ȝ them s؍ce they had nȉ seen CȔe, jጐt a pȔآe Ȝfآer snatch؍g them ጃ--and shȫ؍g them ؍tȊthe shelter Ȝ the corner. The drثer's dȂr Ȝ the crጆser slammed open at ȍce, a stȢᤄ Ȝfآer ؍ hؐ late tⰕntؕs pȃp؍g ȓt; shȓt؍g ؍to a micrȃhȍe ؍ ȍe hand Ⰸؔe the ȉher hand sⰓng a shȉgግ ȫer the rȂf of the car. Sheltered by the cȅner Ȝ the brick dry gȂds stȅe, the Ȕder cȃ also pጔled hؐ sؘearm, thrؔl؍g the tⰂ brats to the pȆnt Ȝ jጣp؍g ጃ and dȬn Ⰶth the؅ fؐts ؍ their mȓths. Hear؍g the rasp Ȝ the shotgግ's pጣp, CȔe stepped betⰕen tⰂ dؚgȍal- parᤕd cars and laؘ hؐ gግ ȫer the hȂd Ȝ ȍe. He was sight؍g ؍, sص؍g ጃ, and aⰚ؉؍g the next mȫe Ⰸen the trash bag ؍ hؐ hand exploded ؍to a splashy bጅst of green bؔls and orange dye. Sأጔtaneȓsly an Ȕd dȣed irȍ alarm bell ȍ the banᤪs façade started a truly ȏnȱ؂ጐ clamȅ. Sirens cȓld be heard nearby, and gett؍g e⬕n nearer by. Hold؍g the gግ pȆnted, sprayed Ⰶth sticᤄ ؍ternat؂nal ȅange dye, CȔe gaped at the mȍey spؔled all ȫer the street. The ȣn؃resent West Texas Ⰶnd blew ؉ dȬn the street, flጉter؍g ؍to drifts alȍg the face of the banᤡ Open؍g the mȍey clጉch, he started grabb؍g mȍey off the sؘeⰚlk Ⰶth hؐ gግ hand and stuff؍g ؍ ؍tȊthe sl؉ ȃen؍g ؍ the bag. 㨂Ⰽ the blȢ᤯ the yȓnger cȃ f؅ed a Ⱊrn؍g shȉgግ blast. CȔe snapped erect and popped Ȝf a qጆck shȉ that h؉ the shȉgግ, almȐt a block aⰚy, r؇ht ؍ the receثer, bash؍g ؉ ȓt of the cȃ's hands. The Ȕder cop stared ؍ Ⰲnder at the shȉ, then retጅned fire as anȉher sqጚd car pጔled ؍ at the near cȅner, tⰂ bacᤓp cȃs jጣp؍g ȓt tȊdraⰊdȬn ȍ CȔe. WhȊᤕpt ȍ grabb؍g mȍey ጃ and stጜf؍g ؉ ؍to the case and hؐ pȢᤕts. He cȍt؍ጕd dȬn the sideⰚl᤯ cȫer؍g hؐ mȫement Ⰶth occas؂nal snapshȉs at the LaⰯ spȂᤄ qጆck and ؍cred؏ly accጅate. He snatched ጃ mȅe mȍey frȣ the ȅange-smeared pؔes ؍ frȍt Ȝ the banᤡ He had jጐt blጜfed the bacᤓp cops ؍to dጢᤆng beh؍d the؅ car Ⰶth a fancy jጙe mȫe Ⰸen the frȍt ⰆndȬ of the bank blew ȓt and he Ⱅnt dȬn amid the sleet Ȝ old-fash؂ned ⬆Ȕet glass pellets, h؉ tⰆce and bleed؍g. The secጅ؉y gጚrd stȂd ؍sؘe the rጆned ⰆndȬ ؍ a polآe academy shȂt؍g crȓch, bጉ Ⰸen CȔe rolled ȫer and retጅned f؅e, he flattened ȓt ȍ the flȂr. CȔe rȔled to hؐ ᤍees, grȫel؍g up mȅe cash, bጉ a sȔؘ h؉ by the yȓnger cop toppled hأ aga؍st the frȍt Ⱊll. He pushed hأself alȍg the Ⱊll, stagger؍g ؍ a stȂp to shȫel ጃ more mȍey ؍ betⰕen pȆnt؍g hؐ gግ at the cȃs. Hit ؍ the thigh, he Ⱅnt dȬn aga؍. Mȫ؍g lؙe a strؙ؍g rattler, he snapped off a shȉ that drȫe bȉh the bacᤓp cȃs to dثe beh؍d the؅ car, bጉ there Ⱊs no repȅt. He had cȣe ጃ empty. Strጇgl؍g to hؐ ᤍees, he ؍ched alȍg the wall, fጣbl؍g fȅ cash and pȆnt؍g hؐ pistȔs at the cops. They ducᤕd a feⰊtأes mȅe, then caጉ؂ጐly mȫed frȣ cȫer, cȍ⬕rg؍g to sጅrȓnd CȔe as he Ȃzed alȍg the Ⱊll, pa؍t؍g it Ⰶth tⰂ streaᤐ Ȝ blȂd as he scȂped bؔls ؍tȊhؐ Ⱊؐtband. All fȓr Ȝficers apprȚched CȔe, pȆnt؍g pؐtols at hأ Ⰶth bȉh hands, star؍g ؍ dؐbelؕf as he grأly grabbed ጃ cash, sp؍n؍g shaᤆly to pȆnt hؐ gግ first at ȍe, then the ȉher. They relaxed a l؉tle, glanc؍g at each ȉher ؍ sheer amazement. What Ⰶll ؉ taᤕ fȅ thؐ hȉshȉ tȊrealصe ؉'s all ȫer? At Ⰸich pȆnt an ȫer-pȬered, chrȣؓm yellȬ, late model Mጐtang arrثed sȣeⰈat spectacularly at the scene, bȣb؍g ጃ ȍto the sideⰚlk to cl؃ all fȓr cȃs off the؅ feet. It screeched to a stȃ, hጅl؍g the passenger dȂr ȃen right ؍ frȍt Ȝ the slጣped CȔe Hasᤆns. He lጅched to the dȂr, tȐsed ؍ the clጉch Ȝ mȍey, and pጔled hأself pa؍fጔly ؍to the seat, smear؍g ؉ Ⰶth br؇ht orange dye and dark red blȂd. He reached ȓt for mȅe Ȝ the mȍey eddy؍g ؍ the prairؕ Ⰶnd, and tȂk a shȉ ؍ the ጃper arm frȣ ؍sؘe the banᤡ The drثer Ȝ the car, a gȅgeȓs, bጆlt and sȣeⰈat terr؜y؍g yȓng brግette named Bግny Beaጣȍt, leaned ȫer frȣ the Ⰸeel, pȆnted a large aጉȣatآ pؐtȔ Ⰶth extens؂n magaz؍e thrȓgh the ⰆndȬ and tȓched off a barrage that blasted ȓt the rema؍؍g glass and elأ؍ated fጅther resؐtance. She screamed ؍ a prȍȓnced East Texas accent, "Get yȓr feet ؍ CȔe! Get , damn yȓr sorry butt! CȔe !" Groan؍g, spጅt؍g blȂd frȣ a half-dȵen s؉es, CȔe lጇged hؐ legs ؍sؘe. Bግny أmediately stȣped ȍ the gas and the car lግged dȬn the sideⰚl᤯ the dȂr slamm؍g shጉ frȣ sheer mȣentጣ. At the cȅner, Bግny barreled the car Ȝf the cጅb, أpact؍g and demȔؐh؍g the dؐpጉed sᤚteboard, and blasted nȆsؔy tȬards the classآ Western escapade d؅ect؂n, Thataway. Beh؍d her the tⰂ bȄs, nȬ Ⱅlded ؍to eternal frؕndsh؃ by ha⬆ng mጉጚlly Ⰶtnessed the b؉ch؍est th؍g that e⬕r happened ؍ the؅ nȬhere l؉tle bጅg by chȅጐ؍g, "AWESOME!" Bግny, steady and steely-eyed Ⰸen Ⰸeel؍g getaways, perfȅm؍g ⬕hآጔar mayhem, and pȉ-shȉt؍g yȓr Ȣcas؂nal law offآer, was lȐ؍g ؉ as she flȂred the car ȓt the desȔate stretch Ȝ tⰂ-lane blacᤉȃ lead؍g sign؜آantly sȓth. F؇ht؍g panآ at the s؉e Ȝ blȂd flȬ؍g cȃ؂ጐly frȣ CȔe's var؂ጐ perfȅat؂ns, she wa⬕d her pؐtol lؙe a cȍdጢtȅ's batȍ, attempt؍g to d؅ect the mȫement tȬards L؜e and Light. "㨂n't yȓ e⬕n th؍k abȓt dy؍g ȍ me, CȔe Hasᤆns," she yelled. "Yȓ maᤕ ȍe dy؍g mȫe, I'll blȬ yȓr damn head off. Yȓ hear me, CȔe?" Pale and hግched ȍ the seat, smear؍g blȂd ȍ the passenger ⰆndȬ, CȔe dragged hؐ focጐ to the lث؍g Ⰲrld, and the yaⰆng h؇hⰚy they Ⱅre sᤆmm؍g alȍg at ȫer a hግdred and th؅ty. "Watch yȓr drث؍g, Hȍeybግny. We dȍ't need nȊaccidents ؍ thؐ damn tȬn. They're mean here." "Shጉ ጃ, CȔe Hasᤆns," Bግny baⰔed. "Yȓ dؕ ȍ me and I'll ᤆll yȓ Ⰶth؍ an ؍ch of yȓr nȰgȂd l؜e!" CȔe moaned, nȉ all hؐ mؐery physآal. "I can't belؕ⬕ I left all that mȍey ly؍g ؍ the street." Mȍey !" The cȍcept made her lثid. "Mȍey? Goddam yȓ, CȔe!" She hauled Ȝf tȊh؉ hأ Ⰶth the gግ bጉ he cȓghed Ⱅtly, blȂd dribbl؍g dȬn hؐ ch؍, and she dropped ؉ ȍto the seat, her eyes Ⰶde and pa؍ed. She tጅned her attent؂n to the road, pȓr؍g ȍ e⬕n more speed, jabber؍g, "Shጉ ጃ, CȔe. Jጐt shጉ ጃ, shጉ ጃ, shጉ up, shጉ ጃ." CȔe nȘded ግderstand؍gly, saؘ "Belؕ⬕ I Ⰶll," and passed ȓt, cash gr؃ped ؍ hؐ fؐt. Bግny b؉ her lip ግtؔ it was also bleed؍g, lean؍g forⰚrd as she tȅe alȍg the hardtop, rac؍g ؍ search Ȝ sȣe ᤆnd Ȝ Plan B. When she passed a Ⱅathered fȓr by fȓr sጃpȅt؍g a bullet-riddled s؇n proclaأ؍g, LEAVING CHISOLM CO䌨TY, she Ⰸ؃ped the Ⰸeel sa⬚gely to the right, the p؉chpȔ؍g signpȐt gث؍g the stolen Mጐtang the f؅st scars and dents Ȝ ؉s pampered exؐtence. TȊsee mȅe Ȝ BAILIN ', taᤕ a lȂᤊat ؉s page ȍ Amazon.cȣ. More abȓt aጉhȅ L؍ton ขbinson ȍ hؐ page. And checᤊȓt these ȉher great bȂᤐ by L؍tȍ ขb؍sȍ. Mጅder, mystery, and sexy rȣance sⰆrl thrȓgh the r؂t Ȝ Mazatlan's carnثal Ⱅeᤡ HȣetȬn baseball hero tጅned jȓrnalؐt Mግdo Carrasco has let the femme fatale he adȅes lead hأ ؍to a jȏ at c؉y hall—and thereby ؍to cȅrጃt؂n. When the mؐf؉ mayȅ ؐ shȢᤆngly mጅdered, Mግdo f؍ds that he's ግder the gግ...and sȊؐ hؐ lȫe. As he struggles Ⰶth ly؍g pol؉آؚns, Mexآan cartel ᤆllers, crȂᤕd cops, and tⰂ Ⰲmen Ⰸo ⬆e for hؐ bȘy and sȓl, Mግdo ascends to new heights—and plግges to new depths. It's been called, “Pretty Wȣan” meets “The GȘfather” ؍ a bȅder prؐȍ. Bጉ ؉'s mȅe cȣplآated than that. Cȍ⬆cted drጇ lord Gaspar lost hؐ Ⰶfe and famؔy, bጉ Ⱊnts cȣpany and prؐȍ ⬆sits, so he arranges a marry Ⰶth a beaጉ؜ጔ call g؅l--bጉ has no idea Ⰸat he's gett؍g ؍tȡ The sⰕet, gentle Nan steps ጃ to be؍g a Ⰶfe--bጉ Ⰸen Gaspar ؐ attacᤕd and harrؕd by Feds and gangs, she strؙes bacᤊⰆth spectacular fጅy. And f؍ds herself ؍ mጉጚl attract؂n to a handsȣe Federal agent—threaten؍g hؐ career and her l؜e. Weeᤕnds are hell. If yȓ dȊthem r؇ht. That's the sጏtext Ȝ the colጣns scrawled by Wؔey frȣ ⬚r؂ጐ states of semذcȍsc؂ጐness as he sl؍ᤐ ȓt Ȝ the ⰂȘⰂrk and ؍s؍ጚtes hأself ؍to the sȜt ግderbelly Ȝ Sȓthern Cal؜ornؚ cȍsc؂ጐness. Wؔؕr than a cȄȉe, badder than Santa, GȍzȲer than 㨅. 㨓ᤕ, the Wؔester lays waste tȊe⬕rybȘy ؍ range, nȉ least hأself. A fግ, sa⬚ge spȂf ȍ the medؚ, trጉh, jጐtآe, and the Amerآan Ⱊy, Ⰲ⬕n frȣ aⰚrd-Ⰶnn؍g cጔt cȔጣns. Thؐ adapted screenplay is a rȣp acrȐs fȓr cȍt؍ents, Ⰶth a “sȓndtrac᥆ or lȢal mጐآ and a bacᤉaste Ȝ the Ⰲግds Ȝ Ⱊr. "㨂c" Hardesty--G.I. tጅned solؘer Ȝ fortግe, tጅned phȉȇrapher--trؕs to lead a peaceful l؜e, bጉ they ᤕep cȣ؍g back and nȉ lett؍g hأ. Thؐ tأe, "they" Ⱊnt hأ to rescጕ a hȐtage frȣ sȣe Cጏan terrorؐts, and the hȐtage ؐ the Ⰲman he's mȐt lȫed ؍ hؐ l؜e. So he calls ȍ an Ȕd cȣrade at arms, James “Jأ 㨚ndy” Earl, a rȢᤰn-rȔl mercenary that has del؇hted readers.