Agricultural tarpaulins usage & application Agricultural tarpaulins usage & application

Agricultural tarpaulins usage & application - PDF document

mohantarp . @mohantarp
Uploaded On 2022-03-26

Agricultural tarpaulins usage & application - PPT Presentation

We supply the industrys best agricultural tarpaulins which are used for agricultural purposes ID: 910152

agricultural tarpaulins mulch film greenhouse film azolla sheet poultry curtains pond lining sheet




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Presentation Transcript

griԆltural਋arpaulinsਏฉge ᄊppliԉ�ግs griculturइ ଉrpaulins ःe a necessity fጃ fःming, pः�culःly with the tᐌicइਚndiऍ਎ubᴅግ�nent summerਘeईher! vऄlजle in a huge rऍge ጕ sizes ऍd guःऍteed wईerprጓf, tःpआlins cऍ be used to cጟer crጌs, hऔ, strघ, ऍd fःm mअhinerᐗ prገec�ng themਕr጖ਈheਐlements. pःt fr጖ agriculture tःpआlin cऍ इso be used to ढect quick repऄrs ःጆnd the fःm ግ ጆtᴜuildings, sheds, ऍd bःns, when rጓfs ጃ side pऍels hटe been dखaged by wind ጃ deteriጃईed with age. ┓upled with rጌes, fऎteners, and eᐐlets, tःpआlins ጢer a �e✄ble ऍd cheऌ wऔਈo cःryਓutਈempጃःᐊrepऄrਘጃkℊ ଉrpआlins इso dጆble up ऎ e✅ellent grጆndsheets, prጟiding e✅ellent grጆnd cጟerंe fጃ stጃing items ऍd crጌs जጟe the dखp of the eःth. Pግd lining ⤙eets - gricultural pግd liners ःe lengthily used in ंriculturइ sectጃ ጕ the cጆntry to cऌture wईer running inside the਌lऍet⨎ grጆnd. ⬐rmic጖pጎt bed - ଙe cul�va�ግ of annelid wጃms (such ऎ eःthwጃms ጃ blጓdwጃms) especiइly fጃ use as bऄt ጃ in c጖pጎ�ngਘhichਙelpsਈጊgrጘਈhe਎eeds. Mulch ⼄lm - Mulch �lms ःe used to mጛify sጄl temperईure, limit weed grጘth, prevent mጄsture lጎs, ऍd imprጟe crጌ ᐄeld ऎ well ऎ precጅitᐡ Becआse ጕ their thickness, use ጕ pigments ऍd their e✌ጎure to high sጇः irrछiऒግ, mulch �lms require prጌer light ऍdਈhermइ਎tabilizers with਄ntermediईeਅhemicइਃesistऍce. Pጇy Hጆse sheet - Pጇy houses ःe basicइly nईurइly ven�lईed climईeਅግtrጇled.  greenhጆse ጃ pጇy house is a building where plऍts such as �ጘers and vegetजles ःe grጘn. It usuइly hऎ a glass ጃ trऍslucent plऎ�c rጓf. Mऍy greenhጆses इso hटe glऎs ጃ plऎ�c wइls. Greenhጆses wःm up during the day via penetrऒግ ጕਈhe sun⨎ rऔsਘhichਙeई the਌lऍts,਎ጄl,ਉnd structure.਋hisਙeई is given up grछuइly thrጆghጆt the night. Greenhጆses c጖e in mऍᐊshऌesਉnd sizes, withਛi�erentਕunc�ግs. Pጆltry ┆rtऄns - Prጟiding ᐓur chickens㐛ucks ऍ ጆtdጓr spअe where they cऍ freely mጟe ःጆnd during their अ�ve periጛ, ऍ indጓr spअe is इso cruciइ fጃ their wellᴜeing ऍd grጘth. This is why it’s impጃtऍt thई ᐓu tतe �me in designing the shelter ऍd prጟiding it the necessःy pጆltry supplies, equipment including pጆltryਅurtऄnsℊ dequईe ligh�ng is ግe of the basic requirements when building pጆltry shelters. pःt fr጖ thई pጆltry curtऄns ःe इso cግsidered to plऔ an impጃtऍt rጇe in ᐓur tःgeted brጄler prጛuc�ግ. Mጎt pጆltry fःm ጘners use pጆltry curtऄns like the blue ऍd ᐐllጘ ones becआse they hटe been prጟen to be a cግtribu�ngਕअtጃਓnਜrጄlers਌erfጃmऍce. We ःe ግe ጕ the pr጖inent agriculturइ tःpआlin suppliers ℷur c጖prehensive ःrऔ includes Pግd lining ⤙eets , zጇla ⤙eet Mulch �lms & ⬐rmibed . ଙe pግd lining cጟers ःe mछe ጕ HDPE fजrics ऍdਅईerਈheਃequirementsਓfਚndiऍ fःmersℊ Our rऍge is e✈ensively used in ⤓lः drᐄng shed cጟers, Pጇy hጆse sheets, ⼄sh pግd liners, ⬐rmic጖pጎed beds, 㨓w cጎt cጘ dung bऎed biጂas plऍts, pጆltry curtऄns, pጆltry rጓfs ऍd many mጃe.