pond liner for water harvesting pond liner for water harvesting

pond liner for water harvesting - PDF document

mohantarp . @mohantarp
Uploaded On 2022-01-27

pond liner for water harvesting - PPT Presentation

Pond liner basically used for water harvesting of your pond It is also used in fish aquaculture water reservoir water storage tanks etc Pond lining films come in various sizes There are two types pond liner installation process one is open and another is sandwich It has multiple features like ID: 907662

pond liner pond lining films hdpe pond liner geomembrane pond liner




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Presentation Transcript

he dr܃mअfhअpcumअlcएmsᄃg he dre܈ of pe܌eful rippฃs spre܅༑g ܌ross a ሇrden pond ጏth your ሉฅᘐh r༐ing to the surf܌e for feed༑g every even༑g ܈id the ฏต p܅s ༐ ᘑ܎ต coming to fru༘on. Wh༎e rese܆ching the best methods for bu༎d༑g a sm܎ผ decorܘve �sh pond ༑ your ሇrden, you mܕ hܗe cons༅ered us༑g a t܆p ܐ ܄fruሇคsubs᠔ute for ܄pond ฏner. It seems ฏke ܄ሉod ideܙ It ༐ ༈portܑt to seฃct or spec༊y h༒hἒr܅e poตmer res༑s thܔ hܗe been mܑuf܌tured to meet the spec༖c, unique demands encountered by Pond ฏners. he he hdramo fmporamce m܏nต used for ጇter reten�on, ༑cญd༑g the ฏn༑g of งkes, wstdfఉᔐ , ሇrden ponds ܑd ܆᠖c༇l streams ༑ p܆ks ܑd ሇrdens. Its need to be protected from sharp objects beฉw the ฏner ܑd from be༑g punctured by ܑy objects ༑ the ጇter body. Protec᠉n cܑ be prov༅ed ጏth งyers of sand, concrete, ᘛberἈܣnሜ ሃotex᠎eᰄܑd other mܔer༇ฐ. h̄d�ȧ̒dw�y ༐ mܑuf܌tured ༑ roฎs of uli or snug ܑd wcftctyehmc . Str་s of ฏner cܑ be se܈ed or ጃฅed toሃther on s༔e or can be preἊܛr༌ܔed in our f܌tory. he edሃ of the fmporamam� v�cc cܑ be roฎed over ܑd secured ༑ a trench or ༔ cܑ be ᘤed to a ver᠌܎ ጇฎ m܅e ༑ br༌k or concrete. h̄drȧ̒dva�yd�ᤈWawW఑h̛ S༎p܍ฏn pond ฏn༑ሄsheet comes ༑ ☧⠄& ⨨⠄GSM ጏth ⨄ye܆s ጇrrܑty & bญe coฉur. HDPE ጉven ሃomembrܑe ฏners comes ༑ ⨨⠄m༌ron (☧0 GSM), 5⠨ m༌ron (㈦⠄GSM) ܑd ㌧⠄m༌ron (㐧⠄GSM) ጏth bงck coฉur. HDPE NonἚoven ฏners comes ༑ ⨨⠄m༌ron (☳㐄GSM)ᰄ✨⠄m༌ron (㈴⠄ GSM) & ㌨⠄m༌ron (㐶0 GSM). here ܆e two types pond ฏner ༑st܎ง᠉n process one ༐ open ܑd ܑother ༐ sandጏch. ,ᤙ�aW఑h̐b Wܔer H܆ves�ng Wܔer Reservo༆ F༐h Ponds 㤏ners for E㨍ent reܔment Pงnt (EP) Wܔer storܒe tank in ܒr༌uดure lIkἘa�.ఠ�aedh̄d�äodఖshdᐌsdᔠ�ᄙ�mdfm఍ msd�a℈j cost e�ec᠗e (ฉw cost), durܛฃ (งst ฉnሱᰄ ฃܞ proof ܑd ጇter proof (prevent ܑy kind of ฃakܒe)ᰄ UV stܛ༎༾ed (prevent uดr܄v༉ฃt rܕs)ᰄ eܐy ༑st܎l ܑd ฏሂt we༒ht (cܑ be ༑st܎ฃd eܐ༎y ܑd ጃ༒ht ༐ ܎so ฏሂt) ܏ฉrἈ܅e ܐ per cฏents requ༆ement H༒h tens༎e strenሔh Cr܌k res༐tܑt e܆ res༐tܑt ༒htต se܎ed ጏth ܅vܑced ጃld༑ሄsystems It ༐ not ጉrth sk༈pinሄon your pond ฏner as ༔ ༐ one of the most ༈portܑt ܐpects of bu༎d༑ሄ܄pond. It ༐ de�n༔eต ጉrth spend༑ሄthܔ extr܄money on qu܎༔y ฏner to cut b܌k some mܢor rep܏rs ༑ the future. I ణ�mdଌumoᤉhhfdh̄dräod�’ᤖamodἅIasuoa⌠uhoj Mohܑ ܆p suppฏes some of the most durܛle S༎p܍ฏn䀥uncooคpond ฏners to protect ponds from seepܒe. hey ܆e ܄ �mఄa̒ds’ᤖamo of ܄v܆༃ty of fmporamam�ov�ccv thܔ ܐsure zero ฃakܒe and h༒h mechan༌܎ res༐tance. hey manuf܌ture h༒hต durܛle pond ฏners thܔ ܆e used ܑd preferred by m܆ket ฃaders. You can v༐༔ our Youube chܑneคἄ h�ps:䁀ጓጙyoutube.com䀌hanneเUCcK㌟z☐nIkHFIማkHKsF-A