B ADOPTED RE SOLUTION RESOLVED That the American Bar Association recognizes that lesbian B ADOPTED RE SOLUTION RESOLVED That the American Bar Association recognizes that lesbian

B ADOPTED RE SOLUTION RESOLVED That the American Bar Association recognizes that lesbian - PDF document

myesha-ticknor . @myesha-ticknor
Uploaded On 2014-12-27

B ADOPTED RE SOLUTION RESOLVED That the American Bar Association recognizes that lesbian - PPT Presentation

20 ID: 30313

bar lgbt american resolved lgbt bar resolved american eople laws association urges human regulations protection work discrimination rights equal ensure discriminatory law




Presentation Transcript

114B ADOPTED RE SOLUTION RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association recognizes that lesbian, gay, bisexual 1 and transgender (LGBT) people have a human right to be free from discrimination, 2 threats and violence based on their LGBT status and condemns all laws, regulations and 3 rules or prac tices that discriminate on the basis that an individual is a LGBT person ; 4 5 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges the governments of 6 countries where such discriminatory laws, regulations, and practices exist to repeal them 7 with all deliberate speed and ensure the safety and equal protection under the law of all 8 LGBT p eople; 9 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the American Bar Associatio n urges other bar 11 associations and attorneys in jurisdictions where there are such discriminatory laws or 12 incidents of targeting of LGBT p eople to work to defend victims of anti - L GBT 13 discrimi nation or conduct, and to recognize and support their colleagues who take these 14 cases as human rights advocates ; and 15 16 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges the United States 17 Government, through bilateral and multilateral channels, to work to end discrimination 18 against LGBT p eople and to ensure that the rights of LGBT p eople receive equal 19 protection und er the law. 20