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䜀物攀癥猀Ⱐ䬀愀礠⠲ ㄀〩 ꤀䠀潷⁤漠祯甠氀椀步 祯畲⁥杧猀 椀渠琀桥 洀潲湩湧㼀꤀㨀 䄀⁳椀洀灬攀 㜠猀琀攀瀀 琀潯氀欀椀琀 景爀 挀牥愀琀椀湧 猀琀牡琀攀杩挀 洀愀牫攀琀椀湧 灬愀湳 琀桡琀 牥愀氀氀礀 眀潲欮 䴀愀湵愀氀⸀ 唀湩癥牳椀琀礀 潦⁓畮摥牬愀湤⸀
唀湰畢氀椀猀桥搩  䐀漀眀湬潡搀敤 昀爀潭㨀 栀琀琀瀺⼀⼀猀甀爀攮猀畮摥爀氀慮搮愀挮畫⼀椀搯数爀椀渀琀⼀㌰㘹⼀ 唀猀慧攀⁧甀椀搀攀氀椀渀攀猀 倀氀攀愀猀攀 牥晥爀 琀漀 琀桥 畳愀来 杵椀摥氀椀湥猀 愀琀 桴琀瀀㨀⼀⼀猀畲攀⹳畮摥牬愀湤⹡挀⹵欀⼀灯氀椀挀椀攀猀⹨琀洀氀 潲 愀氀琀攀牮愀琀椀癥氀礀 挀潮琀愀挀琀⁳畲攀䀀猀畮摥牬愀湤⹡挀⹵欮 THE 7 STEP MARKETING TOOLKIT“how do you like youreggs in the morning?” A SIMPLE SEVEN STEP TOOLKIT FOR CREATING STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANS THAT REALLY WORK!Kay Grieves Library Quality & Marketing ManagerUniversity of Sunderland The Strategic Marketing Toolkit puts your customers at the centre of service planning, delivery and promotion. Its 7 easy steps will help you to create marketing plans that clarify distinct service offers, target key customer groups HUKJVTT\UPJH[L[OLILULÄ[ZVM`V\YZLY]PJLZLMMLJ[P]LS` Originally developed by University Library Services at the University of Sunderland, the toolkit has now been employed for various purposes at Sunderland and beyond, and has proved to be both highly accessible and transferable. The aim of today’s workshop is to share with you the concept of the toolkit and its core techniques, so that you can translate it for your own needs - ensuring that your customers fully engage with your services and that you are able to demonstrate the real difference you are making to them. Kay Grieves Quality & Marketing Manager University of Sunderland FORWARD Page 2 The 7 Step Marketing Toolkit: Contents Page Page 3 CONTENTS Page 4 Introduction Step 1: Identify your strategic direction Step 2: SWOT your service offers :[LW!7YVÄSL`V\YJ\Z[VTLYZPU[VZLNTLU[Z Step 4: Match your offers to your segments :[LW!;YHUZMVYT`V\YVMMLYZPU[VILULÄ[Z :[LW!;YHUZSH[L`V\YILULÄ[ZPU[VTLZZHNLZ i INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION What strategic marketing is not... The terms ‘marketing’ and ‘promotion’ seem to have become rather confused in our profession. When libraries talk about ‘marketing’ a new service what they are often referring to is ‘promoting’ it. Promotion is one aspect of marketing, but it is at the end rather than the beginning of the process. Inward looking and product based When ‘promoting’ services, libraries often fall into the trap of starting with the features of a new product or service and trying to sell them to their customers. Strategic marketing turns this process around by starting with our customers and planning how their needs and preferences can be met by services we offer or can develop. Due to the sheer range of our customers and inevitable time pressures we often try to sell our services in the same way to all customers, students or staff. Marketing shows us that we need to personalise our messages and target them to be truly effective. What Strategic Marketing is... Strategic marketing is all about ensuring that we plan and design our planning process which, by putting the customer at the centre of all that ^LKVLUHISLZ\Z[VKLJPKL^OPJOJ\Z[VTLYZ[V[HYNL[OLSWZ\Z[VKLÄUL the correct service offer to make to those customers and ultimately ensures that our customers choose our services and engage with them rather than those of our competitors. This is achieved by clearly and effectively planning communications to those customers so that they fully understand the difference V\YZLY]PJLZJHUTHRLHUK[OLILULÄ[Z^LOH]L[VVMMLY[V[OLTHZPUKP]PK\HSZ Creating your own marketing plans will help you to achieve this within the framework of your own strategic service objectives. :[YH[LNPJTHYRL[PUNJHU[OLYLMVYLILKLÄULKHZ! º(KPHSVN\LV]LY[PTL^P[OHZWLJPÄJNYV\WVMJ\Z[VTLYZ^OVZLULLKZ`V\ \UKLYZ[HUKPUKLW[OHUKMVY^OVT`V\KL]LSVWHZWLJPÄJVMMLY^P[OHU HK]HU[HNLV]LY[OLVMMLYZVM`V\YJVTWL[P[VYZ» McDonald º;OLHJOPL]LTLU[VMJVYWVYH[LNVHSZ[OYV\NOTLL[PUNHUKL_JLLKPUNJ\Z[VTLY Jobber º0[PZHTHUHNLTLU[WYVJLZZMVY\UKLYZ[HUKPUNTHYRL[ZMVYX\HU[PM`PUN[OL]HS\L YLX\PYLKI`[OLKPMMLYLU[J\Z[VTLYNYV\WZPU[OLZLTHYRL[ZMVYJVTT\UPJH[PUN [OPZ[VL]LY`VULPU[OLVYNHUPZH[PVUHUKTLHZ\YPUN[OLLMMLJ[P]LULZZVM[OL HJ[\HS]HS\LKLSP]LYLK» McDonald 0UV[OLY^VYKZ! ‘Finding out what the customer needs ... and giving them it’ McDonald Translating marketing into the service sector Often strategic marketing is seen to be the preserve of the commercial world. The principles can be easily translated into the service sector although some terms may need a little translation: Customers Most libraries would now accept the concept of ‘customers’ although to some extent our customers (staff/students/partners) are different from commercial The 7 Step Marketing Toolkit: Introduction Page 5 customers in that they are in some way ‘tied’ to the University. However, they still have a choice as to how effectively they engage with our services. Competition In a service world this could be another service provider e.g. Google or indeed could be the lure of making no effort at all to engage with our services and doing nothing. Price 0UHZLY]PJLLU]PYVUTLU[WYPJLJHUILKLÄULKHZ^OH[J\Z[VTLYZULLK[V give up in order to engage with our services e.g. money, time, effort, or the attainment of new skills. The 7 Step Marketing Toolkit: Introduction Page 6 INTRODUCTION The Seven Step Strategic Marketing Toolkit STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 Establish where you are and where you want to go Identify your key service offers Identify who your customers are and segment them ,MÅVMI\IZOM\ML[MZ^QKMWNNMZNWZMIKPK][\WUMZ[MOUMV\ O`&4LHUZ[OLKLNYLL[V^OPJO[OLJ\Z[VTLYTHRLZYH[PVUHSHUKPYYH[PVUHS KLJPZPVUZ[VI\`¯Z\WWVZLHJ\Z[VTLY^HU[LK[VI\`HJHY;^VJVUJLW[Z ¶TLYLS`H]LOPJSLMVYNL[[PUNMYVTVULWSHJL[VHUV[OLY;OLV[OLYTPNO[ILHU McDonald Creating value propositions 4HRPUN[OLILULÄ[VYKPMMLYLUJLJSLHY[VHJ\Z[VTLYPZJHSSLKJYLH[PUNH]HS\L WYVWVZP[PVU;VKV[OPZ`V\ULLK[VTH[JO[OLJ\Z[VTLYZ»PKLU[PÄLKULLKZHUK TV[P]H[PVUZ[V[OLILULÄ[[OH[[OLWYVK\J[VYZLY]PJLJHUIYPUNJVU]PUJL[OLT that the price is worth it and that you are a better option than any competition. The 7 Step Marketing Toolkit: Step 5 Page 25 ACTION 8: Transforming your service offers into value propositions ;HRLVULZLNTLU[H[H[PTLHUK[OLYLSL]HU[ZLY]PJLVMMLYZ`V\OH]LPKLU[PÄLK for them. For each service offer or group of service offers, identify one or more ILULÄ[ZYLSL]HU[[V[OH[ZWLJPÄJZLNTLU[ Which segment? What is the product / service? What difference will it make to them? Why is the price worth it? What is the compelling difference between us and the competitor?  X\HSP[`ZH]PUN[PTLTHRL[OPUNZLHZPLYQVPUPUN[OPUNZ\WZH]PUNHQV\YUL`RLLWPUN[OPUNZZHML ;OLZLRL`ILULÄ[ZHYLVM[LUYLMLYYLK[VHZº\UPX\LZLSSPUNWVPU[Z» The 7 Step Marketing Toolkit: Step 5 STEP 5: TRANSFORM YOUR OFFERS INTO BENEFITS Page 26 The 7 Step Marketing Toolkit: Step 5 STEP 5: TRANSFORM YOUR OFFERS INTO BENEFITS Which segment? What is the product / service? What difference will it make to them? Why is the price worth it? What is the compelling difference between us and the competitor? :[YH[LNPJ4HYRL[PUN;VVSRP[!2H`.YPL]LZ(WWLUKP_ Page 27 Recap By the end of Step 1 you will have a clear picture of your overall strategic direction and what you are hoping to achieve. By the end of Step 2 you will have a clear picture of what your overall service offers are, where your particular strengths and opportunities lie and also where weaknesses and threats exist which may need to be addressed. It may be that the SWOT analysis helps to show where you should continue to deliver services in the same way, where you have the opportunity to develop services further and perhaps which services are no longer relevant and may need to be stopped. segmented your customers I\PS[\WHWYVÄSLMVY`V\YRL`J\Z[VTLYZLNTLU[ named them described their needs and characteristics carried out a SWOT analysis for each segment By the end of Step 4 you will have taken each customer segment and created a mix of service offers to meet their needs and characteristics. Using the 4 Ps WYPUJPWSLZ`V\^PSSOH]LPKLU[PÄLKHYHUNLVMZLY]PJLZYLSL]HU[[VLHJOZLNTLU[ PKLU[PÄLK^OLYL[OL`HYLH]HPSHISL[OLWYPJL`V\YJ\Z[VTLYZOH]L[VWH`MVY them and where your competition lies. )`[OLLUKVM:[LW`V\^PSSOH]LPKLU[PÄLK[OLKPMMLYLUJL[OH[LHJOZLY]PJL offer will make to each segment, why the price of each service offer is worth it and why it is better than the offers made by the competition. For each segment HUKZLY]PJLVMMLY`V\^PSSOH]LPKLU[PÄLKHUV]LYHSSILULÄ[ STEP 5: TRANSFORM YOUR OFFERS INTO BENEFITS The 7 Step Marketing Toolkit: Step 5 6 TRANSLATE YOUR BENEFITS INTO MESSAGES Page 29 STEP 6: TRANSLATE YOUR BENEFITS INTO MESSAGES Step 6: LOVWL[OH[`V\ÄUK[OPZ[VVSRP[]HS\HISL0M`V\^V\SKSPRL[V\ZLP[PU`V\Y own organisation please contact us so that we can offer you guidance on how best to apply it to your own organisational context and how to achieve the best results from it. We would be very interested to hear any feedback you may have. To let us know what you think or if we can help in any way please contact: Kay Grieves The Murray Library University Library Services Sunderland SR1 3SD Tel: 0191 5153273 email kay.grieves@sunderland.ac.uk twitter @KayJGrieves hashtag #7uoseggs Please use the hashtag to share your feedback and ideas pinterest pinterest.com/UniOfSunLib blog 7steptoolkit.wordpress.com FURTHER INFORMATION The 7 Step Marketing Toolkit: Further Information Kay Grieves, University of Sunderland Library Services, 2012

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