WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023

WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 - PowerPoint Presentation

pasty-toler . @pasty-toler
Uploaded On 2018-12-13

WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 - PPT Presentation

Dr Zhang Qi Traditional Complementary and Integrative Medicine Service Delivery and Safety Overview of my presentation Global situation in TampCM WHO TM strategy Implementation of the strategy ID: 740825

health amp traditional medicine amp health medicine traditional national tci services practice care quality regulation practitioners strategy safety integrative provide support integration




Presentation Transcript


WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023

Dr Zhang Qi

Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Service Delivery and SafetySlide2

Overview of my presentationGlobal situation in T&CMWHO TM strategy

Implementation of the strategy Slide3

Demand and need to T&CMOver 100 million Europeans are currently T&CM users, with one-fifth regularly using T&CM and preferring health care which includes T&CM . There are many more T&CM users in Africa, Asia, Australia and North America. In Australia,

of those randomly interviewed, 68.9% used at least one form of CAM in the past 12 months and 44.1% visited CAM practitioners.In US, a national health survey in 2007 revealed that more than $34 billion is spent on CAM annually and almost 4 out of 10 adults had used CAM.In China, according to the recent national survey

data, 907

million visits to traditional Chinese medicine – 18% of all medical visits;


million traditional Chinese medicine inpatients – 16% of the total in all


In India, There are 785 185 registered Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy(AYUSH) practitioners and an estimated one million village-based, traditional AYUSH community health workers.Slide4

Demand and need to T&CMAn extensive number of patients with multiple sclerosis resort to complementary and alternative medicine treatments: prevalence of use ranges from

41 percent in Spain to 70 percent in Canada and 82 percent in Australia.In China, the top five diseases for admission to traditional Chinese medicine hospitals: cerebrovascular accident, intervertebral disc displacement, haemorrhoids, ischaemic heart disease and essential hypertension.Slide5

Demand and need to T&CMNearly a quarter of all modern medicines are derived from natural products, many of which were first used in a traditional medicine context. TM is thus a resource for primary health care, but also for innovation and discovery.Slide6

Progress since 2002 in T&CMSlide7

Regulation on practitioners in T&CM








Education in T&CM

72 (56%)



Challenges in T&CMSlide10

ChallengesProgress relating to regulation on herbal medicines is moving faster, while regulation on TM practice and practitioners is advancing at a slower rate.

Member States where lack of knowledge in formulating national policy has led to a lack of regulations on TM practice and practitioners as well as a lack of integration of TM services into health service delivery and self-health care. Slide11


States & WHOSlide12



UHC (Outcome)



Responsiveness Efficiency Fairness Quality Resilience

Achieve Universal Health Coverage

All people and communities receive the quality health services they need,

without financial hardship


1: No poverty

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG 16: Inclusive societies

G o v e r n a n c e

F i n a n c i n g

S e r v i c e D e l i v e r y


Medical Products

SGD 8: Inclusive economic growth and

decent jobs


SDG 3: Equitable health outcomes and wellbeing; Global public health security and resilient societies











Health coverage values and principles




Health systems building blocks and outcomes







Why TCI can contribute to UHC and SDGsSDG: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all agesT&CM close to cultural, social, economical, environmental and spiritual elements – sustainable developmentEquity and universal access in health: T&CM is more available

, accessible, acceptable and affordableOTCs and non-medication interventionsElderly care and healthy industrySlide16

Why TCI can contribute to UHC and SDGsIncreasing practice and requests to WHO for policy and technical support on integrative medicine and care:

To provide support on appropriate policy in the integration of T&CM into health services particularly in PHC.To provide support on appropriate regulation in ensuring safety, quality and effective use of integrative practice in T&CM with conventional medicine.To provide support on appropriate training for providers in integrative practice to ensure the safety and quality of its services.

To provide technical support on interactions of herbal medicines with other medicines as increasing use of herbal medicines with drugs.

To provide support on cost effectiveness in the integrative approaches.Slide17

Primary health care and TCIActivities on 40th anniversary of Alma Ata DeclarationThe role of PHC in achieving UHC and SDGsThe role of TCI in PHC

The role of WHO TM strategy 2014-2023 and relevant WHA resolutionsSlide18

WHO TM Strategy 2014-2023: GoalsHarnessing the potential contribution of T&CM to health, wellness, people-centred health care and universal health coverage

Promoting safe and effective use of T&CM through the regulation, research and integration of T&CM products, practices and practitioners into the health system, as appropriateSlide19

WHO TM Strategy 2014-2023:

Objectives and directions

Build knowledge

base for

management through


Strengthen quality assurance, safety


proper use

and effectiveness by regulation

Promote universal


coverage by integration



recognize role and potential, build country profile

strengthen knowledge base


build evidence and

sustain resources

capitalize on

potential contribution

to improve

health services and health outcomes



about self-health care

products: monitoring, enforcement, harmonization



practitioners: education &training, skills development, services and therapies


Implementation of WHO TM Strategy: Indicators for monitoring

Member States reporting

a national/

provincial T&CM policy

increased governmental/

public research funding on T&CM

national regulation for T&CM products


provincial regulation for T&CM


national/provincial regulation/

registration for T&CM practitioners

national plan/


approach for integrating T&CM service into national health service delivery

consumer education project/program for self-health care using



WHA Resolution on Traditional MedicineWHA67.18 adopted in May 2014 urges Member States

:To adapt, adopt and implement, where appropriate, the WHO strategy as a basis for national T&CM programmes or work plansTo develop and implement working plans to integrate TM into health services particularly primary health care servicesTo report to WHO on progress in implementing the strategySlide22

WHA Resolution on Traditional MedicineWHA67.18 requests the Director-General of WHO:To facilitate Member States’ implementation of the WHO strategy, supporting their formulation of knowledge-based national policies, standards and regulations, and strengthening national capacity building

To provide policy guidance to Member States on how to integrate T&CM services within health care systemsTo provide technical guidance in ensuring safety, quality and effectiveness of T&CM servicesSlide23

WHA Resolution on integrated, people-centred health services(2016)

Title: Strengthening integrated, people-centred health servicesUrges WHO Member States to integrate where appropriate traditional and complementary medicine and modern health systems, based on national context and knowledge-based policies, while assuring the safety, quality and effectiveness of health services and taking into account a holistic approach to healthSlide24

Promote the contribution through : Leadership-Integration and Q&SSupport MS in their efforts in providing more health care choices to meet people’s needs and demandsReview and identify the existing models of appropriate integration in MS

particularly in PHC to support IPCHS, UHC, SDGs and to report good practicesQuality improvement and safety of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine(TCI) services (starting in acupuncture) - keep the world safe and “do no harm”

Quality and safety on herbal medicines

Qualified TCI practitionersSlide25

Promote the contribution through :Standards, norms and technical documentsA series of Benchmarks for practice in TCI:

Benchmarks for practice in Acupuncture and in CuppingBenchmarks for practice in AyurvedaBenchmarks for practice in PanchakarmaBenchmarks for practice in Tuina

Benchmarks for practice in UnaniSlide26

Promote the contribution through: Traditional Medicine Chapter (Module 1)

Purpose: enable traditional medicine health services to count and be counted internationally.Nature and scope:

the chapter in its current form refers to

disorders and patterns

which originated in ancient Chinese


and are commonly used in China, Japan, Korea, Australia, America, Europe and elsewhere around the world.

It will be the


for creating a

common language for

this part of TM


and strengthening the

integrative approach for




. WHO EB progress report agreed and consensus reache

d in Tokyo ICD congress in 2016.

Will be launched in June 2018.Slide27

Integration of T&CM into national health systems

Integrative medicine

The patients and the public

will be benefited


accessing more choices.

Traditional and




