United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania U United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania U

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania U - PDF document

sherrill-nordquist . @sherrill-nordquist
Uploaded On 2014-10-15

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania U - PPT Presentation

S District Judge C Darnell Jones II Policies and Procedures General Matters Civil Cases and Criminal Cases Revised November 18 2013 GENERAL CHAMBERS AND COURTROOM MATTERS Judge Jone ID: 5205

District Judge Darnell




Presentation Transcript

nited States District ourt for the Eastern District of PennsylvaniaDistrict Judarnell Jones, Policies and Procedures:General Matters, Civil Cases, and Criminal CasesGENERAL CHAMBERS AND COURTROOM Judge Jones expects all counsel, and all parties they highest ethical standards at all times, and to strictly e to the opportunities, requirements,limitations, and deadlines set forth herein. A.Correspondence with the Court1.Counsel may write to Judge Jones to request an unopposed extension of time andfor unopposed requests pertaining to scheduling. However, Judge Jones does not permitcorrespondence in lieu of opposed extension requests, contested discovery or substantivemotions, or other disputed substantive matters which should be made of record via motionpractice. Correspondence may be faxed to Judge Jones at 267-299-5057 (maximum 5 pages byfax, otherwise by mail or hand delivery).2.Judge Jones does not accept carbon copies of letters to opposing counsel.3.Judge Jones does not permit Communication with Law Judge Jones generally does not permit counsel to directly communicate with lawclerks. If a law clerk contacts counsel, it is at Judge Jones’s direction.Telephone ConferencesJudge Jones uses telephone conferences for scheduling changes and similarmatters. He also holds telephone conference calls on discovery and other motions as necessary. Judge Jones usually sts that counsel initiate any such call.Oral Arguments and Evidentiary Hearings Judge Jones does not set aside specific days or times for oral arguments orevidentiary ones will hear oral argument on a motion if he believes argumentwill assist him in deciding the motion. A party st argument in writing. Arguments andhearings are scheduled on an Pro Hac ViceissionsJudge Jones expects applications for pro hac viceadmissions to be submitted inwriting using the forms found on the Court’s website atwww.paed.uscourts.gov. He requires thesuch admission to (1) submit the signed affidavit or certification stating that heor she is a member in good standing of the bar of another state, and (2) pay pro hac vice niteStateDistricourt fothEasterDistricPennsylvaniaDistrict Judarnell JoPolicies and Procedures:General Matters, Civil Cases, and Criminal CasesGENERAL CHAMBERS AND COURTRJudge Jones expects all counsel, and all parties they highest ethical standards at all times, and to strictly e to the opportunities, requirements,limitations, and deadlines set forth herein. A.Correspondence with the Court1.Counsel may write to Judge Jones to request an unopposed extension of time andfor unopposed requests pertaining to scheduling. However, Judge Jones does not permitcorrespondence in lieu of opposed extension requests, contested discovery or substantivemotions, or other disputed substantive matters which should be made of record via motionpractice. Correspondence may be faxed to Judge Jones at 267-299-5057 (maximum 5 pages byfax, otherwise by mail or hand delivery).2.Judge Jones does not accept carbon copies of letters to opposing counsel.3.Judge Jones does not permit