Chapter 7 Section 1 Notes:  Austin Establishes a Colony Chapter 7 Section 1 Notes:  Austin Establishes a Colony

Chapter 7 Section 1 Notes: Austin Establishes a Colony - PowerPoint Presentation

trish-goza . @trish-goza
Uploaded On 2016-04-08

Chapter 7 Section 1 Notes: Austin Establishes a Colony - PPT Presentation

Moses Austin Paves the Way 1 1821 Moses Austin began the Anglo American colonization of Texas 2 He knew Spanish laws 3 He lost his lead business in the depression of 1819 4 1820 He travelled to Texas to get a contract to bring 300 American families to Texas Needed permission fro ID: 276518

settlers austin answer texas austin settlers texas answer question land colony called stephen states austin




Presentation Transcript


Chapter 7 Section 1 Notes: Austin Establishes a ColonySlide2

Moses Austin Paves the Way

1. 1821: Moses Austin began the Anglo American colonization of Texas.

2. He knew Spanish laws.

3. He lost his lead business in the depression of 1819.

4. 1820: He travelled to Texas to get a contract to bring 300 American families to Texas. Needed permission from Antonio Martinez, Governor of Texas.

5. Martinez


irst said no, then he approved Austin’s plan because Baron de Bastrop vouched for Austin.

6. While dying of pneumonia, he requested his son Stephen carry out his plans.Slide3

Stephen F. Austin Continues His Father’s work

Stephen F. Austin left New Orleans where he was studying law to come to Texas to help his father.

At 27, SFA had been to college, served as a judge and a legislator. He had strength of character to carry out his father’s work.

3. Governor Martinez allowed him to take over the colonization when his father died.Slide4

Austin Sets Colony Boundaries.


. He chose the region between the Colorado and the Brazos rivers which had fertile soil, abundant water, natural resources, a mild climate and other settlements.

2. Austin also requested a port for landing for settlers and supplies.Slide5

Advertising for Colonists

Austin advertised for settlers in newspapers read in the southern states.

Ads gave the rules:

“No drunkard, no gambler, no profane swearer, no idler”

Every man would receive:

640 acres for himself

320 acres for his wife

160 acres for each child

80 acres for each slave

Persons with useful skills other than farming and ranching received more. Slide6

Settlers paid Austin

12.5 cents an acre

and Austin


(measured off the land) and provided documents giving ownership or


to the land.

The 12.5 cents per acres covered these costs.Slide7

Other requirements for settlers:

Good moral character

Become Roman Catholic

Become Mexican Citizens

Be willing to work hard!Slide8

Good Land and Low Prices Attract Settlers

Austin brought his first settlers to Texas on the ship, the


Andrew Robinson set up a


across the Brazos River.

Most settlers had little.



was wealthy and brought 50 wagons and 90 slaves.

1822: The


wrecked losing colonists and supplies.

1822: Austin learned of Mexico’s independence from Spain and had to travel to Mexico to get new government’s approval of his colonization contract.Slide9

Austin Impresses Mexican Leaders

Austin left for Mexico City travelling 1000 miles and had to stay more than a year.

The Mexican government had many problems.

Austin received a contract in 1823 under the new Mexican law.

Austin won the respect and trust of the Mexican government.Slide10

Problems in the Colony

While Austin was in Mexico, colonies suffered drought and Indian raids.

Settlers whose land had not been surveyed argued about who owned what.

The settlers formed a


for protection from the Indians


This militia became

the Texas Rangers.Slide11

The Old 300

Austin completed his contract and settled 300 families by 1825.

These families are known as the Old 300.

Jane Long was among these settlers.

Many Texans trace their lineage to these settlers.Slide12

Austin Colony’s Capital

San Felipe de Austin was the capital located where the Brazos crossed the Old San Antonio Road.

Austin and about 200 settlers lived there in

dog trot


Section 2: The Colonies Grow



Iturbide was overthrown in 1823.

Those that formed the new government were called



Federalists believed in sharing power between the states and federal government. (Like the United States.)

The opposition were called




believed power should be concentrated in the national or central government.

1824: Federalist Constitution was written.

Mexico made Texas part of the state of Coahuila and named it

Coahuila y



The state’s capital was



Baron de Bastrop

was the one representative from Texas.Slide15

Colonization Laws changed.

1824: States could create their own colonization laws.

48,708 acres of land: maximum per family

Only settlers intending to live permanently could receive land contracts.Slide16

Stephen F. Austin: Most Successful Empresario

He had 4 additional contracts under the Colonization Law of 1825.

Bastrop was the headquarters of his “Little Colony”.

Austin’s Success:

Good at dealing with the Mexicans

Colony had very good land and resources.Slide17

Green DeWitt

Granted the right to settle 400 families west of Austin’s colony.

Gonzales became the headquarters of his colony


Martin de Leon

He was from Mexico.

He and his wife founded the town of Victoria.

They sided with the Texans during the war of independence, but they suffered prejudice after the war.

De Leon was a rancher. Slide19

Population increases

Generous land policies brought many to Texas.

Most were from the southern states.

Irish immigrants settled the towns of Refugio and San Patricio.


lived in

the Department of Bexar.

Slavery was found in Texas, but less than other southern states, because the laws about slavery were uncertain.

Some early African Americans were not slaves, but free.Slide20

Women as colonists

Much of what we know comes from the writings of Mary Austin Holley, Stephen F. Austin’s cousin.

Women worked hard and did many jobs usually reserved for men.

They could not vote, hold public office or serve on a jury.Slide21

Review Questions:

What is a drastic decline in economic activity called?Slide22


A DepressionSlide23


What is a person who comes to a new country to settle called?Slide24


An Immigrant

I for


E for


, as in emigrant

The emigrant leaves his country to go to a new countrySlide25


Who helped Moses Austin win approval with Governor Antonio Martinez?Slide26


Baron de BastropSlide27


What do you need to show proof of ownership to land?Slide28


A Title to the landSlide29


What is an army of citizens?Slide30


A MilitiaSlide31


What are the original settlers of Stephen F. Austin’s first colony called?Slide32


The Old 300Slide33


The capital of Austin’s first colony was called:Slide34


San Felipe de AustinSlide35


What is a Law-Making Body called?Slide36


A legislatureSlide37


What is the central seat of government called?Slide38


The CapitalSlide39


What was the name of the ship Stephen F. Austin used to bring colonists to Texas?Slide40


The LivelySlide41


Stephen F. Austin is known as ___________________.Slide42


The Father of Texas.