A disheartening story aprotinin in cardiac surgery A disheartening story aprotinin in cardiac surgery

A disheartening story aprotinin in cardiac surgery - PDF document

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A disheartening story aprotinin in cardiac surgery - PPT Presentation

Y D LODEO HRQOLQ H at httpccf orumc omc ontent 1063 17 YLGHQFH OXE EBM Journal Club Sectio n Editor Eric B Milbrandt MD MPH Journal clu ID: 339298

$ Y D LODEO HRQOLQ H http://ccf orum.c om/c ontent/ 10/6/3 17 (YLGHQFH% &OXE EBM Journal




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$ Y D LODEO HRQOLQ H at http://ccf orum.c om/c ontent/ 10/6/3 17 (YLGHQFH% DVHG0HGLFLQH-RXUQDO &OXE EBM Journal Club Sectio n Editor: Eric B. Milbrandt, MD, MPH   Journal club critique $ GLVKHDUWHQLQJVWRU\  $SUR WLQLQLQFDUGLDFVXUJHU\  Marcus Lien 1 and Eric B. Milbrandt 2 1 Clini c al Fell ow , Departmen t o f Criti c a l Care Med i cin e , Univ er sity of Pi ttsbu r gh S c hool of Medi ci ne, Pittsburgh , Pen n sy l v ania, USA 2 A ssi stan t Pr ofe ssor, Dep a rtmen t of Critic a l Care Medi ci ne, Univ ty of Pi ttsbu r gh Sch ool o f Medicine , P i ttsburg h , P enn sy l v an ia, USA Publishe d on line: 8 Nov e mber T h is ar ti cle is onlin e at h ttp : / / c c forum . com / con t en t/10 / 6 / 3 17 © 2006 BioMed Ce ntral Ltd Critica l Care 2006 , 10: 317 (DOI 1011 86/cc50 72) ( [ SDQGHG$EVWU DFW & L WDWLRQ Mangano DT , Tudor IC, Dietzel C: T he risk ass o ciated w i th aprotinin in car d iac s rgery . N Eng l J Med 20 06, 354:353- 365 [1]. % D F N J U RX QG  The major i ty of patients under going surg ica l treatment for S T -e levation m y ocardial infarc tion rec e ive a n tifibrin oly t ic therap y to limit blo od los s . T h is appro a ch app ears counterintu itive to the accept ed medica l treatment of the same co ndit i on --namely , fibri noly s is to limit thrombosis. Desp ite this co ncern, no inde pendent, large- scale safety assessme n t has been undertak en. 0HWKRGV 'HVLJ Q D Q G  VHWWLQJ Pro s p e ctive observa tional coh o rt stud in 69 ins t itutions in Nort h and So uth A m erica, the Middle East, Eu rope, and Asia. 6XEMH F WV 43 74 patients undergo ing c o ronary - artery revascu larizat i o n . All p a tients w e �re 18 years old a n d completed a pr e-surgery interv iew . Patients were clas sified as undergo ing primary surgery (no previo us h eart surgery and no other surgery beside s a coro nary artery b y pass graft), or complex surgery (all other surgery ) . ,QWHU Y HQWLRQ  None. 0HDVXUHPH QWV  T h e authors p r ospective ly as sessed three agents (aprotin in [1295 patients ], aminocapro i c acid [88 3 ], and tranex amic acid s compare d w i th no ag ent (1374 patients) w i th regard to s e rious card iova scular, renal, and cerebrov ascular outcomes b y pro pensity and multivar iab l e methods. 5HV X O W V In propens ity - adjusted, mu ltivar iable log i stic regressio n (C- i n dex , 0.72), use of aprotinin w a s assoc i ated w i th a doubling in the risk of r enal failure req u irin g dia l y s is among patient s undergoing complex coronary - artery surgery (odds ratio, 2.59; 95 percent confid e n ce interva l , 1.36 to 4.95) or primary sur gery (odds ratio, 2.34; 95 percent confid e n ce interva l , 1.27 to 4.31). Similar l y , use of aprotinin in th e latter grou p a s associat ed w i th a 55 percent increas e in the risk of my ocardial infar c tion or heart failure (P 0 .001 ) and a 181 pe rcent increase in the risk of stroke or en cep halop athy (P=0.001). Ne ither a m inoca p roic acid nor tranex amic ac id w a s associated w i th an increas ed risk of re nal, cardiac, or ce rebral event s. Ad justment according to pr opens ity score for the use of a n y one of the three agents a s compare d w i th no ag ent y i elded near ly identical find ing s . All the agents reduced blo od loss. &R QFO X VL R Q  The asso ciat ion betw een aprotinin and seriou s end-organ damage ind i cat e s that co ntinu ed use is not prudent. In contrast, the less ex pensive g eneric medicat i ons aminoc aproic acid and tra nex amic acid are safe alternative s . &RPP HQWDU\ The med i ca l an d surgica l appr o a ches to acute S T -e levation my ocardial infa rction pre s ent an interesting paradox . T h e medica l approa ch focus e s o n fibrin oly t ic therap y . Due to concerns over ble eding, the surgical appr oach a v oids fibrino l y t ic agents and instea d uses age nts that mitigate bleed ing, s o c a lle d antif ibrin o l y t ic agents, which inc l ude aprotinin, amin ocaproic acid, and tranex amic acid. hes e agents w e re generally considered safe based on a number of secondary analy s es of studies that w e re not primarily intended to as sess safety . T hese relatively small stud ies w e re underpowered to detect adverse ev ents and d i d not invo lve h ead-to -head comp aris ons of the co mmonly used antifibrinoly t ic agents. An imal studies sugge s t that these agents ha ve th e potentia l to cause isch emic damage to multip le orga n s y stems and sm all, large l y sing le-center studies have s uggested incr e a sed gr aft thrombosis and Page 1 o f 2 SDJHQXPE H UQR WIRU FLWD WLRQ SXUSR VH V\f Critica l Care 2006 , 10: 317 Lien and M i l b randt renal dy sfunction [2-6]. Ideally , the safety of these ag ents w ould be com pared in a lar ge, multi-ce nter, randomize d controlled trial. How e ver, because their use is embedded in practice an d be cause regu lator y approval of these age nts differs b y country , conducting such a trial w ill be difficult if not imposs i ble. To addres s the safety of these agents for cardiopu lmon ary b y pass surgery , Mangan o an d colleagu es [1] conducted a large, pro s pective, observ a tion al c ohort as ses s ing aprotin in, aminoc aproic acid, and tranex amic ac id as co mpared to no agent in 4 3 7 4 patients un dergoin g rev a scular i zatio n . Becaus e this w a s a prospec tive study , the authors w e re able to co llect a w ealth of c lin ica l information, inc l ud ing approx imately 7500 data fie l d s per patient. This perm i tted consideration of varia b les that might influe nce both ch oic e of antifibrinoly t ic agent a nd c l inica l outcom e . The a u thors used a propen sity score based on 4 5 treatment-selectio n covariates and multivar iab l e m odeling to contr o l for b a se line differences b e tw een groups. In doing so, th e y found that aprotinin, but not aminocapro i c acid or tranex amic acid, w a s associated w i th serious c a rdiova scular, renal, an d cerebrovasc u lar adverse e v e n ts. Furthermore, a dose- response re latio n ship w a s dem onstrated, strengthening the inference of cau s ality . The m a in w eakness of this stu d y is that the au thors failed to report details o f the surgery itself, such as w hether the surgery w a s on vs. off-pump, time on pump, and number of vessels by passed. T hese variables are like ly to influe nce not only choice of antifibrinol y t ic age nt but also outcome, and are, theref ore, a source of indication bias that cou l d reflect unfavora b ly on aprotinin. Based on the results of this stud y and thos e of another observatio nal study suggesting renal tox i c i ty [7], the Un ited States Foo d and Dru g A d ministration (F DA) h e ld an advis ory committee meetin g Septemb e r 21, 2006 to consider the ca rdiovas c ular s a fety of aprotinin. Becaus e of concerns a bout the methodolo g y of the stud y b y Mangano and colleag ues and because it w a s the o n ly s t ud y to suggest card io vascular adver se events [8], the advis ory committee conc luded that there w a s insufficient evide n ce to support chan ging the card iova scular s a fety labeling of the drug. How e ver, just six da y s after the committee met, it w a s reveale d that the drug ’s manufacturer , Bay e r, had prelim inary results from an o b servation a l st udy of 67,000 cardiac by pass patients that suggested a p rotinin w a s associated w i th increas ed risk of death, renal d y sfunction, congestive he art failure, a nd stroke [9]. T h e F D A subsequ ently issued a stateme n t indicating it w a s unaw are of this study w h en the adv isor y committee met and that it is evalu a ting the results of this stud y and the potentia l implications for the use of apro t i n i n [10]. In the mean ti me, the FDA sugge sts that ph y s ici ans w ho use aprotinin sh ould carefully monitor patients for the occurrenc e of tox i city , particularly to the kidney s, hear t, or brain, a nd promptly report observed adverse events . T hey go on to recommend that phy sicians should cons id er limiting apro t inin use to those situatio ns w here the clin ical ben efit of reduced b l ood loss is essential to medical ma nagement of th e patie nt and outw e ighs the potential ris ks. 5HFRPP HQGDWLRQ The w e ight of evide n ce s ugge sts that aprotin in incre a ses the risk for a poor outcome among p a tients undergo ing cardiac operations. Not o n ly is this dru g very ex pensive, it seems to be tox i c. Althou gh the risk of ex cessiv e bleed ing is certainly a ca use for conce r n in certain patients, and treatment w i th a p rotinin ca n dec rease bloo d los s in sele cted patients, data are lackin g to show that adminis tration of this agent actually improves surviv al. &RPSHWLQJLQWHUHVWV The authors de clare no compet ing interests. 5HIHUHQFHV  1. Mangano D T , Tu dor IC, Dietzel C : 7KHULVND VVRF L DWH G  Z L WKDSURWLQL QL Q FDUGLDFV X UJH U \ . 1(QJO-0 H G 2006,  :353-3 65. 2. Cosgrove DM, III , Heric B, L y tle BW, Ta y l o r PC, Novoa R, Golding LA, Stewart RW, Mc Carth y PM, Loo p FD: $ S U R WL QLQ WKHU DS \ IRUUH R S HUDWL Y H P \ RF DUGLDO  UH Y D V F XODUL] DWL R QDSOD FHE RF RQWU R OOHGV W X G \ . $QQ 7KRUDF6XU J 199 2,  :1031 -1036. 3. 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