This is our second step in our Review process This is our second step in our Review process

This is our second step in our Review process - PowerPoint Presentation

aaron . @aaron
Uploaded On 2019-02-03

This is our second step in our Review process - PPT Presentation

American History I Exploration Movement Expansion What motivates movement Desire for new markets in which to sell your industrialagricultural production Desire for cheaper sources of raw materials even new sources of raw materials ID: 749824

spanish american states government american spanish government states british immigration america french united native war people act expansion colonies




Presentation Transcript


This is our second step in our Review process

American History I

Exploration, Movement, ExpansionSlide2

What motivates movement?

Desire for new markets in which to sell your industrial/agricultural production

Desire for cheaper sources of raw materials, even new sources of raw materials.

Desire for discovery of precious metals (Gold and Silver)

Desire to spread your religion (in most cases for the this class its Christianity)

Nationalism (milkshake philosophy), which can then transition into imperialism (your going to make your milkshake just like mine or else)Slide3

Spanish and Portuguese Exploration

“God, Gold, and Glory”

Spanish Conquistadors establish a Spanish Empire in Central and South America harvest massive amounts of gold and making the Spanish government one of the richest in the world

Pizarro destroys the Inca

Cortes destroys the Aztec

The Spanish monarchy tried to ensure the stability of this New World Empire through the use of the encomienda system (system of land grants that gave Spaniards ownership of the land and its inhabitants.

The impact of Spanish rule in the Americas is devastating to native populations (small pox, war, etc.)

As the result of the Treaty of Tordesillas, the Portuguese established control of Brazil, but Spain was the dominant force in Central and South AmericaSlide4

British, French, and Dutch Exploration

With the Spanish entrenched in Central and South America, the British, French, and Dutch focused on North America, especially the Atlantic Coast.

Their main emphasis was finding the Northwest Passage, which would open trade with China.

The French settled in what is today Quebec and the Mississippi River Valley

The British settled along the Atlantic coast in parts of modern-day Canada and the United States

The Dutch settled in New Netherland (later New York after the British took it over).

They did not discover gold like the Spanish, but they found other resource and other forms of value from their colonies.Slide5

What were early settlers looking for?

“seems like we’ve done this already”

They are looking for a “fresh start” economically, socially, politically, and/or religiously.

Where governments looked for sources of wealth and power, colonists were looking to escape some sort of hardship where they were. People who were succeeding where they were typically did not put their lives in danger to move.

In Jamestown they will nearly kill themselves desperately searching for gold, in Plymouth/Massachusetts/Maryland/Pennsylvania they will create “safe havens” for religious freedom, and in Rhode Island they will try to separate the government from the church.Slide6


1st permanent English settlement

Experienced a “starving time”

Faced conflict with Native Americans

Survived because of the leadership of John Smith and the introduction of tobacco by John Rolfe

From Jamestown we get the story of Pocahontas

We will also see:

Arrival of the first African Slaves

A dependence on Indentured servants until Bacon’s Rebellion

America’s first representative legislative body – The Virginia House of


Eventually Jamestown was transitioned into the Royal Colony of VirginiaSlide7


Pilgrims (Separatists)

Came seeking Religious Freedom

They came with their families and began to create a sense of community

They also experienced a “starving time”

They were eventually incorporated into the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Mortality rate was lower than that of the Chesapeake Colonies (Maryland and Virginia)

They created the Mayflower Compact establishing the concept of Government by the Will of the People in America.Slide8

Massachusetts Bay

Led by John Winthrop

“City upon a Hill”

Most prepared of the early settlement efforts (had plenty of supplies, people, and money)

The Puritans ran a “theocracy” where the government and church were blended and it was virtually impossible for an individual to have any rights in Massachusetts without being a practicing Puritan.

Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts because of his defense of Native American Rights and insistence that the Church and Government should be separated.

He founded the Colony of Rhode Island on the basis of Separation of Church and State.Slide9


“Safe Haven” for Catholics escaping persecution in England

Toleration Act of 1649 first established the concept of Religious Toleration in the American ColoniesSlide10


“Safe Haven” for Quakers

Had the best relationship with Native Americans and other religious groups

Believed in the equality of all people in the sight of God.

They were pacifists (caused them problems during the American Revolution).

Founded by William PennSlide11

Obstacles to Early expansion

Native American Resistance

After the French and Indian War American Colonists began move west of the Appalachian Mountains

Chief Pontiac led opposition to that move.

The British issued the Proclamation of 1763 in Response.

The United States signed the Treaty of Greenville with Native American tribes in the Ohio River Valley securing the region for American settlement.

Tecumseh and his brother organized resistance and fought a war with the United States.

The Prophet (Tecumseh’s brother) was defeated at the Battle of Tippecanoe, which became one of the factors that led to the War of 1812

Proclamation of 1763

No western expansion for Colonists

Angered the Colonists

Contributing factor to the American Revolution

Quebec Act

The British gave away a significant portion of the Ohio River Valley to the French that were absorbed into British Canada after the French and Indian War.

Intent was to block the westward expansion of the Colonies.Slide12

Manifest Destiny

Destiny of the United States to move west to the Pacific

Original 13 Colonies

Expand west to the Mississippi River (post-Revolution)

Purchased Louisiana

Acquired Florida

Signed a Treaty with Britain dividing Oregon

Annexed Texas

Acquired the Mexican Cession (California, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada) as the result of the Mexican-American


Purchased the Gadsden Purchase from Mexico to build the Southern Transcontinental Railroad (completed the borders of the modern mainland United States)

William Seward authorized the purchase of Alaska from Russia in



Government encourages Settlement of the west

Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

Massive Land grants and subsidies (money to support construction) were given to the Railroads

One of the primary missions of the United States military on the Great Plains was to protect the Railroads and settlers

Expansion of the Telegraph Network

Homestead Act of 1862Slide14

New Wave of immigration

Why were people coming to America:

Land of Opportunity

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door


These new immigrants came to escape the perils of their homeland

Pogroms in Russia

Opium Wars in China

Potato Famine in IrelandSlide15

Nativism/immigration restriction

The American Party (Know-Nothing Party) was formed to work for immigration restriction.

Later the Immigration Restriction League formed in New England and advised the government on what countries should be considered “desirable” and undesirable” immigrants.

Based off their “data” Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act severely limiting immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe and Asia.

Congress then went even further and passed the Chinese Exclusion Act banning Chinese immigrants for nearly 60 years.

Similarly, President Theodore Roosevelt signed the Gentleman’s Agreement with Japan limiting Japanese immigration to America.

Immigration from Mexico and other Latin American nations remained relatively untouched because of the dependence of states like California on migrant workers from Mexico.