Renewing Campuses for  Long-Term Strength Renewing Campuses for  Long-Term Strength

Renewing Campuses for Long-Term Strength - PowerPoint Presentation

alida-meadow . @alida-meadow
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Renewing Campuses for Long-Term Strength - PPT Presentation

September 30 2012 EVA BOGATY ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTANALYST Outline Key Ratios Market Impact and Capital Investment Funding Projects in the New Normal Economy Moodys Methodology Best Practices ID: 632031

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Presentation Transcript


Renewing Campuses for Long-Term Strength

September 30, 2012




Key Ratios Market Impact and Capital InvestmentFunding Projects in the “New Normal” EconomyMoody’s Methodology / Best Practices Slide3

Key Ratios in Evaluating Capital Investment

Age of Plant =

accumulated depreciation

depreciation expense

(indication of the average age of a university’s plant and equipment measured in years)

Capital Spending Ratio =

purchases of PP&E

depreciation expense

(proxy for the pace of capital investment)Slide4

Reduced Capital Spending Drives Up Age of Plant

Source: Moody’s Financial Ratio AnalysisSlide5

Low Capital Spending Can Compromise Market Position

Source: Moody’s Financial Ratio AnalysisSlide6

Higher Capital Investment Ties to Stronger Demand

Source: Moody’s Financial Ratio Analysis

FY 2011 Capital Spending by

Rating Category

Median Capital Spending RatioSlide7

Trends: Capital Spending On Decline Since Recession

Source: Moody’s Financial Ratio AnalysisSlide8

Funding Projects in the “New Normal” Economy

Typical Funding Sources for Capital Investment:


Operating Cash Flow



Capital Appropriations (Public Universities)

Source: Moody’s Financial Ratio AnalysisSlide9

Moody’s Methodology – Best Practices

Campus Renewal Starts with Strong Governance & Management

Positive indicators of capital investment include:

Integrated financial and capital plans

Sufficient capital investment to maintain attractiveness and competitiveness

Ability to utilize a combination of sources for capital improvements

Operating budget includes annual depreciation or comparable amount for regular renewal and replacement of facilities

A multi-year capital plan that includes diverse funding sources

Pace commensurate with growth of balance sheet and revenueSlide10

Eva BogatyHigher Education and Not-for-Profits Team

Public Finance Group +212.553.7124 eva.bogaty@moodys.comSlide11


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