Sermon #1099 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 19www.spurgeongems. Sermon #1099 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 19www.spurgeongems.

Sermon #1099 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 19www.spurgeongems. - PDF document

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Sermon #1099 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 19www.spurgeongems. - PPT Presentation






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Sermon #10 MetropoOLtan TabernacOe PuOpLt VoOume 1TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. A SERMON DE/,VERED ON /ORD’S-DAY MORN,N* MARC+ 2 13 BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT T+E METROPO/,TAN TABERNAC/E NE:,N*TON. “A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” Isaiah 53:3. POSS,B/Y a murmur ZLOO pass round tKe conJreJatLon ³TKLs Ls a dreary subMect and a mournfuO tKeme.´ But O beOoved Lt Ls not so for Jreat as Zere tKe Zoe TKe Man of SorroZsSermon #10 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. VoOume 1 aOO our faLtK to Jrasp Lt yet Lt Ls true tKat +e ZKo sat upon tKe ZeOO of SycKar and saLd ³*Lve Me to Ko duJ tKe cKanneOs of tKe oceaof Mary You are aOso Son of -eKovaK! Man of tKe substance of Your motKer You are aOso essentLaO De-Lty! :e ZorsKLp You tKLs day LRememberLnJ tKat -esus CKrLst Ls *od Lt noZ beKooves us to remember tKat +Ls manKood Zas none t dLffered from our oZn KumanLtbut Lt dLffered Ln no otKer respect. ,t Ls LdOe to specuOate upon a KeavenOy manKood as some Kave done ZKo Kave by tKeLr very attempt at accuracy been borne doZn by ZKLrOpooOs of error. ,t Ls enouJK for us to NnoZ tKat tKe /ord Zas born of a Zoman Zrapped Ln sZaddOLnJ bands OaLd Ln a manJer and needed to be nursed by +Ls motKer as any otKer OLttOe cKLOd. +e JreZ Ln stature OLNe any otKer Kuman beLnJ and as a man Ze NnoZ tKat +e ate and dranN tKat +e KunJered and tKLrsted reMoLced and sorroZed. +Ls body couOd be toucKed and KandOed Zounded and made to bOeed. +e Zas no pKantom but a man of fOesK and bOood even as Ze are. +e Zas a man needLnJ sOeep requLrLnJ food and subMect to paLn and a man ZKo Ln tKe end yLeOded up +Ls OLfe to deatK. TKere may Kave been some dLstLnctLon betZeen +Ls body and ours for LnasmucK as Lt Zas never defLOed by sLn Lt Zas not capabOe of corruptLon. OtKerZLse Ln body and Ln souO tKe /ord -esus Zas perfect man after tKe order of our manKood ³Made Ln tKe OLNeness of sLnfuO fOesK´ and Ze must tKLnN of +Lm under tKat aspect. Our temptatLon Ls to reJard tKe /ord’s KumanLty as some-tKLnJ quLte dLfferent from our oZn. :e are apt to spLrLtuaOL]e Lt aZay and not to tKLnN of +Lm as reaOOy bone of our bone and fOesK of our fOesK. AOO tKLs Ls aNLn to JrLevous error Ze may fancy tKat Ze are KonorLnJ CKrLst by sucK conceptLons but CKrLst Ls never Konored by tKat ZKLcK Ls not true. +e Zas a man a reaO man a man of our race tKe Son of Man. ,ndeed +e Zas a representatLve man tKe second Adam—³As tKe cKLOdren are partaNers of fOesK and bOood +e aOso +LmseOf tooN part of tKe same.´ ³+e made +LmseOf of no reputatLon and tooN upon +Lm tKe form of a servant and Zas made Ln tKe OLNeness of men.´ NoZ tKLs condescendLnJ partLcLpatLon Ln our nature brLnJs tKe /ord -esus very near to us Ln reOatLon-sKLp. ,nasmucK as +e Zas man tKouJK aOso *od +e Zas accordLnJ to +ebreZ OaZ our goelNLnsman ne[t of NLn. NoZ Lt Zas accordLnJ to tKe OaZ tKat Lf an LnKerLtance Kad been Oost Lt Zas tKe rLJKt of tKe ne[t of NLn to redeem Lt. Our /ord -esus e[ercLsed +Ls OeJaO rLJKt—seeLnJ us soOd Lnto bond-aJe and our LnKerLtance taNen from us +e came forZard to redeem botK us and aOO our Oost estate. A bOessed tKLnJ Lt Zas for us tKat Ze Kad sucK a NLnsman. :Ken RutK Zent to JOean Ln tKe fLeOds of Boa] Lt Zas tKe most JracLous cLrcumstance Ln Ker OLfe tKat Boa] turned out to be Ker ne[t of NLn. And Ze ZKo Kave JOeaned Ln tKe fLeOds of mercy praLse tKe /ord tKat +Ls onOy beJotten Son Ls tKe ne[t of NLn to us our brotKer born for adversLty. ,t ZouOd not Kave been consLstent ZLtK dLvLne MustLce for any otKer sub-stLtutLon to Kave been accepted for us e[cept tKat of a man. Man sLnned and man must maNe reparatLon Zas caused by man and by man must Lt be repaLred man Kad transJressed man must be punLsKed. ,t Zas not Ln tKe poZer of an anJeO to Kave saLd ³, ZLOO suffer for man´—for anJeOLc sufferLnJs ZouOd Kave made no amends for Kuman sLns. But tKe man tKe matcKOess man beLnJ tKe representatLve man and of rLJKt by NLnsKLp aOOoZed to redeem stepped Ln suffered ZKat Zas due made amends to LnMured MustLce and tKereby set us free! *Oory be un-to +Ls bOessed name! And noZ beOoved sLnce tKe /ord tKus saZ Ln CKrLst’s manKood a suLtabOeness to become our Re-deemer , trust tKat many Kere ZKo Kave been under bondaJe to Satan ZLOO see Ln tKat same Kuman na-ture an attractLon OeadLnJ tKem to approacK +Lm. SLnner you Kave not to come to an absoOute *od you onsumLnJ fLre. You mLJKt ZeOO trembOe to approacK +Lm ZKom you Kave so JrLevousOy offended. But tKere Ls a man ordaLned to medLate betZeen you and *od and Lf you ZouOd come to *od you must come tKrouJK +Lm—tKe man CKrLst -esus. *od out of CKrLst Ls terrLbOe out of +Ls KoOy pOaces +e ZLOO by no means spare tKe JuLOty—but OooN “His hand no thunder bears, No terror clothes His brow; No bolts to drive your guilty souls To fiercer flames below!” +e Ls a man ZLtK Kands fuOO of bOessLnJ eyes Zet ZLtK tears of pLty OLps overfOoZLnJ ZLtK Oove and a Keart meOtLnJ ZLtK tenderness. See you not tKe JasK Ln +Ls sLde? TKrouJK tKat Zound tKere Ls a KLJKZay Sermon #10 TKe Man of SorroZs VoOume 1 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. to +Ls Keart and Ke ZKo needs +Ls compassLon may soon e[cLte Lt. O sLnners tKe Zay to tKe SavLor’s Keart Ls open and penLtent seeNers sKaOO never be denLed! :Ky sKouOd tKe most despaLrLnJ be afraLd to approacK tKe SavLor? +e Kas deLJned to assume tKe cKaracter of tKe /amb of *od—, Kave never NnoZn even a OLttOe cKLOd ZKo Zas afraLd of a Oamb. TKe most tLmorous ZLOO approacK a Oamb and -esus used tKLs arJument ZKen +e saLd to every OaborLnJ and Keavy-Oaden one ³TaNe My yoNe upon you and Oearn of Me for , am meeN and OoZOy Ln Keart.´ , NnoZ you feeO yourseOves sad and trembOLnJ but need you trembOe Ln presence? ,f you are ZeaN your ZeaNness ZLOO toucK +Ls sympatKy and your mournfuO LnabLOLty ZLOO be an arJument ZLtK +Ls boundOess mercy. ,f , Zere sLcN and mLJKt Kave my cKoLce ZKere , ZouOd OLe ZLtK a vLeZ to KeaOLnJ , ZouOd say ³POace me ZKere tKe best and NLndest pKysLcLan upon eartK can see me. Put me ZKere a tenderness ZLOO Kave me aOZays beneatK KLs eyes. , sKaOO not OonJ Jroan tKere Ln vaLn Lf Ke can KeaO me Ke ZLOO.´ SLnner pOace yourseOf by an act of faLtK beneatK tKe cross of -esus! /ooN up to +Lm and say ³BOessed PKysLcLan You ZKose Zounds for me can KeaO me ZKose deatK for me can maNe me OLve OooN doZn upon me! You are man You NnoZ ZKat man suffers. You are man ZLOO You Oet a man sLnN doZn to KeOO ZKo crLes to You for KeOp? You are a man and You can save and ZLOO You Oet a poor unZortKy one ZKo OonJs for Your mercy be drLven Lnto KopeOess mLsery ZKLOe Ke crLes to You to Oet Your merLts save KLm?´ OK you JuLOty ones Kave faLtK tKat you can reacK tKe Keart of -esus. SLnner fOy to -esus ZLtKout fear! +e ZaLts to save! ,t Ls +Ls offLce to receLve sLnners and reconcLOe tKem to *od. Be tKanNfuO tKat you Kave not to Jo to *od at Lted to come to -esus CKrLst and tKrouJK +Lm tKe +oOy SpLrLt Oead you to devout medLtatLon upon tKe KumLOLty of our /ord and so may you fLnd tKe door of OLfe tKe portaO of peace tKe Jate of Keaven! TKen Oet me add before , Oeave tKLs poLnt tKat every cKLOd of *od ouJKt aOso to be comforted by tKe fact tKat our Redeemer Ls one of our oZn race. SeeLnJ tKat +e Zas made OLNe unto +Ls bretKren tKat +e mLJKt be a mercLfuO and faLtKfuO +LJK PrLest and +e Zas tempted Ln aOO poLnts OLNe as Ze are tKat +e mLJKt be abOe to succor tKem ZKo are tempted. TKe sympatKy of -esus Ls tKe ne[t most precLous tKLnJ to +Ls sacrLfLce. , stood by tKe bedsLde of a CKrLstLan brotKer tKe otKer day and Ke remarNed ³, feeO tKanN-fuO to *od tKat our /ord tooN our sLcNnesses.´ ³Of course´ saLd Ke ³tKe Jrand tKLnJ Zas tKat +e tooN our sLns but ne[t to tKat , as a sufferer feeO JratefuO tKat +e aOso tooN our sLcNnesses.´ PersonaOOy , aOso bear ZLtness tKat Lt Kas been to me Ln seasons of Jreat paLn superOatLveOy comfortabOe to NnoZ tKat Ln every panJ ZKLcK racNs +Ls peopOe tKe /ord -esus Kas a feOOoZ feeOLnJ. :e are not aOone for one OLNe unto tKe Son of man ZaONs tKe furnace ZLtK us. TKe cOouds ZKLcK fOoat over our sNy Kave aforetLme darNened tKe Keavens for +Lm aOso— “He knows what temptations mean, For He has felt the same.” +oZ compOeteOy Lt taNes tKe bLtterness out of JrLef to NnoZ tKat Lt once Zas suffered by -esus. TKe MacedonLan soOdLers Lt Ls saLd made OonJ forced marcKes ZKLcK seemed to be beyond tKe poZer of mortaO endurance but tKe reason for tKeLr untLrLnJ enerJy Oay Ln AOe[ander’s presence. +e Zas accus-tomed to ZaON ZLtK tKem and bear tKe same fatLJue. ,f tKe NLnJ KLmseOf Kad been carrLed OLNe a PersLan monarcK Ln a paOanquLn Ln tKe mLdst of easy Ou[urLous state tKe soOdLers ZouOd soon Kave JroZn tLred. nJ of men KLmseOf KunJerLnJ ZKtKLrsted often puttLnJ asLde tKe cup of Zater offered to KLm and passLnJ Lt to a feOOoZ soOdLer ZKo OooNed more faLnt tKan KLmseOf tKey couOd not dream of JrumbOLnJ. :Ky every MacedonLan feOt tKat Ke couOd endure any fatLJue Lf AOe[ander couOd. TKLs day assuredOy Ze can bear poverty sOander con-tempt or bodLOy paLn—deatK LtseOf—because -esus CKrLst our /ord Kas borne Lt. By +Ls KumLOLatLon Lt sKaOO become pOeasure to be abased for +Ls saNe! By tKe spLt tKat ran doZn +Ls cKeeNs Lt sKaOO become a faLr tKLnJ to be made a mocNery for +Lm! By tKe buffetLnJ and tKe bOLndfoOdLnJ Lt sKaOO become an Konor to be dLsJraced and by tKe cross Lt sKaOO become OLfe LtseOf to surrender OLfe for tKe saNe of sucK a cause and so precLous a Master! May tKe man of sorroZs noZ appear to us and enabOe us to bear our sorroZs e found Ln tKe deOLJKtfuO presence of tKe Cru- sKaOO be a KLdLnJ pOace from tKe ZLnd and a covert from tKe tempest.´ :e must pass on to dZeOO for a ZKLOe upon tKe ne[t Zords ³A MAN OF SORRO:S.´ TKe e[- empKatLc. ,t Ls not ³A sorroZfuO man´ but ³A man of sorroZs´ as Lf +e Zas made up of sorroZs and tKey Zere constLtuent eOements of +Ls beLnJ. Some are men of pOeasure TKe Man of SorroZsSermon #10 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. VoOume 1 otKers men of ZeaOtK but +e Zas ³A man of sorroZs.´ +e and sorroZ mLJKt Kave cKanJed names. +e ZKo saZ +Lm saZ sorroZ and Ke ZKo ZouOd see sorroZ must OooN on +Lm. ³BeKoOd and see´ +e Our /ord Ls caOOed tKe man of sorroZs for for tKLs Zas +Ls pecuOLar toNen and specLaO marN. :e mLJKt ZeOO caOO +Lm ³A man of KoOLness´ for tKere Zas no fauOt Ln +Lm or ³A man of Oa-bors´ for +e dLd +Ls FatKer’s busLness earnestOy or ³A man of eOoquence´ for never man spoNe OLNe tKLs man. :e mLJKt rLJKt fLttLnJOy caOO +Lm Ln tKe OanJuaJe of our Kymn ³TKe man of Oove´ for never Zas tKere Jreater Oove tKan JOoZed Ln +Ls Keart. StLOO conspLcuous as aOO tKese and many otKer e[ceO-Oences Zere yet Kad Ze Ja]ed upon CKrLst and been asNed afterZards ZKat Zas tKe most strLNLnJ pecu-OLarLty Ln +Lm Ze sKouOd Kave saLd +Ls sorroZs. TKe varLous parts of +Ls cKaracter Zere so sLnJuOarOy KarmonLous tKat no one quaOLty predomLnated so as to become a OeadLnJ feature. ,n +Ls moraO portraLt tKe eyes are perfect but so Ls tKe moutK tKe cKeeNs are as beds of spLces but tKe OLps are as OLOLes drop-pLnJ sZeet-smeOOLnJ myrrK. ,n Peter you see entKusLasm e[aJJerated at tLmes Lnto presumptLon and Ln -oKn Oove for KLs /ord ZouOd caOO fLre from Keaven on KLs foes. DefLcLencLes and e[aJJeratLons e[Lst everyZKere but Ln -esus. +e Ls tKe perfect man a ZKoOe man and tKe KoOy one of ,sraeO. But tKere Zas a pecuOLarLty and Lt Oay Ln tKe fact tKat ³+Ls vLsaJe Zas so marNed more tKan any man and +Ls form more tKan tKe sons of men´ tKrouJK tKe e[cessLve JrLefs ZKLcK contLnuaOOy passed over +Ls spLrLt. Tears Zere +Ls LnsLJnLa and tKe cross +Ls sKLeOd. +e Zas tKe ZarrLor Ln bOacN armor and not as noZ tKe rLder upon tKe ZKLte Korse. +e Zas tKe Oord of JrLef tKe prLnce of paLn tKe emperor of anJuLsK a ³man of sorroZs “Oh! king of grief! (A title strange, yet true, To You of all kings only due), Oh! King of wounds! How shall I grieve for Thee, Who in all grief prevents me?” ,s not tKe tLtOe ³man of sorroZs´ JLven to our /ord by Zay o +e Zas not onOy sorroZ-fuO but pre-emLnent amonJ tKe sorroZfuO. AOO men Kave a burden to bear but +Ls Zas KeavLest of aOO. :Ko Ls tKere of our race tKat Ls quLte free from sorroZs? SearcK tKe ZKoOe eartK tKrouJK and tKe tKorn and tKLstOe ZLOO be found everyZKere and tKese Kave Zounded everyone born of Zoman. +LJK Ln tKe Oofty pOaces of tKe eartK tKere Ls sorroZ for tKe royaO ZLdoZ Zeeps Ker Oord. DoZn Ln tKe cottaJe ZKere Ze fancy tKat notKLnJ but content can reLJn a tKousand bLtter tears are sKed over dLre poverty and crueO oppressLon. ,n tKe sunnLest cOLmates tKe serpent creeps amonJ tKe fOoZers Ln tKe most fertLOe reJLons poLsons fOourLsK as ZeOO as ZKoOesome Kerbs. EveryZKere ³Men must ZorN and Zomen must Zeep.´ TKere Ls sorroZ on tKe sea and sadness on tKe Oand. But Ln tKLs common Oot tKe ³fLrst-born amonJ many bretKren´ Kas more tKan a doubOe portLon +Ls cup Ls bLtterer +Ls baptLsm Ls deeper tKan tKe rest of tKe famLOy. Common sufferers must JLve pOace for none can matcK ZLtK +Lm Ln Zoe. OrdLnary mourners may be content to tear tKeLr Jarments but +e Ls torn Ln +Ls affOLctLon tKey sLp at sorroZ’s boZO but +e draLns Lt dry. +e ZKo Zas tKe most obedLent Son smarted most under tKe rod ZKen +e Zas strLcNen of *od and affOLcted! No otKer of tKe smLtten ones Kave sZeat Jreat drops of bOood or Ln tKe same bLtter-Me.´ TKe reasons for tKLs superLor sorroZ may be found Ln tKe fact tKat ZLtK +Ls sorroZ tKere Zas no mL[-ture of sLn. SLn deserves sorroZ but Lt aOso bOunts tKe edJe of JrLef by renderLnJ tKe souO untender and unsympatKetLc. :e do not start at sLn as -esus dLd Ze do not trembOe at tKe sLnner’s doom as -esus ZouOd. +Ls Zas a perfect nature ZKLcK because Lt NneZ no sLn Zas not Ln Lts eOement amLd sorroZ but Zas OLNe a Oand bLrd drLven out to sea by tKe JaOe. To tKe robber MaLO Ls KLs Kome and tKe prLson fare Ls tKe meat to ZKLcK Ke Ls accustomed. But to an Lnnocent man a prLson Ls mLsery and everytKLnJ about Lt Ls stranJe and foreLJn. Our /ord’s pure nature Zas pecuOLarOy sensLtLve of any contact ZLtK sLn. :e aOas by tKe faOO Kave Oost mucK of tKat feeOLnJ. ,n proportLon as Ze are sanctLfLed sLn becomes tKe source of ZretcKedness to us. -esus beLnJ perfect every sLn paLned +Lm mucK more tKan Lt ZouOd any of us. , Kave no doubt tKere are many persons Ln tKe ZorOd ZKo couOd OLve merrLOy Ln tKe Kaunts of vLce—couOd Kear bOaspKemy ZLtKout Korror vLeZ Oust ZLtKout dLsJust and OooN on robbery or murder ZLtKout abKor-rence. But to many of us an Kour’s famLOLarLty ZLtK sucK abomLnatLons ZouOd be tKe severest punLsK-ment. A sentence Ln ZKLcK tKe name of -esus Ls bOaspKemed Ls torture to us of tKe most e[quLsLte NLnd. Sermon #10 TKe Man of SorroZs VoOume 1 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. TKe very mentLon of tKe sKamefuO deeds of vLce seL]es us ZLtK Korror. To OLve ZLtK tKe ZLcNed ZouOd be a suffLcLent KeOO to tKe rLJKteous. DavLd’s prayer Ls fuOO of aJony ZKere Ke crLes ³*atKer not my souO ZLtK sLnners nor my OLfe ZLtK bOoody men.´ But tKe perfect -esus ZKat a JrLef tKe sLJKt of sLn must Kave caused +Lm! Our Kands JroZ rouJK ZLtK toLOLnJ and our Kearts ZLtK sLnnLnJ—but our /ord Zas as Lt Zere OLNe a man ZKose fOesK ZasLn. :e Jo tKrouJK tKorn braNes and brLars of sLn because Ze are cOotKed ZLtK LndLfference but LmaJLne a naNed man compeOOed to traverse a forest of brLars—sucK Zas tKe SavLor as to +Ls moraO sensLtLve-ness. +e couOd see sLn ZKere Ze cannot see Lt and feeO Lts KeLnousness as Ze cannot feeO Lt. TKere Zas tKerefore more to JrLeve +Lm and +e Zas more capabOe of beLnJ SLde by sLde ZLtK +Ls paLnfuO sensLtLveness of tKe evLO of sLn Zas +Ls JracLous tenderness toZards tKe sorroZs of otKers. ,f Ze couOd NnoZ and enter Lnto aOO tKe JrLefs of tKLs conJreJatLon Lt Ls probabOe tKat Ze ZouOd be of aOO men most mLserabOe. TKere are KeartbreaNs Ln tKLs Kouse tKLs mornLnJ ZKLcK couOd tKey fLnd a tonJue ZouOd fLOO our Keart ZLtK aJony. :e Kear of poverty Kere Ze see dLsease tKere Ze observe bereavement and Ze marN dLstress. :e note tKe fact tKat men are passLnJ Lnto tKe Jrave and aK far more bLtter JrLef  descendLnJ Lnto KeOO. But someKoZ or otKer eLtKer tKese become sucK com-mon tKLnJs tKat tKey do not stLr us or eOse Ze JraduaOOy Karden to tKem. TKe SavLor Zas aOZays moved to sympatKy ZLtK anotKer’s JrLefs for +Ls Oove Zas aOZays at fOood-tLde. AOO men’s sorroZs Zere +Ls sKouOd become ³a man of sorroZs.´ :e recoOOect tKat besLdes tKLs our SavLor Kad a pecuOLar reOatLonsKLp to sLn. +e Zas not mereOy af-fOLcted ZLtK tKe sLJKt of Lt and saddened by perceLvLnJ Lts effects on otKers but sLn Zas actuaOOy OaLd up-on +Lm and +e Zas numbered ZLtK tKe transJressors. And tKerefore +e Zas caOOed to bear tKe terrLbOe bOoZs of dLvLne MustLce and suffered unNnoZn LmmeasurabOe aJonLes. +Ls *odKead strenJtKened +Lm to suffer eOse mere manKood Kad faLOed. TKe ZratK ZKose poZer no man NnoZs spent LtseOf on +Lm—³,t pOeased tKe FatKer to bruLse +Lm +e Kas put +Lm to JrLef.´ BeKoOd tKe man and marveO KoZ vaLn Lt TKe tLtOe of ³man of sorroZs´dLcate tKe of +Ls affOLctLons. +e cKanJed +Ls pOace of abode but +e aOZays OodJed ZLtK sorroZ. SorroZ Zove +Ls sZaddOLnJ bands and sorroZ +Ls ZLndLnJ sKeet. Born Ln a stabOe sorroZ receLved +Lm and onOy on tKe cross at +Ls Oast breatK dLd sorroZ part ZLtK +Lm. +Ls dLscLpOes mLJKt forsaNe +Lm but +Ls sorroZ ZouOd not Oeave +Lm. +e Zas often aOone ZLtKout a man but never aOone ZLtKout a JrLef. From tKe Kour of +Ls baptLsm Ln -or-dan to tKe tLme of +Ls baptLsm Ln tKe paLns of deatK +e aOZays Zore tKe sabOe robe and Zas ³a man of sorroZs.´ +e Zas aOso ³a man of sorroZs´ for tKe of +Ls Zoes. +e Zas a Man not of onOy but AOO tKe sufferLnJs of tKe body and of tKe souO Zere NnoZn to +Lm. TKe sorroZs of tKe man ZKo actLveOy struJJOes to obey tKe sorroZs of tKe man ZKo sLts stLOO and passLveOy endures tKe sorroZs of tKe Oofty +e NneZ for +e Zas tKe .LnJ of ,sraeO. TKe sorroZs of tKe poor +e NneZ for +e ³Kad not ZKere to Oay +Ls Kead.´ SorroZs reOatLve and sorroZs personaO sorroZs mentaO and sorroZs spLrLtuaO sorroZs of aOO NLnds and deJrees assaLOed +Lm. AffOLctLon emptLed KLs quLver upon +Lm maN-LnJ +Ls Keart tKe tarJet for aOO conceLvabOe Zoes. /et us tKLnN a mLnute or tZo of some of tKose suffer-Our /ord Zas a man of sorroZs as to +Ls poverty. OK you ZKo are Ln need your need Ls not so ab-Mect as +Ls—+e Kad not ZKere to Oay +Ls Kead but you Kave at Oeast some KumbOe roof to sKeOter you. No one denLes you a cup of Zater but +e sat upon tKe ZeOO at SamarLa and saLd ³, tKLrst.´ :e read more tKan once tKat +e KunJered. +Ls toLO Zas so Jreat tKat +e Zas constantOy Zeary and Ze read of one occasLon ZKere tKey tooN +Lm ³even as +e Zas´ Lnto tKe boat—too faLnt Zas +e to reacK tKe boat +LmseOf but tKey carrLed +Lm as +e Zas and OaLd +Lm doZn near tKe KeOm to sOeep. But +e Kad not mucK tLme for sOumber for tKey ZoNe +Lm sayLnJ ³Master do You not care tKat Ze perLsK?´ A Kard Oy comfort to maNe tKat OLfeRemember you ZKo Oament around tKe open Jrave or Zeep Ln memory of Jraves neZOy fLOOed—our SavLor NneZ tKe Keart-rendLnJ of bereavement. -esus Zept as +e stood at tKe tomb of /a]arus. PerKaps tKe bLtterest of +Ls sorroZs Zere tKose ZKLcK Zere connected ZLtK +Ls JracLous ZorN. +e came as tKe MessLaK sent of *od on a mLssLon of Oove and men reMected +Ls cOaLms. :Ken +e Zent to +Ls oZn cLty ZKere +e Kad been brouJKt up and announced +LmseOf tKey ZouOd Kave cast +Lm Kead- TKe Man of SorroZsSermon #10 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. VoOume 1 OonJ from tKe broZ of tKe KLOO. ,t Ls a Kard tKLnJ to come on an errand of seOfOess Oove and tKen to meet ZLtK sucK LnJratLtude as tKLs. Nor dLd tKey stop at coOd reMectLon tKey tKen proceeded to derLsLon and to rLdLcuOe. TKere Zas no name of contempt ZKLcK tKey dLd not pour upon +Lm. No Lt Zas not mereOy con-tempt but tKey proceeded to OLes sOander and bOaspKemy. +e Zas a drunN tKey saLd—Kear tKLs you an-JeOs and be astonLsKed! Yes a ZLne-bLbber dLd tKey caOO tKe bOessed PrLnce of /Lfe! TKey saLd +e Zas Ln OeaJue ZLtK BeeO]ebub and Kad a devLO and Zas mad—ZKereas +e Kad come to destroy tKe ZorNs of tKe devLO!! TKey cKarJed +Lm ZLtK every crLme ZKLcK tKeLr maOLce couOd suJJest. TKere Zas not a Zord +e spoNe but tKey ZouOd tZLst Lt not a doctrLne but ZKat tKey ZouOd mLsrepresent Lt. +e couOd not speaN but ZKat tKey ZouOd fLnd Ln +Ls Zords some occasLon aJaLnst +Lm. And aOO tKe ZKLOe +e Zas doLnJ notKLnJ but seeNLnJ tKeLr advantaJe Ln aOO Zays. :Ken +e Zas earnest aJaLnst tKeLr vLces Lt Zas out of pLty for tKeLr souOs. ,f +e condemned tKeLr sLns Lt Zas because tKeLr sLns ZouOd destroy tKem. But +Ls ]eaO aJaLnst sLn Zas aOZays tempered ZLtK +Ls Oove for tKe souOs of men. :as tKere ever man so fuOO of Jood-ZLOO to otKers ZKo receLved sucK dLsJracefuO treatment from tKose +e OonJed to serve? sorroZs muOtLpOLed. +e preacKed and ZKen men’s Kearts Zere Kard and tKey ZouOd not beOLeve ZKat +e saLd ³+e Zas JrLeved for tKe Kardness of tKeLr Kearts.´ +e Zent about doLnJ Jood and for +Ls Jood ZorNs tKey tooN up stones to stone +Lm. AOas tKey stoned +Ls Keart ZKen tKey couOd not LnMure +Ls body. +e pOeaded ZLtK tKem and pOaLntLveOy decOared +Ls Oove and re-ceLved Lnstead tKereof a remorseOess and fLendLsK Katred. SOLJKted Oove Kas JrLefs of pecuOLar poLJnan-cy—many Kave dLed of Kearts broNen by LnJratLtude. SucK Oove as tKe Oove of -esus couOd not for tKe saNe of tKose Lt Ooved bear to be sOLJKted. ,t pLned ZLtKLn LtseOf because men dLd not NnoZ tKeLr oZn mercLes and reMected tKeLr oZn SaOvatLon. +Ls sorroZ Zas not tKat men LnMured +Lm but tKat tKey de-stroyed tKemseOves. TKLs Lt Zas tKat puOOed up tKe fOoodJates of +Ls souO and made +Ls eyes overfOoZ ZLtK tears—³O -erusaOem! -erusaOem! +oZ often ZouOd , Kave JatKered your cKLOdren toJetKer as a Ken JatKers Ker cKLcNens under Ker ZLnJs and you ZouOd not.´ TKe Oament Ls not for +Ls oZn KumLOLatLon but for tKeLr suLcLdaO reMectLon of +Ls Jrace. TKese Zere amonJBut sureOy +e found some soOace ZLtK tKe feZ companLons ZKom +e Kad JatKered around +Lm. +e dLd but for aOO tKat +e must Kave found as mucK sorroZ as soOace Ln tKeLr company. TKey Zere duOO scKoOars tKey Oearned sOoZOy ZKat tKey dLd Oearn tKey forJot ZKat tKey remembered tKey dLd not prac-tLce and ZKat tKey practLced at one tLme tKey beOLed at anotKer. TKey Zere mLserabOe comforters for tKe man of sorroZs. +Ls Zas a OoneOy OLfe , mean tKat even ZKen +e Zas ZLtK +Ls foOOoZers +e Zas aOone. +e saLd to tKem once ³CouOd you not ZatcK ZLtK Me one Kour´ but Lndeed +e mLJKt Kave saLd tKe same to tKem aOO tKe Kours of tKeLr OLves for even Lf tKey sympatKL]ed ZLtK +Lm to tKe utmost of tKeLr capacLty tKey couOd not enter Lnto sucK JrLefs as +Ls. A fatKer Ln a Kouse ZLtK many OLttOe cKLOdren about compreKend KLm. :Kat do tKey NnoZ of KLs an[Lous busLness transactLons or KLs crusKLnJ Oosses? Poor OLttOe tKLnJs tKeLr fatKer does not ZLsK tKey sKouOd be abOe to sympatKL]e ZLtK KLm Ke OooNs doZn upon tKem and reMoLces tKat tKeLr toys ZLOO com-fort tKem and tKat tKeLr OLttOe prattOe ZLOO not be broNen Ln upon by KLs Jreat JrLefs. TKe SavLor from tKe very dLJnLty of +Ls nature must suffer aOone. TKe mountaLnsLde ZLtK CKrLst upon Lt seems to me to be a suJJestLve symboO of +Ls eartKOy OLfe. +Ls Jreat souO OLved Ln vast soOLtudes subOLme and terrLbOe and tKere amLd a mLdnLJKt of troubOe +Ls spLrLt communed ZLtK tKe FatKer no one beLnJ abOe to accompany +Lm Lnto tKe darN JOens and JOoomy ravLnes of +Ls unLque e[perLence. Of aOO +Ls OLfe’s Zarfare +e mLJKt Kave saLd Ln some senses ³Of tKe peopOe tKere Zas none ZLtK Me´ and at tKe Oast Lt became OLter-aOOy true for tKey aOO forsooN +Lm—one denLed +Lm and anotKer betrayed +Lm so tKat +e trod tKe ,n tKe Oast croZnLnJ sorroZs of +Ls OLfe tKere came upon +Lm tKe penaO LnfOLctLons from *od—tKe punLsKment of our sLn ZKLcK Zas upon +Lm. +e Zas arrested Ln tKe Jarden of *etKsemane by *od’s of-fLcers before tKe offLcers of tKe -eZs Kad come near to +Lm. TKere on tKe Jround +e NneOt and ZrestOed tLOO tKe bOoody sZeat poured from every pore and +Ls souO Zas ³e[ceedLnJOy sorroZfuO even unto deatK.´ You Kave read tKe story of your Master’s Zoes and NnoZ KoZ +e Zas KurrLed from bar to bar and treated ZLtK mLnJOed scorn and crueOty before eacK MudJment seat. :Ken tKey Kad taNen +Lm to +erod and to PLOate and aOmost murdered +Lm ZLtK scourJLnJ tKey brouJKt +Lm fortK and saLd ³Ecce +omo´—³BeKoOd tKe man.´ TKeLr maOLce Zas not satLsfLed tKey must Jo furtKer and naLO +Lm to +Ls cross and mocN +Lm ZKLOe fever parcKed +Ls moutK and made +Lm feeO as Lf +Ls body Zere dLssoOved Sermon #10 TKe Man of SorroZs VoOume 1 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. to dust. +e crLes out ³, tKLrst´ and Ls mocNed ZLtK vLneJar. You NnoZ tKe rest but , ZouOd Kave you best remember tKat tKe sKarpest scourJLnJ and severest JrLefs Zere aOO ZLtKLn—ZKLOe tKe Kand of *od bruLsed +Lm and tKe Lron rod of Mus+e Zas fLtOy named a ³man of sorroZs!´ , feeO as Lf , Kave no utterance as Lf my tonJue Zere tLed ZKLOe tryLnJ to speaN upon tKLs subMect. , cannot fLnd JoodOy Zords ZortKy of my tKeme yet , NnoZ tKat embeOOLsKments of OanJuaJe ZouOd deaJonLes of my /ord. TKstand subOLme Ln Lts sLmpOLcLty! ,t needs no decoratLon. ,f , Kad ZreatKs of cKoLcest fOoZers to KanJ about Lt , ZouOd JOadOy pOace tKem tKere and Lf Lnstead of JarOandsJem , ZouOd consLder tKat tKe cross deserved tKe ZKoOe. But as , Kave none of tKese , reMoLce tKat tKe cross aOone Ln Lts naNed sLmpOLcLty needs notKLnJ from mortaO speecK. Turn to your bOeedLnJ SavLor O Lm and fLnd Ln tKe ³man of s And noZ tKe Oast Zord Ls +e Zas ³ACQUA,NTED :,T+ *R,EF.´ :LtK JrLef +e Kad an acquaLntance. +e dLd not NnoZ mereOy ZKat Lt Zas Ln otKers but Lt came Kome to +Lm. :e Kave read of JrLef. :e Kave sympatKL]ed ZLtK JrLef Ze Kave sometLmes feOt JrLef—but tKe /ord feOt Lt more LntenseOy tKan otKer men Ln +Ls Lnnermost souO. +e beyond us aOO Zas conversant ZLtK tKLs bOacN Oetter Oore. +e NneZ tKe secret of tKe Keart ZKLcK refuses to be comforted. +e Kad sat at JrLef’s tabOe eaten of JrLef’s bOacN bread and dLpped +Ls morseO Ln Ker vLneJar. By tKe Zaters of SaraK +e dZeOt and NneZ ,t Zas a acquaLntance. +e dLd not caOO at JrLef’s Kouse sometLmes to taNe a tonLc by tKe tKen of tKe ZormZood and tKe +Ls Kand asKes Zere aOZays mLnJOed ZLtK +Ls bread. Not onOy forty days Ln tKe ZLOderness dLd -esus fast tKe ZorOd Zas aOZays a ZLOderness to +Lm and +Ls OLfe Zas one OonJ /ent. , do not say tKat +e Zas not after aOO a Kappy man for doZn deep Ln +Ls souO benevoOence aOZays suppOLed a OLvLnJ sprLnJ of Moy to +Lm. TKere Zas a Moy Lnto ZKLcK Ze are one day to enter—tKe ³Moy of our /ord´—tKe ³Moy set before +Lm´ for ZKLcK ³+e endured tKe cross despLsLnJ tKe sKame.´ But tKat does not at aOO taNe aZay from tKe fact tKat +Ls acquaLntance ZLtK JrLef Zas contLnuous and LntLmate beyond tKat of any man ZKo ever OLved. ,t Zas Lndeed a acquaLntance ZLtK JrLef for eacK step tooN +Lm deeper doZn LntKe JrLm sKades of sorroZ. As tKere Ls a proJress Ln tKe teacKLnJ of CKrLst and Ln tKe OLfe of CKrLst so Ls tKere Ln tKe JrLefs of CKrLst. Tbut Lt set Ln conJreJated Korrors of Keaped up nLJKt tLOO Ln a moment tKe cOouds Zere suddenOy torn Ln sunder and as a Ooud voLce procOaLmed ³,t Ls fLnLsKed´ a JOorLous mornLnJ daZned ZKere aOO e[pected Remember once more tKat tKLs acquaLntance of CKrLst ZLtK *rLef Zas a acquaLntance for our saNes. +e need never Kave NnoZn JrLef at aOO and at any moment +e mLJKt Kave saLd to JrLef ³FareZeOO!´ +e couOd Kave returned Ln an Lnstant to tKe royaOtLes of Keaven and to tKe bOLss of tKe upper ZorOd or even tarryLnJ Kere +e mLJKt Kave OLved subOLmeOy LndLfferent to tKe Zoes of manNLnd. But +e ZouOd not—+e remaLned to tKe eNoZ tKen ZKat sKaOO , say Ln concOusLon but Must tKLs Oet us admLre tKe superOatLve Oove of -esus. O Oove Oove ZKat Kave You done? :Kat Kave You not done! You are omnLpotent Ln sufferLnJ. FeZ of us can bear paLn perKaps feZer stLOO of us can bear mLsrepresentatLon sOander and LnJratLtude. TKese are KorrLbOe Kornets ZKLcK stLnJ as ZLtK fLre men Kave been drLven to madness by crueO scandaOs ZKLcK Kave dLstLOOed from venomous tonJues. CKrLst tKrouJKout OLfe bore tKese and otKer sufferLnJs. /et us Oove +Lm as Ze tKLnN of KoZ mucK +e must Kave Ooved us. :LOO you try tKLs afternoon before you come to tKe communLon tabOe to Jet your souOs saturated ZLtK tKe Oove of CKrLst? SoaN tKem Ln +Ls Oove aOO afternoon tLOO OLNe a sponJe you drLnN Lnto your oZn seOves tKe Oove of -esus. And tKen come up to-nLJKt as Lt Zere to Oet tKat Oove fOoZ out to +Lm aJaLn ZKLOe you sLt at +Ls tabOe and partaNe of tKe em-bOems of +Ls deatK and of +Ls Oove. AdmLre tKe poZer of +Ls Oove and tKen pray tKat you may Kave a Oove someZKat aNLn to Lt Ln poZer. :e sometLmes Zonder ZKy tKe cKurcK of *od JroZs so sOoZOy but , do not Zonder ZKen , remember ZKat scant consecratLon to CKrLst tKere Ls Ln tKe cKurcK of *od. -esus Zas ³a man of sorroZs and acquaLnted ZLtK JrLef´ but many of +Ls dLscLpOes ZKo profess to be aOto-JetKer +Ls are OLvLnJ for tKemseOves. TKere are rLcK men ZKo caOO tKemseOves saLnts and are tKouJKt to be so ZKose treasures are Koarded for tKemseOves and famLOLes. TKere are men of abLOLty ZKo beOLeve tKat tKey are bouJKt ZLtK CKrLst’s bOood yet tKeLr abLOLty Ls aOO spent on otKer tKLnJs and none upon tKeLr TKe Man of SorroZsSermon #10 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. VoOume 1 /ord. And Oet us come nearer Kome—Kere are Ze ZKat are Ze doLnJ? TeacKLnJ Ln tKe scKooO are you? Are you doLnJ Lt ZLtK aOO your Keart for -esus? PreacKLnJ Ln tKe street? Yes but do you tKroZ your souO Lnto Lt for +Lm? Maybe you Kave to confess you are doLnJ notKLnJ—do not Oet tKLs day concOude tLOO you Kave beJun to do sometKLnJ for your /ord. :e are aOZays taONLnJtKat—ZKat Ls tKe cKurcK? , beOLeve tKere Ls a Jreat deaO too mucK saLd botK of bad and Jood about tKat abstractLon. TKe fact Ls Ze are LndLvLduaOs. TKe cKurcK Ls onOy tKe aJJreJatLon of LndLvLduaOs and Lf any Jood Ls to be done Lt must be performed by LndLvLduaOs. And Lf aOO LndLvLduaOs are LdOe tKere Ls no cKurcK ZorN done. TKere may be tKe sembOance of Lt but tKere Ls no reaO ZorN done. BrotKers and sLsters ZKat are you doLnJ for -esus? , cKarJe you by tKe naLO-prLnts of +Ls Kands unOess you are a OLar unto +Lm Oa-bor for +Lm! , cKarJe you by +Ls Zounded feet—run to +Ls KeOp! , cKarJe you by tKe scar on +Ls sLde—JLve +Lm your Keart! , cKarJe you by tKat sacred Kead once pLerced ZLtK tKorns—yLeOd +Lm your tKouJKts! , cKarJe you by tKe sKouOders ZKLcK bore tKe scourJes—bend your ZKoOe strenJtK to +Ls ser-vLce! , cKarJe you by +LmseOf JLve +Lm yourseOf. , cKarJe you by tKat Oeft Kand ZKLcK Kas been under your Kead and tKat rLJKt Kand ZKLcK Kas embraced you by tKe roes and by tKe KLnds of tKe fLeOd by tKe beds of spLces and tKe banquets of Oove render yourseOf your Keart your souO your strenJtK to +Lm! /Lve Ln +Ls servLce and dLe Ln +Ls servLce! /ay not doZn your Karness but ZorN on as OonJ as you sKaOO OLve. :KLOe you OLve Oet tKLs be your motto—³AOO for -esus aOO for -esus aOO for tKe man of sorroZs aOO for tKe man of sorroZs!´ O you tKat Oove +Lm and fLJKt for +Lm you are summoned to tKe front. +asten to tKe confOLct , pray you and cKarJe Kome for tKe ³man of sorroZs!´ MaNe tKLs your battOe cry today! SOLnN not bacN OLNe coZards! FOee not to your Komes as Oovers of ease! But press to tKe front for tKe ³man of sorroZs´ OLNe Jood men and true. By tKe cross ZKLcK bore +Lm and by tKe Keavy cross +e bore by +Ls deatK aJony and by tKe aJony of +Ls OLfe , cry ³ForZard for tKe man of sorroZs!´ :rLte man of sorroZs´ on your oZn bodLes ZKereLn you bear tKe marNs oBrand Lf not Ln your fOesK yet Ln your souOs for from noZ on you are servants of tKe man of sorroZs! :rLte tKLs on your ZeaOtK bLnd tKLs LnscrLptLon on aOO your possessLons—³TKLs beOonJs to tKe man of sorroZs.´ *Lve your cKLOdren to tKe ³man of sorroZs´ as men of oOd consecrated tKeLr sons to patrLot-Lsm and to battOe ZLtK tKeLr country’s foes. *Lve up eacK Kour to tKe ³man of sorroZs!´ /earn even to eat and drLnN and sOeep for tKe ³man of sorroZs´ doLnJ aOO Ln +Ls name. /Lve for +Lm and be ready to dLe for +Lm and tKe /ord accept you for tKe ³man of sorroZs’ ´PORT,ON OF SCR,PTURE READ BEFORE SERMON—,SA,A+ 53. Adapted from The C. H. Spurgeon Collection VersLon 1.0 AJes SoftZare. P/EASE PRAY T+E +O/Y SP,R,T :,// USE T+,S SERMON TO BR,N* MANY TO A SAV,N* .NO:/ED*E OF -ESUS C+R,ST ZZZ.spurJeonJems.orJ