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Uploaded On 2021-06-30


6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154 PhoneFax704 925 1621 Email xojalogisticsgmailcom XOJA LOGISTICS NEW CARRIER PACKET W e l c o m e to t he XOJA LOGISTICS Te a m W e are p l e ased t h a t y ou ID: 850396

carrier dispatcher logistics arrier dispatcher carrier arrier logistics xoja llc agreement date phone fax xojalogistics gmail 704 925 1621




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Presentation Transcript

1 XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy
XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154 Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmail.com XOJA LOGISTICS NEW CARRIER PACKET W e l c o m e to t he XOJA LOGISTICS Te a m ! W e are p l e ased t h a t y ou h a v e d ec i ded to g rant us t h e p ermiss i on to a ct as y our dis p atc h ing ser v ice pro v id e r r epresenting y our co m p any in t h e a r e na o f c o v er i ng y our truck(s) a nd / or del i v er i ng the a d m inistrati v e f u ncti o ns, w hich is no s m all d eal or t r ansa c tion. W e u n derst a nd h o w i m portant y our busin e ss is to y ou. Yo u h a v e m a d e a w ise decis i on; w e w i l l repre s ent y ou w ith int e g r i t y , pr o f essi o nal i sm a n d p r ide in all that w e d o! T o g et en r ol l ed in our pro g ra m , p l ease c o m p l et e , si g n and ret u rn t h e f ol l o w ing it em s b y e m ail to xojalogistics@gmail.com, o r fax to 704 - 925 - 1621 REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: • Completed and Signed D i spatch A g ree m ent • Limit e d P o w er of Atto r ney • C arrier C o m p any Pr o f i l e • T ruck O perat i on Fo r m • Completed Safety Evaluation Form & New Entrant Safety Audit Report (Unrated Carriers) • Co p y o f Car r ier's Au t h or i ty (Canadian Authority if applicable) • Co p y o f y our DOT# • Co p y o f y our W - 9 • Copy of Workmen’s Compensation and/or Occupational/Accidental Policies • CARB Compliance Certificates • Co p y o f in s urance cert i f ic a t e . ( W e re q ui r e $1 0 0, 0 0 0 i n Car g o a n d $1 , 000 , 000 i n Li a bi l it y ) O n ce y our p aper w ork i s p rocess e d y ou w i l l be c o n t a c t ed promptly w ith a ll p ert i nent infor m ation a n d y our C ust o m er ID. For q uestions/ c once r n s re g arding XOJA LOGISTICS LLC r e q ui r e m e n ts pl e ase c o nt a c t us at: xojalogistics@gmail.com or call 704 - 925 - 1621 Thank you for choosing XOJA LOGISTICS LLC ! XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154 Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmail.com AGREEMENT FOR DISPATCH SERVIC ES This AGREEMENT is made this ____________ day of __________________ , 20 _____ , by and between XOJA LOGISTICS LLC hereafter referred to as DISPATCHER, and Motor CARRIER _______________________________________ , MC # ___________________ and DOT # _______________. 1. RECITALS XOJA LOGISTICS LLC , hereinafter referred to as ‘DI

2 SPATCHER’, and _______ ______ ______
SPATCHER’, and _______ ______ ________________ _____ _, h e rein a f ter re f er r ed to as ‘ C ARRIER ’, d e s i res to re t ain XOJA LOGISTICS LLC b y exec u t i n g a L i m i ted Po w er of A tt o r ne y t o f i nd a nd sec ure f re i g h t f or carrier a n d dis p a tch carrier 's e q u i p m e n t. WHEREAS, the DISPATCHER is a transportation dispatcher handling the necessary paperwork and freight rate negotiations between FREIGHT BROKERS, SHIPPERS and the CARRIER to secure “CARGO” for said CARRIER. DISPATCHER is not a PROPERTY BROKER nor acting as a PROPERTY BROKER to the CARRIER. WHEREAS, CARRIER is a Motor Carrier subject to the jurisdiction of the ICC and FMCSA: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and convents hereinafter contained it is mutually agreed by and between parties hereto as follows: WHEREAS, the transportation service provided by CARRIER for Freight Shippers, whether on regulated, unregulated, or intrastate traffic, is intended by the Parties to be contract carriage between the CARRIER and Freight Shippers/Holders as de fined in 49 U.S.C. § 13102 (4) and §14101 (b) and not between DISPATCHER, and the Parties hereto intend that the contractual arrangement be continuous in nature until this agreement is, by its terms, terminated; and; WHEREAS, both DISPATCHER and CARRIER e nter into this A GREEMENT for the purpose of providing and receiving specified services under specified rates and conditions, DISPATCHER and CARRIER deem it essential to their respective interest to establish and maintain an Independent Contractor relations hip in the execution and performance of this agreement; and; NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertakings herein, and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Parties hereto warrant, covenant and agree as follows: CARRIER desires to retain DISPATCHER by executing a Limited Power of Attorney to find, negotiate, and procure freight for and dispatch. XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154 Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmail.com CARRIER agrees to hold DISPATCHER harmless from any liability for personal injury or property damage occurring during operation conducted by CARRIER pursuant to this agreement. CARRIER agrees that DISPATCHER, at great expense, has developed a broad custo mer base of shippers, receivers, and property brokers that is essential to the successful operations of his company. CARRIER and DISPATCHER agree that disclosure of the identity of one or more of the companies said cus

3 tomers to CARRIER constitutes valuable
tomers to CARRIER constitutes valuable consideration. During the term of this AGREEMENT and for a period of two (2) years from its termination, CARRIER shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit or do business involving transportation or of a warehousing nature with any the company’s customers who are serviced by CARRIER because of this AGREEMENT unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing. C ARRIER acknowledges that the customer information being provided by DISPATCHER is the sole and exclusive property of DISPATCHER and that neither it , nor any employee, agent, or subcontractor shall back - solicit, directly or indirectly, communicate or perform any service for compensations for any account of DISPATCHER which has previously tendered to CARRIER for transportation, nor shall it pass on or reveal any customer information obtained to any other person or company. Solicitation prohibited under this AGREEMENT means participation in any conduct, whether direct or indirect, the purpose of which involves transportation and/or handling of property by CARRIER for which CARRIER does, or did in the past, provide such service for that customer under arrangements first made or procured by DISPATCHER. Solicitation includes conduct initiated or induced by CARRIER, or accepted by CARRIER, upon inducement b y DISPATCHER efforts. If CARRIER should perform services of a transportation or warehousing nature for compensation for any DISPATCHER customer without prior documented authorization from DISPATCHER during the applicable time in violation of this AGREEME NT, CARRIER shall pay to DISPATCHER within ten (10) days of each such violation an amount equal to (27%) of all revenues invoiced by CARRIER to the solicited customer. Where a dispute or disagreement arises, both parties agree to tender the issue to bindin g arbitration in the State of NORTH CAROLINA. CARRIER acknowledges that a breach of this provision will give rise to immediate and irreparable injury to DISPATCHER, which is inadequately compensated in damages. Accordingly, CARRIER agrees that DISPATCHER is entitled to obtain injunctive relief against the breach or threatened breach by CARRIER of this obligation, in addition to any other legal remedies, which may be available. CARRIER further acknowledges that the precise damages DISPATCHER would sustai n out of any breach of this covenant may be difficult to ascertain and agrees that it shall pay as damages, twenty - seven (27) percent of the aggregate of all rates and charges assessed by CARRIER for transportation services provided to any account of XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154

4 Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xoja
Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmail.com D ISPATCHER that is handled in contravention of this agreement, plus liquidated damages of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars. CARRIER will be responsible to comply with all applicable state and federal regulations pertaining to the operation of a motor car rier. CARRIER gives DISPATCHER authority to provide his signature for rate confirmation sheets, invoices and associated paperwork necessary for securing cargo and billing purposes. The terms of this agreement shall be perpetual, provided that either party may terminate same by giving 30 days written notice to the other. P r i or to the i m p l e m e n ta ti on of t hi s a gree m e n t , the CARRIER m ust f urn i s h t o DISPATCHER t h e f ol lo w i n g d ocu m e n ts: 1. T h i s A GREEMENT f o r m c o m p l et e d, d at e d a n d s i g n e d . 2. A s i g n e d L i m i ted P o wer of A tt o r ne y f or m . 3. Completed C arrier Company P ro f il e (including a list of three established references) 4. T ru c k Op e rat i on For m . 5. Internet Load Board and Account Access . 6. Co p y of C arrier 's Motor Carrier A ut h o r i t y . 7. Co p y of DO T #. 8. Completed IRS Form W - 9. 9. P ro o f of I n s urance C ert i f i c a t es ** * * listing DISPATCHER as a certificate holder. **DISPATCHER requires at least $1,000,000 liability insurance and at least $100,000 cargo coverage. **Power only carriers must also have $40,000 non - owned trailer or interchange insurance . 2. PE R C E N T A G E R A T E A G R EE M E NT ( P le a s e c h e ck pla n p r ef e rr ed for pay per load) [ ] 9% P a y P er L o a d S E M I - P o w er O n l y [ ] 9% Pa y P er L o a d S E M I - D r y V a n , R e e f er, F l a t B e d , o r S t ep d e c k [ ] 9% Ho tsh ot 3 5 f o o t - 40 f o o t [ ] 1 2 % Ho tsh ot 2 4 f o o t - 30 f o o t [ ] 1 2 % P A R T - T IM E - p a rt ti m e t r u c k s are ch a rg e d m ore i f y o u ch o ose n o t to use u s on e v e r y l o a d. It t a k es t i m e a w a y f rom t h e di s p a tch e r f i n d i n g l o a ds f or f u l l - t i m e t ru c k s . [ ] 1 5 % P A R T - T IME Hotsh o t 2 4 f o o t - 3 0 f o o t 3. E FF E C T I V E D A T E This AGREEMENT shall be deemed to be effective on the first date that CARRIER and DISPATCHER commence business together, and the parties hereby agree tha

5 t the provisions herein properly expres
t the provisions herein properly express and memorialize the complete understanding as contained in any pri or agreement either written or verbal. A gree m e n t sh a l l b e i n e f f ect u p o n t he d a t e s i g n e d b y b o t h p ar t i es to t h i s A g r e e m e n t a nd sh a l l be i n e ff ect u ntil t he r e v oca t i o n of t h e L i m i ted Po w er of A tt orn e y or u ntil n ot i c e i s g i ve n b y DISPATCHER . C ARRIER m ust se n d n ot i f i c a t i o n b y emailing said R e v oc a t i o n N o t i c e t o : XOJA LOGISTICS LLC at xojalogistics@gmail.com or f ax i ng said R e v oca t i o n N o t i c e t o 704 - 925 - 1621 XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154 Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmail.com 4. STATEMENT OF WORK DISPATCHER will: 1. F i nd f re i g ht t h a t b e s t m atch e s pro f il e f or t h e C ARRIER . 2. Con t act C arrier w i t h lo a d m a tch e s a n d go over o p t i o n s . 3. F ax t o s h i p p er/bro k er th e C arrier ’ s A ut h ori t y , W - 9 , proof o f i nsurance, a nd or d er i nsuranc e c er t i f i c at e s i f re q u i r e d, a l o n g w i th a n y o th e r re q u i r e d su p p ort i ng doc u m e n ta t i on u p o n t h e Carrier a gre e i n g t o ta k e a l o a d. 4. Han d l e t he se t t i n g o f a p p oi nt m e n ts i f n e c es s a r y . 5. P rov i d e th e C ARRIER w i th a l l di s p a tch i nstruct i o n s f or p i c k u p , tra n s i t a nd d el i v e r y . 6. A ss i s t w i th a n y pr o ble m s th a t arise i n t he tra n si t of the l o a d when n e c es s a r y i f w i t h i n o u r c a p a bi li t i es. T he C arrier i s resp o n s i ble f o r o w n e q u i p m e n t. W e c an t r y to d i rect C arrier to a s e r v ic e th a t m i g h t be of h e l p. 7. Ho l d o n t o t he d i s p a tc h , ac c es s ori a l i n f or m at i o n , etc. u n t i l t he l o ad i s c o m p l et e d. O nc e c o m p l et e d DISPATCHER w i l l m a i l or f ax a l l d ocu m e n ts to t h e C arrier . 8. Forward th e f i n al l o a d c o n f i r m at i on a n d m a i l a l l d o c u m e n ta t i o n t o t h e C ARRIER , c o n cl u d i ng t h a t a l l ser vi c es h a v e b e e n p er f or m ed i n f u l l . 5. RATES AND CHARGES/BILLING CARRIER a g

6 r e es to pa y DISPATCHER as
r e es to pa y DISPATCHER as p e r t he a greed q u o tes a n d t er m s , a s sta t ed i n S ec t i on 2 o f t h i s a g re e m e n t. T h i s a g re e d t e r m rat e s w i l l b e re q u i r e d t o be p a i d to DISPATCHER as p e r t h e co n d i t i o n s of t h e a g re e m e n t. A fi v e (5) d a y g race p er i od w i l l b e a l lo w ed b e f ore the ac c o u nt b e c o m es o v er d u e . A t t en ( 1 0) d a y s t he ac c o u nt w i l l b e s us p e n d e d a nd a re a c t i v a t i o n f ee of $ 6 0 w i l l a p p l y i n a d d i t i on t o a n y overdue f e e s . A f ter 30 da y s t he ac c o u nt m ay be placed f or c ol l ect io n. DISPATCHER w i l l i nvoi c e C ARRIER as p e r t he t er m s o f the a gree m e n t v i a E m a i l , U . S . M ail or f ax i n g said invoi c e. P a y m e n t c a n b e m a d e t o: XOJA LOGISTICS LLC b y Pa y Pa l , Zelle or b a n k tra n s f er. A FIFTEEN DOLLAR ($15) late fee will be assessed daily for all late payments. LOAD RATE CONFIRMATION must be signed and returned via email or fax on each load moved to the DISPATCHER. a) CARRIER must call DISPATCHER when loaded with any information requested by Freight Broker or Shipper (such as Bill of Lading number, pieces and weig ht). b) CARRIER must call DISPATCHER when load is delivered to confirm delivery accepted without exception or other problem. c) Any exception upon delivery must be immediately conveyed to DISPATCHER before the driver leaves the consignee’s facility. d) It is the re sponsibility of the CARRIER to complete the carrier package from the freight broker or shipper. e) It is the responsibility of the CARRIER to maintain the minimum insurance levels as prescribed by the F.M.C.S.A and by the freight broker or shipper. f) In the eve nt the CARRIER wishes the DISPATCHER to complete the Set - Up Carrier Packages, the DISPATCHER will then assume the role of FREIGHT DISPATCHER this will result in additional charges of $27 per completed package. ______INITIALS g) The CARRIER authorizes the DISPATCHER to execute and sign the SET - UP PACKAGES / RATE CONFIRMATIONS on his behalf to acquire the load. ______INITIALS XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154 Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmail.com 6. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Once h as co n cl u d e d p er S ec t i on 4 li n e 8 i t w i l l b e t h e re s p o ns i b

7 i l i t y of t h e C ARRIER t o
i l i t y of t h e C ARRIER t o h a n d l e d i rect l y w i th the s h i p ping p ar t y an y o v era g es, sh o rt ag es, d a m a g es, o r b i l li n g a nd c o l l ec t i o n s i ss u e s . In no e v e n t w i l l the DISPATCHER be l i a b l e f or a n y i nc i d e nt a l , co n s e q u e n t i a l , or i n d i r ect d a m a g es f or t h e l oss of pro f i ts, o r b u si n e s s i nt e rru p t i on ar i si ng o u t of t h e u s e o f t h e ser v i c e. C ARRIER a g re e s t o h o l d h a r m l es s , b e f ore, d u r i ng a n d a f t e r t h e co n t r act, a l l d i rect or i n di rect d a m a g es resu l t i ng f rom C ARRIER h a u l in g o f sh i p p er's f re i g h t. T h i s i nc l u d es, b ut i s n ot l i m i ted t o, l o a d i ng a n d u n l o a d i ng pro b l e m s or i ss u e s , d e l a y s , o v era g es, sh o r t a g es, d a m a g es, a nd bi l l i ng a n d c o l l ect i o n i ss u e s a n d h o urs of ser vi c es. C ARRIER w i l l b e re s p o ns i b l e fo r n o t i f y i ng DISPATCHER of ch a n g es to a u t h o r i t y , i n s urance, cl i e nt pro f i l e o r o w n e r sh i p. DISPATCHER w i l l work w i th i n t h e esta b li sh ed p a ra m et e rs of t h e C ar r i er Company P ro f il e. DISPATCHER w i l l n ot i f y C ARRIER of b e s t - m atch e d l o ad s f or ap p ro v a l p r i or to m a k i ng h a u l co m m i t m e n t. DISPATCHER w i l l f ax all n e c es s a r y d ocu m e n ta ti o n t o t he bro k er/ s h i p p er d i rec t l y , a l o ng w i th f i n al a p pr o v a l o nce C ARRIER or d e s i g n at e d re p rese n ta t i v e h as a p pr o v e d lo a d. DISPATCHER w i l l n ot i f y C ARRIER of l o a d re q u i red q u al i f i c at i o n s or a d d i t i o n a l i nsu r a n c e n eces s a r y . DISPATCHER w i l l f urn i s h to C ARRIER n eces s a r y i n f o r m at i on f or qu a l i f i c ation of i nsu r a n c e re q u i r e d. In t h e e v e n t t h at, DISPATCHER b o o k s a l o ad w i th the C arrier’ s a p p r oval a n d / or m a tch i ng t h e C arrier 's truck p o s t i n g , t h e C ARRIER a grees to p a y DISPATCHER a g re e d in Sect i o n 2 of t h i s A gr e e m e n t f or s er vi c es re n d e re d . NO T E : T o a v oid ch a r g es f or un a v a il a ble

8 e q uip m e n t, i t i s i m p e r
e q uip m e n t, i t i s i m p e rati v e t o n ot i f y DISPATCHER i m m e di at e l y i f t h e truck i s l o a d e d f r o m a n ot h e r so u r c e o r no l o n g er a v ai l a b l e f or a n y r e aso n . If C ARRIER d o es n o t gi v e t h e p ro p er n o t i c e t h a t the truck i s no l o n g er a v ai l a b l e , C ARRIER m a y b e su b j ect to a $60 f i n e t h at M U S T be p aid BE FO R E we can ac c e p t an y f urther o p p ortu n i t i es f or the truc k . C ARRIER a g re e s t h a t i f a h i g he r l i n e h a ul rate i s n e e d e d f or the s hip m e n t, t h e y w i l l n o t i f y DISPATCHER BE FO R E t h e lo a d i s secur e d. Once t he C ARRIER t el l s t h e DISPATCHER t h e y w il l a c c e p t t h e ship m e n t a t a sp e c i f i c rat e , th i s i s verb a l ac c e p t a n c e a nd t he l o ad i s secured. Sh o u l d t he C ARRIER back o u t o r ask f or m ore m o n e y a f ter the l o a d h a s b e en secur e d, t h ere w i l l be a p e n a l t y of $ 1 00 f or t h e f i r s t o cc ur r e n c e a n d $ 2 0 0 f or the s ec o nd o c c ur r e n c e t h a t M U S T be p ai d b e f ore w e can ac c e p t an ot h er l o a d o n t h e C arrier’ s b e h a l f . If t hi s h a p p e n s m ore th a n t w i c e (2), DISPATCHER h a s t he r i g h t to t e r m i n a te the a g re e m e n t b e t we e n DISPATCHER a n d t h e C ARRIER . C ARRIER a g re e s t h a t th e y w i l l a d v i s e DISPATCHER i n a t i m ely f ash i o n sh o u l d t h e C ARRIER n ot b e a v a i l a b l e f or d i s p a tch m ore th a n o ne (1) d a y at a ti m e. (If C arrier i s n ot w or k i ng f or a n y a m o u nt of t i m e, p l e a s e l et us k n o w A S A P so th a t w e do n o t p l a n a n y l o a ds f or Carrier ’ s tru c k .) XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154 Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmail.com 7. DISCLAIMER DISPATCHER is NOT responsible for the following: 1. B i l l i ng Is s u e s . 2. Loa d p r o b l e m s . 3. A d v a n c es. ( A l l a d v a nces w i l l h a v e t o b e h a n d l ed d i rect l y b e t w e en CARRIER a n d sh i p p er/bro k er u nl ess re q u e s t e d b y C arrier .) 4. Han d l i ng a nd

9 s tora g e o f p a p e r w or k .
s tora g e o f p a p e r w or k . ( Al l d o c u m e n ts w i l l b e s e n t t o C arrier at the Carrier’s expense, u n l ess o t h e r ar r a n g e m e n ts are m a d e) 5. D O T c o m p l i a n c e i ss u e s . 6. SP I K E I N S U R A N C E. 8. GOVERNING LAW T h i s AGREEMENT s h al l be g o v ern e d b y a nd co nstru e d i n ac c ordance w i th l a w s of t h e S t ate of NORTH CAROLINA w i t h o u t g i v i ng e f f ect t o a n y c h oi c e o f la w o r c o n f l i c t o f la w s pro v i s i o n o r rule (whe t h e r of th e S ta t e o f NORTH CAROLINA or a n y ot h er j urisd i c t i o n ) th a t w o uld c a u s e the a p p l i c ation of the l a w s of a n y j uris d i c t i on o th e r th a n th o s e of t h e S ta t e o f NORTH CAROLINA. 9. JURISDICTIONS AND VENUE DISPATCHER a n d C ARRIER h e re b y co n se nt t o a n d a gr e e t o s u b m i t to t h e ju r i s d i c t io n o f t h e F e d e r a l a n d st a te c o u rts l oca t ed i n CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA i n c o n n e c t i on w i t h an y c l a i m s o r co n trover s i es aris i n g o u t o f t h e A gr e e m e nt. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire agreement between DISPATCHER and CARRIER and may not be amended, modified, or waived except by written agreement, signed by DISPATCHER and CARRIER. This contract cannot be changed, modified, limited, or supplemented by reference to any CARRIER rates, rules, classification, practice schedule or tariff. Additional services other than mentioned above, i.e., research, form completion will be invoiced at the rate of ($27) per hour , a (2) hour minimum service charge to apply. DATE OF AGREEMENT EXECUTION: IN W I T N ES S W H E R E OF, t he p art i es h ereto h a v e ex ec ut e d t h i s A GREEMENT a s t h e d a t e w r i t te n . ___________________________________ XOJA LOGISTICS LLC ____________________ (Print Carrier Company Name) (Print Dispatch Company Name) Officer Name: _______________________ Representative Name: ___________________ Officer Title: _________________________ Representative Title: ____________________ Signature: __________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Date: _ _ ____ / ______ / ______ Date: _ _____ / ______ / ______ XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154 Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmai

10 l.com AGREEMENT
l.com AGREEMENT FOR DISPATCH SERVICES ATTACHMENT "A" This attachment pertains to the selected level of service noted on Section 2 of this agreement for ________________ ___ __________________ (C ARRIER ), and will remain in effect until either C arrier requests to have a change in service, wishes to terminate this Service Agreement, or C arrier is canceled by XOJA LOGISTICS LLC for cause. PERCE NTAGE RATE AGREEMENT: This plan is detailed as a percentage of gross revenue rate plan, which is for services provided. This plan includes all services listed on Section 4 line items 1 – 9 of this agreement. The cost of this plan is the percentage chosen of the gross revenue (e xcluding accessorials) per truck enrolled with XOJA LOGISTICS LLC. Invoices will be sent out weekly. Payment for this plan is to be made in full within 3 days of the invoice date. Payment can be made according to Section 5 of this agreement. OTHER PRO VISIONS: Nonpayment pertaining to all service plans. There is a built - in grace period of 5 days after the due date. C ARRIER will then be notified on the outstanding payment. After 10 days past due the account is subject to suspension. If an account is su spended, the account must be paid current and is subject to a reinstatement fee of $ 6 0.00 prior to the account being reactivated. CARRIER: __________________________________ SIGNATURE: _______________________________ DATE: _____ / ______ / ______ IMPORTANT INFORMATION: ALL of our Brokers , Dispatchers, and Carriers sign a Non - Compete Contract, so once they are no longer with this company, whether they stay with us or not, they are legally bound not to have any contact, for one full year, with the company XOJA LOGISTICS LLC is dispatching or has dispatched. XOJA LOGISTICS LLC 6012 Bayfield Pkwy Ste 154 Phone/Fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmail.com CREDIT CARD PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION Cardholder Name: _____________________________________________________ Billing Address: _____________________________________________________ Credit Card Type: _____ Visa _____ M/C ____ Discover _____ Amex Credit Card Number: _____________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____ / ____ C VV Code: ________ (Last 3 Digits Located On The Back Of The Credit Card) Amount To Charge: $ ________________ (U SD ) I authorize XOJA LOGISTICS LLC to charge the amount listed above to the credit card provided herein. I agree to pay for this purchase in

11 accordance with the issuing bank cardh
accordance with the issuing bank cardholder agreement. Cardholder – Please Sign And Date Signature: _________________________________________________ ____ Date: ____ / ____ / ____ Return the COMPLETED AND SIGNED FORM to the Following: XOJA LOGISTICS LLC Phone/fax:704 - 925 - 1621 Email: xojalogistics@gmail.com AL AL AR AZ CA CO CT DE FL GA IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MO MN MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY CARRIER COMPANY PROFILE Instructions: To be certain we have an accurate profile of your organization /company and full knowledge of your transportation services and needs, please complete the carrier profile below and return all required documents. The better informed we are the better we will be able to assist you. Th is form should be updated at any time by notifying us. This information is for our use only and will not be released to any third party without your express written permission. PART 1: CARRIER INFORMATION SECTION COMPANY: __________________________________ D/B/A (If Any): ________________________________ PHYSICAL ADDRESS: _________________________ CITY: _______________ STATE: _______ ZIP: ______ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________ CITY: _______________ ST ATE: _______ ZIP: _______ MAIN CONTACT : _________________________ E - MAIL: _________________________________________ OFFICE PHONE: ____________________ FAX: __________________ CELL PHONE: _________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT: ____________________________ EMERGENCY PHONE: ___________________ MC NUMBER: ___________________ DOT NUMBER: ____________________ EIN/SS: _________________ SCAC CODE: ________________ TWIC CERTIFIED: ______________ HAZMAT CERTIFIED: ____________ PART 2: EQUIPMENT SECTION # OF TRUCKS: COMPANY ___________ OWNER OPERATORS : ________ NUMBER OF TEAMS: _______ # OF TRAILERS: VAN: ______ REEFERS: ______ FLATBED: _____ RGN: _____ STEP DECK: _____ DD: _____ OTHER TYPES: ____________________ _______________________________________________________ TRAILER SIZES: VAN: _____ REEFE R:______ FLATBED: ______ RGN: ______ STEP DECK: _____ DD: _____ DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT (I.E. PALLETS, TARPS, OVERSIZE AND WEIGHT LIMITS): _______________ __________________________________________________________________________

12 ________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________ PART 3: SERVICE AREAS OF OPERATION (Check all that apply) USA : ______ All 48 states Canada (list provinces): ________________________________ Mexic o:______________________________ CREDIT APPLICATION Return To: XOJA LOGISTICS LLC Email : XOJALOGISTICS@GMAIL.COM Fax: 704 - 925 - 1621 Applicant Legal Name Federal ID # Trade Name (if different) Billing Address Physical Address City ST Zip City ST Zip Phone Fax Web Address Contact Title E - mail Cell Type of Business (Please check one): Sole Proprietor Other Description of Business Partnership Corporation LLC Business Start Date # of Employees Approx. Annual Sales Approx. Net Worth Limit Requested Sales Tax Exempt? If yes, attach exem Yes ption certificate No A/P Contact Principals - Names of Officers, Partners, Owners, Guarantors (attach additional sheets if necessary) Full Name Title Residence Address Residence Phone % Interest Bank/Finance Co. Reference Name City, State Contact Phone # Account # Type Has the business or any Principle ever declared Bankruptcy Yes No Date Declared Does the business or any Principle have any outstanding liens or judgments Yes No Trade References Name City, State Contact Phone # Fax # Insurance Co. Name City, State Contact Phone # Fax # Can we contact your agent on your behalf? Yes No Special Billing Instructions Purchase order required? If yes, Written or Verbal Yes No If verbal are names instead of numbers allowed? Yes No Who can charge? Other requirements? TERMS & CONDITIONS OF CREDIT & SALES: Customer agrees to pay for goods, services, and other items charged to its open account upon receipt of each invoice. Payment is past due if not received by XOJA LOGISTICS LLC within 30 (thirty) days of the date of invoice. Past due Invoices are subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month (18% APR). It is further agreed that th

13 e customer w ill pay all costs of colle
e customer w ill pay all costs of collection, including attorney fees, should this account require legal proceedings to enforce payment. The undersigned warrants that all information is correct. It is understood and agreed that the undersigned specifically consents to XOJA LOGISTICS LLC investigation of the applicant's credit history and may utilize credit reporting services for information on the applicant. The undersigned hereby authorizes the bank and trade references listed to release the information necessary to assist XOJA LOGISTICS LLC in establishing a line of credit. Signature Printed Name Title Date CONTINUING PERSONAL GUARANTY: In consideration of the extension of business credit for goods and services obtained by the above designated Applicant from XOJA LOGISTICS LLC , and as an inducement to make such extension, the undersigned jointly, severally, irrevocably and unconditionally agree(s) to (1) the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, which are hereby fully incorporated herein by th is reference; and (2) guarantee(s) the payment of any and all indebtedness, including advances, debts, obligations, and liabilities now existing or hereafter made or incurred, together with such costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, as may be incurred by XOJA LOGISTICS LLC in the enforcement of this Guaranty, whether or not suit is commenced. The undersigned further indemnif y (ies) and holds harmless XOJA LOGISTICS LLC from any loss, damage, and/or expense caused by or arising out of def ault of or failure to pay by CUSTOMER. This continuing guaranty shall not be revoked except by written notice to XOJA LOGISTICS LLC requesting that XOJA LOGISTICS LLC not make any further sales and deliveries on the security of this Guaranty and until the expiration of five (5) days after such notice shall have been received by XOJA LOGISTICS LLC by registered mail, return receipt requested. Any revocation shall be effective only with respect to merchandise shipped or delivered after the expiration of said five - day period, and shall not affect in any respect liability incurred by the undersigned prior to that time. The undersigned, and each of them, agree(s) to be bound by all terms and conditions contained in this Credit Agreement and in the invoices issued hereunder which are incorporated by this reference as though fully set forth in full. Signature Printed Name Title Date AUTOMATIC PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION ___________________________ , owner of __________________________ ___ (“Carrier”), hereby authorizes TAFS, I

14 NC (“Factor”) to deduct ____ _____
NC (“Factor”) to deduct ____ ______ ____ P ercent ( %) from each invoice purchased by Factor. Carrier agrees these funds will be placed in an escrow account by Factor to be disbursed wee kly to XOJA LOGISTICS LLC (“Dispatcher”) as payment for dispatching services provided by Dispatcher to Carrier. This agreement may be cancelled at any time via written notice to all parties. Carrier: __________________________ Dispatcher: ___________ _______________ MC # __________________________ Signature: __________________________ Signature: __________________________ Date: ____/ ____ / ____ Date: ____/ ____ / ____ LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY BE IT KNOWN, that ____ ____ ____ ___ _________ _______ __ with an MC or DOT number of __________ ____ __ ___ __ , has made and appointed, and by these presents does make and appoint XOJA LOGISTICS LLC , true and lawful attorney for _____________ _____ ________ , place and stead, for the limited and specific purp ose of contracting loads of freight to be hauled by _____ _______ ___ ___ _________ , giving and granting said XOJA LOGISTICS LLC , full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever necessary to be done in and about the specific a nd limited terms (set out herein) as fully, to all intents and purposes, as might or could be done if personally present, with full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to b e done by virtue thereof. I, _________________________________ , the undersigned, do hereby grant to XOJA LOGISTICS LLC , as my attorney - in - fact, to receive on my behalf information from Direct Shippers and Property Brokers, and to sign freight rate confirma tions on my behalf pertaining to such information. This power of attorney is to remain in full force and effect until revoked by me in writing. Such revocation is to be emailed to: XOJA LOGISTICS LLC at: XOJALOGISTICS@GMAIL.COM The affiant being duly sworn affirms and says that he or she is the signer(s) of the foregoing power of attorney, and that he or she has read the foregoing power of attorney and understands its contents. COMPANY NAME: ____________________________________ ________ Signature: ______________________________ Name: _________________________ Title: ____________________________ Date: ______ / ______ / ______ WITNESS Signature: ______________________________ Name: _________________________ Title: ____________________________ Date: ______ / ______ / _