Cancer Eph 5:15 Cancer The Cancer Eph 5:15 Cancer The

Cancer Eph 5:15 Cancer The - PowerPoint Presentation

jane-oiler . @jane-oiler
Uploaded On 2018-03-07

Cancer Eph 5:15 Cancer The - PPT Presentation

uncontrolable growth of abnormal cells The body is always producing cells but sometimes the body begins to produce abnormal cells The abnormal growth of tissue is called a tumor Some tumors are benign noncancerous ID: 642125

cells cancer cancerous body cancer cells body cancerous system immune abnormal types 000 exposure light skin contribute cancers breast




Presentation Transcript



Eph 5:15Slide2




growth of abnormal cells

The body is always producing cells, but sometimes the body begins to produce abnormal cells

The abnormal growth of tissue is called a tumor

Some tumors are benign – noncancerous

Generally are not dangerous, simply need to be removed to allow body parts to properly function

Some tumors are malignant – cancerous

Dangerous because it will spread to other parts of the body

These cells kill healthy cells, and put pressure on organsSlide3


Your immune system usually destroys abnormal cells

But if the immune system is weakened, or the number of cancer cells is overwhelming, cancer develops

5-10% of cancers are hereditary

60% of cancers cane be prevented through healthy choices

Smoking, exposure to UV lightSlide4

Types of Cancer

Cancer is classified by the tissue it affects

Lymphomas – immune system


– blood-forming organs

Carcinomas – glands, body linings (skin, intestine)

Sarcomas – connective tissues, bones,


Types of Cancer

Skin (1 million cases a year) - exposure to UV light

Breast (205,000 cases a year) – genetic factors, obesity, alcohol use, physical activity can contribute

Prostrate – (189,000) – mostly men over 55, partially hereditary and link to high fat diet

Lung (169,400) – smoke, asbestos

Colon/Rectum (148,00) – age

Mouth (30,000) – use of tobacco/alcoholSlide6

Risk Factors

Tobacco Use is the major cause of cancer deaths in the U.S.

About 87% if lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)- can cause cervical and liver cancer

Diet – diets high in fat and low in fiber contribute to cancer

Radiation – exposure to UV lightSlide7

Our Faith

Again we see that many types of cancer come from poor decisions on our part

When we don’t take care of our bodies as God has attended, things can happen to make our lives very difficult

Not all cancer is a result of our poor decisions, but there are many forms we could avoid (Eph 5:15: “Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise…”Slide8

Detecting Cancer

The earlier it is detected, the better the chance of survival

There are numerous self-exams for breast, testes, and skin

Regular medical visits will look for early warning signsSlide9

Treating Cancer

Surgery – removes some or all of cancerous masses

Radiation therapy – aims rays for radioactive substances at cancerous cells, killing the cells

Chemotherapy – using chemicals to kill cells

Immunotherapy – activates immune system t recognize and destroy cancerous cells

Hormone Therapy – medicine that interferes with the production of hormones.Slide10


C – change in bowel habits

A – a sore that does not heal

U – unusual bleeding or discharge

T – Thickening of lump

I – Indigestion or difficulty swallowing

O – obvious change in wart or mole

N – nagging cough

of hoarseness