Sermon #1124 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 19www.spurgeongems. Sermon #1124 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 19www.spurgeongems.

Sermon #1124 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 19www.spurgeongems. - PDF document

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Sermon #1124 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 19www.spurgeongems. - PPT Presentation






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Sermon #1124 MetropoOLtan TabernacOe PuOpLt VoOume 1TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. *OD BESEEC+,N* S,NNERS BY +,S M,N,STERS A SERMON DE/,VERED ON /ORD’S-BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT T+E METROPO/,TAN TABERNAC/E NE:,N*TON. nciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: *od BeseecKLnJ SLnners by +Ls MLnLstersSermon #1124 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. VoOume 1 stooped from tKe OoftLness of +Ls JOory to beseecK +Ls oZn rebeOOLous subMects to Kave mercy upon tKemseOves. TKLs mornLnJ , sKaOO try to drLve at tKe Keart and conscLence ZLtK aOO my mLJKt dependLnJ upon tKe SpLrLt of *od to maNe my appeaOs effectuaO. And ZLtK tKat aLm and no otKer , sKaOO fLrst of aOO speaN up-the ambassadors of reconciliation. SecondOy upon the matter of their embassy, tKe messaJe tKey OF RECONC,/,AT,ON. ,t appears from tKe te[t tKat they were once enemies to God. ³AOO tKLnJs are of *od ZKo Kas recon-cLOed to +LmseOf.´ Yes beOoved ZKen Ze beseecK you to be reconcLOed to *od Ze JLve to ourseOves no aLrs as tKouJK Ze Zere superLor to you by nature or Kad been superLor Ln our former conduct before conversLon. No ratKer Ze are bone of your bone and fOesK of your fOesK. Are you sLnfuO? SucK Zere Ze. Are you rebeOOLous aJaLnst *od? SucK Zere Ze. Are your Kearts Kard? SucK Zere ours. :e do not OooN doZn upon you from an eOevated pOatform of affected dLJnLty for Ze recoJnL]e our oZn nature Ln yours. TKerefore Ze come to you as to feOOoZ sLnners and aObeLt Lt Ls a sorroZfuO tKLnJ ever to Kave sLnned Ze are JOad to tKLnN tKat Ze can speaN to you of an evLO ZKLcK Kas ve[ed us tKe poZer of ZKLcK Ze Kave paLnfuOOy feOt and penLtentOy mourned as you must yet do. :e Kope tKat our former condLtLon as sLnners and unbeOLevers ZLOO maNe us speaN to you more tenderOy and ZLter. *od mLJKt Kave sent anJeOs to you and you ZouOd perKaps at fLrst Kave been aZed by tKeLr JOory. But tKeLr sermons ZouOd Kave been coOd and unsympatKetLc compared ZLtK ours for tKey couOd not NnoZ your mLsery and deJradatLon as Ze do. TKey ZouOd Kave feOt a Korror of you and ZouOd not Kave cared to come near you. TKeLr purLty ZouOd Kave made tKem reJard you as a KeaOtKy man reJards a Oep-er. TKey must Kave done so NLnd as no doubt tKey ZouOd Kave trLed to be. But Ze Kave no sucK feeOLnJs. :e Kave a Korror of your sLn but not of you. And OooNLnJ at you as beLnJ ZKat Ze once Zere Ze say to you brotKers and sLsters by nature Ze trust you ZLOO yet become brotKers and sLsters by Jrace and tKat tKe bOood of CKrLst ZKLcK Kas made peace betZeen us and *od may aOso reconcLOe you to tKe Jreat Fa-KouJK tKose ZKo are noZ *od’s mLnLsters Zere once +Ls enemLes are now reconciled. TKey are no stranJers to tKe reconcLOLatLon ZKLcK tKey Kave to preacK for tKey Kave been reconcLOed tKemseOves. Yes Ze Zere by dLvLne Jrace made to feeO tKe evLO of sLn. :e Zere Oed to NnoZ Lts bLtterness Ln our Lnmost souOs and Ze Zere Oed to tKe cross and Oed to OooN to tKe SavLor naLOed tKere for Kuman sLn. Our JuLOt dLsappeared our burden roOOed from our sKouOders and Ze Zere free. And noZ Ze feeO no enmLty toZards *od but on tKe contrary a Oove to +Lm ZKLcK Ze desLre you to feeO. :e Kave no quarreO noZ ZLtK our MaNer. :e desLre tKat +e sKouOd aOZays do ZKat seems Jood to +Lm for Ze are sure tKat +Ls ZLOO Ls aOZays NLndness ZLsdom and Oove toZards +Ls peopOe. And noZ as *od’s frLends Ze speaN to you and teOO you tKat +e Ls a Jood FrLend and a NLnd FatKer tKat +e Ls ZLOO-LnJ to forJLve and does forJLve most freeOy aOO tKose ZKo come to +Lm by -esus CKrLst. :e Kave been reconcLOed and tKerefore can speaN to you not tKeoretLcaOOy but e[perLentLaOOy. :e can teOO you ZKat Ze Kave tasted and KandOed of tKe Jood Zord of *od and our Kope Ls tKat perKaps you ZLOO be LnfOuenced by our testLmony as tKat of men OLNe yourseOves ZKo Kave ourseOMoreover Lt seems tKat the ambassadors of God were reconciled to God by Jesus Christ Ln tKe same Zay as otKer sLnners. +oZ very dLfferent Ls tKLs confessLon from tKe boastLnJs of prLests and preOates noZadays. TKey are not of tKe same order as tKe peopOe ZKom tKey address but are reverend and rLJKt reverend and fatKers Ln *od. TKey speaN not as sLnners saved caOOed to be servants to tKeLr feOOoZ sLn-ners but as BraKmLns ZKo by tKe LmposLtLon of epLscopaO Kands Kave obtaLned maJLcaO poZers ZKere-ZLtK to perform potent ceremonLes ZKLcK sKaOO purLfy men from tKeLr sLns. TKese are not sucK men as Ze are but are very far above us a superLor race of beLnJs—a sacred caste! Do you not observe KoZ tKey fence off ZKerever tKey can one end of tKe cKurcK for tKemseOves? TKat pen of tKeLrs Ls KoOLer tKan tKe pOace ZKere tKe common peopOe sLt. Do you not observe KoZ tKey array tKemseOves Ln ZKLte bOue and scarOet and fLne OLnen because tKey are tKe deposLtorLes of mesLde Ln none eOse? ,t Ls not tKat tKey are any better Ln cKaracter nor tKat tKey Kave more ]eaO for tKe trutK as Lt Ls Ln -esus nor tKat even tKe bLsKops e[ceO Ln cOearness of doctrLne or couraJe to defend tKe trutK. BretKren Lt Ls Sermon #1124 *od BeseecKLnJ SLnners by +Ls MLnLsters VoOume 1 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. preposterous tKat tKese men sKouOd cOaLm so mucK ZKen tKey Kave so OLttOe to sKoZ for Lt. +ere are bLsK-ops ZKo can bestoZ tKe +oOy SpLrLt and yet Kave not tKe manOLness to speaN out ZKLOe tKe cKurcK Ls be-LnJ RomanL]ed and even tKe abomLnabOe confessLonaO Ls beLnJ set up. , couOd sKoZ taLOors and cobbOers ZKo are more earnest for tKe JospeO tKan tKe occupants of tKe epLscopaO bencK. :e are tauJKt to beOLeve tKat tKese ZonderfuO beLnJs tKe bLsKops and prLests are *od’s cOerJy or KerLtaJe and aOO tKe rest of us are mere stony Oaypersons ZKo ouJKt to do tKem reverence. , suppose tKe day ZLOO come ZKen our feO-OoZ countrymen ZLOO boZ tKeLr Keads Ln tKe dust before a prLest and count tKemseOves tKrLce bOessed Lf tKey are but spLt upon by tKeLr reverences. Not tKus Zas Lt ZLtK mLnLsters sent of *od Ln PauO’s day. +ere Ls a man ZKo Ls an apostOe and an LnspLred man and aOO Ke Kas to say of KLmseOf and otKer ambassadors Ls tKLs—³AOO tKLnJs are of *od ZKo Kas reconcLOed us to +LmseOf by -esus CKrLst.´ No dear Kearers Ze speaN to you as bretKren Ln one common faOO KopLnJ tKat Ze may aOso be bretKren Ln tKe Jreat saOvatLon. ,f ever , enter Keaven , sKaOO oZe my cOeansLnJ to tKe bOood of tKe /amb—not one amonJ you ZLOO oZe more to tKe rLcK free Jrace of *od tKan , sKaOO. No tKere Ls not one amonJ you ZKo sKaOO boZ Ln Kum-bOer OoZer JratLtude tKan , sKaOO before tKe tKrone of LnfLnLte mercy as Ke remembers KLs forJLven sLns. +avLnJ sLnned mucK and Kad mucK forJLven Ze feeO Ze cannot OotKe story of our dear Master’s Jrace. And Ze feeO tKat tKLs Ls better for you tKan tKat Ze sKouOd be some-tKLnJ superLor to you for Ze Kope you ZLOO be Zon by a brotKer’s testLmony by tKe story of one ZKo Kas as you must and Ls cOeansed Must as you must be. AJaLn PauO teOOs us tKat tKe mLnLsters of CKrLst KavLnJ been reconcLOed to *od Kave a message to deliver which has been given to them—³Kas JLven to us tKe mLnLstry of reconcLOLatLon.´ And Ke repeats Lt—³Kas commLtted unto us tKe Zord of reconcLOLatLon.´ You see Ze Kave notKLnJ to teOO you but ZKat *od Kas toOd us. :e Kave not to stand Ln our puOpLts and utter orLJLnaO Ldeas or to Lnvent a JospeO for you. No Ze are sLmpOy tKe bearers of a messaJe ZKLcK *od ZouOd Kave us deOLver to you and Lt Ls at ³tKLnNers´ tKey mean men ZKo startOe tKeLr peopOe ZLtK a fresK Keresy every tKree montKs. *od save us from sucK tKLnNers! , send my servant to tKe door ZLtK a messaJe and Lf on tKe Zay sKe Ln Ker ZLsdom deOLberates and aOters my messaJe to suLt Ker oZn vLeZs , must dLscKarJe Ker for , need someone ZKo ZLOO bear messaJe and not maNe one of Ker oZn. *od ZouOd Kave +Ls mLnLsters be OLNe transparent JOass ZKLcK Oets tKe rays of tKe sun pass tKrouJK uncKanJed and not OLNe paLnted ZLndoZs ZKLcK coOor aOO tKe rays after tKeLr oZn nature. TKrouJK LnfLrmLty Ze aOO JLve some amount of coOorLnJ to tKe JospeO but Ke Ls tKe man accordLnJ to *od’s order of mLnLstry ZKo OonJs to Oet tKe JospeO sKLne rLJKt tKrouJK KLm and does not send upon tKe peopOe anytKLnJ of KLs oZn e[cept tKe earnestness ZKLcK tKe JospeO ZorNs Ln KLm as Lt streams tKrouJK KLm. As some JOass adds Keat to OLJKt by concentratLnJ tKe rays so sKouOd tKe mLnLster add Keat to tKe JospeO but Zoe unto KLm Lf Ke adds anytKLnJ beyond! BretKren Ze Kave notKLnJ to teOO you ZKLcK Ze Kave Lnvented—so Lf you are saved by Lt Lt ZLOO not be due to our sNLOO. :e Kave notKLnJ to teOO you but ZKat *od commLts to us and tKerefore *od ZLOO Kave aOO tKe JOory Once more and Ze add Lt ZLtK aOO sLncerLty ZKen Ze pOead ZLtK sLnners our e[pectatLon of tKeLr be-LnJ reconcLOed to *od does not OLe Ln our pOeadLnJ but Ln tKe ZorN of tKe +oOy SpLrLt. , never e[pected a sLnner to be saved because of anytKLnJ , saLd or tKe Zay Ln ZKLcK , saLd Lt. , Kave e[pected *od to bOess tKe Zord and , Kave seen Lt bOessed ten tKousand tLmes JOory be to +Ls name! But , never recNoned tKat tKere Zas any force Ln my Zords or tKat tKere couOd be any potency Ln tKe manner Ln ZKLcK , spoNe tKe trutK. No Lt Ls *od beseecKLnJ you by us ZKo performs tKe ZorN ZKen +e speaNs tKrouJK our OLps maNes +Ls oZn mLnd to rusK OLNe a torrent tKrouJK our mLnd and bears our mLnd aZay by Lts force. :Ken +e JLves tKe utterance and tKen by +Ls SpLrLt appOLes Lt to tKe conscLence and tKe souO tKen are men reconcLOed to *od but by no otKer means. TKerefore do Ze feeO a trembOLnJ ZKen Ze speaN to you Oest our Master sKouOd Oeave us to ourseOves and so Ze sKouOd faLO to bOess you tKerefore do Ze never come to beseecK you for *od ZLtKoutou! :e NnoZ tKat you ZLOO not be saved e[cept tKe SpLrLt of *od sKaOO bOess tKe Zord tKerefore do Ze asN tKe prayers of our bretKren as ZeOO as send to Keaven our oZn tKat tKe /ord ZLOO be pOeased to taNe of tKe tKLnJs of CKrLst and by tKe +oOy SpLrLt appOy tKem to your souOs. *od BeseecKLnJ SLnners by +Ls MLnLstersSermon #1124 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. VoOume 1 So you see tKe ambassadors of *od are your bremLJKt Ln some respects maJnLfy our offLce for Lt Ls no smaOO tKLnJ to be an ambassador for *od yet after aOO Ze are as notKLnJ Ln tKe matter. —³:e preacK not ourseOves but CKrLst -esus tKe /ord.´ :e dLrect you to tKe /ord and tKe /ord aOone for ³AOO tKLnJs are of *od ZKo Kas rec-oncLOed us to +LmseOf by -esus CmLnLstry of reconcLOLatLon.´ TKe second poLnt of consLderatLon Ls T+E SUB-ECT MATTER OF OUR MESSA*E—and fLrst tKe faLtKfuO mLnLster’s messaJe to tKe sons of men Ls tKLs tKareconciliation is only to be obtained to-wards God on the ground of substitution. ³*od Zas Ln CKrLst reconcLOLnJ tKe ZorOd unto +LmseOf.´ ³For +e Kas made +Lm to be sLn for us ZKo NneZ no sLn tKat Ze mLJKt be made tKe rLJKteousness of *od Ln +Lm.´ You cannot reconcLOe yourseOf to *od by ZeepLnJ and OamentLnJ on account of your past sLns. TKere Ls no effLcacy Ln reJret to bOot out transJressLon. You cannot reconcLOe yourseOves to *od by any future arduous servLce. AOO tKat you can do Ls aOready due to *od—you ZLOO Kave done no more tKan you ouJKt to Kave done Lf you sKouOd be perfect aOO tKe rest of your days. NeLtKer can you be reconcLOed to *od by any ceremony of man’s LnventLon nor even of *od’s ordaLnLnJ. +e Kas not made rLtes and out-Zard forms to be tKe Zay of Jrace and Lf you cKoose tKem *od ZLOO not cKoose you. TKere Zere many Ln tKe oOden tLmes ZKo Zent about to estabOLsK tKeLr oZn rLJKteousness and ZouOd not submLt tKem-seOves to tKe rLJKteousness of CKrLst and tKerefore tKey faLOed of aOO reconcLOLatLon ZLtK *od. But tKLs Ls tKe pOan of reconcLOLatLon—men Zere aOO Oost and condemned for tKere Zas no dLfference betZeen tKe -eZ and tKe *reeN tKey aOO Oay under condemnatLon. -esus came Lnto tKe ZorOd tKe eternaO Son of *od and +e tooN upon +LmseOf our manKood Ln aOO Lts feebOeness tKat +e mLJKt be our brotKer. +e OLved Kere for tKLrty years and more Ln poverty obscurLty sorroZ and persecutLon untLO at Oast +e dLed. ,n +Ls deatK +e bore tKe ZKoOe burden of Kuman sLn. *od OaLd upon +Lm tKe LnLquLty of +Ls peopOe and on tKe cross -esus suffered ZKat +Ls peopOe ouJKt to Kave suffered. :Kat *od’s MustLce must Kave LnfOLcted up-on man for sLn +e LnfOLcted upon CKrLst. +e OaLd tKe ZKoOe ZeLJKt of +Ls ZratK upon -esus. And noZ tKLs day ZKoever ZLOO come to *od by tKe Zay of tKe cross may of -esus sKaOO be free from tKe arroZs of venJeance. ³:Koever b*od.´ ³+e tKat beOLeves Ln +Lm Ls not condemned.´ ³/ooN unto Me and be you saved aOO you ends of tKe eartK´ Ls tKe voLce from tKe cross of CaOvary. And a true voLce Lt Ls and ZKoever Keeds Lt sKaOO fLnd eternaO OLfe. ReconcLOLatLon by tKe bOood by tKe substLtutLonary sacrLfLce of tKe LnfLnLte Son of *od—tKLs Ls tKe messaJe of our mLnLstry. ,f Ze do not testLfy tKLs Lt ZouOd be better for us tKat Ze Kad never been born. ,f Ze do not preacK tKLs constantOy and LncessantOy Ze Kave mLssed our maLn topLc Ze Kave faLOed Ln tKe Jreat commLssLon ZKLcK our Master sent us to e[ecute. :e do decOare Lt tKLs day Ln tKe name of tKe eternaO *od—O sLnners tKere Ls forJLveness tKrouJK tKe bOood of -esus! TKere Ls mercy Jrace par-don Keaven for as many as beOLeve Ln -esus tKe Jreat SubstLtute for sLn. But tKere Ls no otKer mode of TKen Ze are to teOO men tKat this reconciliation, ZKLcK Zas made by CKrLst tKrouJK +Ls substLtutLon was not apart from God, but tKat *od Zas Ln CKrLst. :e often teOO you tKat -esus CKrLst’s sufferLnJs re-moved tKe ZratK of *od from +Ls peopOe and tKat sayLnJ Ls true tKouJK sometLmes Lt Ls stated Ln Lnac-curate OanJuaJe. Yet a Jreat trutK Ls Lntended by Lt. But marN tKLs you must never faOO Lnto tKe Ldea tKat *od Ls revenJefuO and anJry and tKat tKe deatK of -esus CKrLst +Ls Son Zas necessary to pacLfy tKe Fa-tKer. BeOoved you NnoZ better tKan tKLs. You NnoZ tKat *od Zas Oove before -esus dLed aOZays Oove aOZays fuOO of Jrace and trutK toZards +Ls peopOe. TKe fact Ls tKat tKe substLtutLon made on CaOvary Zas a substLtutLon provLded by *od’s Oove for tKe /ord +LmseOf Jave +Ls oZn Son to dLe as a manLfestatLon of Oove as ZeOO as a vLndLcatLon of MustLce. *od Zas Ln CKrLst *od came on eartK to reconcLOe men *od made tKe atonement for us. *od Zas not made to Oove us by tKe deatK of +Ls Son but because +e Ooved us and Kad mercy on us tKerefore +e Jave +Ls Son -esus tKat tKe dLsKonor done to +Ls OaZ mLJKt be ZLped out. TKat tKe dLffLcuOty ZKLcK stood Ln tKe Zay of +Ls mercy mLJKt be removed tKat so +e mLJKt be Must and yet tKe MustLfLer of tKe unJodOy. /ooN at tKe cross Ln tKLs OLJKt O sLnner and , trust Lt may reconcLOe you to *od. ,t Ls by tKat bOoody sZeat tKat croZn of tKorns tKat sKame and sufferLnJ Lt Ls by tKose fLve dear Zounds tKose e[treme aJonLes tKat *od Kas removed aOO KLndrance to your reconcLOLa-tLon. *od +LmseOf Kas JLven to you +Ls Son and +e suffered Ln +Ls Son tKat you mLJKt be reconcLOed to Sermon #1124 *od BeseecKLnJ SLnners by +Ls MLnLsters VoOume 1 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. +Lm. ,t Ls not -esus a stranJeZKo Ln one of +Ls dLvLne persons bears tKe penaOty ZKLcK tKe LnfOe[LbOe OaZs of rLJKt and MustLce de-manded of sLnfuO men. OK tKat you ZouOd come to +Lm and be reconcLOed to +Lm by tKe deatK of +Ls And noZ tKe tKLrd announcement of our messaJe Ls tKLs tKat in consequence of God’s having recon-ciled the world to Himself in Jesus Christ, He is now able to deal with sinners as if they had never for tKat Ls tKe OonJ and tKe sKort of tKe e[pressLon ³Not LmputLnJ tKeLr trespasses unto tKem´? +e treats sLnners as Lf tKeLr sLns Zere not tKeLrs. TKey Kave sLnned and tKey do sLn but +e does not put tKeLr sLns doZn to tKeLr account. :Ken +e OooNs upon tKem Ln +Ls mercy and tKey are reconcLOed to +Lm tKere are tKe sLns but +e Oays tKem upon +Ls Son. ³TKe /ord Kas OaLd on +Lm tKe LnLquLty of us aOO.´ :e are a mass of sLn but +e does not account us sucK for +e Kas made to be sLn for us aOt-KouJK +e personaOOy NneZ no sLn. SubstLtutLon Ls a pOan arranJed by ZLsdom for tKe MoLnt dLspOay of Mus-tLce and mercy and by Lts means tKe /ord comes near to us to commune ZLtK us and JLves us countOess Yes and tKere Ls sometKLnJ more ZonderfuO tKan tKat. *od treats poor sLnners ZKo are reconcLOed to +Lm as Lf tKey Zere fuOO of Jood ZorNs for ZKat does tKe te[t say? ³+e Kas made +Lm to be sLn for us ZKo NneZ no sLn tKat Ze mLJKt be made tKe rLJKteousness of *od Ln +Lm.´ :Kat a Jrand e[pressLon! +e maNes us rLJKteous tKrouJK tKe rLJKteousness of -esus. No not onOy maNes us rLJKteous but No tKat Ls not aOO +e maNes us tKe rLJKteousness of Adam Ln tKe Jarden. ,t Ls more dLvLneOy perfect tKan anJeOLc perfectLon. +e maNes tKe JuLOty sLnner ZKen Ke beOLeves Ln -esus to be tKe ³rLJKteousness of *od Ln +Lm.´ Never dLd OLps Kave a sZeeter mes-saJe to deOLver tKan mLne. And , murmur not Lf my speecK sKouOd seem feebOe tKLs mornLnJ and Lf , can-not JarnLsK my messaJe ZLtK tKe fOoZers of oratory. *od forbLd , sKouOd try to do so! To you ZKo are JuLOty tKere Zas never a more Lmportant messaJe deOLvered at any tLme and KavLnJ Keard Lt , cKarJe Lt d accept Lt. *od Jrant you may. :e are moreover bLdden to teOO man tKat the atonement of Christ is not confined to the Jew, tKat Lst Kas dLed for aOO natLons cOasses sorts and sL]es. TKe atonement Zas not made for a cOass but for aOO cOasses not for tKe oOd e[cOusLveOy but for tKe younJ too not for tKe younJ onOy but for tKe oOd as ZeOO. TKLs Ls sucK an atonement made by CKrLst upon tKe cross tKat Lt presents a Zarrant for every sLnner born of Zoman to come to *od and say ³/ord forJLve me for CKrLst Kas dLed.´ :Ken Ze preacK tKe JospeO Lt Ls Ln no stLnted terms OooNLnJ about and tKLnNLnJ tKat perKaps tKere mLJKt be KaOf a do]en Ln tKe buLOdLnJ to ZKom tKe JospeO mLJKt KonestOy be spoNen. But OooNLnJ every man and Zoman Ln tKe face Ze preacK reconcLOLatLon by -esus CKrLst to tKem and poLnt tKem to tKe atonLnJ bOood. ³For *od so Ooved tKe ZorOd tKat +e Jave +Ls onOy beJotten Son tKat ZKoever beOLeves Ln +Lm mLJKt not perLsK but Kave everOastLnJ OLfe.´ /et no man Zoman or cKLOd Kere say concernLnJ KLmseOf tKat tKere Ls a dLffLcuOty ZLtK *od as sure as you OLve and as sure as *od’s BooN Ls true tKere Ls a reconcLOLatLon provLded for you Ln -esus CKrLst tKe Son of *od. OK ZKat JOAnd noZ Ze are to teOO men tKat there is nothing whatever needed in order to their reconciliation and acceptance with God except what Christ has already worked out, for *od Zas Ln CKrLst reconcLOLnJ tKe ZorOd unto +LmseOf. Not reconcLOLnJ Lt by some otKer means but reconcLOLnJ Lt by CKrLst doLnJ tKe ZorN Ln CKrLst. You Kave not to brLnJ +Lm your Jood ZorNs or your tears or your mortLfLcatLons or your feeOLnJs or emotLons or anytKLnJ of tKe sort. You Kave onOy to accept ZKat *od Kas provLded. TKere Ls tKe propLtLatLon and Lf you say Ln your Keart ³My *od , taNe Lt´ you are reconcLOed to *od by tKe deatK of +Ls Son. OK Jo not abroad to Keap toJetKer your vanLtLes for tKey cannot appease +Lm. +Lm. TKe Lncense of your sto +Lm. Come as you are defLOed and fLOtKy poOOuted and ZretcKed and put your trust Ln ZKat +e Kas TKLs tKen Ls tKe JospeO messaJe *od BeseecKLnJ SLnners by +Ls MLnLstersSermon #1124 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. VoOume 1 And noZ tKLrdOy and very earnestOy , ZouOd speaN to you a OLttOe upon T+E MANNER ,N OaLnOy— FLrst Lt Ls to be deOLvered by beseeching men and prayLnJ to men. ³As tKouJK *od dLd beseecK you by us Ze pray you.´ TKen Lf , sKouOd mereOy teOO you dear Kearers tKe JospeO tKouJK *od mLJKt bOess Lt , Kave not done aOO my duty. To Lnform tKe LnteOOect Ls not tKe mLnLster’s soOe ZorN. :e are to pro-cOaLm but Ze are to do far more—Ze are to beseecK and to pray. :e are not mereOy to convLnce tKe Ln-teOOect but to beseecK tKe Keart. NeLtKer are Ze onOy to Zarn Ls not to be our maLn ZorN Ze are to beseecK!You NnoZ KoZ a beJJar boZs KLs Nnees and LmpOores you ZKen Ke Ls starvLnJ tKat you ZLOO JLve KLm bread? :LtK OLNe earnestness Ze are bound to beseecK you to be saved. You NnoZ KoZ you ZLOO pray a feOOoZ creature to KeOp you ZKen you are Ln sore dLs-tress? ,n tKat same Zay are Ze to pray you to be reconcLOed to *od. As , ponder tKLs , feeO seOf-condemned. , Kave besouJKt you and , Kave prayed you sometLmesto be tauJKt KoZ to beseecK men KoZ to pray tKem! *od forbLd Ze sKouOd faOO Lnto tKe error of tKose ZKo tKLnN beseecKLnJ and prayLnJ to be unOaZfuO. ,t Ls tKe CKrLstOy prLncLpOe ZKLcK Oeads *od’s mLnLs-ters so to do. ,t Ls tKe maLn part of a mLnLster’s busLness and Ke ZKo neJOects Lt ZLOO Kave to ansZer for Lt TKe te[t Joes on to say tKat Ze are to beseecK men as though God did beseech them. NoZ KoZ does *od beseecK tKem? Read one of tKe /ord’s beseecKLnJs Ln tKe 1 cKapter of ,saLaK KoZ LmpOorLnJ Lt Ls! +e says ³+ear O Keavens and JLve ear O eartK: , Kave nourLsKed and brouJKt up cKLOdren and tKey Kave rebeOOed aJaLnst Me.´ For severaO verses tKe /ord e[postuOates and tKen pOeads—³Come noZ and Oet us reason toJetKer says tKe /ord: tKouJK your sLns are as scarOet tKey sKaOO be as ZKLte as snoZ tKouJK tKey are red OLNe crLmson tKey sKaOO be as ZooO.´ OK tKe tenderness of tKat LnvLtatLon to reason toJetKer! TKere Zas fLrst a burst of rLJKteous LndLJnatLon to arouse tKe mLnd and tKen came tKe voLce of most tender pLty to aOOure tKe Keart. :Kat matcKOess pOeadLnJ! ,f tKLs Ls KoZ mLnLsters are to beseecK Ze Kave a KLJK standard set before us. :e are to pOead ZLtK men ZLtK a boundOess freedom of LnvLtatLon and JentOeness of e[postuOatLon so , JatKer from tKe 55 of ,saLaK ZKere you Kave anotKer of *od’s pOead-LnJs—³+o everyone tKat tKLrsts come you to tKe Zaters and Ke tKat Kas no money come you buy and eat yes come buy ZLne and mLON ZLtKout money and ZLtKout prLce.´ OK tKLnN of *od’s taONLnJ OLNe tKLs to +Ls creatures and arJuLnJ ZLtK tKem—³:Ky do you spend money for tKat ZKLcK Ls not bread? And your Oabor for tKat ZKLcK satLsfLes not? +earNen dLOLJentOy unto Me and eat tKat ZKLcK Ls Jood and Oet your souO deOLJKt LtseOf Ln fatness.´ OK ZKat freeness Ls tKere ZKat concern for tKeLr ZeOfare ZKat reJret at tKeLr mLstaNes! :Kat JentOe upbraLdLnJ as tKouJK Lt Zere not for +Ls saNe but for tKeLrs! ³:Ky do you spend money for tKat ZKLcK Ls not bread?´ :Ky dLsappoLnt yourseOves and Zaste your strenJtK? ,t Ls after tKLs fasKLon tKat Ze are to beseecK men to be reconcLOed to *od! TKen taNe anotKer Lnstance of matcKOess pOeadLnJ. Turn to E]eNLeO 33:11—³As , OLve says tKe /ord *od , Kave no pOeasure Ln tKe deatK of tKe ZLcNed but tKat tKe ZLcNed turn from KLs Zay and OLve.´ And tKen +e says to tKem ³Turn you turn you from your evLO Zays for ZKy ZLOO you dLe O Kouse of ,sraeO?´ +e sZeardeep sLncerLty tKat +e Kas no Moy Ln a sLnner’s deatK and tKen turns to entreaty—³Turn you turn you ZKy ZLOO you dLe?´ TKere Ls a passaJe Ln -eremLaK 44:4 ZKere tKe /ord Ls represented as sendLnJ +Ls propKets to say to tKe peopOe Ln +Ls name—³OK do not tKLs abomLnabOe tKLnJ tKat , Kate.´ TKere Ls sometKLnJ so appeaOLnJ so patKetLc about tKese Zords tKat , dare not attempt to open tKem up to you. PerKaps Lf tKere Ls one passaJe Ln ScrLpture Ln ZKLcK tKe entreatLes of *od are set Ln a more tender OLJKt tKan Ln any otKer Lt Ls to be found Ln tKe booN of +osea 11: ZKere tKe /ord crLes ³+oZ sKaOO , JLve you up EpKraLm? +oZ sKaOO , deOLver you ,sraeO? +oZ sKaOO , maNe you as AdmaK? +oZ sKaOO , set you as =eboLm? My Keart Ls turned ZLtKLn Me My sympatKy Ls stLrred.´ OK KoZ *od beseecKes men and +e means +Ls mLnLsters to beseecK tKem Ln tKe same Zay ZLtK ZeepLnJ tenderness and meOt-ony Keart may be softened and tKeDo , Kear some stronJ doctrLne brotKer say ³, do not OLNe tKLs´? My dear brotKer , am not carefuO to ansZer you Ln tKLs matter. ,f tKe /ord appoLnts Lt you ouJKt to approve Lt and Lf you do not you are ZronJ and tKe ScrLpture Ls not. ,f *od beseecKes and bLds me beseecK as +e does , ZLOO do Lt. And Sermon #1124 *od BeseecKLnJ SLnners by +Ls MLnLsters VoOume 1 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. tKouJK , am counted vLOe for Lt+Ls creatures. You say Ze maNe *od beJ to +Ls creatures. AssuredOy tKat Ls KoZ tKe /ord represents +LmseOf—³AOO day OonJ Kave , stretcKed out My Kands to a dLsobedLent and JaLnsayLnJ JeneratLon.´ ,t Ls Ln tKe ScrLpture tKat +e represents +LmseOf as cryLnJ OLNe a cKapman at a faLr ³+o everyone tKat tKLrsts come you to tKe Zaters´ and bLds tKe passersby to buy +Ls ZLne and mLON. ,t Ls ZonderfuO condescen-sLon—Lf +e Kad not so represented Lt Ze dare not Kave done so. But as +e Kas saLd Lt Ze do but foOOoZ +Ls footsteps and quote +Ls Zords. BesLdes remember tKese entreatLes of *od Ln ZKLcK +e stoops to our OLttOeness even ZKen tKey do not prevaLO ZLtK man do mysterLousOy affect tKe dLvLne purpose. TKey are a savor of deatK unto deatK ZKerever tKey are not a savor of OLfe unto OLfe. But tKen bOessed be *od e means by ZKLcNs on men’s Kearts. TKey do brLnJ men to be reconcLOed to +Lm. But , must pass on. Our te[t speaNLnJ of tKe manner of mLnLsters teOOs us tKat Ze are to Christ’s stead. TKat Ls to say Ze are to preacK as Lf CKrLst Zere preacKLnJ. OK ZKat a modeO for tKe mLnLster! ³:e pray you in Christ’s stead!” , am to say to you ZKo are not reconcLOed to *od—³Be rec-oncLOed to +Lm´ and , am to say Lt as Lf -esus saLd Lt. TKat ZouOd not be Ln a OLJKt or trLfOLnJ manner. TKat ZouOd not be Ln a coOd offLcLaO styOe. TKat ZouOd be ZLtK meOtLnJ eyes and burnLnJ Keart. +oZ Zas -esus CKrLst accustomed to LmpOore men? :Ky sometLmes +e prayed tKem by settLnJ before tKem tKe evLO of tKeLr Zays. ³For ZKLcK of tKese ZorNs do you stone Me?´ +e asNed. And so , am to LnquLre ³For ZKLcK of *od’s ZorNs are you +Ls enemy? Are you +Ls enemy becauKas raLsed you from tKe bed of sLcNness? Are you +Ls enemy because +e JLves you your bread and your Zater? Are you +Ls enemy because +e sends you tKe JospeO? For ZKLcK of tKese ZorNs do you Kate +Lm?´ OK Zanton maOLce to be at enmLty ZLtK tKe LnfLnLteOy Jood *od! SometLmes CKrLst ZouOd pOead ZLtK men on account of tKe useOessness of tKeLr rebeOOLon. ³:Kat NLnJ´ +e asNed ³ZLOO Jo to maNe Zar ZLtK anotKer NLnJ ZLtKout fLrst sLttLnJ doZn to see ZKetKer Ke Ls abOe ZLtK ten tKousand to meet KLm tKat comes aJaLnst KLm ZLtK tZenty tKousand?´ :Ky ZLOO you be *od’s enemy ZKen you cannot ZLn tKe bat-tOe? TKe fOa[ may sooner contend ZLtK tKe fOame or tKe Za[ ZLtK tKe fLre tKan you ZLtK *od. OK ZKy tKen are you not reconcLOed to +Lm? SometLmes -esus pOeaded ZLtK men on account of tKe resuOt of tKeLr sLn as +e dLd ZKen +e stood on tKe broZ of tKe KLOO and OooNed doZn on -erusaOem and saLd ³O -eru-saOem -erusaOem you tKat NLOO tKe propKets and stone tKem ZKLcK are sent unto you KoZ often ZouOd , Kave JatKered your cKLOdren toJetKer even as a Ken JatKers Ker cKLcNens under Ker ZLnJs and you ZouOd not! BeKoOd your Kouse Ls Oeft unto you desoOate.´ Remember tKat ZonderfuO cKapter Ln MattKeZ ZKere +e speaNs of +Ls comLnJ ZLtK aOO tKe KoOy anJeOs and dLvLdLnJ tKe sKeep from tKe Joats? Re-member tKe passaJes ZKere +e treats of tKe vLrJLns ZKo Kad no oLO Ln tKeLr vesseOs ZLtK tKeLr Oamps? :Koever puts tKe doctrLne of KeOO Lnto tKe bacNJround -esus never dLd. ,t Ls tKouJKt Ln tKese days tKat Ze Kad better not say mucK concernLnJ tKe terrors of tKe OaZ but so tKouJKt not tKe CKrLst of *aOLOee. +Ls mLnLstry Zas fuOO of tKe Konest ZarnLnJ ZKLcK proves a tender Keart. OK sLnners you ZLOO be Oost unOess you Oay KoOd on CKrLst! And to be Oost Ls sometKLnJ unutterabOy terrLbOe! OK tKe ZratK to come! TKe ZratK to come! :Ko amonJ you ZLOO endure tKe devourLnJ fLres? :Ko ZLOO dZeOO Ln everOastLnJ burnLnJ? TKus tKe SavLor LnvLted. TKus +e besouJKt men. And so are Ze to beseecK tKem! And tKen you NnoZ Ln ZKat styOe -esus pOeaded tKe Oove of *od. , do not say +e put Lt Lnto Zords tKat , can quote but remember tKe parabOe of tKe ProdLJaO Son—³:Ken Ke Zas yet a Jreat Zay off KLs fatKer saZ KLm and Kad compassLon and ran and feOO on KLs necN and NLssed KLm.´ :as not tKat an eO-oquent dLscourse upon tKe aboundLnJ mercy of tKe Jreat FatKer Ln Keaven and dLd not -esus tKen teOO KoZ ZLOOLnJOy *od receLves tKe penLtent and KoZ JOadOy +e puts aZay every sLn? And oK KoZ +e Lm-pOored man to be reconcLOed Ln sucK sZeet Zords as tKese—³Come unto Me aOO you tKat Oabor and are Keavy Oaden and , ZLOO JLve you rest.´ And ZKat a Zord Zas tKat ZKen +e saLd ³+Lm tKat comes to Me , ZLOO Ln no ZLse cast out.´ Never sucK a pOeader as -esus +Ls bLrtK amonJ men and dZeOOLnJ Kere on eartK Zas a pOea. +Ls actLons Zere pOeas. +Ls deatK Zas tKe master pOea. EacK Jroan seemed to say ³Man be reconcLOed to *od!´ And +Ls Oast e[pLrLnJ cry of ³,t Ls fLnLsKed´ ZKat Zas Lt but sayLnJ ³, Be reconcLOed to *od Zas tKe true mean- *od BeseecKLnJ SLnners by +Ls MLnLstersSermon #1124 TeOO someone today KoZ mucK you Oove -esus CKrLst. VoOume 1 Once more Lt Ls tauJKt us Ln tKe te[t tKat the duty of the true minister is to bring this matter home :e pray you Ln CKrLst’s stead be you reconciled to God. ,t comes to tKLs ZLtK you my frLend *od says to you tKLs mornLnJ “Throw down your weapons; ZKy do you contend ZLtK your MaN-er? :Kat Kave , done tKat you sKouOd despLse Me? Poor creature tKat , made ZKat Kave , done tKat you sKouOd Kate Me? , breatKed Lnto your nostrLOs your breatK. :Kat Kave , done tKat you sKouOd spend Lt Ln speaNLnJ aJaLnst Me? TKat tKrobbLnJ Keart of yours , JLve Lt every puOse ZKat Kave , done tKat you sKouOd forJet Me tKat My day sKouOd be a ZearLness and My ZorsKLp sKouOd be an abKorrence to you? , Kave raLsed you from tKe bed of sLcNness , Kave JLven you many comforts , spared your cKLOd ZKen sKe Zas sLcN , Kave prospered your efforts Ln busLness , Kave done a tKousand tKLnJs for you—do , de-serve to be forJotten? ,s Lt rLJKt tKat your Keart sKouOd be Zarm to your ZLfe and your cKLOd and coOd to Me?´ My *od my souO Ls Ln sympatKy ZLtK You tKat You sKouOd be forJotten of your creatures. TKere Ls not one of us tKat Oove to be treated unNLndOy by tKose to ZKom Ze Kave been NLnd. ,nJratLtude Ls one of tKe Zorst of LOOs. ,t bLtes OLNe an adder’s fanJ and as an unNLnd cKLOd Zounds to tKe quLcN—and ZLOO you be sucK to your MaNer? :LOO you be sucK to your Creator? Come be quLet for a moment and Oet tKe /ord speaN ZLtK you and Oet your Konest conscLence ansZer +Lm. :Kat Kas +e done tKat you sKouOd be +Ls enemy? :Kat Kas CKrLst done—OooN at +Ls Zounds!—tKat you sKouOd not Oove +Lm? :Kat Kas tKe +oOy SpLrLt done tKat you sKouOd resLst +Lm? :Kat ZLOO you JaLn by Lt? :Kat ZLOO be tKe benefLt Ln tLme or Ln eternLty? , Kave been aOmosOy ZLtK some one or otKer of my conJreJa-tLon. Soon , may Kave to be tKere ZLtK you Lf , am not carrLed tKere myseOf. :eOO and ZKat ZLOO be tKe ZLsdom ZKen you are dead of KavLnJ OLved ZLtKout *od? :Kat ZLOO be tKe profLt of KavLnJ JaLned tKe ZKoOe ZorOd and KavLnJ neJOected your MaNer? ³Come O Man Kear you +Ls Zords and be reconcLOed to +Lm!´ Zeapons but , Kave noZ anotKer messaJAccept the Lord Jesus. ³.Lss tKe Son Oest +e be anJry and you perLsK from tKe Zay ZKen +Ls ZratK Ls NLndOed but a OLttOe.´ TKere Ls OLfe Ln a OooN at tKe CrucLfLed One. -esus asNs no Kard tKLnJ of you. *od your FatKer does not asN you to do LmpossLbLOLtLes or to prepare yourseOf by a OonJ round of performances. +Ls command Ls most sLmpOe and pOaLn. Trust Ln -esus and you sKaOO be saved and beLnJ saved you sKaOO Oove your *od and tKen aOO Zar betZeen you and *od ZLOO be over. *od tKe EternaO One ZLOO bend from Keaven to embrace +Ls once errLnJ cKLOd and you sKaOO feeO tKe NLsses of +Ls Oove ZKLOe Ln your Keart tKere sKaOO be musLc dancLnJ Moy and feastLnJ because you Kave come bacN to *od. , do not NnoZ KoZ to say more or KoZ to pOead more stronJOy. , ZouOd *od tKat +e ZouOd beseecK you and tKat -esus CKrLst ZouOd pray you Js of your ZLOO tKat you mLJKt say— Who can resist its charms? And throw myself, by love pursued, *od be tKanNed for Lt. Amen. PORT,ON OF SCR,PTURE READ BEFORE SERMON—,SA,A+ 1. Adapted from The C. H. Spurgeon Collection VersLon 1.0 AJes SoftZare. P/EASE PRAY T+E +O/Y SP,R,T :,// USE T+,S SERMON TO BR,N* MANY TO A SAV,N* .NO:/ED*E OF -ESUS C+R,ST. ZZZ.spurJeonJems.orJ