Weēy Zoईaଌऍan ༐ऍptuं Weēy Zoईaଌऍan ༐ऍptuं

Weēy Zoईaଌऍan ༐ऍptuं - PDF document

jane-oiler . @jane-oiler
Uploaded On 2016-08-06

Weēy Zoईaଌऍan ༐ऍptuं - PPT Presentation

Wekly x0708x0709ax0B0Cliee nx070Ero oSycx1105t ny nx1112on eEoxntx030Etalnoel9n2oyiytaxnx1811eAelx1114nEeSonyEEtlpenf9nJolStAxynx070EholxoxnPx071E dotnenMoon ID: 436038

Wekly ܈܉aଌliee n܎ro oSycᄅt




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Weēy Zoईaଌऍan ༐ऍptuं ጔtऊဌ # 92 – Wekly ܈܉aଌliee n܎ro oSycᄅt ny nᄒon eEoxnt̎talnoel#9n2o#yiytaxn᠑e#AelᄔnEeSonyEEtlpe#nf9nJolStAxyn܎holxoxnPܞ do##tne##nMo#onb#exxn̄yo SxBn ᤚter all our ᬊshan ᴉayeऋ, the ᬈti – the lead Mobed ंဍtes the ᤊfऍns – Benediဌion ᴉayeऋ. Gaha┡ar Jaଜanଞ peचoथed duऍng the ଍x Gahambaऋ, inငuding the laଌ Hama଑ath┊edem Gaha┡aआduऍng the laଌ five days of ouआten⤟ay ‒̌ad ဂं┈ny, aं the ଑eဍal i┑oऌant ᬊଜanଞ and we have a speဍal Gaha┡ar ᤊfऍn for it. ⬬ ┊y add ଊdly that ┊ny Mobeds in NA and other dia଑oऊ ဈuntऍeଞ and even in ‒mbai, do not pऊy this Aafऍn duऍng a Gaha┡ar ᬊshan, and ଒bଌitute the ंgular ᤊfऍns inଌead! A ଊd ଌory indeed!) ༈ after all other ᬊଜanଞ ᬈti alone pऊys tऊditionally thंe Aafऍns – ᤊfऍns of ᤉdaafऊvaଜ, −zoदaan, and Hafta ᤥeଜaaଜpandଣ (Heं again, let │ again sadly ंpoऌ that many Mobeds all over Hafta ㄂ଜwar Zamin juଌ pऊy the fiऋt two Aafऍns for ଜoऌening the ᬊଜan pऊyer! We can all look into our own Jaa┩e⤛a┋heed – Cryଌal ∊ll – and ଂe what’ଆဈ┍ng in 20 oआଈ yeaऋ fई┆now!!) The ┍ddle ᤊfऍn is called ᤊfऍn⤂⤢u〈rgaan ⬢u〈rg = wiଂ old ┊n)! In it, we ंme┡er ┊ny of our ᴂshdaadian and Kyaanian Dynasties’ Religious ଌalwaऌs, ┊de i┥oऌal by Feटow଍, and wiଜ that we beဈ│ lî their beଌ ̎own tऊits in our Iऊnian hiଌory, ଒လ as 㬢e ଌईng as Ruଌo┼, be well-known like Zaऊthuଜtऊ, etဣ The i┥oऌal Peऋian ᴈet Feटow଍ ┊de all of them famous in his epic hiଌoऍcal opuଞ Ăkelky e ! His vivid deଐriptionଆin ᴂऋian, e଑ecially of all the battleଆof hiଆheई Ruଌo┞ aं the ge┋ of poetry anywheं in the whole Hafta ㄂ଜwar Za┍n! ᤄl our ex-ଌudents of ‣ F. Cama ᤌhoऎan Inଌitute, as well as of Dadar ᤌhornan Inଌitute, leaऎt the ଌoऍes of ༜ahna│h by attending a ဈ┑ulଈry claଋ for all at leaଌ once a week for an hour! We coveंd all theଂ ଌoऍeଆof Shahna│h fईm the fa┈us Gujaऊti tऊn଄ations in veऋe by well⤃nown ᴂऋian ଐholaऋ ㄒtar bईtheऋ! In addition, each year an open ༜ahna│h ंဍtal ဈ┑etition was held, and we weं given a few veऋes in ᴂऋian, as well as in Gujarati, whiလ we had to learn by heaऌ, and then we had to tऊvel to Mu┡ai at an appointed place for the co┑etition. ᤄmoଌ every year, Daଌuलi Kutar was the examiner and eaလ paऌiဍpant would be required to ଍ng theଂ ⠂ऋes both in ᴂऋian and in Gujaऊti, and thंe boys weं seleဌed for the Fiऋt, ༂ဈnd, and Thiट placeଣ ᤎd then one day, at the Cawaଲi ᬂhangir Hall near ㄊla Ghoda in ‒┡ai, at the annual ༜ahna│h funဌion, all paऌicipants weं invited to attend and the pri。s to the fiऋt three plaဂs weं given out by Daଌurji ㄒtar and the Gueଌ of Honor! ᤎd then we had an annual feaଌ of liଌening to Daଌurji ㄒtar ⬬ ┊y add the ଊ│ naउation each yeaय when he regaled all of us with his naउation in flowing poetic manner of the life hiଌory of Ferdow଍ and how he co┑oଂd ༜ahna│h! What a wondeचul experienဂ that was foआall of us! ༈ let uଆpंଂnt to you ⠂ऋeଆ2⤾ of ᤊfऍn⤂⤢u〈rgaan: Ă̄Ԇ܈܉਋ఄംȆงฉࠆࠏԐᄅt؎Ԇฑለฆȓࠔฌ̎ఊЎ ࠂЕᘎᜈᔅഅఊᐎ᠑ȕAȄᄔณȏoฅጓఄᄂᔎf9ปࠄ༌Aᐅงn hࠄᐈxฝܞ .G#ࠂᐈnuࠂlnpuࠎ eppeဒoSnmEg✎ky#o nktlnypᐎlࠐypȑyt v .Pvn-ȂEnȆwȂ EnfeSࠎcua nWualȎ(ȋSȎ-utSȂ9ngȎSeȓȂ ZoZ ⰒࠈᐒN JalIutunAengȂxuaEpȄnfeSࠎcua n-eZࠇ-uaxulttN -uagZEࠒࠄnfȏࠎဒa n(ouࠄn!ȋȏN )axuEȆZsȏȂlnfeSࠎcua nzȄࠈlN daZSࠈ nfeSࠎcua n–9ȂKaⰔuN rȂEࠈnfeSࠎcua nrࠈsa N Wxuttnfȏࠎဒa nhyᐒpȂxgȔuȂuN ztlZEȆSnfȏࠎဒa n–ȂEZoZjȄyEȂ N WtweAeȆAȄnfȏࠎဒa n2aᐑtEN jࠈଈuAȄnfȏࠎဒa nWxgȆS9ȂlnSࠈ Z9eeAȄN Ctt9Ȃnfȏࠎဒa n㐂ȓȂxgngȎSȂ ȔuࠒnଈࠐuN .HvnWAelZAࠋȂ nfeSࠎcua nWlSȂkleAeᐒN 2ȂSnfeSࠎဒa nMyᐒpȄN buȄAnfeSࠎcua n0ȂlȂ N 0ࠈ Ȃnfȏࠎဒa n-ualxuࠈSN 0ࠔuZIࠄkࠒnfȏࠎဒa nzȄputxupN )ࠒlZଈoAeᐒ ࠈnfȏࠎဒa nzȄAȂ nGȂSxuȒN rȄtZEȆSnfeSࠎcua n–go SȂlEȏnzȓࠈ N .,vn0ࠔuZgȈAȆSnfeSࠎဒa n2tSZoZjȂAȏȂN 0ࠔuZuȓfȂlnfeSࠎcua nzȓࠔpȂ N -uallaEnfeSࠎcua nrȒȂlN daZfty9nfeSࠎcua n(ttᐒIN WAȂᐂuࠈnfeSࠎcua nnzȄN 2eAȂnfȏࠎဒa n)ࠒlaEN -ࠄSȂlnfeSࠎcua nWualȎ(ȋSȎ-utSȂ9ngȎSeȓȂ ZoZⰒࠈxuN Ă̄Ԇ܈܉਋ఄംȆงฉࠆࠏԐᄅt؎Ԇฑለฆȓࠔฌ̎ఊЎ ࠂЕᘎᜈᔅഅఊᐎ᠑ȕAȄᄔณȏoฅጓఄᄂᔎf9ปࠄ༌Aᐅงn hࠄᐈxฝܞ .Pvn(Ȗn9tanfon#yⰈn)ȂSȂlnWualen(ȋSen–ȂuࠚnktlnilȆpy inpuࠅlnAyᐒࠔ ptnȕ#N (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn-eZࠇ-uaxulttneᐎAo#ctEy ine SnilࠂpࠔpN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn(ࠒࠄn!ȋeSnȔnȕAȖᐎittSne Snplapuka#N (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈnzȄࠈlneᐎSokࠂpy in9talno ࠓyࠔN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn–u9ȂKaⰒxunȔntknittSnlࠕyiyt N (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈnrࠈsa neᐎka##ntkni#tlᘭ (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈnGȂSᐒeȒnCaᐒpȂxgȎȔnlyiupࠌaxN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn–ȂEZࠇjȄyEȂ nȔnxplt iN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn2aᐑtEneᐎka##ntkntKࠄgtAࠄy inxplࠆipuN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈnxaggtlpࠄntknittSnlࠕyiyt nWxgȆS9ȂlnȔnȎiloȑnȄဒࠄN W SnȕxtnEe9n9tanfon#yⰈn’ȂEȂᐦȎeᐎᐦࠂⰈlnAypunⰆtA#oSioN .Hvn(Ȗn9tanfon#yⰈnWlSȂkleKȔunȔnfࠐtEy iniloȑnAypuny tဈ ဈN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈnMࠔupȄn.Myln!ȋȏvneᐎio ࠄtaᐎptnpuࠎAut#ࠎငࠂpyt N (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn2ȅ nȔnka##ntknxAoࠑ ࠔxN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn-ualᐒoSnȔne##n#ttⰅ iN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈnzȄputᐒpnȔniloȑnStࠄntknittSnSoࠏxN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈnzȄAeȆn.MyEࠨnGȂSᐒeunȔnka##ntkn#t in#ykoN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn(tpuࠄnTelpuntkn–go SeȄSnȔnKࠄᘎklaypka#N .,vn(e9n9tanfon#yⰈnKt9ȍࠂf#on2yKolnexnueKy inပtᐈnct pȐpnAypunpuo Aut#ࠎ ȑaloN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn0y pࠄnȔnka##ntknklࠈଈN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn–gly in–ࠂᐌ nȔnKolᘎuegg9N (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn(aᐬnAypunka##ntknittSnklȍle ဈN (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈnCt#SneᐎAtl#SnⰆtA N (e9n9tanfࠎ#yⰈn)ࠈlaEnȔne#AȖxncallo pN (e9n9tanfon#yⰈnWualen(eଏen–Ȃuࠚny nuyxnငࠂpyt nȔnt onSty ine#AȖx ittSnSoࠏxN .T i#yᐒnMle ᐕȑyt nf9nEࠎkltEn-e iȪynCawȄȑyn Wekly؂Zoआ਋t n㜎 Gȍࠔn,✧Z,✞v 䀣 I may ਟd tᰊt by my ଜȂr lሐ̞ I w਋ ☍ftȟ by an ਎ࠎymࠒs Pਉ଍ cࠒᄄe friȎd ࠚ ࠒrs with ਄l 䀵 volሥȋ of tᰍs famࠒs Gሲਉ਌i WȃȄ̅؂ of Kሌਉ ℉otᰂrଆfࠉ wᰍလ I ਥ Ȍȉชlly iฆtᰂir dȡt! ᜣ It is a ଜਥe tᰊt Fȉdow଍, wᰈ tࠍlȟ ᰊrd fࠉ m਎y yeਉs to briฦ ࠒr Zorࠊଌri਎ Dyชଌiȋ stࠉiȋ’ in ᰍs wࠉlἩfਥࠒs WȃȄ̅؂ , is for☈ttȎ ਥoฦ ࠒr လilἉeฮ In tᰍs c਋Ȟ I ဈn☉਌ሄate PȊrl B਄ଊra ਎d hȉ ਋ଈဍ਌ȋ in tȊလiฦ WȃȄ̅؂ ଌࠉiȋ to tᰂir လilἉȎ RȄi☍oላ Cl਋s in ZANT, D਄l਋, TX! PȊrl! PlȊଂ ̂ȑ ሑ yoሉ wࠎἂrfሄ wࠉk in tᰍs rȋᄂဌ! We ଊlሌȆyou ਄l iฆD਄l਋! ✥nR ntaln o㠑nAoࠬ#9FnAonAy##ngloᐈ pnenxalglyᐈnktln9tanpuȑnyxnᐅEy#Ȅnpt Wekly ZࠇraଌlieȆnpuepnAonȕ#nueKonȕEtᐑnktlitppࠆNn㔒epnyxnypn9tanEe9 ȔI“n0ࠕ#n9tanuȱonptnpa ony nptntaln o㠑nAooⰕ9nctEy inptEtlltAnAypune ilࠂpnxalglyᐈnktlntalnagctEy inhȕࠆpy ࠼ᐎ)e9nt n(t Se9Nndtgࠎ9tanwty y nptEtlltAN (e9npuonJ#ȓontknJࠕ#tAxuygFnqtK࠺nbuȄyp9ne Sn2ࠔgࠐpnktlnȕ#nfal n࠱ࠄ ࠑࠄ ȕny ntalnuࠂlpxnxtnAonဂ nStndR–nAtlInAypunuaEy#yp9FnSy#yiࠆဈne S ࠑࠄ ȕnࠆpuaᐅȔENn WpuȎ㐂E9ȂpFn!ȑuȎWekly ȂEȒyNn.(e9nypnfࠎxtnȔnAonAyᐒ“vn Love and Tandooraଌi, Soli