Review Game for Bonus Points Review Game for Bonus Points

Review Game for Bonus Points - PowerPoint Presentation

kittie-lecroy . @kittie-lecroy
Uploaded On 2017-10-31

Review Game for Bonus Points - PPT Presentation

Identify the terms A woman who is a follower of Dionysus a lyre b Messiah c Sunni d Maenad e muse d Maenad Identify Of or relating to the Greeks or their language culture etc after the time of Alexander the Great when Greek characteristics were ID: 601140

cosmopolitan sunni skepticism identify sunni cosmopolitan identify skepticism modern anthropomorphism ionic belief fresco jihad diaspora doric maenad kouros eschatology platonism corinthian covenant




Presentation Transcript


Review Game for Bonus PointsSlide2

Identify the terms:

A woman who is a follower of Dionysus.

a. lyre b. Messiah c. Sunni d. Maenad e. muse

d. Maenad Slide3


Of or relating to the Greeks or their language, culture, etc., after the time of Alexander the Great when Greek characteristics were

modified by foreign elements.a. Archaic b. Hellenic c. Hellentistic

d. Modern e. Post-Modern



Originally, this meant "to strive" or "to struggle" and, as such, was identified with any pious Muslim combating sun and trying not to do evil. In modern times, radical Islamic states and groups have given the term new meaning as "holy war" and have used it to justify military and other violent action against their enemies.

a. Sunni b. Shi’ite c. Koran d. jihad e. diaspora

d. jihad Slide5

One of the two great religious divisions of Islam, regarding the first four caliphs as legitimate successors of Muhammad and stressing the importance of


(the traditional portion of Muslim law based on Muhammad's words or acts) as a basis for law.a. Sunni b. Shi’ite c. Koran d. jihad e. diaspora

a. Sunni Slide6

A solemn agreement.

a. eschatology b. apocalypse

c. covenant d. sarcophagi e. canon

c. covenant Slide7

The dispersion of the Jews beyond Israel.

a. Sunni b. Shi’ite c. Koran

d. jihad e. diaspora e. diasporaSlide8

The complete final destruction of the world, especially as described in the biblical book of Revelation.

a. eschatology b. apocalypse

c. covenant d. sarcophagi e. canon

b. apocalypse Slide9

The theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. It is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.

a. epistemology b.

Epicureanism c. eschatology d. Anthropomorphism e. Skepticism

a. epistemologySlide10

An Archaic Greek statue of a young man, standing and often naked.

a. fresco

b. relief c. contrappasto d. arabesque e. Kouros



A painting done rapidly in watercolor on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling, so that the colors penetrate the plaster and become fixed as it dries

a. fresco b. frieze c. minaret

d. arabesque e. Kouros

a. fresco Slide12

The course/subject that can be described as the study of how people process and document the human experience.

a. Humanities b.

Accidentalism c. Platonism d. Anthropomorphism e. Skepticism

a. HumanitiesSlide13

A poet, traditionally one reciting epics and associated with a particular oral tradition.

a. lyre b. Messiah c. Sunni

d. Maenad e. bard

e. bardSlide14

Each of nine goddesses(in Greek and Roman mythology), the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences.

a. lyre b. Messiah c. bard

d. Maenad e. muse

e. museSlide15

A characteristic of the ancient


or their language culture thought etc. especially before the time of Alexander the Great.a. Archaic b. Hellenic c. Hellentistic d. Modern


. Post-Modern

b. Hellenic Slide16

The belief that happiness was achieved through the mystical relationship of friendship and the simple life.

a. epistemology b.

Epicureanism c. eschatology d. Anthropomorphism e. Skepticism

b. Epicureanism Slide17

A sculpture in which the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material, giving it the impression that the sculpted material has been raised above the background plane.

a. fresco b. frieze c.

contrappasto d. relief e. Kouros

d. reliefSlide18

A pictorial symbol for a word or phrase. These were used as the earliest known form of writing, examples having been discovered in Egypt and Mesopotamia from before 3000 BC.


pictogram b. phonogram c. arcade d. calligraphy


. cosmopolitan

a. pictogram Slide19

Portraying or suggesting idyllically the life of shepherds or of the country, as a work of literature, art, or music.

a. cosmopolitan b. pastoral

c. skepticism d. neoclassicism e. epic

b. pastoral Slide20


the following column

stylea. Doric b. Ionic c. Corinthian d. Cosmopolitan

a. DoricSlide21

Long narrative poems that are usually about heroic deeds and events that are significant to the culture of the poet.

a. epic poetry b. satyr-play

c. qasida d. lyric poetry


. oligarchy

a. epic poetrySlide22


the following column

stylea. Doric b. Ionic c. Corinthian d. Cosmopolitan

d. CorinthianSlide23

The act of giving the characteristics of humans to other things.

a. Humanism b.

Accidentalism c. Platonism d. Anthropomorphism e. Skepticism


Anthropomorphism Slide24


the following column

stylea. Doric b. Ionic c. Corinthian d. Cosmopolitan

b. IonicSlide25

A belief system originating with Socrates(teacher to Plato), the belief that favored the immortal and immutable psyche over the physical world.

a. modes b. Platonism

c. tragedy d. chorus e. Ionic



The End