CD COVER Assignment Create a CD cover using Photoshop  photographs you have taken Subject CD COVER Assignment Create a CD cover using Photoshop  photographs you have taken Subject

CD COVER Assignment Create a CD cover using Photoshop photographs you have taken Subject - PDF document

min-jolicoeur . @min-jolicoeur
Uploaded On 2014-12-28

CD COVER Assignment Create a CD cover using Photoshop photographs you have taken Subject - PPT Presentation

brPage 2br CD COVER Objective s Students will se a va riety of Photoshop techniques to create a composite image Students will use camera techniques to photograph original images Students will apply their design to industry standard templates Student ID: 30748

brPage 2br COVER




Presentation Transcript

��CD COVERAssignment: Create a CD cover usingPhotoshop & photographs you have takenSubjectAn imaginary or real band or musicalgroup. CD COVER ObjectiveStudents will se a variety of Photoshop techniques to create a compositeimage.Students will use camera techniques to photograph original imagesStudents will apply their design toindustry standard templates.Students will use a color scheme.Directions:Go online and research CD covers.The above are a few ideas that would be good to emulate.reate a band name http://www.bandnamemaker.com/ or use a preexisting band or group’s nameto work with.Plan the design. Think about what images you’ll need. Be realistic withyour skills,time and availability of subject matter.Choose a formal color scheme ttp://lilienb.deviantart.com/art/Colortheory infographic379381238 be sure to stick with your choice. SKETCH ideas on paper.Make a list of shots you’ll need.Take photos for the composite image.Work from the template to create a new Photoshop document.Be sure your resolution is 300ppi.dd each of the requirements:Hand In: ditedCD case front and backEachimageused to create the coverCompleted selfassessment Front of the CD case’s nameriginal photostextlayers to composite Back of the CD caseriginal photoslayers to compositebar code10+ songs ��CD COVERSelfEvaluation 4 Excellent 3 Meets Standard 2 Approaching Standard 1 Below Standard Student Score Teacher Score Overall Composit e is an extremely successful , well planned out , has a formal color scheme, theimages relate to th e theme. S uccessful a ttempt, but misses the mark on planning, color, or relationship of images to theme. The image was a ttempted with some success, but several concerns with planning, color, or relationship of images to theme. The project was not completed as directed . /4 /4 Photography Photographs are well shot (lighting, exposure, focus, resolution, etc.) and fit the theme of the design. Photographs are sufficient for the design. One small area could use improvement . ( i.e. : subject out of focus, Photographs are less than standard. On e major problem with the photos ( i.e. : subject out of focus, Photographs were copied from the internet or reused from a previous project. /4 /4 Design Quality Design has excellent image quality Photoshop edits are smooth and blend well. Good quality. Photoshop edits are not smooth.) Clear attempt has been made at quality, but is lacking in more than one area. Design is poor quality (improper exposure, out of focus, Photoshop edits etc.) /4 /4 Design Composition Elements of composition are evident and emphasized (rule of thirds, principles of design, etc.) Elements of composition are evident . Clear attempt has been made to use elements of composition , but are executed improperly. No composition al elements are evident . /4 /4 Creativity Images show excellent planning and creativity. Design has e xc ellent use of creative angles, crops and perspectives. Design u ses creative Photoshop techniques. Images show good planning and creativity. Some planning and creativity is involved but is lacking. Images lack originality; poor planning. /4 /4 Effort Maximum effort was given . Significant t ime was spent complete assignment with quality and precision. Good effort. Not a significant learning stretch. Some effort. No learning stretch. Min imal effort. Little effort or time was spent to complete the design and photographs. /4 /4 Overall Score /24 /24