A Treasure Hunt with Lisa Gemlo MN Department of Health Text “ A Treasure Hunt with Lisa Gemlo MN Department of Health Text “

A Treasure Hunt with Lisa Gemlo MN Department of Health Text “ - PowerPoint Presentation

mitsue-stanley . @mitsue-stanley
Uploaded On 2019-10-30

A Treasure Hunt with Lisa Gemlo MN Department of Health Text “ - PPT Presentation

A Treasure Hunt with Lisa Gemlo MN Department of Health Text FoodAccess to 66746 5 Find the five areas Healthy Food Skills Accessibility Affordability Availability Infrastructure Central Theme ID: 761240

text text




Presentation Transcript

A Treasure Hunt with Lisa Gemlo MN Department of Health

Text “ FoodAccess ” to 66746.

5 Find the five areas

Healthy Food…Skills Accessibility Affordability Availability Infrastructure

Central Theme…Cultural and Structural Barriers

1 s trategy equity

Core Values Genuine Collaborative Inclusive Visionary Realistic Focused

So far….. questions impressions

What’s exciting? What will you do?

Send Your Text What are you going to do to be a Food Charter Champion?