Different Types of Tarpaulin -Understanding the material and its application. Different Types of Tarpaulin -Understanding the material and its application.

Different Types of Tarpaulin -Understanding the material and its application. - PDF document

mohantarp . @mohantarp
Uploaded On 2022-01-29

Different Types of Tarpaulin -Understanding the material and its application. - PPT Presentation

In the market there are different types of tarpaulins available like PVC tarpaulin canvas polyethylene polyvinyl etc We are the leading supplier of PVC tarpaulin in eastern India We also supply pvc tarpaulin canvas tarpaulin waterproof plastic tarpaulin ID: 907701

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The w ordऊc mdsfdएwct-ahod(bol wmrtolhokdr� dᜏr whtadtoldhrm tccahgtrhsou Tȃ word “ The hword ” comes from tȃ two worࠍ- tar (ጔack coaᘗg ങግtaᜋe) aᜈ ᬑll (faጇic). Tarᬑᤔin ࠑtes ጑ck to tȃ 17th ceᜏᤇy wȃn ഑ilors ᤍed a tarred caᜡaഢᬑll to cover oጣects on ംiᬍ from ങn ࠑmage aᜈ rai᜝ With ᘌe tarᬑᤔin ȑs become tȃ moഏ commo᜔y ᤍed material to ᬇoviࠃ ᬇotecᘆn agaiᜍt ȑrം weatȃr coᜈiᘆᜍ, dirt, aᜈ ࠃጇiഝ Toࠑy, tȃ marketഄare �ooࠃd with varioᤍ kiᜈs of tarᬑᤔin faጇicഝ Heᜋe it iഄimᬃraᘡe to ȑve a clear ᤗderഏaᜈi᜘ of tȃ di⠃reᜏ tyᬃs of The hword faጇics for aᬛroᬇiate aᬛlicaᘆᜄof the ഑me. Tarᬑᤔin faጇics are di⠃re᜖ated ጠ tȃ materials aᜈ tecȗi⤙es ᤍed to ma᜙factᤇe tȃm. Baഃd on tȃ material ᤍeࠥ tarᬑᤔiᜍ can ጃ categorized as –ⴑᜡaഥ ⸔aഖc aᜈ ᬆlyviᜠl. “”hdchms tarᬍ are ᤍᤑlly maࠃ oᤏ of 100% ⴆ�oᜄSi᜘le Dᤋk faጇic aᜈ are mai᜔y ᤍeࠄin traᜍᬆrtaᘆn aᜈ iᜈᤍtrial aᬛlicaᘆᜍ. ⴑᜡas tarᬍ are maࠃ from ᜑtᤇal co�on �ጇe aᜈ are eco-frieᜈly. Bᤏ tȃy ࠆ ᜆt o�er complete protecᘆn agaiᜍt water aᜈ are more ᬇoᜃ to tear 㔄ᬙᜋtᤇe ࠑmage comᬑreࠄto otȃr tyᬃഝ ⴑᜡas tarᬑᤔiᜍ are ᜆt 100% waterᬇoof ጠ ᜑtᤇe aᜈ are more ᬇoᜃ to ro�᜘ aᜈ ࠑmage ጠ tȃ ങ᜝ With tȃ rise of 100% fhTte e--asm(dTbtlksThe hword faጇics like ᬆlyetȠleᜃ aᜈ ᬆlyviᜠl tarᬍ┄co�on tarᬍ are ᜆw ࠠi᜘ a ഔow deatȝ “ᘐo(tTb(otdt tarᬑᤔin is tȃ moഏ wiࠃly ᤍed variaᜏ ࠙e to its Ȝgh ࠙raጜlity aᜈ 100% waterᬇoo�᜘ ⤙aliᘃഝ As tȃ ᜑme ങggeഏഥ tȃഃ tarᬍ are maࠃ of ⸆lyetȠleᜃ - a ᬔaഖc ᬆlymer of etȠleᜃ. Tȃy are ȜgȔy teᜍile, �e㠜ble & ligȏweigȏ ጠ ᜑtᤇe. Few ጇaᜈs like nro hwordsnThegsnro hword (from nw etutsᨈpwmTertmsiTps.sḐs7s ohmlkm uhdwᄂkTwetesrdsᨈprhys make eco-frieᜈly ᬆly tarᬍ from 7vv/scre⌇ds -o(utem . ⸆ly Tarᬍ are ᜆt o᜔y ver഑ᘔe in terms of ᤍage ጙt are alആ ⤙ite ጙ࠘et-frieᜈly. ⸆ly tarᬍ are e㠏eᜍively ᤍed in agricultᤇal, iᜈᤍtrial as well as coᜍumer ഃctors to ma᜙factᤇe varioᤍ ᬇo࠙cts ങch as – vehicle coverഥ relief ംelterഥ greeᜂoᤍe & ᬆlyȆᤍe �lmഥ garࠃn ጃࠍ, coᜍtrᤋᘆn coverഥ ᬆᜈ linerഥ �ം farmi᜘ ta᜕s aᜈ maᜠ more. “ᘐo(crd(os tarᬑᤔiᜍ are maࠃ of ᜠlon aᜈ ᬆlyeഏer faጇic with a coaᘗg of ᬆlyviᜠl cȔoriࠃ - ȃᜋe tȃ ᜑme. Tȃy are commo᜔y called ⸺C tarᬍ aᜈ are e㠏remely ࠙raጔe, 100% water-reജഏaᜏ aᜈ ȑve high teᜍile ഏre᜘tȝ ⸺C tarᬍ ᬇoviࠃ tȃ moഏ ver഑ᘔe ᬇotecᘡe ആluᘆn aᜈ are ᤍed for heavy-࠙ty iᜈᤍtrial as well as commercial aᬛlicaᘆᜍ. ᘤ”sThe m are wiࠃly ᤍed to make ⌃-wdpsk-ctem , aw᜜᜘ faጇicഥ ᬑᜈal/ംamiana coverഥ e㠂ibiᘆn ȑ᜘er ᬑᜃls etc. Tȃy are alആ ᤍed ጠ coᜍtrucᘆn & iᜈᤍtrial workers to ᬇotect e⤙iᬌeᜏ & machiᜃry. Due to tȃir oᤏഏaᜈi᜘ featᤇeഥ ⸺C tarᬍ are alആ ᤍed ጠ ࠃfeᜋe orga᜜഑ᘆᜍ ങcȄaഄtȃ Iᜈian Army to cover ammᤗiᘆᜍ aᜈ arᘔlerieഝ TȃЅorЈ“ is the marᔃt leader f؇ ІhmlksTh̄hԆ܈ in the Eaഏern Indian regiؗ, 㴃pal and Bhutan. We are prؙdЏo beБ഍؋iated with SupremeлnduഏrieഄLtdЬ the 㴆1Лlaഖcഄmanufacturer in India f؇ m؇e than 30 yearഝ We are the ആle diഏribut؇s of Silpaulin & ”ଌऄഌଅo”fЈ in West Bengal, Bihar, 䀂arᔂand, Ori഍a as well as 㴃pal & Bhutan. We alആ imp؇t tထofЈऄഌଅ from the leading glؓalЏechnicalЏex�leЌanufacturers andЍuppliersЏhrؙghؙt theлndianЍub-con�nent. F؇Ќ؇eЈetailഄviജtІurтouTubeЋhannelАЄ h�pൃ//www.youtube.c،/channel/UCcK7- z2ഗIᔧFIgbᔧKഹ-A