AM Worship March   Easter Sunday Servants in Worship Announcer AM Worship March   Easter Sunday Servants in Worship Announcer

AM Worship March Easter Sunday Servants in Worship Announcer - PDF document

pamella-moone . @pamella-moone
Uploaded On 2014-12-28

AM Worship March Easter Sunday Servants in Worship Announcer - PPT Presentation

M Worship March 31 2013 Easter Sunday Servants in Worship Announcer Dick Sharpe Greeters ID: 30783

Worship March 2013




Presentation Transcript

W HAT ’ S H APPENING AT F IRST C HRISTIAN … 10:45 A.M. Worship March 31, 2013 Easter Sunday Servants in Worship Announcer: ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... Dick Sharpe Greeters: ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... Kemp Class Acolyte(s): ................................ ................................ ................................ . Jake Summerlin Red Book Pickup: ................................ ............................. Debby Demos/Christine Rebelo Deacons: Coordinator: Bob Gary; Ushers & Servers: Susan Haymes. Gail Ford, Joy Wagner; Other Servers: Dean Webster, Diane Givens, Darby Hershey, Lorraine Hipp, Sarah Hipp, Scrappy Moore Elders at the Table: East #1 (Prayer for Bread) ................................ ................................ ............... Dick Sharpe East #2 (Table) ................................ ................................ ................................ .. Doug Ford West #1 (Prayer for Cup) ................................ ................................ ......... Aline Summerlin West #2 (Table) ................................ ................................ ........................... Don Reynolds Elders On Call: ................................ ................................ ..... Dick Sharpe/Aline Summerlin Scripture weader……………………͘͘͘…͘͘(Luke 24͗1 - 12) ................................ ...... Debby Demos aessage………………͘͘…͘͘”wesurrection͗ Beyond hur =magination” ....... Pastor Paul Rebelo Prayer Concerns : Don Baldwin Homer Aldrich JoJo Wise Liz Love Luther Whitaker Natalie Wharton David Blackburn Doris Aldrich Ruth Wells Jim Northcut Harrison Gill Hildred Levi Jordan Coleman & Family Al Pless (Evelyn’s son) Caroline Moore Bud & Alisha Fiske Al Ford Pat Barnwell Doug Beuoy (Brannens’ son - in - law) Nancy Lord Beth Read aartha /offey (Debby & Hudy’s aunt) Amanda Bluford Joel Westbrook Paula Baker (/arl’s stepsister) Carolyn Bowman Breck Grover Leona BonDurant (/arl’s Grandmother) John Krejci Braden Fulton Hudy Kirby (Larry & Barbara’s sister - in - law) Bea Lyons Bob Lewis Betty Johnson (friend of Betty Proctor and Bea Lyons) March Birthdays 1st: Halah Hipp 21st: Elizabeth Hodges 4th: Bettye Gerow 21st: Marcia Fletcher 5th: Ruby Lewis 23rd: Lynn Creason 7th: David Floyd 25th: Martha Sheets 10th: Martha Pope 25th: Bill Dowell 10th: Phil Summerlin 25th: David Fleury 11th: Janice Floyd 26th: Thomas Auten 16th: Louise Russell 26th: Noah Coleman 19th: Kent Smithson 30th: Larry Kirby Happy Birthday to All! Brown Academy... has requested bottled water for T - cap week, which begins April 22nd. If you could provide any bottled water, it would be greatly appreciated. There will be a bin in the church foyer to collect it. Thinking =n =nk… This week I have read about gang violence in our community. In national news I have read again the arguments for and against abortion, and as I write this piece the Supreme Court is hearing arguments regarding marriage equality. What are my thoughts regarding these issues? How should I respond, when asked questions regarding these and other important issues? Whatever my opinions, I believe they need to be based on the person and work of Jesus the Christ. I believe the fundamental foundation Jesus offers for all issues is Love. When we abandon the fundamental doctrine of love, we do not continue in the core identity and core teachings of Christ. Love is the fundamental belief of the Christian faith. Jesus makes this clear. When he was asked, "What is the greatest commandment?" Jesus answered with a quote from the book of Deuteronomy. He said... "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment." (Matthew 22:37 - 38) Then Jesus went on to say... "And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" (Matthew 22:39) Then Jesus summed it up. He said... "All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:40) When we begin toying with any equation of spirituality that doesn't begin and end with the doctrine of love, we have missed the mark, because Christianity is, first and last, about love. When reading, hearing and seeing the debates (and also responding) regarding the difficult contemporary issues in our community, nation and the world, it would do us well to remember… Love is fundamental . Love is supreme . Love is the Gospel in a word . Grace & Peace, Pastor Paul The Literary Krewe... will meet Sunday, April 7, at 4pm, at Starbucks on Hamilton Place Blvd. We will discuss Two Old Women by Velma Wallis. Everyone is welcome to attend. Buy the book, read it, and let's talk. Contact: Betty Floyd 423 - 870 - 1585. =f the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “Thank You ”, it will be enough. — Meister Eckhart The 2013 Easter Special Offering... is being received on March 24th and March 31. The Easter Offering of the Disciples Mission Fund (DMF) supports the general ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) - the Church in the world! Your financial gifts help sustain the missional outreach of ministries like Bolenge Hospital that faithfully serve individuals and communities around the world. Your gifts make a difference, so please generously support this year’s Easter hffering as we seek to walk with others in God’s abundance͘ Winter/ Spring Youth Church Retreat: 2013 CHI RHO (6th - 8th grade) RETREAT April 5 - 7, 2013 Wednesday Night Dinners... are going well! Each week, an interesting program is being presented͖ this week (4/3), our program is by “Hericho Brass,” since 1998, /hattanooga’s Traditional Brass Band͘ The band’s name was inspired by the hld Testament account of Hoshua’s army, who blew their “lamb ram sheep horns” and caused the massive and unassailable walls of the city of Jericho to come crashing down. The band has toured the British Isles twice, and as of the beginning of the 2012 season, the Jericho Brass has performed over 400 concerts, making it one of the hardest - working bands in the world. Recruiting for new members continues today, with their motto͗ “All we want from you is every aonday night for the rest of your life!” Please join us next Wednesday for a memorable show by this outstanding local talent! Please remember to make reservations as early as possible — early reservations let us plan for enough food, without a lot of waste. If you miss the red book on Sunday morning, call or email the office as early in the week as you can! From the Church Office... Please submit items to be included or changed in The Bridge no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday morning. Items for inclusion or change in the Worship Bulletin must be received no later than 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning. Our week with Family Promise guests... begins on Sunday, April 14th! As usual, we will need volunteers for meal preparation and serving each evening, and overnight hosts to spend the night at the church during the week. If you can help with meals, contact Lorraine Hipp (423 - 504 - 1346); to help with overnight hosting, contact Barbara Voss (423 - 886 - 5820). For more information, please call Julia Martin (423 - 876 - 9588). The Annual Easter Egg Hunt...for the children will be held this Sunday immediately after worship on the side yard, near the patio. Bring the kids for a fun time! (=t’s fun for the adults, too!) Welcome ! Today is the gateway to another week. We join together here to thank God for a new week of promise and possibilities. Let us welcome the opportunity of worship, as we prepare ourselves to be God’s people in God’s world͘ Church Office: (423) 267 - 4506 Pastoral Emergency: (423) 994 - 0415 BRIDGE Deadline: Monday, 10:30 a.m. Church Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A /hurch of Service… ...Not Lip Service 650 McCallie Avenue · Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 · 423 - 267 - 4506 · Fax 423 - 266 - 2454 www.firstchristian - chat.com E - mail addresses: Church ........................ church@firstchristian - chat.com Rev. Paul Rebelo ............ paul@firstchristian - chat.com Christine Rebelo ................. rebelmomoffour@aol.com Chuck Martin ............... chuck@firstchristian - chat.com Karen Richards ............. karen@firstchristian - chat.com Opportunities for Service: Volunteer in the Brown Academy After - School Program! If you can spare even one Tuesday afternoon, we would appreciate your help. Call Kyle Cutsinger (423 - 892 - 1079) for more information. Volunteer at the Community Kitchen! 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. 9:00 AM to 11:45 AM; 727 E. 11th St. For more information, contact Rona Gary (ronagary@gmail.com). Help out at Habitat for Humanity! 2nd Saturday of every month. Be there around 8:30 AM. For details, email Larry Kirby (kirbychat@epbfi.com). Volunteer to serve a meal at Room In The Inn on the 5th Sunday of any applicable month. For details, call or email Shannon Beattie (423 - 883 - 9083; shanhb@hotmail.com. Help us when we host families from Family Promise of Chattanooga for a week, several times each year. For details, email Julia Martin at chuck343@comcast.net. Stewardship Last Sunday: Morning Worship Service ................................ ....... 149 This week’s receipts ................................ .......... $5,594 Contributions to Date ................................ .... $102,997 Disbursements to Date ................................ .. $120,798 This Week at First Christian (Opportunities for you to connect) Sunday, April 7 Monday, April 1 Tuesday, April 2 3:00 p.m. Brown Academy After - School Program; Fellowship Hall Wednesday, April 3 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Dinner; Fellowship Hall 6:30 p.m. “Hericho Brass” in concert͖ Sanctuary Thursday, April 4 7:00 a.m. aen’s Study Group͖ Bluegrass Grill 3:00 p.m. PAWS; Fellowship Hall Friday, April 5 11:00 a.m. Tai Chi; Chi Rho classroom 8:00 p.m. N/A; Fellowship Hall Saturday, April 6 Sunday, March 31 - Easter Sunday 10:30 a.m. Ladies’ Prayer Group͖ Fellowship :all 3:00 p.m. PAWS; Fellowship Hall 8:00 p.m. N/A Meeting; Fellowship Hall No activities scheduled 9:45 a.m . Sunday School Classes 10:35 a.m. Elders’ Prayer /ircle͖ aeditation /hapel 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship; Sanctuary 12:00 p.m. Fellowship; Parlor 9:45 a.m . Sunday School Classes 10:35 a.m. Elders’ Prayer /ircle͖ aeditation /hapel 10:45 a.m. Worship; Sanctuary 12:00 p.m. Fellowship; Parlor 12:15 p.m. /hildren’s Easter Egg :unt͖ West lawn This week’s Program (4/3/13): J ERICHO B RASS D INNER — 5:30 P ROGRAM — 6:30