

pamella-moone . @pamella-moone
Uploaded On 2015-08-12


IMPS OF THE x0807TIOx0807L PAx1004Ex0801 CORPORATION OF Ix0809IA NPCI Thx1819e x1A18rms and x2021ndx221Ax2221ns x201CTx181Bmx1924 appx2627 x1A21 and ID: 105842





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TERMS Aࠉ COࠉITIOࠅ GOขRࠌNG IMMEऌATE PAYMENT SERฌCES (IMPS) OF THE ࠇTIOࠇL PAငEࠁ CORPORATION OF IࠉIA (NPCI). Th᠙e ᨘrms and ‡nd√∡ns (“T᠛mᤤ) app☧ ᨡ and rᠨu☝ᨘ ᨗe pro⨢ᤢon of IMPS ⬩nd ᨛanᤫ᠛ ⬝•☢ᨧ pro⨢d᠟ by ICICI Ban⸖ ICICI ⴝn⸆sha☦ ᠞d᠝⨡r ᨡ pro⨢de ᨡ ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛, IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ in a†ordan‘ w√h the IMPS ⠩∟ᠦ∞᠙, •r
lars andㄡr rᠨulaᨢons ∙su᠟ by the R᠙᠛⨘ ⴝnk of India andㄡr ࠝᨢonal Pa✜᠞ᨙ Corporaᨢon of Ind∝ ⬛om ᨢme ᨡ ᨢme (“Gu∟ᠦ∞᠙”) ᤩb㈘‚ ᨡ th᠆ᨘrmᤆand ‡nd√∡nᤆh᠛ᠢn ᤥᠠ∫∘d. Dᠫ∞√ions In th∙ do
m᠞t the ⬡☦ow∞g words and phraᤘs ha⨘ ᨗe m᠝nin⠙ ᤘt oppoᤢᨘ th᠜ un☘ᤙ ᨗ᠆‡nᨘxᨆind∠aᨘᤆoᨗ᠛w∙ᠴ 㔇†ounᨑᤒ" rᠫ᠛s ᨡ the r᠙∟᠞t Indian ᤝ⨢n⠙ and ㄡr 
rr᠞t bank a†ounᨑᤒ hᠦd and ma∞᨝in᠟ w√h ICICI ⴝnⸯ ᨡ be uᤘd ⬡r op᠛aᨢons ᨗrou⠗ ᨗ᠆IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ. 㔊uᤚom᠛" m᠝ns the app☢”nᨱr᠜√ᨘr a⨝∦∞g of the IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ throu⠗ h∙ Ac‡unᨆw√h ICICI ⴝn⸖ 㔌CICI ⴝn⸵ m᠝ns ICICI ⴝnk L∜√᠟, a ‡mpany in‡rporaᨘd und᠛ ᨗe Compan∘s A‚, 1956 and ☢‘nᤘd as a bank und᠛ the Ban⸢ng Rᠨu☝ᨢon A‚, 1949 and ha⨢ng √s rᠨ∙ᨘr᠟ o⬫∠e at Landmarⸯ Ra‘ Courᤘ C∛…ᠯ ฝdodara 390 007, and √s ‡rporaᨘ o⬫∠e at ICICI ⴝnk Tow᠛᤯ Bandra 㸩r☝ Comp☘x, Mumbai 400 051 (whi‗ expr᠙ᤢon sha☦, un☘ᤙ √ be rᠥu⠞ant ᨡ ᨗ᠆ᤩb㈘‚ or ‡nᨘxᨆth᠛ᠡ⬯ in…ud᠆√ᤆᤩ†᠙ᤡrᤆand aᤙ∨nᤒ. 㔏a✜᠞t Ord᠛" m᠝ns an un‡nd√∡nal inᤚru‚∡n iᤙu᠟ by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ ∞ wr√∞g or ᨛanᤜ√ᨘd ᠦᠠᨛon∠a☦y ᨡ ICICI ⴝnk ᠢᨗ᠛ ᨗrou⠗ ICICI ⴝn⸿s inᨘrn᠚ ban⸢ng ⬝•☢ᨧ or ᤗort m᠙ᤝ⠘ ᤘr⨢‘ (SMS) or unᤚru‚ur᠟ ᤩpp☘m᠞᨝ry ᤘr⨢‘ data (USSऒ or inᨘra‚∪e ⨡∠e rᠠord∞g ᤘr⨢‘s pro⨢ded b✆ICICI ⴝnk or i-mob∦e app☢”ᨢon o⬆ICICI Bank or 㸢o᤮ in ICICI ⴝnk bran‗᠙, ᨡ ᠫ⬘‚ a ⬩nd ᨛanᤫ᠛ ⬡r a ‘r᨝∞ ᤩm of monᠧ ᠳpr᠙ᤘd in Ind∝n rup᠘᤯ ᨡ the d᠙∨naᨘd a†ount of a d᠙∨naᨘd b᠞ᠫ∠∝r✆b✆dᠬ√∞g A†ounᨆo⬆th᠆Cuᤚom᠛. IMPS” rᠫ᠛s ᨡ ᨗe Imm᠟∝ᨘ Pa✜᠞t S᠛⨢‘ o⬫᠛᠟ by ࠏCI ∞ ‡☦aboraᨢon w√h √ᤆm᠜b᠛ ban⸙. 㔌MPS ጝ•☢ᨧ" m᠝ns ᨗe Imm᠟∝ᨘ Pa✜᠞t S᠛⨢‘ baᤘd ᠦᠠᨛon∠ fund ᨛanᤫ᠛ fa•☢ᨧ pro⨢d᠟ by ICICI ⴝnk ᨡ √s Cuᤚom᠛s ᨗrou⠗ ᨗe ࠏCI IMPS S✙ᨘm aᤆp᠛ th᠆Gu∟ᠦ∞᠙. ࠏCI IMPS S✙ᨘm” m᠝ns ᨗe ᤰ√ch and rᠦaᨘd ᡂu∥m᠞t and ᤡ⬚ware own᠟ by ࠏCI ᨡ pro⨢de the IMPS baᤘd fund ᨛanᤫ᠛ fa•☢ᨧ ∞…ud∞g ᨗe ࠝᨢona☆ጢnan•a☆Sw√‗; ⴖ Words or ᠳpr᠙ᤢons uᤘd ∞ ᨗ∙ ⬡rm, but not ᤥᠠ∫∠a☦y dᠫ∞᠟ h᠛ᠢn ᤗa☦ ha⨘ ᨗ᠆r᠙pᠠᨢ⨘ m᠝n∞⠙ aᤙ∨n᠟ ᨡ th᠜ b✆ࠏCI. App☢”bi☢ᨧ o⬆Terms Ea‗ Cuᤚom᠛ d᠙∛ous of ava∦∞g the IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ, ᤗa☦ ᤩbm√ ᨡ ICICI ⴝnk a du☧ ‡mp☘ᨘd and ᤢgn᠟ App☢”ᨢon ጡrm, in ᤩch ⬡rm, mann᠛ and ᤩbᤚan‘ as ICICI Bank may pr᠙‛∬e and ICICI ⴝnk sha☦ be enᨢᨦ᠟, at √s ᤡ☘ d∙‛᠚∡n, ᨡ a†ᠥt or rᠲᠠt ᤩch app☢”ᨢonᤖ ⴧ app☧∞g ⬡r and a†᠙ᤢng ᨗe IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ, the Cuᤚom᠛ a†ᠥᨙ th᠙e T᠛m᤯ wh∠h ᤗa☦ ⠡⨘rn the pro⨢ᤢon of the IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ by ICICI Ban⸖ The T᠛ms ᤗa☦ be ∞ add√∡n ᨡ and noᨆin d᠛o⠝ᨢon o⬆ᨗ᠆Gu∟ᠦ∞᠙ ∙ᤩ᠟ ⬛om ᨢme ᨡ ᨢm᠖ The Cuᤚom᠛ h᠛ᠬy a‮now☘d⠘s ᨗat ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ has r᠝d and und᠛ᤚood th᠆Gu∟ᠦ∞᠙ and a⠛᠘ᤆᨗaᨆᨗ᠆r∨hᨙ and ob☢⠝ᨢons pro⨢d᠟ ᨗ᠛ᠢn and ∞ ᨗ᠙e T᠛ms in ᤡ ⬝r as √ rᠦaᨘs ᨡ the Cuᤚom᠛ ᤗa☦ be b∞d∞g on ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ w√h rᠨard ᨡ ᠪ᠛y Pa✜᠞ᨆOrd᠛ ∙su᠟ b✆h∜ㄢt ⬡r ᠳᠠuᨢon ∞ ᨗe ࠏCI IMPS S✙ᨘm. The Cuᤚom᠛ und᠛ᤚands and a⠛᠘s that noᨗing in ᨘrms o⬆a⨝∦ing the IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ sha☦ be ‡nᤚru᠟ as ‛᠝ᨢng any ‡nᨛa‚ual or oᨗ᠛ r∨hᨙ a⠝inᤚ ࠏCI or any parᨢ•pant in ᨗe ࠏCI IMPS S✙ᨘm oᨗ᠛ ᨗan ICICI Ban⸖ ࠡᨰ√hᤚand∞g an✚h∞⠆‡n᨝∞᠟ h᠛ᠢn, a☦ ᨘrms and ‡nd√∡ns ᤚ∥u☝ᨘd by ICICI Bank ∞ ‡nnᠠᨢon w√h ᨗ᠆A†ounᨙ ᤗa☦ ‡nᨢnu᠆ᨡ app☧. S‡p᠆o⬆ᨗ᠆IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ IMPS o⬫᠛s an ∞ᤚanᨯ 24䘽, ∞ᨘrbank ᠦᠠᨛon∠ fund ᨛanᤫ᠛ ᤘr⨢‘ ᨡ the 
ᤚom᠛s of IMPS m᠜ber ban⸙. The cuᤚom᠛s ”n put in rᡂu᠙t ⬡r ⬩nd ᨛanᤫ᠛s ⬛om thᠢr r᠙pᠠᨢ⨘ ban⹇s inᨘrn᠚ ban⸢ng ‗annᠦ or mob∦e ban⸢ng channᠦs ∞ a ᤘ
re mann᠛. Th∙ fa•☢ᨧ ∙ pro⨢d᠟ by ࠏCI ᨗrou⠗ √ᤆᠳ∙ᨢng ࠝᨢona☆ጢnan•a☆Sw√ch. R∨hᨙ and Ob☢⠝ᨢons o⬆ᨗ᠆Cuᤚom᠛ (− The Cuᤚom᠛ sha☦ be enᨢᨦ᠟, ᤩb㈘‚ ᨡ oᨗ᠛ ᨘrms and ‡nd√∡nᤆof the ᤘr⨢‘, ᨡ ∙su᠆Pa✜᠞ᨆOrd᠛s ⬡r exᠠuᨢon by ICICI Ban⸖ (∢) The Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ sha☦ be ∙su᠟ by the Cuᤚom᠛, ∞ the ⬡rm as pr᠙‛∬᠟ by ICICI ⴝnⸯ wh∠h ∙ ‡mp☘ᨘ in a☦ parᨢ
☝rᤖ The Cuᤚom᠛ ᤗa☦ be r᠙ponᤢb☘ ⬡r ᨗe a†ura‧ of the parᨢ
☝rs ⠢⨘n ∞ the Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ ⬡r IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ and sha☦ be ☢ab☘ ᨡ ‡mp᠞ᤝᨘ ICICI Bank ⬡r any ☡ᤙ ar∙in⠆on a†ounᨆo⬆an✆᠛ror in th᠆Pa✜᠞ᨆOrd᠛. (∢− The Cuᤚom᠛ sha☦ be bound by any Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ exᠠuᨘd by ICICI ⴝnk ∫ ICICI ⴝnk has ᠳᠠuᨘd the Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ ∞ ⠡od ⬝√h and in ‡mp☢an‘ w√h th᠆inᤚru‚∡nᤆ⠢⨘n by the Cuᤚom᠛. (∪) The Cuᤚom᠛ ᤗa☦ ᠞ᤩre ava∦ab∦√y of ⬩nds ∞ h∙ A†ount ᨡwards the ⬩☫∦☜᠞t of the Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ bᠫorᠱat ᨗe ᨢme of the ᠳᠠuᨢon of ᨗe Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ by ICICI ⴝn⸖ The Cuᤚom᠛ h᠛ᠬy author≈᠙ ICICI Bank ᨡ dᠬ√ ᨗe Ac‡unt of the Cuᤚom᠛ ⬡r any ☢ab∦√y in
rr᠟ by ICICI Bank on b᠗a☫ of the Cuᤚom᠛ ⬡r ᠳᠠuᨢon of ᨗe IMPS inᤚru‚∡n ∙su᠟ by the Cuᤚom᠛. (⨒ The Cuᤚom᠛ a⠛᠘s that ᨗe Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ ᤗa☦ bᠠome ∛rᠪo”b☘ wh᠞ √ ∙ ᠳᠠuᨘd by ICICI Ban⸖ (⨢) The Cuᤚom᠛ a⠛᠘s that he sha☦ not be ᠞ᨢᨦ᠟ ᨡ ma⸘ any …a∜ a⠝inᤚ Rⴌ andㄡr ࠏCI ∞ r᠙pᠠt ᨡ ᨗ᠆IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ. (⨢− The Cuᤚom᠛ a⠛᠘s that ∞ the ᠪ᠞t of any dᠦay in ᨗe ‡mp☘ᨢon of ᨗ᠆⬩nds ᨛanᤫ᠛ or an✆☡ᤙ on a†ounᨆof ᠛ror in ᨗ᠆ᠳᠠuᨢon o⬆ᨗ᠆⬩nds ᨛanᤫ᠛ purᤩant ᨡ a Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ or on a†ount of ᠛ror, nᠨ☢⠘n‘ or ⬛aud on the part of any ᠜p☡✘e of ICICI ⴝnⸯ ICICI Ban⹇s ☢ab∦√y ᤗa☦ be ☢m√᠟ ᨡ the exᨘnt of pa✜᠞t of inᨘr᠙t at the Ca☦ Monᠧ Raᨘ as pub☢ᤗ᠟ by ᨗ᠆R᠙᠛⨘ Ban⸆of Ind∝ on a da∦✆baᤢᤆ⬡r an✆p᠛∡d o⬆dᠦay ∞ ᨗe ”ᤘ of dᠦa✘d pa✜᠞t and rᠫund of ᨗe amount ᨡ⠘ᨗ᠛ w√h ∞ᨘr᠙t at the Ca☦ Monᠧ Raᨘ (as on the daᨘ of the ‡mp☝∞t ☡d⠘d by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛) upᨡ th᠆daᨘ o⬆rᠫund. (⨢∢) The Cuᤚom᠛ sha☦ pro⨢de ‡rrᠠt b᠞ᠫ∠∝ry d᠚a∦s ᨡ ICICI ⴝnk at ᨗe ᨢme of ava∦∞g ᨗe IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ. The Cuᤚom᠛ ᤗa☦ be ᤡ☘☧ r᠙ponᤢb☘ ⬡r ᠞ᨘr∞g wrong b᠞ᠫ∠∝ry d᠚a∦s ☢⸘ ∞‡rrᠠt mob∦e numb᠛ andㄡr ∞‡rrᠠt a†ount numb᠛, due ᨡ wh∠h ᨗe ⬩nd are ᨛanᤫ᠛r᠟ ᨡ an ∞‡rrᠠt b᠞ᠫ∠∝r✖ R∨hᨙ and ob☢⠝ᨢonᤆo⬆ICICI ⴝnk (− ICICI ⴝn⸆sha☦ ᠳᠠuᨘ a Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ ∙su᠟ and du☧ auᨗor∙᠟ b✆ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ , un☘ᤙ: (a) ᨗe funds ava∦ab☘ ∞ the A†ount of the Cuᤚom᠛ are not adᡂuaᨘ or funds are not prop᠛ly app☢”b☘ㄝva∦ab☘ ᨡ ‡mp☧ w√h ᨗe Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ (b) the Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ ∙ ∞‡mp☘ᨘ or √ ∙ not iᤙu᠟ in ᨗe a⠛᠘d ⬡rm, (d) ICICI Bank has r᠝ᤡn ᨡ bᠦ∘⨘ ᨗat the Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ ∙ ∙ᤩ᠟ ᨡ ”rry out an unlaw⬩l ᨛansa‚∡n or (᠒ ᨗe Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ cannot be exᠠuᨘd und᠛ th᠆ࠏCI IMPS S✙ᨘm. (∢) ࠡ Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ ∙ᤩ᠟ by the Cuᤚom᠛ ᤗa☦ be b∞d∞g on ICICI ⴝnk unᨢ☆ICICI Ban⸆haᤆa†ᠥᨘd √. (∢− ICICI ⴝnk ᤗa☦, ⬡r exᠠuᨢon of ᠪ᠛y Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛, be enᨢᨦ᠟ ᨡ dᠬ√ ᨗe d᠙∨naᨘd A†ount of ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛, w√h ᨗe amount of the ⬩nds ᨡ be ᨛanᤫ᠛r᠟ ᨡ⠘ᨗ᠛ w√h ‗ar⠘s pa✝b☘ th᠛ᠡn. (∪) A du☧ auth᠞ᨢ”ᨘd rᠠord of ᨗe ᨛansa‚∡n a⬚᠛ ‡mp☘ᨢon of ᨗe ⬩nds ᨛanᤫ᠛ w∦l be rᠠord᠟ in ᨗe ᤚaᨘm᠞t of a†ount ⠢⨘n ᨡ ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛. The Cuᤚom᠛ sha☦, w√hin a p᠛∡d of ᨘn da✙ ⬛om the daᨘ of rᠠᠢpt of the monᨗ☧ ᤚaᨘm᠞t rᠥort ᨡ ICICI ⴝnk any d∙‛ᠥan‧ ∞ ᨗe ᠳᠠuᨢon of ᨗe Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛. The Cuᤚom᠛ a⠛᠘s that he ᤗa☦ not be ᠞ᨢᨦ᠟ ᨡ d∙puᨘ the ‡rrᠠ᨞᠙s of the ᠳᠠuᨢon of the Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ or ᨗe amount dᠬ√᠟ ᨡ h∙ A†ount ∫ he fa∦s ᨡ rᠥort the d∙‛ᠥan‧ w√hin ᨗ᠆ᤝ∟ p᠛∡d. (⨒ ICICI ⴝnk ⬡r pro⨢d∞g ᨗe IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ ᨡ the Cuᤚom᠛ ᤗa☦ ⬡☦ow ᨗe pro‘ᤙ pr᠙‛∬᠟ by ࠏCI ∞ ᨗ∙ rᠨard ∞…ud∞g but not ☢m√᠟ ᨡ pro‘ᤙ ⬡r ᤘᨚ☢n⠆o⬆ᨢm᠟ ouᨆᨛanᤝ‚∡nᤆw√hin th᠆ᨢme ☢m√ pr᠙‛∬᠟ b✆ࠏCI. Inᤚru‚∡ns The Cuᤚom᠛ ∙ r᠙ponᤢb☘ ⬡r ᨗe a†ura‧ and auᨗ᠞ᨢ•ᨧ of ᨗe ∞ᤚru‚∡ns pro⨢d᠟ ᨡ ICICI ⴝnk and ᨗe ᤝmᠯ ∫ ∙ ∞ ᨗe ⬡rm and mann᠛ pr᠙‛∬᠟ by ICICI ⴝnⸯ ᤗa☦ be ‡nᤢd᠛᠟ ᨡ be su⬫∠∘nt ᨡ op᠛aᨘ ᨗe IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ. ICICI ⴝnk sha☦ not be rᡂu∛᠟ ᨡ indᠥ᠞d᠞ᨦy ⨘r∫y ᨗe ∞ᤚru‚∡nᤖ ICICI Bank has no ☢ab∦√y ∫ √ do᠙ not or ∙ unab☘ ᨡ ᤚop or prᠪ᠞t the ∜p☘m᠞᨝ᨢon of any Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ ∙su᠟ by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛. On‘ a Pa✜᠞t Ord᠛ ∙ ∙ᤩ᠟ by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ the ᤝme cannot be ᤩbᤘqu᠞ᨦ✆rᠪo⸘d b✆ᨗ᠆Cuᤚom᠛. ICICI Bank ᤚaᨘs ᨗat √ has no ☢ab∦√y or ob☢⠝ᨢon ᨡ ⸘ᠥ a rᠠord of ᨗe ∞ᤚru‚∡ns ᨡ pro⨢de in⬡rmaᨢon ᨡ the Cuᤚom᠛ or ⬡r ⨘r∫✢ng the ∞ᤚru‚∡nᤖ ICICI Bank sha☦ rᠫuᤘ ᨡ ‡mp☧ w√h the ∞ᤚru‚∡ns w√hout aᤙ∨ning any r᠝ᤡn and ᤗa☦ not be und᠛ any duᨧ ᨡ aᤙ᠙s ᨗe prud᠞‘ or oᨗ᠛w∙e of any ∞ᤚru‚∡n. ICICI Bank has the r∨ht ᨡ ᤩᤥ᠞d ᨗe ᨛanᤝ‚∡ns w√h r᠙pᠠt ᨡ the IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ ∫ √ has r᠝ᤡn ᨡ bᠦ∘⨘ that ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛’s ∞ᤚru‚∡ns w∦l ☘ad ᨡ or ᠳpoᤘ ᨡ d∛ᠠt or ind∛ᠠt ☡ᤙ ᨡ ICICI Bank or may rᡂu∛e an ind᠜n√y ⬛om ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ bᠫore ‡nᨢnu∞g ᨡ op᠛aᨘ th᠆IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ. A☦ inᤚru‚∡n᤯ rᡂu᠙ᨙ, d∛ᠠᨢ⨘᤯ ord᠛᤯ d∛ᠠᨢon᤯ enᨘr᠟ by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛, are baᤘd upon the Cuᤚom᠛’s dᠠ∙∡ns and are ᨗe ᤡ☘ r᠙ponᤢb∦√y of the Cuᤚom᠛. Shar∞g o⬆In⬡rmaᨢon The Cuᤚom᠛ ∛rᠪo”b☧ and un‡nd√∡na☦y auᨗor∙᠙ ICICI ⴝnk ᨡ a†᠙s a☦ the Cuᤚom᠛’s A†ounᨙ and rᠠords ⬡r the purpoᤘ of pro⨢d∞g ᨗe IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ. The Cuᤚom᠛ a⠛᠘s that ICICI ⴝnk and √s a⬫∦∝ᨘs (or thᠢr ‡nᨛa‚orᤒ may ho☟ and pro‘ᤙ √s p᠛ᤡnal in⬡rmaᨢon and a☦ oᨗ᠛ ∞⬡rmaᨢon ‡n‘rn∞g √s A†ounᨑᤒ on ‡mpuᨘr or oᨗ᠛w∙e ∞ ‡nnᠠᨢon w√h the IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ as wᠦl as ⬡r ana☧ᤢ᤯ ‛᠟√ ᤠor∞g and mar⸘ᨢn⠖ D∙…aim᠛ of L∝b∦√y ICICI Ban⸆do᠙ noᨆho☟ ouᨆan✆warranᨧ and ma⸘ᤆno rᠥr᠙᠞᨝ᨢon about ᨗe qua☢ᨧ of the IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ. The Cuᤚom᠛ a⠛᠘s and a‮now☘d⠘s ᨗat ICICI Bank sha☦ not be ☢ab☘ and ᤗa☦ ∞ no way be hᠦd r᠙ponᤢb☘ ⬡r any dama⠘s whaᨙoᠪ᠛ wh᠚h᠛ ᤩch dama⠘s are d∛ᠠᨯ ind∛ᠠᨯ ∞•d᠞᨝l or ‡nᤘqu᠞ᨢal and ∛r᠙pᠠᨢ⨘ of wh᠚h᠛ any …a∜ ∙ baᤘd on ☡ᤙ of rᠪ᠞uᠯ inᨘrrupᨢon of buᤢn᠙᤯ ᨛanᤝ‚∡n carr∘d out by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ and pro‘ᤙ᠟ by ICICI Banⸯ in⬡rmaᨢon pro⨢d᠟ or d∙…oᤘd by ICICI ⴝnk rᠨard∞g Cuᤚom᠛’s A†ounᨙ or any ☡ᤙ of any ‗ara‚᠛ or naᨩre whaᨙoᠪ᠛ and wh᠚h᠛ suᤚain᠟ by the Cuᤚom᠛ or by any oᨗ᠛ p᠛ᤡn. Wh∦e ICICI ⴝnk sha☦ ᠞d᠝⨡ur ᨡ prompᨦy ᠳᠠuᨘ and pro‘ᤙ ᨗe ᨛanᤝ‚∡ns aᤆpropoᤘd ᨡ be made by ᨗ᠆Cuᤚom᠛, ICICI ⴝnk sha☦ noᨆbe r᠙ponᤢb☘ ⬡r any non-r᠙ponᤘ or dᠦay ∞ r᠙pond∞g due ᨡ any r᠝ᤡn whaᨙoᠪ᠛, in…ud∞g due ᨡ ⬝∦ure of op᠛aᨢonal ᤧᤚ᠜s or any rᡂu∛᠜᠞t of ☝w. ICICI ⴝnk sha☦ not be ☢ab☘ ⬡r any ☡ᤙ, …a∜ or dama⠘ su⬫᠛᠟ by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ andㄡr any oᨗ᠛ ᨗ∛d parᨧ ar∙∞g out of or r᠙u☚∞g ⬛om fa∦ure of an IMPS ᨛanᤝ‚∡n on a†ount of ᨢme out ᨛanᤝ‚∡n ∖᠖ wh᠛e no r᠙ponᤘ ∙ rᠠᠢ⨘d ⬛om ࠏCI or ᨗe b᠞ᠫ∠∝ry bank ᨡ the ᨛansa‚∡n rᡂu᠙t andㄡr wh᠛e mob∦e numb᠛ or a†ount numb᠛ of ᨗe b᠞ᠫ∠∝ry do᠙ not ex∙ᨖ Furᨗ᠛, ICICI ⴝnk ᤗa☦ alᤡ not be ☢ab☘ ⬡r an✆☡ᤙ, dama⠘ andㄡr …a∜ ar∙∞⠆ouᨆof or r᠙u☚∞g ⬛om wrong b᠞ᠫ∠∝ry d᠚a∦᤯ mob∦e numb᠛ andㄡr a†ount d᠚a∦s bᠢng pro⨢d᠟ by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛. ࠘√h᠛ ICICI ⴝnk nor √s a⬫∦∝ᨘ᤯ d∛ᠠᨡr᤯ o⬫∠᠛s andㄡr a⠘nᨙ ᤗa☦ be ☢ab☘ ⬡r any unauᨗor≈᠟ p᠛ᤡns a†᠙ᤢng ᨗe rᠠords or A†ounᨙ or ∞⬡rmaᨢon throu⠗ ᨗe uᤘ of IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ and ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ h᠛ᠬy ⬩☦y ∞d᠜n∫∘s and ho☟s ICICI ⴝnⸯ √s a⬫∦iaᨘ᤯ d∛ᠠᨡrs and o⬫∠᠛s harm☘ᤙ a⠝inᤚ an✆a‚∡n, ᤩ√, pro‘᠟∞g ∞√∝ᨘd a⠝inᤚ √ or any ☡ᤙ, ‡ᤚ or dama⠘ in
rr᠟ by √ as a r᠙u☚ ᨗ᠛ᠡ⬖ ICICI Bank ᤗa☦ und᠛, no •r
mᤚan‘, be hᠦd ☢ab☘ ᨡ the Cuᤚom᠛ ∫ IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ a†᠙s ∙ not a⨝∦ab☘ ∞ the d᠙∛᠟ mann᠛ ⬡r r᠝ᤡnᤆ∞…ud∞⠆buᨆnoᨆ☢m√᠟ ᨡ naᨩral ”☝m√∘᤯ ☘⠝l r᠙ᨛa∞ᨙ, ⬝u☚s in ᨗe ᨘ☘‡mmun∠aᨢon n᠚work or n᠚work ⬝∦urᠯ or any oᨗ᠛ r᠝ᤡn bᠧond the ‡nᨛol of ICICI ⴝn⸖ I☦ᠨal or ∜proper uᤘ of the IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ sha☦ r᠞d᠛ ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ ☢ab☘ ⬡r pa✜᠞t of ⬢nan•al char⠘s (ᨡ be dᠠ∟᠟ by ICICI ⴝnk) or may r᠙u☚ ∞ ᤩᤥ᠞ᤢon of ᨗe IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ ᨡ ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛. A☦ the rᠠords of ICICI Bank ⠘n᠛aᨘd by the ᨛansa‚∡ns ar∙ing out of the uᤘ of ᨗe IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ, ∞…ud∞g the ᨢme ᨗe ᨛansa‚∡n ∙ rᠠord᠟ sha☦ be ‡n…uᤢ⨘ proof of ᨗe ⠘nuin᠞᠙s and a†ura‧ of the ᨛanᤝ‚∡n. ጡr ᨗe proᨘ‚∡n of boᨗ ᨗe parᨢ᠙, and as a ᨡol ᨡ ‡rrᠠt m∙und᠛ᤚand∞⠙, ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ und᠛ᤚand᤯ a⠛᠘s and author∙᠙ ICICI Banⸯ at √s d∙‛᠚∡n, and w√hout ⬩rᨗ᠛ pr∡r noᨢ‘ ᨡ the Cuᤚom᠛, ᨡ mon√or and rᠠord any or a☦ ᨘ☘phone ‡n⨘rᤝᨢons b᠚w᠘n ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ㄩᤘrs and ICICI ⴝnk and any of √s ᠜p☡✘᠙ or a⠘nᨙ. ICICI ⴝnk ᠳpr᠙ᤦy d∙…a∜s a☦ warranᨢ᠙ of an✆⸢nd, wh᠚h᠛ ᠳpr᠙s or ∜p☢᠟ or s᨝ᨩᨡr✯ in…udin⠯ but not ☢m√᠟ ᨡ ᨗ᠆∜p☢᠟ warranᨢ᠙ o⬆m᠛‗antab∦√✯ ⬢tn᠙ᤆ⬡r a parᨢ
lar purpoᤘ, da᨝ a†ura‧ and ‡mp☘ᨘn᠙᤯ and any warranᨢ᠙ rᠦaᨢng ᨡ non-∞⬛∞⠘m᠞t ∞ ᨗ᠆IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ. Ind᠜n√y The Cuᤚom᠛ a⠛᠘᤯ at √s own ᠳp᠞ᤘ, ᨡ ind᠜n∫✯ dᠫ᠞d and ho☟ harm☘ᤙ ICICI ⴝnⸯ √s d∛ᠠᨡrs and ᠜p☡✘᠙, rᠥr᠙᠞᨝ᨢ⨘᤯ a⠘nᨙ, and √s a⬫∦∝ᨘᤆa⠝inᤚ an✆…a∜, ᤩ√, a‚∡n or oᨗ᠛ pro‘᠟∞g brou⠗t a⠝inᤚ ICICI ⴝnⸯ √ᤆa⬫∦iaᨘ᤯ d∛ᠠᨡrs and ᠜p☡✘᠙, rᠥr᠙᠞᨝ᨢ⨘s or a⠘nᨙ by a th∛d parᨧ, ᨡ ᨗe exᨘnt that su‗ …a∜, ᤩ√, a‚∡n of oᨗ᠛ pro‘᠟∞g brou⠗t aga∞ᤚ ICICI Banⸯ √s a⬫∦∝ᨘ᤯ d∛ᠠᨡrs and ᠜p☡✘᠙, rᠥr᠙᠞᨝ᨢ⨘s or a⠘nᨙ ∙ baᤘd on or ar∙᠙ in ‡nnᠠᨢon w√h the uᤘ of ᨗ᠆IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ w√h rᠫ᠛᠞‘ ᨡ : (− a ⨢o☝ᨢon of th᠆T᠛ms by th᠆Cuᤚom᠛; (∢) any dᠦ᠚∡n᤯ add√∡n᤯ ∞ᤘrᨢons or a☚᠛aᨢons ᨡ, or any unauᨗor≈᠟ uᤘ o⬯ the IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ b✆ᨗ᠆Cuᤚom᠛; (∢− any m∙rᠥr᠙᠞᨝ᨢon or br᠝‗ of rᠥr᠙᠞᨝ᨢon or warranᨧ made by ᨗ᠆Cuᤚom᠛ ‡n᨝∞᠟ h᠛ᠢn; (∪) any br᠝‗ of any ‡⨘nant or ob☢⠝ᨢon ᨡ be p᠛⬡rm᠟ by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ h᠛ᠩnd᠛; The Cuᤚom᠛ a⠛᠘s ᨡ pay any and a☦ ‡ᤚ᤯ dama⠘s and exp᠞ᤘ᤯ ∞…ud∞⠯ but not ☢m√᠟ ᨡ, r᠝ᤡnab☘ aᨚornᠧ᤿ ⬘᠙ and ‡ᤚs award᠟ a⠝inᤚ √ or oᨗ᠛w∙e ∞
rr᠟ by or ∞ ‡nnᠠᨢon w√h or ar∙∞g ⬛om any ᤩch …a∜, ᤩ√, a‚∡n or pro‘᠟∞g aᨚr∬utab☘ ᨡ any su‗ …a∜. The Cuᤚom᠛ h᠛ᠬy a⠛᠘s that und᠛ no •r
mᤚan‘᤯ ICICI ⴝnk’s a⠨rᠨaᨘ ☢ab∦√y ⬡r c☝∜s rᠦaᨢng ᨡ ᨗe IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ, wh᠚h᠛ ⬡r br᠝ch or in ᨡrt ∞…ud∞g but not ☢m√᠟ ᨡ nᠨ☢⠘n‘ ᤗa☦ be ☢m√᠟ ᨡ the ᨛanᤝ‚∡n ‗ar⠘ᤱ⬘᠙ or ‡nᤢd᠛aᨢon pa∟ by the Cuᤚom᠛ w√hin ᨗe prᠪ∡us ᨰᠦ⨘ (12) monᨗs ⬡r the IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ, ex…ud∞g any amount pa∟ ᨡwards ᨛanᤝ‚∡nᤖ Aᤙ∨nm᠞t ICICI Bank sha☦ be enᨢᨦ᠟ ᨡ ᤘ☦, aᤙ∨n, ᤘcur√∙e or ᨛanᤫ᠛ ICICI Ban⸿s r∨ht and ob☢⠝ᨢons und᠛ ᨗ᠙e T᠛ms and any ᤘcur√y ∞ ⬝⨡ur of ICICI ⴝnk (∞…ud∞g a☦ ⠩aranᨘᠱᤒ ᨡ any p᠛ᤡn of ICICI ⴝn⸿s ‗o∠e ∞ who☘ or ∞ part and ∞ ᤩch mann᠛ and on ᤩch ᨘrms and ‡nd√∡ns as ICICI ⴝnk may dᠠ∟᠖ Any su‗ sa☘, aᤙ∨nm᠞ᨯ ᤘcur√∙aᨢon or ᨛanᤫ᠛ ᤗa☦ ‡n…uᤢ⨘☧ b∞d ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ and a☦ oᨗ᠛ p᠛ᤡnᤖ The Cuᤚom᠛, √s ᤩ†᠙ᤡrs and aᤙ∨ns are bound by th᠙e T᠛mᤖ Howᠪ᠛, ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ ᤗa☦ not be ᠞ᨢᨦ᠟ ᨡ ᨛanᤫ᠛ or aᤙ∨n any of √s r∨hᨙ and ob☢⠝ᨢons und᠛ ᨗ᠙᠆T᠛mᤖ T᠛m∞aᨢon The Cuᤚom᠛ may rᡂu᠙t ⬡r ᨘrm∞aᨢon of ᨗe IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ any ᨢme by ⠢⨢ng a pr∡r wr√ᨘn noᨢ‘ of at ☘aᤚ 15 da✙ ᨡ ICICI Ban⸖ The Cuᤚom᠛ w∦l r᠜a∞ r᠙ponᤢb☘ ⬡r a☦ ᨗe ᨛanᤝ‚∡nᤆmad᠆throu⠗ ᨗ᠆IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ unᨢl the ᨢme of su‗ ᨘrm∞aᨢon. ICICI ⴝnk may w√hdraw or ᨘrm∞aᨘ ᨗe IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ an✚∜e ᠢᨗ᠛ enᨢrᠦy or w√h rᠫ᠛᠞‘ ᨡ a ᤥᠠ∫∠ IMPS ጝ•☢ᨧ w√houᨆaᤙ∨n∞⠆an✆r᠝ᤡnᤆwhatᤡᠪ᠛. ICICI Ban⸆may suᤥ᠞d or ᨘrm∞aᨘ the IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ w√hout pr∡r noᨢ‘ ∫ ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ has br᠝‗᠟ an✆o⬆ᨗ᠙᠆T᠛mᤖ G᠞eral Cond√∡ns The laws of Ind∝ ᤗa☦ ⠡⨘rn th᠙e ᨘrms and ‡nd√∡ns andㄡr ᨗe op᠛aᨢons ∞ the A†ounᨑᤒ ma∞᨝in᠟ w√h ICICI ⴝn⸖ Any ☘gal a‚∡n or pro‘᠟∞⠙ ar∙∞g out of ᨗ᠙e T᠛ms ᤗa☦ be brou⠗t ∞ the ‡urᨙ or ᨛ∬una☙ at Mumbai ∞ Ind∝. ICICI ⴝnk ma✯ howᠪ᠛, in √s abᤡ☩ᨘ d∙‛᠚∡n ‡mm᠞‘ any ☘⠝l a‚∡n or pro‘᠟∞⠙ ar∙∞g out of ᨗ᠙e T᠛ms in any oᨗ᠛ ‡urᨯ ᨛ∬unal or oᨗ᠛ appropr∝ᨘ ⬡rum, and ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ h᠛ᠬy ‡nᤘnᨙ ᨡ ᨗat ㈩r∙d∠ᨢon. The …auᤘ head∞⠙ in ᨗ∙ T᠛ms are on☧ ⬡r ‡n⨘n∘n‘ and do not a⬫ᠠt ᨗe m᠝n∞g of ᨗe rᠦaᨢ⨘ …auᤘ. ICICI Bank may sub-‡nᨛa‚ and ᠜p☡y a⠘nᨙ ᨡ carry out any of √s ob☢⠝ᨢons h᠛ᠩnd᠛. ICICI ⴝnk may ᨛanᤫ᠛ or aᤙ∨n √s r∨hᨙ and ob☢⠝ᨢons und᠛ th∙ ‡nᨛa‚ ᨡ any oᨗ᠛ enᨢᨧ. ICICI ⴝnk has the abᤡ☩ᨘ d∙‛᠚∡n ᨡ am᠞d or supp☘m᠞t any of the T᠛ms as ᤚaᨘd h᠛ᠢn at any ᨢme and w∦l end᠝⨡r ᨡ ⠢⨘ pr∡r noᨢ‘ of ⬢⬚᠘n da✙ ⬡r ᤩch ‗an⠘s wh᠛ᠪ᠛ ⬘aᤢb☘. ⴧ uᤢng the nᠰ ᤘr⨢‘᤯ ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ sha☦ be d᠘m᠟ ᨡ ha⨘ a†ᠥᨘd ᨗe chan⠘d ᨘrms and ‡nd√∡nᤖ ࠡᨢ‘s und᠛ ᨗ᠙e T᠛ms may be ⠢⨘n ∞ wr√∞g by dᠦ∪᠛∞g ᨗ᠜ by hand or on ICICI ⴝn⸿s wᠬᤢᨘ www.∠∠∬an⸖‡m or by ᤘnd∞g th᠜ by poᤚ ᨡ the laᤚ addr᠙s ⠢⨘n by ᨗe Cuᤚom᠛ and ∞ ᨗe ”ᤘ of ICICI ⴝnk ᨡ √s ‡rporaᨘ o⬫∠e addr᠙ᤖ In add√∡n, ICICI ⴝnk may a☙o pub☢ᤗ noᨢ‘s of ⠘n᠛al naᨩrᠯ wh∠h are app☢”b☘ ᨡ a☦ Cuᤚom᠛s ∞ a nᠰᤥap᠛ or on √s wᠬᤢᨘ at www.∠∠∬an⸖‡m. Su‗ noᨢ‘s w∦l ha⨘ ᨗe same ᠫ⬘‚ as a noᨢ‘ ᤘr⨘d ∞d∪∟ua☦y ᨡ ea‗ Cuᤚom᠛. ࠡᨢ‘ and ∞ᤚru‚∡ns w∦l be d᠘m᠟ ᤘr⨘d 7 da✙ a⬚᠛ poᤚ∞g or upon rᠠᠢpt ∞ the ”ᤘ of hand dᠦ∪᠛✯ ”b☘, ᨘ☘x or fa’∜∦᠖ Any pro⨢ᤢon of ᨗ᠙e T᠛m᤯ wh∠h ∙ proh∬√᠟ or unen⬡r‘ab☘ ∞ any jur∙d∠ᨢon, sha☦, as ᨡ su‗ ㈩r∙d∠ᨢon, be ∞ᠫ⬘‚∪e ᨡ the exᨘnt of proh∬√∡n or unen⬡r‘ab∦√y but ᤗa☦ not in⨝☢daᨘ the r᠜a∞∞g pro⨢ᤢons of ᨗ᠙e T᠛ms or a⬫ᠠt su‗ pro⨢ᤢon ∞ any oᨗ᠛ ㈩r∙d∠ᨢon. ICICI Bank ᤗa☦ ha⨘ ᨗe r∨ht of ᤘᩁo⬫ and ☢᠞, ∛r᠙pᠠᨢ⨘ of any oᨗ᠛ ☢en or ‗ar⠘, pr᠙᠞t as wᠦl as ⬩ᨩre on ᨗe dᠥoᤢᨙ hᠦd ∞ ᨗe A†ount ᨡ the ᠳᨘnt of a☦ outᤚand∞g du᠙, whaᨙoᠪ᠛, ar∙ing as a r᠙u☚ of th᠆IMPS Fa•☢ᨧ exᨘnd᠟ ᨡ andㄡr uᤘd b✆ᨗ᠆Cuᤚom᠛.