US DepIrtmeVt of duKItioV US DepIrtmeVt of duKItioV

US DepIrtmeVt of duKItioV - PDF document

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Uploaded On 2021-08-23

US DepIrtmeVt of duKItioV - PPT Presentation

SeKretIra of duKItioV OffiKe of PlIVViVO vIluItioV IVd PoliKa DevelopmeVt KtiVO ssistIVt SeKretIra pril 2021 TPis report is iV tPe publiK domIiV utPoribItioV to reproduKe it iV wPole or iV pIrt is O ID: 870095

tpe ivd skpool studevts ivd tpe studevts skpool tpit witp kiv leirvivo skpools support ire pive studevt proorims distrikts




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Presentation Transcript

1 U.S. DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV SeKretIra
U.S. DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV SeKretIra of -duKItioV OffiKe of PlIVViVO, -vIluItioV IVd PoliKa DevelopmeVt )KtiVO )ssistIVt SeKretIra )pril 2021 TPis report is iV tPe publiK domIiV. )utPoribItioV to reproduKe it iV wPole or iV pIrt is OrIVted. WPile permissioV to repriVt tPis publiKItioV is Vot VeKessIra, tPe KitItioV sPould be U.S. DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV, OffiKe of PlIVViVO, -vIluItioV IVd PoliKa DevelopmeVt, -D COV1D-19 HIVdbooS, Volume 2: RoIdmIp to ReopeViVO SIfela IVd MeetiVO )ll StudeVts’ Needs WIsPiVOtoV, DC, 2021. TPis report is IvIilIble oV tPe DepIrtmeVt’s website It Pttps://www2.ed.Oov/doKumeVts/KoroVIvirus/reopeViVO-2.pdf )vIilIbilita of )lterVIte .ormIts OV request, tPis publiKItioV is IvIilIble iV IlterVIte formIts, suKP Is BrIille or lIrOe priVt. .or more iVformItioV, pleIse KoVtIKt tPe DepIrtmeVt’s )lterVIte .ormIt CeVter It 202-260-0818 or viI e-mIil It 1f aou PIve diffiKulta uVderstIVdiVO -VOlisP, aou mIa request lIVOuIOe IssistIVKe serviKes for DepIrtmeVt iVformItioV tPIt is IvIilIble to tPe publiK. TPese lIVOuIOe IssistIVKe serviKes Ire IvIilIble free of KPIrOe. 1f aou Veed more iVformItioV Ibout iVterpretItioV or trIVslItioV serviKes, pleIse KIll 1-800-US)-L-)RN (1-800-872- 5327) (TTY: 1-800-877-8339), emIil us It -d.LIVOuIOe.)ssistIVKe(ed.Oov to U.S. DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV, 1VformItioV ResourKe CeVter, 400 MIralIVd )ve., SW, WIsPiVOtoV, DC 20202. VtroduKtioV .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... I. MeetiVO bIsiK Veeds: providiVO sKPool meIls reOIrdless of eduKItioVIl settiVO ............................... b. MeetiVO tPe soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd meVtIl PeIltP Veeds of studeVts ........ )ddressiVO Lost 1VstruKtioVIl Time .................. I. )KKelerItiVO leIrViVO tProuOP iVstruKtioVIl IpproIKPes, tutoriVO, IVd expIVded leIrViVO time b. SupportiVO equitIble IKKess IVd effeKtive use of teKPVoloOa .............. K. UsiVO dItI Ibout studeVts’ opportuVita to leIrV to Pelp tIrOet resourKes IVd support SupportiVO -duKItor IVd StIff StIbilita IVd Well-BeiVO ................. b. SupportiVO eduKItor IVd stIff well-beiVO ............ CoroVIvirus DiseIse 2019 (COV1D-19) exIKerbIte existiVO iVequities IVd iVIdequIKies IKross I rIVOe of soKiIl struKtures, iVKludiVO our VItioV’s eduKItioV sastem. TPe pIVdemiK PIs Ilso PId I more dImIOiVO impIKt oV KommuVities IVd people of Kolor, iVKludiVO mIVa wPo IlreIda fIKed PeIltP KPIlleVOes. CoVOress PIs provided siOVifiKIVt federIl fuVdiVO, iVKludiVO most reKeVtla tProuOP tPe PistoriK )Kt of 2021 , to support tPe sIfe reopeViVO of sKPools. However, tPis is tPe first of mIVa

2 steps IPeId. .or most sKPools, returViV
steps IPeId. .or most sKPools, returViVO to tPe stItus quo will Vot Iddress tPe full impIKt of COV1D-19 oV studeVts’ soKiIl, impIKt oV eduKItor IVd stIff well-beiVO. )pproIKPes to sKPool reopeViVO must be desiOVed iV wIas tPIt meet tPe Veeds of studeVts, eduKItors, Pow we KIV “build bIKS better.” 2ust Is we KoVtiVue to looS to tPe evolviVO sKieVKe Is we worS to reopeV sKPools sIfela, so too sPould we turV to reseIrKP IVd evideVKe, Is well Is tPe voiKes of studeVts, eduKItors, stIff, IVd tPeir fImilies, to iVform efforts to Iddress tPe soKiIl, emotioVIl, meVtIl PeIltP, IVd IKIdemiK impIKt of COV1D-19. WitP tPe pIssIOe of )RP, stItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools Vow PIve siOVifiKIVt federIl resourKes IvIilIble to implemeVt evideVKe-bIsed IVd prIKtitioVer-iVformed strIteOies to meet tPe Veeds of studeVts relIted to COV1D-19, iVKludiVO studeVts most IffeKted ba tPe pIVdemiK IVd for wPom tPe pIVdemiK exIKerbIted pre- existiVO iVequities. TPis OuidIVKe doKumeVt is iVteVded to be I resourKe for stItes, distriKts, sKPools, IVd teIKPers Is tPea reopeV sKPools sIfela IVd support studeVts. SepIrItela, tPe DepIrtmeVt will issue OuidIVKe oV speKifiK provisioVs of )RP stItute IVd proOrIm implemeVtItioV. 1mplemeVt COV1D-19 preveVtioV strIteOies to sIfela reopeV sKPools IVd mIximibe iV-persoV iVstruKtioV IVd tPIt IliOV witP publiK PeIltP OuidIVKe, iVKludiVO upOrIdiVO sKPool fIKilities for PeIltPa )ddress tPe impIKt of lost iVstruKtioVIl time ba supportiVO tPe implemeVtItioV of evideVKe-bIsed iVterveVtioVs tPIt respoVd to studeVts’ soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd IKIdemiK Veeds; )ddress tPe disproportioVIte impIKt of COV1D-19 oV studeVts of Kolor, studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds, studeVts witP disIbilities, -VOlisP leIrVers, studeVts wPo Ire miOrItora, studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess, studeVts iV KorreKtioVIl fIKilities, IVd studeVts iV foster KIre; Provide IftersKPool, or otPer out-of-sKPool time, proOrIms tPIt Iddress studeVts’ soKiIl, emotioVIl, Provide iVteOrIted studeVt supports, iVKludiVO tProuOP tPe use of full-serviKe KommuVita sKPools; Provide studeVts witP evideVKe-bIsed summer leIrViVO IVd eVriKPmeVt proOrIms, iVKludiVO tProuOP pIrtVersPips witP KommuVita-bIsed orOIVibItioVs; CoVVeKt K-12 studeVts to PiOP-quIlita Pome iVterVet IVd/or deviKes; Provide KPildreV IVd aoutP experieVKiVO PomelessVess witP iVteOrIted studeVt support serviKes IVd IssistIVKe witP ItteVdiVO sKPool/pIrtiKipItiVO iV IKtivities; IVd Provide for IVa IKtivities Illowed uVder tPe -lemeVtIra IVd SeKoVdIra -duKItioV )Kt of 1965, StreVOtPeViVO CIreer IVd TeKPViKIl -duKItioV for tPe 21st CeVtura )Kt , IVd tPe 1VdividuIls witP DisIbilities -duKItioV )Kt (1D-)). TPese fuVds Ilso provide IV opportuVita to Iddress tPe most urOeVt Veeds of studeVts, teIKPers

3 , IVd stIff wPile mISiVO tPe SiVds of i
, IVd stIff wPile mISiVO tPe SiVds of iVvestmeVts tPIt build stIte, distriKt, IVd sKPool KIpIKita iV wIas tPIt sustIiV meIViVOful IVd effeKtive teIKPiVO IVd leIrViVO. 1f well-iVvested, fuVdiVO tProuOP )RP KIV Pelp Iddress OIps iV eduKItioVIl opportuVita IVd outKomes u Vot just duriVO tPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK, but beaoVd. -xeKutive Order 14000, SupportiVO tPe ReopeViVO IVd CoVtiVuiVO OperItioV of SKPools IVd -Irla CPildPood -duKItioV Provider evera studeVt iV )meriKI deserves I PiOP-quIlita eduKItioV iV I sIfe eVviroVmeVt. TPe BideV-HIrris )dmiVistrItioV ()dmiVistrItioV) believes stroVOla tPIt returViVO to iV-persoV leIrViVO Is sooV Is possible is esseVtiIl for Ill studeVts IVd fImilies. TPis is wPa tPe )dmiVistrItioV moved Volume 1: StrIteOies for SIfela ReopeViVO -lemeVtIra IVd SeKoVdIra SKPools COV1D-19 HIVdbooS to Iid eduKItors iV implemeVtiVO tPe CeVters for DiseIse CoVtrol IVd PreveVtioV (CDC) OperItioVIl StrIteOa for K-12 SKPools tProuOP PPIsed PreveVtioV (K-12 OperItioVIl StrIteOa) ba IddressiVO KommoV KPIlleVOes IVd providiVO prIKtiKIl exImples. )s stIted iV Volume 1, tPe )dmiVistrItioV IKSVowledOes tPe uVique impIKt of COV1D-19 oV, IVd trIumI experieVKed ba, uVderserved studeVts, iVKludiVO studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds, studeVts of Kolor, lesbiIV, OIa, bisexuIl, trIVsOeVder, IVd queer ( miOrItora studeVts, rurIl studeVts, )meriKIV 1VdiIV, )lIsSI NItive, NItive HIwIiiIV, IVd )siIV )meriKIV PIKifiK 1slIVder studeVts, studeVts iV foster KIre, studeVts iV KorreKtioVIl fIKilities, IVd studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess. TPe )dmiVistrItioV reKoOVibes tPIt KommuVities of Kolor PIve borVe I disproportioVIte of illVess IVd serious outKomes from COV1D-19 IVd require IdditioVIl KoVsiderItioVs. Volume 2: Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs is intended to offer initial strategies for providing equitable and adequate educational opportunities that address the impact of COVID-19 on students, educators, and staff, focusing on evidence-based strategies for: MeetiVO studeVts’ soKiIl, emotioVIl, meVtIl IVd pPasiKIl PeIltP, IVd IKIdemiK Veeds, iVKludiVO meetiVO bIsiK studeVt Veeds; reeVOIOiVO studeVts; IVd providiVO IKKess to I sIfe IVd )ddressiVO tPe impIKt of COV1D-19 oV studeVts’ opportuVita to leIrV, iVKludiVO tPe diOitIl divide; implemeVtiVO strIteOies for IKKelerItiVO leIrViVO; effeKtivela usiVO dItI; IVd SupportiVO eduKItor IVd stIff well-beiVO IVd stIbilita, iVKludiVO KoVsiderItioVs u witP I foKus oV uVderserved studeVts u IVd exImples of prIKtiKe. TPe U.S. DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV (tPe DepIrtmeVt) is OrIteful to tPe more tPIV 60 eduKItioV orOIVibItioVs tPIt sPIred reseIrKP, reKommeVdItioVs, exImples, IVd resourKes, Is well Is tPe perspeKtives of studeVts, fImilies, IVd sKPool

4 stIff members, tPIt were used to iVform
stIff members, tPIt were used to iVform Volume 2 of tPe COV1D-19 HIVdbooS. TPese reKommeVdItioVs IVd resourKes were submitted tProuOP I DepIrtmeVt emIil sPIred broIdla Is pIrt of tPe DepIrtmeVt’s stISePolder eVOIOemeVt efforts IVd listed iV Volume 1. TPe DepIrtmeVt Ilso Posted six listeViVO sessioVs ItteVded ba more tPIV 30 orOIVibItioVs to OItPer iVsiOPts iVto KPIlleVOes studeVts, eduKItors, IVd stIff Ire fIKiVO IVd promisiVO prIKtiKes IVd to mISe reKommeVdItioVs to Iddress tPe impIKt of COV1D-19 oV tPe sKPool KommuVita. TPe reseIrKP, reKommeVdItioVs, exImples, IVd resourKes tPIt tPe DepIrtmeVt reKeived Pe DepIrtmeVt. .uVdiVO uVder )RP mIa be used ba stItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools to eVsure tPIt Ill studeVts PIve IKKess to tPe eduKItioVIl opportuVities tPea Veed to suKKeed iV respoVse to COV1D-19. TPe sIme wIa listeViVO to tPe sKieVKe will leId us out of tPis pIVdemiK, we must listeV to tPe reseIrKPers, tPe eduKItors, tPe studeVts IVd tPeir fImilies to leId us to I KPIVOed eduKItioV sastem tPIt is desiOVed to build KIpIKita, support sastems of KoVtiVuous improvemeVt, IVd wPiKP It its Kore is Kommitted to equita, IdequIKa, IVd tPe limitless poteVtiIl of eIKP IVd evera studeVt. -VOIOiVO tPe SKPool CommuVita )s empPIsibed iV Volume 1, I s sKPools IVd distriKts worS to develop IVd implemeVt strIteOies, iVKludiVO tPose iVKluded iV tPis Volume, eVOIOemeVt witP eduKItors IVd stIff (iVKludiVO tPeir uVioVs), studeVts, fImilies, IVd tPe sKPool KommuVita is Sea. SKPool represeVtItives sPould iVKlude, It I miVimum, IdmiVistrItors, teIKPers, speKiIlibed iVstruKtioVIl support persoVVel, relIted serviKe providers, eIrla well Is KustodiIl persoVVel, trIVsportItioV persoVVel, food persoVVel, IVd fImila serviKes represeVtItives. StrIteOiK plIVViVO for tPe loVO-term reKovera sPould iVKlude studeVt IVd pIreVt represeVtItives, IVd tudeVts, stIff, IVd pIreVts witP disIbilities IVd To tPIt eVd, sKPools IVd sKPool distriKts sPould Ilso KoVduKt IKtive IVd speKifiK eVOIOemeVt witP PistoriKIlla uVderserved studeVts IVd fImilies u iVKludiVO pIreVts of studeVts of Kolor, )lIsSI NItive, IVd NItive HIwIiiIV studeVts, studeVts iV foster KIre, studeVts iV KorreKtioVIl fIKilities, IVd studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess. .or exImple, iV OIS PIrS, 1lliVois, I loKIl VoVprofit orOIVibItioV, prior to COV1D-19, KreIted IV IpproIKP to fImila eVOIOemeVt IVd pIrtVered witP pIreVt teIKPer orOIVibItioVs leIders IVd tPe distriKt’s Culture IVd Come ToOetPer fImila diVVers wPere teIKPers, fImilies, IVd studeVts KoVVeKt pIVdemiK, tPe Oroup suKKessfulla pivoted to oVliVe OItPeriVOs, reIKPiVO VeIrla 2,000 pIrtiKipIVts iV IV effort to opeV diIloOue over tPe issue of remote leIrViVO. 1V tPe remIiViVO moVtPs of tPe sKPool aeIr, tPese virtuIl OItPeriVOs wil

5 l foKus oV trIVsitioVs IVd oV-OoiVO supp
l foKus oV trIVsitioVs IVd oV-OoiVO support usiVO KommuVita orOIVibiVO strIteOies to iVteVtioVIlla reIKP Ill fImilies. TPis eVOIOemeVt sPould beOiV eIrla iV tPe deKisioV-mISiVO proKess IVd sPould be oVOoiVO IVd KollIborItive. TPis will Pelp to seleKt strIteOies desiOVed for sastemiK KPIVOe tPIt KIV build bua-iV IVd KIpIKita It tPe loKIl level for tPe loVO-term. DistriKts IVd sKPools KIV use fuVdiVO uVder )RP to support tPe followiVO strIteOies IVd iVterveVtioVs to Iddress tPe impIKt of COV1D-19, KoVsisteVt witP )RP requiremeVts IVd tPe UViform GuidIVKe iV 2 C.R PIrt 200. OtPer tPIV stItutora IVd reOulItora requiremeVts refereVKed iV tPe doKumeVt, tPe KoVteVts of tPis volume do Vot PIve tPe forKe or effeKt of lIw IVd do Vot biVd tPe publiK IVd sKPool KommuVities. TPis doKumeVt is iVteVded oVla to provide KlIrita reOIrdiVO existiVO requiremeVts uVder tPe lIw or IOeVKa poliKies. .urtPer, tPis doKumeVt does Vot substIVtivela Iddress federIl disIbilita lIw, wPiKP requires sKPools to provide KertIiV eduKItioVIl IVd relIted serviKes to studeVts witP disIbilities IVd to tISe IV iVdividuIlibed IpproIKP to providiVO speKiIlibed iVstruKtioV IVd relIted serviKes, KoVsisteVt witP tPe studeVt’s iVdividuIlibed eduKItioV proOrIm (1-P) developed uVder 1D-) or plIV developed uVder SeKtioV 504 of tPe RePIbilitItioV )Kt of 1973 (504 plIV), Is IppropriIte. )dditioVIl OuidIVKe oV tPese issues mIa to iVformItioV provided ba tPe DepIrtmeVt’s OffiKe of SpeKiIl -duKItioV IVd RePIbilitItive ServiKes IVd Pe DepIrtmeVt’s COV1D-19 ResourKes for SKPools, StudeVts, IVd .Imilies efleKt tPeir importIVKe, Vor is it iVteVded to eVdorse IVa views expressed or produKts or serviKes offered. TPese mIteriIls miOPt KoVtIiV tPe views IVd reKommeVdItioVs of vIrious subjeKt-mItter experts, Is well Is PaperliVSed text, KoVtIKt Iddresses, IVd websites to iVformItioV tPIt otPer publiK IVd privIte orOIVibItioVs KreIted IVd mIiVtIiV. TPe opiVioVs expressed iV IVa of tPese mIteriIls do Vot VeKessIrila refleKt tPe positioVs or poliKies of tPe DepIrtmeVt. TPe DepIrtmeVt does Vot KoVtrol or OuIrIVtee tPe IKKurIKa, relevIVKe, timeliVess, or KompleteVess of eIder’s KoVveVieVKe, tPis doKumeVt KoVtIiVs exImples of poteVtiIlla useful resourKes IVd metPodoloOies stItes IVd loKIlities use. 1VKlusioV of suKP iVformItioV does Vot KoVstitute IV eVdorsemeVt ba tPe DepIrtmeVt or tPe federIl OoverVmeVt, Vor I prefereVKe or support for tPese exImples Is KompIred witP otPers tPIt miOPt be IvIilIble IVd be preseVted. I. MeetiVO bIsiK Veeds: providiVO sKPool meIls reOIrdless of eduKItioVIl settiVO HeIltPa eItiVO is importIVt for KPild IVd IdolesKeVt OrowtP, developmeVt, well-beiVO, IVd IKIdemiK performIVKe. )KKordiVO to tPe NItioVIl SKPool LuVKP ProOrIm, before COV1D-19, Ibo

6 ut 22 millioV studeVts fIKt, KPildreV K
ut 22 millioV studeVts fIKt, KPildreV KoVsume Klosures beOIV iV MIrKP 2020, sKPools quiKSla reIlibed tPIt tPis Kould tPreIteV or elimiVIte studeVts’ IKKess to sKPool VutritioV serviKes u eveV if distriKts used Pabrid IpproIKPes to leIrViVO u IVd siOVifiKIVtla IffeKt sKPools’ Ibilita to meet tPis bIsiK Veed. 1V respoVse, tPe UVited StItes DepIrtmeVt of )OriKulture (USD)) provided flexibilities IVd wIivers IllowiVO meIls to be served iV I drive-tPru or wIlS-up settiVO, offered Is “ OrIb-IVd-Oo meIls (i.e., breISfIst, luVKP, sVIKS, IVd diVVer) KIV be provided Is well Is multiple dIas’ wortP of meIls It I time, reOIrdless of wPetPer tPea Ire tied to IV eduKItioVIl or eVriKPmeVt IKtivita, IVd meIls KIV be provided ool distriKts PIve tISeV IdvIVtIOe of tPese flexibilities IVd estIblisPed vIrious KreItive food distributioV models, iVKludiVO Kurbside distributioV, Pome le KommuVita loKItioVs (suKP Is librIra pIrSiVO lots) duriVO remote or Pabrid iVstruKtioV. TPese Vew strIteOies eVPIVKed sKPools’ Ibilities to provide tPis KritiKIl resourKe to studeVts IVd fImilies. 1VformItioV oV wIivers IVd flexibilities tPIt PIve beeV Ipproved CPild NutritioV ProOrIms: COV1D-19 WIivers ba StIte webpIOe. VutritioV stIff, sKPool Vurses, IVd trIVsportItioV stIff Ire vitIl members of tPe distriKt IVd sKPool reopeViVO teIms. WPere fewer meIls PIve beeV provided, tPere miOPt be less moVea from federIl reimbursemeVts IVd deKreIsed reveVue from I lI KIrte serviKes. SKPool leIders sPould KommuViKIte witP VutritioV direKtors to Issess Pow tPe meIl proOrIms Ire fIriVO fiVIVKiIlla IVd plIV for wIas to Iddress IVa KPIlleVOes exIKerbIted ba tPe pIVdemiK, iVKludiVO usiVO federIl fuVdiVO provided uVder )RP, tPe CoroVIvirus RespoVse IVd Relief SupplemeVtIl )ppropriItioVs )Kt (CRRS)), IVd tPe CoroVIvirus )id, Relief, IVd -KoVomiK SeKurita )Kt (C)R-S )Kt). )s pIrt of tPese plIVs, distriKts IVd sKPools will Ilso Veed to implemeVt COV1D-19-relIted sIfeta protoKols for sIfela distributiVO sKPool meIls, eitPer IwIa from professioVIls for serviVO meIls It sKPool IVd strIteOies for reduKiVO KrowdiVO, iVKreIsiVO veVtilItioV, IVd serviVO OrIb-IVd-Oo meIls. DetIiled iVformItioV oV COV1D-19-IdIpted sKPool meIl serviVO models IVd IdIptiVO sKPool spIKes KIV be fouVd oV CDC’s DistributiVO SKPool MeIls DuriVO COV1D-19 webpIOe. MeIl proOrIms sPould be tIilored to meet tPe loKIl KommuVita IVd iVdividuIl sKPool Veeds. LeIrViVO Ibout tPese Veeds miOPt iVKlude KoVduKtiVO fImila surveas to iVform distributioV of meIl Sits (e.O., wPetPer studeVts piKS up meIls for I weeS or two dIas It I time, tPe time of dIa meIls Ire IvIilIble for piKS up, IVd wPetPer I OrIb-IVd-Oo serviKe, delivera serviKes, or some KombiVItioV would be most effeKtive) IVd eVsure tPea Ire re

7 spoVsive to dietIra restriKtioVs. SKPool
spoVsive to dietIra restriKtioVs. SKPool leIders sPould desiOV I vIrieta of distributioV meIl sKPedules to eVsure equita ImoVO reKipieVts. .or exImple, followiVO I KoVsisteVt IlpPIbetiKIl formIt miOPt plIKe fImilies witP surVImes iV tPe seKoVd PIlf of tPe IlpPIbet It I disIdvIVtIOe iV terms of IvIilIbilita of food items. MeIl serviKe plIVs sPould eVsure tPere is IdequIte stIff IvIilIble oV I suffiKieVtla flexible or exteVded sKPedule (witP IppropriIte KompeVsItioV or use of voluVteers) to mIiVtIiV serviKes for Pabrid or remote studeVts (e.O., bIOOiVO meIls, stIffiVO OrIb-IVd-Oo sites), wPile Ilso stIffiVO SitKPeVs for )s distriKts IVd sKPools plIV for summer leIrViVO IVd eVriKPmeVt proOrIms, tPea sPould Ilso develop I plIV to provide meIl proOrIms iV VoV-sKPool settiVOs. OV MIrKP 9, 2021, USD) IVVouVKed tPe VItioVwide exteVsioV of severIl wIivers tPIt Illow Ill KPildreV to KoVtiVue to reKeive Vutritious IVd tPIt Illow for sIfe meIl distributioV sites tPIt serve Ill KPildreV for free reOIrdless of fImila iVKome. TPese flexibilities PIve beeV exteVded tProuOP September 30, 2021. 1V IdditioV, USD) is expIVdiVO PIVdemiK -leKtroViK BeVefit TrIVsfer (P--BT) proOrIm to support fImilies witP lower iVKomes witP KPildreV IVd replIKe tPe vIlue of sKPool meIls missed wPeV sKPools Ire Klosed. OV 2IVuIra 22, 2021, USD) IVVouVKed tPIt it would iVKreIse tPe P--BT beVefit ba IpproximItela 15%. 1V IdditioV, )RP expIVded P--BT tProuOP tPe 2020-2021 sKPool aeIr, Is well Is duriVO summer moVtPs. )s IV exImple of Pow oVe stIte PIs IpproIKPed tPis effort, tPe TeVVessee SKPool SIfeta CeVter estIblisPed priVKiples It tPe oVset of tPe pIVdemiK for developiVO I sKPool meIl plIV. TPese priVKiples iVKlude iVvolviVO tPe KommuVita iV sKPool VutritioV strIteOies, iVKludiVO KommuVita orOIVibItioVs, suKP Is IftersKPool proOrIms, sPelters, loKIl sIfeta persoVVel IVd emerOeVKa mIVIOers, IVd trIVsportItioV direKtors; ideVtifaiVO importIVt sIfeta protoKols iV food distributioV eveV Ifter sKPools reopeV; foreKIstiVO operItioVIl Veeds for 30, 60, IVd 90 dIas; orOIVibiVO tPe worS IVd determiViVO KleIr liVes of respoVsibilita; IVd IVIlabiVO lessoVs leIrVed duriVO tPe pIVdemiK IVd updItiVO plIVs to iVKorporIte tPose lessoVs leIrVed. of uVderserved studeVts, iVKludiVO studeVts Vot ItteVdiVO iV-persoV iVstruKtioV for tPe full five dIas per weeS, PiOPla mobile studeVts, suKP Is studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess, miOrItora IVd foster aoutP, studeVts wPo PIve beKome diseVOIOed, IVd populItioVs witP limited food resourKes or restriKted dietIra requiremeVts. )dditioVIl suOOestioVs for meetiVO tPe VutritioVIl Veeds of uVderserved studeVts iVKlude: WorSiVO witP tPe stIte VutritioV IOeVKa to determiVe Pow to provide studeVts witP free meIls

8 duriVO IftersKPool IVd summer leIrViVO I
duriVO IftersKPool IVd summer leIrViVO IVd eVriKPmeVt proOrIms, iVKludiVO tProuOP tPe USD) )ftersKPool ProOrIm Summer .ood ServiKe ProOrIm. ProvidiVO iVformItioV IVd mIps of meIl sites iV multiple lIVOuIOes IVd iV multiple IKKessible tservs) IVd distributiVO iVformItioV tProuOP pIrtVers (e.O., OoverVmeVt IOeVKies, loKIl VoVprofit orOIVibItioVs, plIKes of worsPip) tISiVO iVto KoVsiderItioV tPIt some fImilies miOPt be reluKtIVt to IKKess meIl proOrIms IVd serviKes (e.O., fImilies witP I member witPout doKumeVtItioV). SupportiVO fImilies iV IKKessiVO meIls duriVO Pabrid leIrViVO IVd duriVO VoV-sKPool dIas, suKP Is weeSeVds IVd PolidIas. .or exImple, tProuOP tPe P--BT fImilies of KPildreV wPo would VormIlla reKeive free or reduKed-priKe meIls. PIrtVeriVO witP loKIl food bIVSs IVd pIVtries to provide boxes of OroKeries IloVO witP meIls or witP CPild IVd )dult CIre .ood ProOrIm C)C.P) operItors to offer C)C.P foods IloVO witP meIls. Itives from IdmiVistrItioV, teIKPers, KouVseliVO, VursiVO, IVd support stIff to eVsure Ill fImilies iV Veed Ire ideVtified IVd provided witP resourKes to IKKess food IVd meIls. .or exImple, teIm members Kould be IssiOVed to fImilies Is “KIse mIVIOers” to ideVtifa speKifiK Veeds IVd to eVsure fImilies PIve IKKess to Vutritious WPere IppliKIble IVd to iVKreIse tPe reIKP of serviKes, deKeVtrIlibiVO food prepIrItioV IVd distributioV ba IKtivItiVO multiple sKPool SitKPeVs IVd deliveriVO meIls to sKPool bus stops or direKtla to studeVts’ Pomes. CreItiVO sKPedules tPIt provide fImilies witP equitIble IKKess to food distributioV IVd flexibilita iV O fImilies. .ood distributioV sPould ProvidiVO flexible piKS-up Pours to mIximibe IKKess to meIls It strIteOiKIlla loKIted meIl piKS-up sites. Provide meIl pIKSIOes witP multiple dIas’ wortP of meIls. .or iV-sKPool meIls, Illow studeVts IKKess to breISfIst meIls eveV Ifter tPe morViVO bell, iVKludiVO ba IllowiVO studeVts to briVO OrIb- IVd-Oo meIls iVto tPe KlIssroom. miVdful of tPe poteVtiIl impIKt of eVlistiVO poliKe offiKers to Issist witP meIl site loOistiKs (i.e., tPe siOPt of poliKe miOPt eliKit feIr iV some fImilies). -VsuriVO tPIt liIisoVs for studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess IVd persoVVel serviVO studeVts witP disIbilities PIve tPe of sKPool IVd to provide trIiViVO to sKPool distriKt stIff or KommuVita members oV ideVtifaiVO IVd serviVO studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess or studeVts witP disIbilities. -VsuriVO poliKies do Vot preveVt or delIa providiVO free meIls to studeVts due to uVpIid fees. b. MeetiVO tPe soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd meVtIl PeIltP Veeds of studeVts MIVa studeVts PIve beeV exposed to trIumI, disruptioVs iV leIrViVO, pPasiKIl isolItioV, IVd diseVOIOemeVt from sKPool IVd peers, wPiKP VeOItivela IffeKts tPeir meVtIl PeIltP. Stude

9 Vts leIrV, tISe IKIdemiK risSs, IVd IKP
Vts leIrV, tISe IKIdemiK risSs, IVd IKPieve It PiOPer levels iV sIfe IVd supportive leIrViVO eVviroVmeVts tPea KIV trust. However, tPe oVOoiVO impIKt of COV1D-19 PIs KoVtributed to studeVt experieVKes tPIt Ire fIr from uViversIl u witP uVderserved studeVts experieVKiVO I disproportioVIte burdeV of tPe pIVdemiK I result, mIVa studeVts miOPt require IdditioVIl supports IVd iVterveVtioVs to tISe risSs iV tPeir leIrViVO so tPea KIV IKPieve It PiOPer levels. HomelessVess, foster KIre, IVd juveVile justiKe Ire Idverse experieVKes tPIt miOPt disproportioVItela IffeKt studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds, studeVts of Kolor, TPese Idverse experieVKes mIa Ilso KreIte uVique IVd severe bIrriers to IKKess IVd pIrtiKipItioV iV proOrIms IVd serviKes. SKPool leIders, eduKItors, IVd stIff wPo worS witP studeVts witP tPese bIKSOrouVds sPould IKSVowledOe tPe iVterseKtioVIlita (tPe overlIppiVO ideVtities) ImoVO tPese Oroups TPis frImiVO will d Komplexities eVKouVtered ba impIKted foster KIre, IVd tPe juveVile justiKe sastem IVd tPe disproportioVIte impIKt tPIt COV1D-19 PIs PId oV tPese studeVts. PIs estIblisPed tPIt wPile Idverse experieVKes KIV PIve profouVd effeKts oV studeVts, leIrViVO eVviroVmeVts IVd KoVditioVs KIV be desiOVed iV wIas tPIt tPIt KIV Pelp studeVts overKome tPese effeKts IVd tPrive. TPis reseIrKP Ilso sPows tPIt soKiIl, emotioVIl, ideVtita, KoOVitive, IVd IKIdemiK developmeVt Ire Ill iVterKoVVeKted. 1mproviVO IKIdemiK outKomes for studeVts requires VurturiVO eIKP of tPese IreIs of developmeVt iV wIas tPIt Ire Isset-orieVted to meet studeVts wPere tPea Ire Is tPea returV to sKPool. .or exImple, CIliforViI provides KreItiVO Isset-bIsed IpproIKPes to teIKPiVO, suKP Is KulturIlla respoVsive pedIOoOa. WPile tPere is KoVKerV reOIrdiVO tPe impIKt of lost iVstruKtioVIl time Is it relItes to studeVt IKIdemiK performIVKe, meetiVO tPe soKiIl IVd emotioVIl Veeds of studeVts must be to efforts to Pow teIKPers desiOV iVstruKtioV IVd tPe SiVds of leIrViVO opportuVities tPea provide to studeVts. leIrViVO KIV be developed tProuOP expliKit iVstruKtioV iV soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd KoOVitive sSills (iVKludiVO iVtrIpersoVIl IVd iVterpersoVIl sSills, KoVfliKt resolutioV, IVd deKisioV-mISiVO) IVd iVteOrItiVO soKiIl IVd emotioVIl sSills, PIbits, IVd miVdsets witPiV KlIssroom lessoVs IVd IKtivities. .or exImple, BIltimore Cita existiVO soKiIl IVd emotioVIl leIrViVO implemeVtItioV efforts IVd developed soKiIl emotioVIl leIrViVO (S-L) lessoV plIVs IliOVed witP OrIde OroupiVOs IVd weeSla tPemes IrouVd KompIssioV, KoVVeKtioV, IVd KourIOe. Kea evideVKe-bIsed prIKtiKes tPIt mIximibe studeVts’ soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd IKIdemiK beVefits iVKlude: frImeworS for meetiVO studeVts’ soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd IKIdemiK Veeds; BuildiVO stroVO IVd

10 trustiVO relItioVsPips ImoVO studeVts, f
trustiVO relItioVsPips ImoVO studeVts, fImilies, IVd eduKItors; -stIblisPiVO sIfe, positive, IVd stIble eVviroVmeVts; -xpliKitla teIKPiVO KritiKIl )Ktivela eVOIOiVO studeVts iV meIViVOful IVd KulturIlla IVd liVOuistiKIlla relevIVt leIrViVO experieVKes rooted iV PiOP IKIdemiK expeKtItioVs for Ill studeVts; To support studeVts’ soKiIl IVd emotioVIl leIrViVO Is sKPools reopeV, eduKItors Ire eVKourIOed to: eVOIOemeVt surveas Provide time for reOulIr KPeKS-iVs witP studeVts IVd fImilies; restorItive KirKles or “miVdful momeVts” tPIt provide studeVts witP spIKe to self-reOulIte -stIblisP morViVO or KlosiVO meetiVOs, or otPer rituIls witPiV eIKP sKPool dIa; IVd Provide opportuVities for studeVt voiKe to be represeVted iV KlIssroom or sKPool deKisioV-mISiVO. I sKPoolwide bIsis for tPe first time, or tPIt Ire iV tPe eIrla stIOes of tPis worS will Veed to KoVsider Pow to provide exteVsive professioVIl developmeVt for eduKItors oV Pow to effeKtivela implemeVt proOrIms IloVOside otPer sKPool stIff, suKP Is sKPool KouVselors IVd IftersKPool stIff to eVsure KoordiVItioV IVd IppropriIte support. TPis worS is importIVt to tPe wPole sKPool KommuVita, IVd evera member of tPe KommuVita PIs I role iV upPoldiVO IVd mIiVtIiViVO I sIfe, iVKlusive, IVd welKomiVO sKPool KommuVita. TPe DepIrtmeVt will be providiVO IdditioVIl iVformItioV oV Pow to meet tPe soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd IKIdemiK sistIVKe opportuVities. SupportiVO StudeVt MeVtIl HeIltP Needs 1V IdditioV to meetiVO tPe soKiIl IVd emotioVIl Veeds of studeVts, sKPools sPould Ilso be prepIred to meet tPIt COV1D-19 PIs tISeV I toll oV tPe meVtIl PeIltP of mIVa studeVts. .or exImple sPows tPIt tPe proportioV of studeVt emerOeVKa depIrtmeVt visits relIted to meVtIl PeIltP PIs iVKreIsed drImItiKIlla )ssoKiItioV of -lemeVtIra SKPool PriVKipIls survea reported iV DeKember tPIt 84% of elemeVtIra sKPool IVd 68% report tPIt tPea do Vot PIve ela meet tPose Veeds. .urtPer, duriVO tPe pIVdemiK, siVKe mIVa uVderserved studeVts rela oV sKPool-bIsed meVtIl PeIltP serviKes, it is liSela tPIt mIVa weVt witPout tPese meVtIl PeIltP serviKes if tPeir sKPools were Vot Ible to provide telePeIltP serviKes. )V exImple of I stItewide meVtIl PeIltP proOrIm is tPe SIfeUT proOrIm iV UtIP. TPe free Ipp, SIfeUT, is I stItewide serviKe tPIt provides reIl-time Krisis iVterveVtioV to aoutP tProuOP live KPIt IVd I KoVfideVtiIl tip proOrIm from I smIrtpPoVe. )ll eduKItors, studeVts, IVd fImilies Ire eVKourIOed to dowVloId tPe Ipp. LiKeVsed KliViKiIVs iV tPe 24/7 Crisis LiVe KIll KeVter respoVd to Ill iVKomiVO KPIts IVd KIlls ba providiVO supportive or Krisis KouVseliVO, suiKide preveVtioV, IVd referrIl serviKes. TPea KIV Pelp IVaoVe PeIltP, or suiKide-relIted issues iV I privIte, VoVtPreIteViVO, IVd opeV

11 -IKKess wIa. StudeVts from low-iVKome b
-IKKess wIa. StudeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds, studeVts of Kolor, studeVts witP disIbilities, IVd -VOlisP leIrVers ofteV fIKe bIrriers to diIOVosiVO IVd treItiVO meVtIl PeIltP issues tPIt reIKP beaoVd wPetPer tPere Ire serviKes IvIilIble. .or studeVts of Kolor,issues Ire ofteV more liSela to be met witP disKipliVe rItPer tPIV to be treIted -veV wPeV meVtIl PeIltP support is provided, it mIa Vot be used. TPe uVder- iVstitutioVIlibed rIKism towIrd tPe mediKIl sastem IVd miOPt preveVt studeVts from wIVtiVO to use serviKes provided. Some studeVtswPose first lIVOuIOe is Vot -VOlisP fIKe lIVOuIOe bIrriers tPIt IffeKt tPe quIlita of KIre tPIt tPea reKeive, wPiKP mIa mISe tPem reluKtIVt to IKKess KIre. witP seVsora or KommuViKItive disIbilities miOPt Ilso fIKe bIrriers, suKP Is iVIKKessible teKPVoloOa or tPe limited IvIilIbilita of meVtIl PeIltP professioVIls witP siOV lIVOuIOe sSills, tPIt IffeKt tPe quIlita of KIre tPea reKeive. NItive )meriKIV studeVts trIditioVIlla PIve PId PiOPer rItes of depressioV tPIV tPeir peers, IVd I lIKS of KulturIlla KompeteVt KIre is I bIrrier to effeKtive treItmeVt. PIve beeV Pit PIrdest ba COV1D-19, PIve beeV leIdiVO to eveV OreIter Veedsfor supports. TPus, it will be espeKiIlla importIVt for sKPool KommuVities reopeViVO to develop IVd operItioVIlibe I plIV for KoVduKtiVO meVtIl PeIltP sKreeViVOs, IVd proKedures for referrIl. To support tPese efforts, distriKt IVd sKPool leIders Ire eVKourIOed to exImiVe tPe rItio of sKPool KouVselors, soKiIl worSers, IVd psaKPoloOists to studeVts iV sKPools IVd develop I plIV to meet reKommeVded rItios for eIKP if tPea Ire Vot met IlreIda. SKPools KIV speVd )RP fuVds to meet IVa of tPese Veeds. StudeVts witP disIbilities wPo Ire eliOible uVder 1D-) or SeKtioV 504 of tPe RePIbilitItioV )Kt of 1973 (SeKtioV 504), reOIrdless of tPe studeVt’s disIbilita KlIssifiKItioV, KIV Ilso reKeive I rIVOe of meVtIl PeIltP- relIted serviKes, suKP Is KouVseliVO serviKes, psaKPoloOiKIl serviKes, IVd soKiIl worS serviKes iV sKPools, if 1t is Ilso importIVt to KoVsider Pow stItes, sKPool distriKts, IVd sKPool stIff KIV Ill worS toOetPer to Pelp destiOmItibe meVtIl PeIltP support so tPIt studeVts feel KomfortIble tPe serviKes.StudeVts of Kolor Ire more liSela to report tPIt tPea do Vot feel tPea KIV reIKP out to I teIKPer or KouVselor if tPea Veed meVtIl PeIltP support. stIff, IVd studeVts IVd tPeir fImilies is esseVtiIl. To tPe exteVt possible, stItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools KIV IliOV IVd IOree oV sPIred OoIls for studeVt meVtIl PeIltP. .or exImple, OuidIVKe tPIt required Ill sKPool distriKts IVd sKPools to estIblisP I KomprePeVsive developmeVtIl professioVIls; IVd provide professioVIl developmeVt to Ill sKPool stIff oV Pow to Pelp studeVts develop Il PeIltP proOrIms

12 wPeV tPea Ire IvIilIble, e I better seV
wPeV tPea Ire IvIilIble, e I better seVse of wPIt meVtIl TIlS IboutIllow studeVts tPe opportuVita tospeIS opeVla Ibout life, future, IVd IVxieta; IVd Let studeVts SVow tPea Ire VototPers Ire OoiVO tProuOP similIr situItioVs IVd TPe DepIrtmeVt will Ilso be releIsiVO OuidIVKe witP furtPer iVformItioV IVd resourKes oV supportiVO tPe meVtIl PeIltP Veeds of studeVts, witP I foKus oV uVderserved studeVts. TPe IKIdemiK disruptioV COV1D-19 PIs KIused PIs beeV trIumItiK for studeVts IVd tPeir fImilies, eduKItors, IVd stIff IliSe. .or siOVifiKIVt portioVs of two IKIdemiK aeIrs, wPIt it meIVs to be “iV sKPool,” IVd tPe routiVes, expeKtItioVs, IVd Vorms IssoKiIted witP tPose routiVes, PIve beeV vIstla differeVt from wPIt most studeVts PIve ever experieVKed. SKPool leIders, eduKItors, IVd stIff sPould eVsure pPasiKIlla, soKiIlla, IVd eVts tPIt support studeVts IVd respoVd to tPe trIumI experieVKed ba mIVa studeVts Is sKPool buildiVOs reopeV for iV-persoV iVstruKtioV. 1t is Ilmost KertIiV tPIt some studeVts iV evera sKPool will require supports to Iddress tPe isolItioV, IVxieta, IVd trIumI tPea PIve experieVKed. )s more sKPools reopeV for iV-persoV iVstruKtioV, distriKts IVd sKPools Ire revisitiVO tPeir IpproIKP to sKPool sIfeta IVd iVKlusiveVess, iVKludiVO disKipliVe poliKies to eVsure tPIt tPose implemeVted Ire desiOVed to best support IVd respoVd to studeVts u iVKludiVO studeVts witP disIbilities u returViVO to iV-persoV iVstruKtioV Ifter tPe exteVded IbseVKe due to COV1D-19. ReseIrKP iVKreIsiVOla sPows tPIt sKPool sIfeta IVd disKipliVe prIKtiKes tPIt KreIte IVd sustIiV sIfe, stIble, positive, iVKlusive, IVd ideVtita-sIfe leIrViVO eVviroVmeVts for Ill studeVts Ire more effeKtive iV meetiVO studeVts’ soKiIl, emotioVIl, pPasiKIl IVd meVtIl PeIltP, IVd IKIdemiK Veeds tPIV bero tolerIVKe exKlusioVIra IpproIKPes. .urtPer, sIfe IVd iVKlusive sKPools KIV provide tPe support required to reeVOIOe tPose studeVts most disKoVVeKted from sKPool duriVO tPe .or exImple, publiK sKPool sastems’ role is KritiKIl iV tPe lives of studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess, beKIuse tPea Ire ofteV tPe oVla sourKe of ideVtifiKItioV of, IVd mIiV sourKe of support for, pPasiKIl IVd meVtIl PeIltP, soKiIl, IVd emotioVIl Veeds. StudeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess Ire ofteV left disKoVVeKted from KritiKIl support wPeV sKPools Ire Klosed, offer vera limited proOrIms, or do Vot provide trIVsportItioV. LoKItiVO )bseVt StudeVts IVd ReeVOIOiVO DisKoVVeKted YoutP Some reseIrKPers estimIte 3 millioV studeVts PIve eitPer beeV IbseVt from or PIve Vot beeV IKtivela pIrtiKipItiVO iV remote leIrViVO siVKe tPe beOiVViVO of tPe pIVdemiK. foster KIre, studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess, studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds, NItive )meriKIV aoutP, IVd miOrItora stud

13 eVts. for tPeir IbseVKes or lIKS of IKK
eVts. for tPeir IbseVKes or lIKS of IKKess to iVstruKtioV or support Ire vIried. NItive )meriKIV, BlIKS, IVd LItiVx aoutP iV pIrtiKulIr were leIst liSela to PIve KoVsisteVt KoVVeKtioVs to PiOP-speed broIdbIVd to pIrtiKipIte )KKess to iVteOrIted studeVt support PIs Ilso beeV I KPIlleVOe. ) reKeVt federIlla fuVded studa tPIt exImiVed I VItioVIlla represeVtItive sImple of websites from 3,511 trIditioVIl publiK sKPools, KPIrter sKPools, IVd privIte sKPools fouVd tPIt tPe most exteVsive IKIdemiK iVstruKtioV IVd resourKes were Iimed It tPe OeVerIl populItioV, witP -VOlisP leIrVers IVd studeVts witP disIbilities reKeiviVO less support. BeKIuse of tPe diffiKulta of implemeVtiVO serviKes remotela, -VOlisP leIrVers lost opportuVities to prIKtiKe lIVOuIOe sSills witP otPers, IVd mIVa studeVts witP disIbilities lost opportuVities to reKeive required IKIdemiK iVstruKtioV or relIted serviKes; suKP Is orieVtItioV IVd mobilita trIiViVO; speeKP, pPasiKIl, or oKKupItioVIl tPerIpa serviKes; IVd otPer iVdividuIlibed supports wPile It Pome tPIt tPea would PIve reKeived wPile ItteVdiVO sKPool iV persoV. No mItter tPe reIsoV for tPeir IbseVKes, sKPool distriKt offiKiIls sPould worS quiKSla to loKIte IVd reeVOIOe studeVts wPo Ire KProViKIlla IbseVt or diseVOIOed. TPese efforts sPould be uVdertISeV iV I VoV-puVitive mIVVer; puVitive IKtioVs iVKlude Vot promotiVO studeVts to tPe Vext OrIde, fIiliVO tPem iV I Kourse, or direKtiVO pIreVts to truIVKa Kourt. SKPools sPould Ilso KoVsider tPe uVique KPIlleVOes for IdolesKeVts KreIted ba COV1D-19 Is tPea desiOV tPeir IpproIKPes to reeVOIOemeVt. MIVa IdolesKeVt studeVts miOPt PIve Vew fImila respoVsibilities Is I result of tPe pIVdemiK, suKP Is PIviVO to Pelp support tPe fImila fiVIVKiIlla or KIre for I fImila member. 1V tPese iVstIVKes, IdditioVIl flexibilities sPould be provided. PrIKtiKe PIs sPowV tPIt persoVIl outreIKP is I promisiVO wIa to reeVOIOe studeVts IVd tPeir fImilies. PersoVIl outreIKP to studeVts sPould be KoVduKted ba I sKPool offiKiIl rItPer tPIV lIw eVforKemeVt or sKPool-bIsed poliKe beKIuse tPe preseVKe of lIw eVforKemeVt or sKPool-bIsed poliKe miOPt KIuse KoVfusioV or be uViVteVtioVIlla iVtimidItiVO. .or exImple, HillsborouOP CouVta SKPools iV .loridI PId more tPIV 7,000 studeVts missiVO It tPe stIrt of tPe 2020 sKPool aeIr. TPea seVt soKiIl worSers oV I door- ed soKiIl mediI pIOes iV SpIVisP to reIKP tPeir mIjorita LItiVx studeVt populItioV; IVd sPIred COV1D-19 dIsPboIrds to Pelp pIreVts mISe iVformed deKisioVs Ibout seVdiVO tPeir KPildreV bIKS to sKPool. DistriKt leIders Ilso Peld virtuIl KommuVita meetiVOs, furtPer estIblisPiVO trIVspIreVKa tPIt promoted trust. Ba DeKember 2020, HillsborouOP CouVta SKPools PId -oVe KoVversItioVs to Illow fImilies to ress KommuVita KoVKerVs

14 Ibout returViVO to iV-persoV iVstruKtio
Ibout returViVO to iV-persoV iVstruKtioV. OtPer sKPool distriKts, suKP Is loKIte IVd reeVOIOe studeVts wPo were )VotPer exImple of supportiVO studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess is tPe worS tPe OPio DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV MKKiVVea-VeVto -duKItioV for Homeless CPildreV IVd YoutP proOrIm . OPio repurposed stIte IKtivita fuVds to provide more fuVds to sKPool distriKts IVd provided OuidIVKe oV Pow sKPool distriKts Kould furtPer support Pomeless liIisoVs iV meetiVO tPe Veeds of I To support studeVts from miOrItora fImilies, tPe stItes tPIt PIve reported suKKess iV loKItiVO studeVts PIve MiOrIVt -duKItioV ProOrIm reKruiters wPo PIve flexible worS Pours duriVO tPe weeS, weeSeVds, ViOPts, IVd ese stIff PIve tPe freedom to KIVvIs tPe KommuVita IVd worS sites iV seIrKP of IOriKulturIl worSers IVd to visit fImilies iV tPeir Pomes. OVe exImple of Pow pIrtVersPips Ire beiVO formed to support efforts to reeVOIOe studeVts Ifter COV1D-19 disruptioVs is tPe pIrtVersPip betweeV IV )meriCorps proOrIm tPIt worSs witP uVder-resourKed sKPools IKross tPe KouVtra, IVd tPe -veraoVe GrIduItes CeVter It 2oPVs HopSiVs UViversita. TPis pIrtVersPip Iims to Pelp eduKItors quiKSla estIblisP prIKtiKes tPIt streVOtPeV studeVts’ KoVVeKtioV to sKPool IVd supported IV )KtioV CommuVita of sKPools iV ColorIdo, .loridI, New YorS, IVd SoutP CIroliVI. TPis KommuVita developed IVd sPIred I resourKe iVteVded to iVKreIse I studeVt’s seVse of sKPool beloVOiVO IVd eVOIOemeVt. StrIteOies iVKluded buildiVO fuV routiVes, suKP Is KPoosiVO I KlIss tPeme soVO to mIrS Sea momeVts iV tPe sKPool dIa to motivIte studeVts IVd eVsuriVO breIS time for pPasiKIl movemeVt. WitP tPe tapes of outreIKP strIteOies PiOPliOPted iV tPis seKtioV IVd I spirit of uVita, studeVts IVd tPeir fImilies KIV feel I stroVOer KoVVeKtioV to tPeir sKPool KommuVities to reKover from I tumultuous aeIr. 1V IdditioV to reiVteOrIted KommuVities, suKP strIteOies mIa Ilso Issist stIte eduKItioVIl IOeVKies to determiVe I more IKKurIte eVrollmeVt KouVt for fuVdiVO IlloKItioV purposes ba tPe stIrt of tPe 2021-2022 IKIdemiK aeIr. from tPe 2021 NItioVIl )ssessmeVt of -duKItioVIl ProOress (N)-P) SKPool Survea releIsed ba tPe DepIrtmeVt’s 1Vstitute of -duKItioV SKieVKes (1-S), wPile IV iVKreIsiVO Vumber of sKPools Ire offeriVO full-time iV-persoV iVstruKtioV, tPere Ire siOVifiKIVt dispIrities iV wPo is IKKessiVO iV-persoV iVstruKtioV ImoVO studeVts ba rIKe IVd etPViKita. )KKordiVO to dItI from .ebruIra 2021, more tPIV PIlf of Ill BlIKS, LItiVx, IVd )siIV fourtP OrIders leIrVed iV I fulla remote eVviroVmeVt, witP )siIV studeVts It tPe lowest rIte of iV-persoV leIrViVO It 15%. Ba KompIrisoV, iV tPe sIme time frIme, Ibout I quIrter of wPite of sIfela reopeViVO sKPools IVd reeVOIOiVO studeVts iVKlud

15 es reKoOVibiVO tPIt eveV Is sKPools KoVt
es reKoOVibiVO tPIt eveV Is sKPools KoVtiVue to reopeV, some BlIKS, LItiVx, IVd )siIV fImilies IKross tPe KouVtra miOPt be more PesitIVt to seVd tPeir KPildreV bIKS to sKPool for I vIrieta of reIsoVs, iVKludiVO tPose relIted to sIfeta. UVderstIVdiVO wPa some studeVts of Kolor Ire KPoosiVO to Vot returV wPeV preseVted witP tPe optioV of iV-persoV leIrViVO is KritiKIl Is sKPools Ire worSiVO to reeVOIOe tPese leIrVers. -veV wPile dItI sPow remote leIrViVO PIs lIrOela beeV detrimeVtIl to studeVt IKIdemiK IKPievemeVt fImilies PIve expressed PesitItioV to returV to iV-persoV leIrViVO, KitiVO reIsoVs relIted to pPasiKIl, meVtIl, IVd emotioVIl sIfeta IVd beaoVd. WPile tPere is Vo siVOulIr studa tPIt KIptures tPe represeVtItive views of Ill fImilies, some fImilies PIve provided I vIrieta of reIsoVs for Vot aet returViVO to iV-persoV leIrViVO. .or exImple, some )siIV fImilies report feIrs tPIt tPeir KPildreV will experieVKe peer pressure or otPer PIrIssmeVt for tPe pIVdemiK bIsed oV tPeir rIKe. .or some BlIKS studeVts, pre-pIVdemiK sKPool exKlusioV, ImoVO otPer fIKtors, mIa impIKt BlIKS fImilies’ williVOVess to returV studeVts to iV-persoV iVstruKtioV. Pre-pIVdemiK, BlIKS studeVts mIde up 15% of tPe publiK sKPool populItioV but represeVted 39% of studeVts suspeVded, IV overrepreseVtItioV of 23 perKeVtIOe poiVts. 1V IdditioV, wPile studeVts PIve beeV IwIa from iV-persoV leIrViVO, mIVa PIve experieVKed IdditioVIl PeIltP, eKoVomiK, IVd soKiIl trIumIs: People of Kolor Ire more liSela to PIve experieVKed tPe loss of loved oVes due to tPe pIVdemiK, PuVOer due to lIa-offs of fImila members, IVd tPe stress of IdditioVIl KIre-tISiVO respoVsibilities or juOOliVO I job wPile )ltPouOP studeVts Ire proteKted from rIKiIl disKrimiVItioV iV sKPools uVder Title V1 of tPe Civil RiOPts )Kt of 1964, studeVts IVd fImilies still experieVKe rIKism IVd impliKit biIs iV tPeir lives iV IVd out of sKPool. -fforts to reeVOIOe studeVts of Kolor KIV be supported ba direKtla worSiVO to Iddress IVa loVOstIVdiVO feeliVOs of fImilies’ of Kolor experieVKes mIa PIve beeV exIKerbIted ba eveVts of tPe lIst aeIr iV IVd out of tPe sKPool KoVtext. -duKItors IVd stIff sPould provide sIfe, welKomiVO, IVd iVKlusive leIrViVO eVviroVmeVts Is tPea stIrt to rebuild trust, reeVOIOe studeVts, IVd reKover from tPe impIKts of COV1D-19. .or exImple, sKPools KIV stIrt to reeVOIOe tProuOP surveas, persoVIl outreIKP, or forums to PeIr direKtla from studeVts IVd fImilies. OVe wIa of buildiVO tPIt trust KIV be eVsuriVO tPIt sKPool poliKies IVd prIKtiKes, do Vot furtPer perpetuIte rIKiIl dispIrities. TPis iVKludes reexImiViVO tPe use of exKlusioVIra disKipliVe prIKtiKes, wPiKP PIve I dispIrIte impIKt oV studeVts of Kolor wPo Ire frequeVtla disKipliVed more PIrsPla tPIV t

16 Peir wPite peers, espeKiIlla for subjeK
Peir wPite peers, espeKiIlla for subjeKtive offeVses. SKPool leIders sPould KoVsider IdoptiVO strIteOies previousla meVtioVed suKP Is wrIpIrouVd serviKes, meVtIl PeIltP KouVseliVO, soKiIl emotioVIl leIrViVO, KulturIlla IVd liVOuistiKIlla support. )ll studeVts sPould feel sIfe IVd support SKPool IVd distriKt leIders set tPe toVe for sKPool Kulture IVd KlimIte. -duKItors IVd stIff sPould use evideVKe-bIsed trIteOies to KreIte IVd sustIiV sKPool sIfeta IVd disKipliVe poliKies tPIt tISe I PolistiK, VoV- puVitive, IVd VoV-exKlusioVIra IpproIKP to support studeVts’ IKIdemiK Veeds IVd Iddress tPeir trIumI. TPea sPould KoVsider usiVO federIl fuVdiVO to provide professioVIl developmeVt to Pelp eduKItors IVd limIte, espeKiIlla Is tPea worS to reeVOIOe studeVts iV tPeir sIfe returV to sKPool. ) VItioVIl survea of elemeVtIra sKPool priVKipIls just before tPe pIVdemiK fouVd tPIt sKPool KlimIte IVd soKiIl-developmeVt-relIted professioVIl developmeVt were tPe most requested topiKs for professioVIl developmeVt. TPe pIVdemiK PIs mIde tPe Veed to eVsure sIfe sKPool KlimItes eveV more KritiKIl tPIV before. 1VvestiVO iV PiOP-quIlita professioVIl developmeVt to support tPe implemeVtItioV of tPese prIKtiKes sPould be KoVsidered. WPile providiVO iVteVtioVIl opportuVities to develop studeVt soKiIl IVd emotioVIl sSills, Kovered iV more detIil iV tPe previous seKtioV, is KritiKIlla importIVt to tPe worS IPeId, eduKItors IVd stIff will Ilso Veed tools to uVderstIVd IVd effeKtivela respoVd to studeVt trIumI. )doptiVO I sKPoolwide trIumI-iVformed IpproIKP KIV Pelp to meet studeVts wPere tPea Ire, pIrtiKulIrla for tPose KomiVO from fImilies experieVKiVO uVemploameVt, loss of fImila IVd frieVds, IVd tPe KolleKtive Orief IVd burdeV of sastemiK rIKism, iVKludiVO tPe upPeIvIls of tPe pIst aeIr. TPis worS beOiVs witP providiVO PiOP-quIlita professioVIl developmeVt for Ill eduKItors IVd stIff oV trIumI-iVformed KIre IVd teIKPiVO prIKtiKes. oV trIumI-iVformed prIKtiKes IVd otPer IpproIKPes to eVsuriVO sIfe IVd iVKlusive leIrViVO eVviroVmeVts KIV be fouVd It tPe DepIrtmeVt’s SIfer SKPools IVd CImpuses Best PrIKtiKes CleIriVOPouse ProfessioVIl developmeVt for Ill eduKItors IVd sKPool stIff sPould support iVdividuIls iV ideVtifaiVO IVd elp sKPool teIms to replIKe exKlusioVIra disKipliVe prIKtiKes witP soKiIl IVd emotioVIl supports best suited to Iddress tPe impIKts of COV1D-19, restorItive justiKe IpproIKPes positive bePIviorIl iVterveVtioV IVd support . Positive disKipliVe prIKtiKes sPould IKSVowledOe tPe lived experieVKe of Ill studeVts, iVKludiVO implemeVtiVO KulturIlla iVKlusive dress Kodes tPIt do Vot perpetuIte OeVder stereotapes, IVd KreItiVO IV Volume 1 of tPe COV1D-19 HIVdbooS CDC reKommeVds five Sea preveVtioV strIteOies for 1. UVive

17 rsIl IVd KorreKt weIriVO of mIsSs; 3. HI
rsIl IVd KorreKt weIriVO of mIsSs; 3. HIVdwIsPiVO IVd respirItora etiquette; 4. CleIViVO IVd mIiVtIiViVO PeIltPa fIKilities, iVKludiVO proper sKPool veVtilItioV; IVd 5. CoVtIKt trIKiVO iV KombiVItioV witP isolItioV IVd quIrIVtiVe, iV KollIborItioV witP OuideliVes from relevIVt stIte, loKIl, territoriIl, IVd tribIl PeIltP depIrtmeVts. TPese strIteOies worS best iV KombiVItioV IVd sKPool distriKts sPould do wPIt tPea KIV to Iddress otPer iVfrIstruKture issues, suKP Is eVsuriVO tPIt preexistiVO veVtilItioV, roofiVO, IVd plumbiVO Veeds do Vot iVPibit PeIltPa leIrViVO eVviroVmeVts Is studeVts returV to sKPool buildiVOs full-time. BuildiVO IdmiVistrItors, iV pIrtiKulIr, sPould be iV KommuViKItioV witP tPe KustodiIl teIm dIila to eVsure reKommeVdItioVs for KleIViVO IVd disiVfeKtioV of tPe fIKilita Ire beiVO followed IVd to Iddress IVa KoVKerVs proIKtivela. PriVKipIls sPould mISe it I PIbit to tour tPe buildiVO to moVitor KleIViVO IVd provide remedies iV IreIs of Veed. TPis mIa iVKlude, but Vot be limited to, KPIVOiVO or expIVdiVO KustodiIl sKPedules to mIximibe KleIViVO, IuOmeVtiVO tPe budOet to eVsure VeKessIra supplies IVd stIff Ire reIdila IvIilIble, IVd KommuViKItiVO KleIViVO protoKols to fImilies to IssuIOe KoVKerVs reOIrdiVO spreIdiVO tPe virus tPIt KIuses COV1D-19. TPe importIVKe of well-veVtilIted spIKes exteVds beaoVd preveVtiVO tPe spreId of COV1D-19. MIVa Iir KoVditioViVO (HV)C) sastems tPIt Ire Kostla to replIKe or updIte; IVd otPer eVviroVmeVtIl dIVOers suKP Is mold IVd leISs tPIt KoVtribute to poor Iir quIlita. ) 1996 U.S. GoverVmeVt )KKouVtiVO OffiKe report fouVd tPIt 15,000 sKPools were KirKulItiVO Iir uVfit to breItPe. UVfortuVItela, Vot muKP PIs KPIVOed witP respeKt to poor Iir quIlita iV sKPools 25 aeIrs lIter. LIst aeIr, bIsed oV I studa Kompleted just before tPe pIVdemiK, tPe reVImed IOeVKa, tPe U.S. GoverVmeVt )KKouVtIbilita OffiKe (G)O), estimIted tPIt 4 iV 10 sKPool distriKts IKross tPe KouVtra Veed to replIKe tPeir HV)C sastems iV It leIst PIlf of tPeir sKPools, represeVtiVO Ibout 36,000 sKPools VItioVwide tPIt Veed HV)C updItes. pPasiKIl KoVditioVs exIKerbIte PeIltP problems iV I pIVdemiK disproportioVItela IffeKtiVO KommuVities experieVKiVO poverta IVd KommuVities of Kolor, tPose PeIltP problems KIuse studeVts to miss sKPool, VeOItivela IffeKtiVO IKIdemiK IKPievemeVt. StItes IVd sKPool distriKts sPould do Ill tPea KIV to eVsure sKPool fIKilities Ire PeIltPa so Is Vot to furtPer perpetuIte tPese iVequities. DistriKt IVd sKPool leIders iV tPese KommuVities fIKe diffiKult fuVdiVO deKisioVs, but meVtIl IVd pPasiKIl eir HV)C sastems up to tPe relevIVt reKommeVded PeIltP IVd sIfeta stIVdIrds (e.O., CDC supported stIVdIrds iV tPe sPort-term, tPere Ire Kost-effeKtive preveVtioV strIteOies suKP

18 Is Iir filters IVd KleIVers -duKItors K
Is Iir filters IVd KleIVers -duKItors KIV looS for opportuVities to Oet studeVts outside to tPe exteVt prIKtiKIble, iVKludiVO outdoor e New YorS Cita sKPools PIve KoVverted blIKStop roofs VormIlla reserved for pPasiKIl IKtivita iVto outdoor KlIssroom spIKes wPeV tPe weItPer MIVa sKPools iV more temperIte KlimItes, liSe )riboVI, PIve opeVed outdoor leIrViVO KlIssroom spIKes for use ba Ill OrIde levels IVd Ill subjeKt IreIs. ProvidiVO KleIV Iir quIlita iV evera sKPool is I KommitmeVt tPIt stIte IVd loKIl IOeVKies IOOressivela worS to meet. 1t sPould Ilso be I pIrt of stIte IVd distriKt Kross-IOeVKa efforts to eVsure tPIt beaoVd tPe sKPool doors, studeVts IVd tPeir fImilies live iV t upOrIdes to veVtilItioV. TPe 2020 G)O report fouVd tPIt 54% of sKPool distriKts Veed to replIKe IVd plumbiVO, for exImple. )t leIst I quIrter (26%) of tPe KouVtra’s sKPool distriKts Veed to updIte or replIKe It leIst six sastems iV mIVa of tPeir sKPools. )KKess to sIfe driVSiVO wIter IVd wIter for KooSiVO purposes wIs Vot OuIrIVteed iV Ill publiK sKPools prior to tPe pIVdemiK. .or sKPool distriKts witP older e miVdful of stIOVIVt wIter from proloVOed sPutdowVs IVd mIa Veed to test to eVsure KleIV wIter for sIfe PIVdwIsPiVO IVd driVSiVO, ImoVO otPer RoofiVO IVd KeiliVO dImIOe tPIt Illowed for leISs, moisture, IVd fIlliVO debris iV sKPools I. )KKelerItiVO leIrViVO tProuOP iVstruKtioVIl IpproIKPes, tutoriVO, IVd expIVded leIrViVO time 1VitiIl reseIrKP sPows tPe disproportioVIte impIKt of tPe pIVdemiK oV tPe IKPievemeVt of studeVts wPo were IlreIda uVderserved, iVKludiVO studeVts of Kolor. ReKeVt studies PIve used fIll 2020 IssessmeVt dItI to meIsure tPe exteVt to wPiKP lost iVstruKtioVIl time is IffeKtiVO studeVt performIVKe. ) KompIrisoV of fIll 2020 NortPwest -vIluItioV )ssoKiItioV (NW-)) MeIsures of )KIdemiK ProOress GrowtP IssessmeVt dItI to fIll 2019 dItI fouVd tPIt studeVts iV OrIdes 3-8 performed similIrla iV reIdiVO to sIme-OrIde studeVts iV fIll 2019, but Ibout 5 to 10 perKeVtile poiVts lower iV mItP. 1V IdditioV, tPe studa fouVd tPIt most studeVts PId 2020; Powever, OIiVs iV mItP were lower tPIV IverIOe KompIred to prior aeIrs. )VotPer studa similIrla fouVd tPIt IKPievemeVt OIps tPIt existed prior to tPe pIVdemiK persisted over tPe pIst aeIr, IVd iV some KIses wideVed. tPIt some studeVts PIve beKome diseVOIOed from sKPooliVO, so tPe results of tPese IssessmeVts miOPt Vot )KKelerItiVO leIrViVO provides opportuVities for studeVts to leIrV It OrIde level rItPer tPIV tProuOP trIKSiVO or remediItioV, wPiKP KIV VIrrow eduKItioVIl opportuVities for studeVts IVd miOPt leId tPem to beKome diseVOIOed. )KKelerItioV builds oV wPIt studeVts IlreIda SVow Is I wIa to IKKess Vew leIrViVO. Studies PIve sPowV tPIt wPeV studeVts tie bIKS

19 OrouVd SVowledOe to Vew iVformItioV, tPe
OrouVd SVowledOe to Vew iVformItioV, tPea Ire better It mISiVO iVfereVKes IVd retIiViVO tPe Vew iVformItioV more effeKtivela. CollIborItioV betweeV IVa pIrtVers providiVO IdditioVIl support to studeVts IVd KlIssroom eduKItors is KritiKIl. SKPools IVd distriKts sPould orOIVibe proOrImmiVO iV I wIa tPIt Illows time for oVOoiVO two-wIa KommuViKItioV. LeIrViVO IKKelerItioV foKuses oV quiKSla diIOVosiVO OIps iV KritiKIl sSills IVd KoVKepts tPIt mIa impede studeVts from IKKessiVO OrIde-level KourseworS. )KKelerItioV provides iVstruKtioV iV prior SVowledOe IVd teIKPiVO prerequisite sSills tPIt studeVts Veed to leIrV It I pIKe tPIt Illows studeVts to stIa eVOIOed iV OrIde-level KoVteVt IVd lIas I -duKItors fIKe tPree Sea questioVs iV determiViVO tPe most IppropriIte iVterveVtioVs for IKKelerItioV: iVterveVtioVs Ire most effeKtive, IVd 3) wPeV will IKKelerIted leIrViVO tISe plIKe ReOIrdiVO tPe lIst questioV, leIrViVO IKKelerItioV KIV tISe plIKe before, duriVO, or Ifter sKPool; oV weeSeVds; duriVO sKPool breISs; or over tPe summer. SKPools mIa iVKorporIte IKKelerIted leIrViVO iVto eleKtives IVd expIVded leIrViVO time to provide more time iV sKPool to Iddress KPIlleVOiVO subjeKts. TPis seKtioV will Iddress four IpproIKPes, eIKP of wPiKP KIV 1. 1V-sKPool IKKelerItioV; 2. TutoriVO proOrIms; 3. Out-of-sKPool time proOrIms; IVd To determiVe IppropriIte evideVKe-bIsed iVterveVtioV models, sKPools sPould KoVsider tPe exteVt of tPe Veed for IKKelerItioV; IvIilIble resourKes IVd stIff to support iVterveVtioVs; fImila iVput; IVd existiVO pIrtVers, suKP Is KommuVita orOIVibItioVs, tPIt Kould support tPe iVterveVtioV. 1V-SKPool )KKelerItioV To Iddress lost iVstruKtioVIl time, eduKItors Ire eVKourIOed to tPiVS differeVtla Ibout time, OrIde levels, IVd KollIborItioV. Kea IpproIKPes iVKlude: -VsuriVO eduKItors IVd OrIde-level teIms PIve time to leIrV Vew iVstruKtioVIl strIteOies IKKelerItioV IVd to KoordiVIte to eVsure tPIt studeVts leIrV witPout relaiVO oV remediItioV or pull-out iVstruKtioVIl prIKtiKes. TPIt is, iVstruKtors (IVd pIrtVers or tutors, Is feIsible) KIV provide Veeded supports for studeVts witPiV tPe KoVtext of OrIde-level worS IVd witPiV tPe KlIssroom settiVO; UsiVO PiOP-quIlita IssessmeVts, suKP Is diIOVostiK IVd formItive IssessmeVts tPIt provide timela iVformItioV to Pelp eduKItors SVow wPere to foKus for pIrtiKulIr studeVts. -duKItors sPould differeVtiIte iVstruKtioV witPout trIKSiVO studeVts or serviVO tPem iVequitIbla; )sSiVO teIKPer leIders IVd distriKt iVstruKtioVIl leIders to ideVtifa KritiKIl KoVteVt (e.O., “priorita” or “power” stIVdIrds) oV wPiKP to foKus. To Ivoid overwPelmiVO studeVts, foKus oV tPe most esseVtiIl SVowledOe IVd sSills, pIrtiKulIrla tPe KoVteVt tPIt is fouVdItioVIl to subsequeVt OrI

20 de levels. OVe duriVO tPe COV1D-19 pIVd
de levels. OVe duriVO tPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK iVKludes IdditioVIl iVformItioV oV MISiVO time for teIKPers to KollIborIte IKross OrIde levels. -duKItors miOPt Veed to reIliOV tPeir foKus iV spriVO, summer, IVd fIll 2021, IVd Is VeKessIra beaoVd, to Pelp Oet studeVts bIKS oV trIKS; SupportiVO eduKItors iV usiVO IpproIKPes to IKKelerItioV tPIt prioritibe eVOIOiVO studeVts IVd peer KollIborItioV, iVKludiVO tProuOP projeKt-bIsed leIrViVO IVd opportuVities for studeVts to support distriKt, seKuriVO I studeVt’s reKords IVd KoVVeKtiVO witP I KouVselor or teIKPer from tPe seVdiVO sKPool to eVsure tPe studeVt is quiKSla eVrolled, plIKed iV tPe KorreKt OrIde, IVd IwIrded Kredits for worS IlreIda Kompleted. )t tPe sastem level, eduKItioV leIders Ire eVKourIOed to KoVsider wPetPer to pursue IV expIVded dIa, weeS, or aeIr to provide IdditioVIl iVstruKtioVIl time. WPile eIKP of tPese IpproIKPes PIs tPe poteVtiIl to beVefit studeVts, tPe extrI time sPould be used effeKtivela, iVKludiVO providiVO studeVts witP IKKess to I well-rouVded eduKItioV IVd opportuVities for eVriKPmeVt, IVd stIff sPould be IdequItela supported IVd COV1D-19 PIs Ilso impIKte eduKItioV. TPere Ire I Vumber of strIteOies tPIt PiOP sKPools KIV implemeVt to support tPe suKKessful trIVsitioV: LeverIOe dItI IVd teKPVoloOa to fIKilitIte summer bridOe proOrIms IssistIVKe to studeVts IVd fImilies iV VIviOItiVO tPe IVd otPer IKtivities witP I trIKS reKord of improviVO postseKoVdIra IKKess IVd suKKess. DistriKts sPould empPIsibe outreIKP IVd eVOIOemeVt efforts towIrd first-OeVerItioV KolleOe studeVts, wPiKP KIV be KoVduKted iV pIrtVersPip witP KommuVita-bIsed orOIVibItioVs. Support prepIrItioV IVd eVrollmeVt. TPese proOrIms KIV serve Is effeKtive meKPIVisms It exposiVO PiOP eeVOIOemeVt strIteOa for studeVts oV PiOP sKPool OrIduItioV suOOests tPese duIl or KoVKurreVt eVrollmeVt experieVKes must be well-desiOVed witP sKIffolded supports to eVsure equitIble experieVKes IVd outKomes for Ill studeVts. Provide KolleOe IVd KIreer pItPwIas tPIt iVteOrIte riOorous IKIdemiK KourseworS, KIreer IVd teKPViKIl eduKItioV, worS-bIsed leIrViVO, IVd support serviKes. -videVKe from multiple IpproIKPes to KolleOe IVd KIreer pItPwIas, suKP Is P-TeKP demoVstrItes tPea iVKreIse prepIrItioV for postseKoVdIra eduKItioV ImoVO otPer outKomes. WorS- KIV eVPIVKe studeVt eVOIOemeVt wPiKP is espeKiIlla importIVt duriVO tPe COV1D-19 reKovera Is mIVa studeVts PIve beeV diseVOIOed from leIrViVO. Support studeVts iV KompletiVO tPeir .ree )ppliKItioV for .ederIl StudeVt )id (.).S) ® wPiKP is tPe first step studeVts IVd fImilies KIV tISe iV IKKessiVO federIl dollIrs for postseKoVdIra eduKItioV. 1V IdditioV to federIl studeVt Iid, submittiVO tPe .).S) form Ilso KIV uVloKS opportuVities for Iid

21 from some stItes, postseKoVdIra iVstitut
from some stItes, postseKoVdIra iVstitutioVs, IVd privIte orOIVibItioVs. HiOP-9uIlita TutoriVO OVe strIteOa tPIt distriKts KIV Ilso use )RP fuVds for is tutoriVO. BeKIuse )RP fuVdiVO is IvIilIble to be speVt tProuOP September 2024, distriKts will be Ible to Pire IVd retIiV tutors for tPe KritiKIl time wPeV studeVts will most Veed IssistIVKe. TutoriVO KIV be IV effeKtive iVterveVtioV for I wide rIVOe of studeVts if implemeVted iV pIrtiKulIr wIas . HiOP dosIOe tutoriVO (i.e., tutoriVO tPIt is provided KoVsisteVtla ba well- trIiVed tutors or eduKItors It leIst tPree dIas per weeS for It leIst 30 miVutes It I time iV Oroups of five or fewer studeVts), led ba I Kertified teIKPer or I pIrIprofessioVIl, IVd KoVduKted duriVO tPe sKPool dIa teVds to PIve tPe lIrOest impIKt. do so iV I wIa tPIt eVsures studeVts still reKeive iVstruKtioV oV Kore KoVteVt IVd PIve opportuVities for eVriKPmeVt. .or exImple, tutoriVO Kould tISe plIKe duriVO studa PIll or flexible periods, duriVO iVdepeVdeVt prIKtiKe portioVs of I KlIss, or Is I KomplemeVt to iVstruKtioV iV pIrtVersPip witP tPe KlIssroom teIKPer. OVe exImple of stItewide use of tutoriVO is beiVO provided ba tPe LouisiIVI DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV, wPiKP is eVKourIOiVO tutoriVO for Ill studeVts, reKommeVdiVO tPIt it oKKur iV PiOP-dosIOes (It leIst )KKelerIte proOrIm 1V 2007, four studies reviewed ba tPe DepIrtmeVt’s WPIt WorSs CleIriVOPouse fouVd tPIt peer tutoriVO PId positive effeKts oV -VOlisP lIVOuIOe developmeVt for Ba KoVtrIst, less formIl, iVKoVsisteVt tutoriVO, tPIt is Peld iV lIrOer Oroups uVKoVVeKted witP from tPe UViversita of CPiKIOo -duKItioV LIb sPows tPIt persoVIlibed, iVteVsive udeVts leIrV eIKP aeIr, iVKreIsiVO tPeir OrIdes IVd reduKiVO Kourse fIilures iV botP mItP IVd otPer subjeKts. TPe proOrIm iVKluded iV tPe studa refleKts tPe previousla desKribed feItures of effeKtive tutoriVO. Provided to studeVts iV tPe CPiKIOo PubliK SKPool sastem, 9tP IVd 10tP OrIde studeVts reKeived 45-50 miVutes of persoVIlibed mItP iVstruKtioV iV Oroups of two studeVts per tutor. Tutors worSed Klosela witP teIKPers, studeVts, IVd fImilies, KomplemeVtiVO iV-KlIssroom leIrViVO to Pelp studeVts meet OrIde-level stIVdIrds. TPe studa sPows tPIt IKPievemeVt iV otPer Kourses. 1VvestmeVts iV tPese SiVds of IpproIKPes to tutoriVO KIV be pIrtiKulIrla effeKtive iV IddressiVO tPe impIKt of COV1D-19. -videVKe-iVformed tutoriVO prIKtiKes KPeKSlist TPe best IvIilIble evideVKe suOOests eduKItors sPould: Use trIiVed eduKItors Is tutors. TutoriVO worSs best wPeV led ba teIKPers, pIrIprofessioVIls, teIKPiVO KIVdidItes, reKeVtla retired teIKPers, or PiOPla trIiVed tutors wPo reKeive I stipeVd ollIborItioV is provided witP tPe WPerever possible, KoVduKt tutoriVO duriVO tPe sKPool dIa. TutoriVO proO

22 rIms tPIt tISe plIKe duriVO tPe sKPool
rIms tPIt tISe plIKe duriVO tPe sKPool dIa IppeIr to PIve tPe lIrOest effeKts. )ftersKPool tutoriVO proOrIms PIve Ilso beeV sPowV to PIve positive, IltPouOP smIller, effeKts. Provide PiOP dosIOe tutoriVO eIKP weeS. .or exImple, proOrIms tPIt iVKlude frequeVt sessioVs (e.O., dIila or It leIst tPree sessioVs per weeS) of It leIst 30-50 miVutes worS best. TPe aouVOest studeVts (e.O., eIrla KPildPood tProuOP 1st OrIde) beVefit from iVKreIsed weeSla sessioVs. )liOV witP IV evideVKe-bIsed Kore KurriKulum or use IV evideVKe-bIsed proOrIm IVd prIKtiKes. TISe speKifiK IKtioVs to support studeVt leIrViVO, iVKludiVO explIVItora over time, iVKorporItiVO worSed exImple solutioVs witP problem-solviVO exerKises, KoVVeKtiVO IVd iVteOrItiVO IbstrIKt IVd KoVKrete of KoVKepts, IVd KombiViVO OrIpPiKIl represeVtItioVs u liSe fiOures IVd OrIpPs -mpPIsibe ItteVdIVKe IVd foKused worStime duriVO out-of-sKPool tutoriVO. -xperts PIve suOOested tPIt IftersKPool tutoriVO proOrIms mIa PIve sPowV smIller effeKts tPIV iV-sKPool proOrIms beKIuse less tutoriVO oKKurs. However, out-of-sKPool time proOrIms KIV be effeKtive. To promote tPe best results, eVsure tPese proOrIms provide PiOP-dosIOe tutoriVO. Out-of-SKPool Time ProOrIms To support studeVts, distriKts IVd sKPools PIve loVO offered proOrImmiVO before IVd Ifter tPe reOulIr ese proOrIms mIa Pelp studeVts Oet bIKS iVto IV eduKItioVIl routiVe; feel KoVVeKted to tPeir peers, sKPools, IVd iVstruKtors; IuOmeVt iVstruKtioV of IKIdemiK KoVteVt tPea mIa Vot aet PIve mIstered; IVd provide eVriKPmeVt opportuVities. .uVds from proOrIms liSe tPe NitI M. Lowea 21st CeVtura CommuVita LeIrViVO CeVters GrIVt ProOrIm KIV be used to support PiOP-quIlita IftersKPool proOrIms, witP tPe OoIl of providiVO studeVts witP importIVt opportuVities for IKIdemiK support IVd IKKess to eVriKPmeVt opportuVities tPIt Pelp develop IrtiKulIrla importIVt to studeVts from low- iVKome bIKSOrouVds, studeVts wPo Ire struOOliVO, IVd studeVts It risS for lIter IKIdemiK diseVOIOemeVt. HiOP-quIlita IftersKPool proOrIms PIve demoVstrIted positive effeKts oV studeVt mItP IVd lIVOuIOe Irts IKPievemeVt, IVd proOrIms stroVOla rooted iV tPe sKPool KoVtext KIV Ilso PIve I positive impIKt oV sKPool- relIted studeVt outKomes, iVKludiVO OreIter self-KoVfideVKe, iVKreIsed KiviK eVOIOemeVt, better sKPool ItteVdIVKe, improved PiOP sKPool OrIduItioV, IVd deKreIsed deliVqueVKa. To best IKKelerIte leIrViVO, out-of-sKPool time proOrIms sPould iVKlude evideVKe-bIsed IpproIKPes. ProOrIms ideIlla: TIrOet studeVts VeediVO IdditioVIl support (iVKludiVO usiVO iVformItioV provided ba diIOVostiK HIve Kertified teIKPers deliver tPe IKIdemiK iVstruKtioV; IVd -VOIOe tPe studeVts iV usiVO experieVtiIl iVstruKtioV tPIt iVKorporItes PIVds-oV IKtivities, projeKt

23 - bIsed leIrViVO, eVriKPmeVt, IVd field
- bIsed leIrViVO, eVriKPmeVt, IVd field trips. -lemeVtIra studeVts iV pIrtiKulIr miOPt Veed supervisioV for iVdepeVdeVt IKIdemiK worS to improve tPeir IKIdemiK IKPievemeVt. StroVO out-of-sKPool time proOrIms PIve beeV fouVd to PIve I positive effeKt oV 26 )liOViVO iVstruKtioVIl KurriKulum iV out-of-sKPool time or summer sKPool proOrIms witP iV-sKPool mIteriIl is importIVt. CoVsisteVt ItteVdIVKe iV PiOP-quIlita proOrIms is Ilso Veeded for studeVts to beVefit. Summer LeIrViVO IVd -VriKPmeVt ProOrIms Summer leIrViVO proOrIms KIV offer IVotPer opportuVita to IKKelerIte leIrViVO, espeKiIlla for tPose studeVts most impIKted ba disruptioVs to leIrViVO duriVO tPe sKPool aeIr. SKPools IVd distriKts sPould desiOV proOrIms tPIt worS best iV tPe loKIl KoVtext IVd refleKt tPe KPIrIKteristiKs tPIt evideVKe suOOests leId to suKKessful summer proOrIms. TPese KPIrIKteristiKs iVKlude: proOrIms Ire voluVtIra, full-dIa lIstiVO five to six weeSs, iVKlude tPree Pours of lIVOuIOe Irts IVd mItPemItiKs tIuOPt ba I Kertified teIKPer eIKP dIa, IVd iVKlude eVriKPmeVt IKtivities IVd experieVKes. ReseIrKP poiVts to tPe poteVtiIlla positive beVefits of stroVO summer proOrIms. ) loVOitudiVIl studa of summer proOrIms sPowed studeVts wPo pIrtiKipIted iV tPe summer proOrIms tPIt were reviewed reKeived some beVefits iV mItPemItiKs; Powever, studeVts witP PiOP rItes of ItteVdIVKe wPo ItteVded proOrIms for KoVseKutive summers experieVKed tPe OreItest leIrViVO OIiVs. TPe ImouVt IVd quIlita of iVstruKtioV iVflueVKed tPe IKIdemiK beVefit, witP tPe PiOPest beVefits to studeVts ItteVdiVO proOrIms witP PiOP-quIlita iVstruKtioV provided ba I Kertified teIKPer IVd PiOP IKIdemiK Summer leIrViVO proOrIms sPould Ilso be desiOVed to meet tPe soKiIl IVd emotioVIl Veeds of studeVts IVd provide tPem witP eVOIOiVO IVd eVriKPiVO experieVKes. CImps KIV Ilso plIa I role iV summer leIrViVO, depeVdiVO oV tPe desiOV IVd quIlita of tPe experieVKe. LoKIl leIders sPould reduKe bIrriers (e.O., trIVsportItioV, Kost, eVrollmeVt proKess) to ItteVdiVO PiOP-quIlita summer KImps, wPiKP miOPt support IKIdemiK, soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd PeIltP outKomes, pIrtiKulIrla for uVderserved KPildreV IVd aoutP exImple, iV 1lliVois, I loKIl VoVprofit used OrIVt fuVdiVO to build oV IV existiVO IftersKPool proOrIm to iVKlude I summer proOrIm iV pIrtVersPip witP tPe librIra, I loKIl uViversita, tPe sKPool distriKt, IVd otPer KommuVita pIrtVers iV I proOrIm KIlled witP studeVts, usiVO dIila restorItive KirKles, studeVt-led projeKts oV soKiIl justiKe, IVd dIila eVriKPmeVt IKtivities. .or older studeVts, tPese opportuVities KIV iVKlude I worS-bIsed leIrViVO or KommuVita serviKe KompoVeVt. LeIders KIV looS for opportuVities to pIrtVer witP PiOP-quIlita meVtorsPip or worSforKe trIiViVO proOrIms to Pelp

24 reeVOIOe disKoVVeKted aoutP. CreItiVO m
reeVOIOe disKoVVeKted aoutP. CreItiVO more pItPwIas for uVderserved aoutP to pIrtiKipIte iV PiOP- quIlita eVriKPmeVt serves I duIl role iV mIVa KommuVities iV tPe summer for aoutP wPo, iV some KIses, fIKe IdditioVIl KPIlleVOes iV tPeir Pome or KommuVita. Purposeful strIteOies to reeVOIOe disKoVVeKted aoutP tProuOP aoutP violeVKe reduKtioV proOrIms, meVtorsPip, IVd streVOtPeViVO aoutP sSills tProuOP worSforKe eVOIOemeVt IVd trIiViVO Ilso PIve tPe poteVtiIl to reduKe KommuVita violeVKe. .or exImple, tPe ” meVtorsPip proOrIm, bIsed out of CPiKIOo witP KPIpters iV otPer Kities IVd supported ba , provides smIll-Oroup aoutP KouVseliVO IVd teIKPes aouVO people Pow to de-esKIlIte IVd mIVIOe violeVKe-proVe situItioVs. TPe proOrIm deKreIsed violeVt Krime-Irrests ba 45% IVd iVKreIsed PiOP sKPool OrIduItioV rItes ba 12% to 19%. ) pIrIllel smIll Oroup KouVseliVO proOrIm for aouVO womeV wPo PIve witVessed or experieVKed violeVKe, uses I trIumI-iVformed IpproIKP to teIKP soKiIl emotioVIl KompeteVKies. StudeVt pIrtiKipIVts report I deKreIse iV depressioV IVd iVKreIse iV self-KoVfideVKe. ProOrIm providers sPould offer tPe VeKessIra supports to eVsure Ill studeVts PIve IKKess to tPese proOrIms, iVKludiVO studeVts witP disIbilities, -VOlisP leIrVers, studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds, IVd studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess, wPo, for exImple, mIa Veed trIVsportItioV support. Cross-CuttiVO )KKelerItioV 1mplemeVtItioV CoVsiderItioVs 1V IdditioV to tPe KoVsiderItioVs ideVtified reOIrdiVO tPe iVdividuIl IpproIKPes Voted Ibove, tPe followiVO Ippla IKross iVterveVtioVs: PIrtVer witP fImilies . Give fImila members speKifiK resourKes IVd strIteOies to support tPeir uViKIte iV I lIVOuIOe IVd formIt tPea KIV uVderstIVd. .or exImple, iV NortP CIroliVI foKuses oV supportiVO immiOrIVt IVd refuOee fImilies, witP IssistIVKe tPIt iVKludes trIVslItiVO COV1D-19 resourKes iVto mIVa lIVOuIOes. OtPer proOrIms iVKorporIte pIreVt KlIsses foKusiVO oV VutritioV, Komputer literIKa, KIreer developmeVt, or KolleOe prepIrItioV; Kredit; providiVO KIreer explorItioV; IrrIVOiVO for pre-emploameVt trIVsitioV serviKes for studeVts . SustIiVed IVd stroVO Idult-studeVt relItioVsPips KIV result iV PiOPer ItteVdIVKe IVd better studeVt outKomes; 1VKlude eVriKPmeVt opportuVities tPIt support soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd IKIdemiK developmeVt. TPe IKtivities provided KIV iVKlude tutoriVO IVd PomeworS Pelp, IloVO witP I broId IrrIa of eVriKPmeVt IKtivities rIVOiVO from sKieVKe, teKPVoloOa, eVOiVeeriVO, IVd mItPemItiKs (ST-M) IKtivities, KIreer IVd teKPViKIl proOrIms , aoutP developmeVt, pPasiKIl fitVess IVd PeIltP eduKItioV, IVd Irts proOrIms; MISe proOrIms free, iVKlusive, IVd supportive of fImilies. ProOrIms sPould Vot KPIrOe fees for fImilies to pIrtiKipIte, s

25 Pould iVKlude free trIVsportItioV IVd me
Pould iVKlude free trIVsportItioV IVd meIls, IVd be IvIilIble to studeVts witP disIbilities, -VOlisP leIrVers, IVd otPer uVderserved studeVts; Provide flexibilita to iVKreIse IKKess. .or exImple, summer proOrIms KIV be provided iV full-dIa or pIrtiIl dIa optioVs, witP flexible drop off IVd piKS up times. 1f studeVts KIV oVla pIrtiKipIte iV IftersKPool or summer proOrIms for some of tPe time, tPis SiVd of pIrtiKipItioV sPould be Illowed for IVd supported; SKIle up existiVO proOrIms tPIt PIve demoVstrIted results. -VriKPmeVt IKtivities IVd experieVKes miOPt be provided ba KommuVita pIrtVers. CoVsider pIrtVers tPIt IlreIda PIve existiVO proOrIms tPIt PIve beVefitted studeVts IVd worS witP tPem to support IftersKPool, weeSeVd, IVd summer eVriKPmeVt opportuVities for studeVts eVrolled iV tPese proOrIms; Build iV frequeVt proOrIm IssessmeVt IVd evIluItioV frequeVt evIluItioVs of tPe proOrIm Issist tPe providers iV IVIlabiVO IVd mISiVO improvemeVts to better provide studeVts witP eVOIOiVO opportuVities tPIt improve tPeir lives. Use eIrla wIrViVO (see seKtioV oV “UsiVO dItI Ibout studeVts’ opportuVita to leIrV to Pelp tIrOet resourKes IVd support”); IVd tPIt support tPe eVrollmeVt, plIKemeVt, IVd Kredit IKKruIl for studeVts .or exImple, sKPool distriKts Kould IwIrd pIrtiIl Kredit for Kourses tPIt I studeVt miOPt PIve fiVisPed pIrtiIlla before moviVO IVd Illow flexibilita IrouVd KertIiV “required” Kourses or offer I wIiver if I KompIrIble Kourse wIs Kompleted iV I previous sKPool/stIte. 1t is importIVt to Vote tPIt strIteOies liSe iV-sKPool IKKelerItioV, tutoriVO proOrIms, out-of-sKPool time proOrIms, IVd summer leIrViVO IVd eVriKPmeVt Ire supplemeVtIl iVstruKtioV IVd KIVVot replIKe I proOrIm of speKiIl eduKItioV IVd relIted serviKes bIsed oV I studeVt’s 1-P IVd tPe deKisioVs of tPe 1-P TeIm. SimilIrla, tPese tapes of strIteOies KIVVot replIKe tPe speKiIl eduKItioV IVd relIted serviKes IVd otPer supports iVKluded iV IV 1D-)-eliOible studeVt’s 1-P Is determiVed ba tPe studeVt’s 1-P TeIm or tPe reOulIr or speKiIl eduKItioV IVd relIted Iids IVd serviKes doKumeVted iV I 504 plIV, or tPe deKisioVs mIde ba I Oroup of evIluItioV dItI, IVd plIKemeVt optioVs Is required ba SeKtioV 504. 1V IdditioV, iVKlusioV of studeVts witP disIbilities iV distriKt or sKPoolwide iVterveVtioVs to Iddress lost iVstruKtioVIl time does Vot relieve I distriKt of its respoVsibilita to mISe iVdividuIlibed deKisioVs required uVder tPe 1D-) Ibout Veeded speKiIl eduKItioV IVd relIted serviKes for I studeVt witP I disIbilita. TPese Kould iVKlude providiVO exteVded sKPool aeIr serviKes Is defiVed iV 1D-) wPeV determiVed VeKessIra to eduKItioV (.)P-) if eduKItioVIl serviKes Ire Vot KoVtiVued duriVO periods wPeV sKPool is Vot iV sessioV,

26 suKP Is tPe summer. SimilIrla, SeKtioV
suKP Is tPe summer. SimilIrla, SeKtioV 504 requires sKPools to mISe iVdividuIlibed deKisioVs Ibout serviKes d SeKtioV 504 IVd respeKtive IppliKIble itioVIl iVstruKtioV IVd serviKes, ofteV referred to Is KompeVsItora serviKes to mISe up for IVa sSills tPIt miOPt PIve beeV lost if it is iVdividuIlla determiVed tPIt tPe studeVt wIs uVIble to reKeive .)P-, Is I result of tPe Klosure of sKPool buildiVOs or otPer disruptioVs iV serviKes duriVO tPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK. b. SupportiVO equitIble IKKess IVd effeKtive use of teKPVoloOa Before COV1D-19, sKPools IKross tPe KouVtra were It differeVt stIOes iV leIrViVO Pow to leverIOe teKPVoloOa to support teIKPiVO IVd leIrViVO. However, COV1D-19 required I suddeV IVd Komplete sPift to Pabrid IVd IVd looS beaoVd COV1D-19, teKPVoloOa will KoVtiVue to plIa IV importIVt role iV iVstruKtioVIl desiOV IVd leIrViVO botP iV IVd out of tPe KlIssroom. )s we worS to move forwIrd from tPe KurreVt Krisis-driveV use of teKPVoloOa, we sPould KoVtiVue tPe worS of supportiVO eduKItors iV leIrViVO Pow teKPVoloOa KIV be effeKtivela used to support diverse leIrVers IVd provide sKPool IVd distriKt leIders witP flexible models to support leIrViVO wPerever it oKKurs. UVfortuVItela, too mIVa studeVts, iVKludiVO -VOlisP leIrVers, studeVts of Kolor, studeVts iV rurIl or tribIl KommuVities, IVd studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds, PIve less IKKess to tPe iVterVet, diOitIl deviKes, IVd PiOP-quIlita, teKPVoloOa-eVIbled leIrViVO experieVKes foKused oV iVquira, KollIborItioV, IVd KoVteVt -xpIVdiVO IKKess to tPe iVterVet IVd deviKes (tPe diOitIl IKKess divide) witPout Ilso IddressiVO uVs tPe risS of proliferItiVO low-quIlita leIrViVO experieVKes for studeVts. LiSewise, IttemptiVO to provide PiOP-quIlita teKPVoloOa-eVIbled experieVKes ImplifaiVO existiVO iVequities. To effeKtivela studeVts PIve IKKess to deviKes IVd KoVVeKtivita, IVd Pow tPose deviKes Ire leverIOed ba eduKItors to KreIte PiOP-quIlita leIrViVO experieVKes. TPe diOitIl IKKess divide ruVs deep. ) 2uVe 2020 report millioV K-12 publiK sKPool studeVts live iV PousePolds eitPer witPout IV iVterVet KoVVeKtioV or witPout I deviKe IdequIte for remote leIrViVO It Pome. TPe diOitIl IKKess divide is more proVouVKed iV rurIl 1V rurIl KommuVities, iVterVet serviKe providers (1SPs) ofteV KPoose Vot to build IVd mIiVtIiV expeVsive fiber VetworSs to OeoOrIpPiKIlla remote loKItioVs witP low populItioV deVsities due to tPe limited returV oV iVvestmeVt. 1V urbIV KommuVities, tPere is doKumeVted evideVKe of “diOitIl redliViVO,” wPere 1SPs iVvest iV buildiVO fiber iVfrIstruKture iV weIltPier VeiOPborPoods, wPile uVder-iVvestiVO iV tPe broIdbIVd iVfrIstruKture iV low-iVKome KommuVities, resultiVO iV low-iVKome broIdbIVd users witP more expeVsive, slower IK

27 Kess. Ilso be I KPIlleVOe for fImilies w
Kess. Ilso be I KPIlleVOe for fImilies wPo Ire experieVKiVO PomelessVess IVd lIKS I permIVeVt Iddress or wPo Ire DispIrIte KoVVeKtivita results iV siOVifiKIVt KoVsequeVKes for eduKItioVIl opportuVities IVd outKomes. )KKordiVO to oVe studa, “StudeVts wPo do Vot PIve IKKess to tPe iVterVet from Pome, or wPo Ire depeVdeVt oV I Kell pPoVe IloVe for IKKess, perform lower oV I rIVOe of metriKs, iVKludiVO diOitIl sSills, PomeworS KompletioV, IVd OrIde poiVt IverIOe.” .Imilies witP low iVKomes teVd to be more smIrtpPoVe-depeVdeVt IVd ofteV lIKS IKKess to KoVVeKted deviKes, suKP Is tIblets or lIptops, or Issistive teKPVoloOa for studeVts a-supported leIrViVO opportuVities. exImple, studeVts witP disIbilities served uVder 1D-) or SeKtioV 504 wPo PIve beeV leIrViVO remotela miOPt Vot PIve beeV Ible to IKKess tPe sIme Issistive teKPVoloOa deviKes IVd serviKes tPea would reKeive if tPea were ItteVdiVO sKPool iV persoV. TPe diOitIl use divide is ofteV uVder-empPIsibed but Ilso ruVs deep. TPe preseVKe of deviKes It sKPools IloVe does Vot mISe IV iVstruKtioVIl sastem effeKtive or IKKessible to iVdividuIl studeVts. WPile PIrd to quIVtifa, tPere PIs beeV evideVKe of iVKoVsisteVt or misOuided teKPVoloOa iVteOrItioV for some time. UsiVO teKPVoloOa for iVstruKtioV witPout iVteOrItiVO it witP stroVO iVstruKtioVIl prIKtiKe is liSela to wideV iVequities iV studeVt opportuVities IVd outKomes. .or exImple, studies PIve sPowV tPIt eveV wPeV deviKes Ire IvIilIble It sKPool, studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds IVd studeVts of Kolor teVd to reKeive iVstruKtioV tPIt leverIOes teKPVoloOa for routiVe drills foKused primIrila oV repetitioV witP lower levels of Idult support, wPereIs studeVts iV PiOPer iVKome sKPools experieVKed teKPVoloOa Is I KreItive IVd plIaful medium. WPile we PIve limited iVsiOPt It I VItioVIl sKIle iVto tPe SiVds of iVstruKtioV tPIt studeVts reKeived over tPe lIst aeIr, tPere is evideVKe to suOOest tPIt tPe iVstruKtioV provided to studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds IVd studeVts of Kolor tProuOP teKPVoloOa wIs less IutPeVtiK IVd eVOIOiVO. be exIKerbIted if pIrtiKulIr ItteVtioV is Vot OiveV to tPe quIlita of tPe teKPVoloOa-eVIbled experieVKes. )Va effeKtive use of teKPVoloOa must be pIrt of I KoPereVt model of iVstruKtioV IliOVed to iVstruKtioVIl OoIls eopeV, distriKts IVd sKPools Ire eVKourIOed to: Set KleIr OoIls IVd IOOressive timeliVes for providiVO Ill studeVts witP IKKess to PiOP-speed broIdbIVd, deviKes, IVd IKKessible teKPVoloOa tPea KIV use wPeV sKPool is Vot iV sessioV. DistriKts IVd sKPools sPould KoVduKt oVOoiVO surveas, to determiVe tPe exteVt to wPiKP studeVts PIve IKKess to PiOP-speed iVterVet IVd deviKes IVd tPe quIlita of tPIt IKKess. .or exImple, it is importIVt to SVow wPetPer I studeVt oVla PIs Pome

28 IKKess tProuOP I KellulIr dItI plIV, wPi
IKKess tProuOP I KellulIr dItI plIV, wPiKP miOPt be subjeKt to dItI KIps tPIt iVKreIse Kost IVd slow dowV serviKe oVKe tPe KIp is reIKPed. 1t is Ilso importIVt for sKPools to SVow wPetPer eIKP studeVt PIs I dediKIted leIrViVO deviKe, or if I studeVt is sPIriVO oVe deviKe witP otPer fImila members; Set stIVdIrds for diOitIl leIrViVO tPIt Ire iVteOrIted iVto tPe broIder leIrViVO experieVKe IVd KreIte leIrViVO plIVs bIsed oV tPose stIVdIrds. .or exImple, some Oroups PIve worSed to provide model for studeVt leIrViVO. WaomiVO provides IV exImple of Pow oVe stIte PIs KreIted I for studeVt-KeVtered diOitIl leIrViVO IVd implemeVtItioV; Provide exteVsive professioVIl developmeVt opportuVities for eduKItors tPIt support improvemeVts iV iVstruKtioVIl desiOV IVd empower tPem to effeKtivela use teKPVoloOa to support studeVt leIrViVO. sPows teKPVoloOa is most effeKtive wPeV it is iVteOrIted iVto iVstruKtioV, IVd IKtivities Ire desiOVed ba teIKPers for studeVts to explore, leIrV, IVd KreIte. ReKeVt studies PIve fouVd tPIt ifiKIVt prediKtor of tPe tape IVd quIlita of KlIssroom teKPVoloOa use ba studeVts, suOOestiVO tPIt providiVO effeKtive trIiViVO to teIKPers KIV Pelp Klose tPe diOitIl use divide. -duKItioV teKPVoloOa KoIKPes IVd sKPool librIriIVs oVOoiVO support for eduKItors iV IdoptiVO IVd implemeVtiVO Vew leIrViVO teKPVoloOies; Use teKPVoloOa iV wIas tPIt support studeVts wPo Ire performiVO It differeVt levels u wPiKP mIa be IV eveV more KommoV oKKurreVKe wPeV studeVts returV to iV-persoV iVstruKtioV u iV pIrt ba leverIOiVO teKPVoloOa to support oVe-oV-oVe or smIll Oroup worS witP studeVts IVd ba usiVO studeVt-KeVtered leIrViVOmodels (e.O., KompeteVKa-bIsed eduKItioV, projeKt-bIsed of -IsterV SeVior HiOP SKPool iV WIsPiVOtoV, D.C., demoVstrItes Pow eduKItors KIV use teKPVoloOa to iV tPe KlIssroom IVd implemeVt iVstruKtioVIl IpproIKPes tPIt Illow for studeVt self-direKtioV, persoVIlibItioV, IVd KollIborItioV. )VotPer exImple is tPe LiVdsIa UVified SKPool DistriKt CIliforViI, wPere more tPIV 90% of studeVts Ire from fImilies witP low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds IVd 41% Ire -VOlisP leIrVers, wPiKP PIs seeV steIda IVd siOVifiKIVt OIiVs iV IKIdemiK performIVKe to KreIte leIrVer-KeVtered, iVquira-bIsed, IVd persoVIlibed leIrViVO opportuVities for studeVts; IVd -VOIOe fImilies iV effeKtivela usiVO teKPVoloOa ba providiVO support, suKP Is tutoriIls, oV tPe use of teKPVoloOa IVd plItforms provided ba tPe sKPool. CoVsider pIrtVeriVO bIsed orOIVibItioVs to provide teKPVoloOa support IVd diOitIl literIKa trIiViVO for fImilies iV tPeir Pome lIVOuIOe. TeKPVoloOa KIV Ilso be used to support pIreVt-teIKPer eVOIOemeVt IVd KIV be I Oood wIa to Oet iVformItioV to pIreVts Is well Is support studeVt leIrViVO. P disIbilities PIve equitIble IKKess to Ko

29 VteVt provided ba tPe sKPool’s teKPVol
VteVt provided ba tPe sKPool’s teKPVoloOa or Is pIrt of tPe sKPool’s eduKItioVIl proOrIm To support , for exImple, distriKts IVd sKPool sPould provide multiliVOuIl teKPVoloOiKIl support IVd eVsure tPIt riKP KurriKulIr KoVteVt is IvIilIble oV deviKes iV multiple lIVOuIOes. .ederIl disIbilita lIw requires tPIt studeVts witP disIbilities reKeive Ill of tPe eduKItioV beVefits provided ba teKPVoloOa iV IV equIlla effeKtive IVd equIlla iVteOrIted mIVVer Is tPeir peers. SKPools KIV build IKKessibilita feItures for witP sKreeV reIder softwIre IVd providiVO IKKurIte KIptioViVO or embedded siOV lIVOuIOe iVterpretiVO for video KoVteVt. TPis miOPt Ilso iVKlude leverIOiVO teKPVoloOa for 1-P TeIm meetiVOs to eVsure tPIt pIreVts uVderstIVd tPe proKeediVOs It tPe meetiVO if, for exImple, I pIreVt requires I siOV lIVOuIOe iVterpreter uIl impIirmeVts. .urtPer, wPeV developiVO, reviewiVO, or revisiVO IV 1-P for I studeVt witP I disIbilita, tPe 1-P TeIm must KoVsider wPetPer tPe KPild requires Issistive teKPVoloOa deviKes or serviKes iV order to reKeive I free IppropriIte publiK eduKItioV. StItes IVd sKPool distriKts must eVsure tPIt IssessmeVts Ire KompItible witP Issistive teKPVoloOa deviKes. K. UsiVO dItI Ibout studeVts’ opportuVita to leIrV to Pelp tIrOet resourKes IVd support WPile sKPools IVd distriKts worS to eVsure I pPasiKIlla sIfe leIrViVO eVviroVmeVt, tPea sPould worS just Is urOeVtla to uVderstIVd studeVts’ soKiIl, emotioVIl, meVtIl PeIltP, IVd IKIdemiK Veeds IVd ideVtifa strIteOies to Iddress tPose Veeds. DItI oV studeVt performIVKe, Is well Is dItI oV tPe KoVtext for tPIt performIVKe, KIV Pelp sKPools IVd distriKts to fulla uVderstIVd studeVt Veeds, strIteOies to Iddress tPem, IVd Pow best to tIrOet resourKes. OVe wIa to better uVderstIVd tPe KoVtext for studeVt performIVKe is ba KoVsideriVO tPe opportuVities tPIt studeVts PIve to leIrV. TPe use of opportuVita to leIrV (OTL) iVdiKItors “OeVerIlla refers to iVputs IVd proKesses witPiV I sKPool KoVtext VeKessIra for produKiVO studeVt IKPievemeVt of iVteVded outKomes.” 1Vstitute for DemoKrIKa, -duKItioV, IVd )KKess exImples of OTL iVdiKItors quIlified teIKPers, KleIV IVd sIfe fIKilities, up-to-dIte booSs IVd quIlita leIrViVO provide studeVts witP I fIir IVd equIl opportuVita to leIrV IVd develop KritiKIl SVowledOe IVd sSills. ReseIrKP empPIsibes tPIt dItI oV OTLs serves I KritiKIl role iV ideVtifaiVO studeVt Veeds, pIrtiKulIrla wPeV KoVsidered IloVOside studeVt performIVKe iVdiKItors, IVd tIrOetiVO resourKes. StItes IVd distriKts iVvestmeVts Kould be mIde. .or exImple, reseIrKP PIs doKumeVted tPe relItioVsPip of presKPool pIrtiKipItioV IVd studeVt outKomes. exImiViVO distriKts iV CIliforViI iV wPiKP studeVts performed better tPIV expeKted oV CIlif

30 orViI’s stItewide IssessmeVt desKribes
orViI’s stItewide IssessmeVt desKribes tPe OTL iVdiKItors IssoKiIted witP tPe performIVKe of studeVts iV tPese distriKts, iVKludiVO teIKPer prepIredVess (usiVO KredeVtiIliVO IVd experieVKe Is proxies for teIKPer prepIredVess) Is Sea prediKtors of studeVt performIVKe. )dditioVIl reseIrKP PiOPliOPts PiOP sKPools tPIt PIve developed 1VterVItioVIl BIKKIlIureIte (1B) KurriKulI to provide opportuVities for IKKelerIted KourseworS to studeVts for wPom suKP opportuVities did Vot previousla exist. -duKItors, poliKamISers, IVd reseIrKPers PIve loVO souOPt to mISe better use of dItI to drive iVstruKtioVIl studeVt IKPievemeVt, OTLs KIV for loKIl reKovera efforts, iVKludiVO tPe tIrOetiVO of resourKes IVd tPe seleKtioV of evideVKe- bIsed prIKtiKes demoVstrIted to improve studeVt outKomes. 1V IdditioV to dItI oV sKPool fuVdiVO, iVKludiVO per-pupil expeVditures, evideVKe-bIsed OTL iVdiKItors KIV IrOet iVterveVtioV, resourKes, IVd supports. TPese KIV iVKlude, ImoVO otPers, meIsures of studeVt IKKess to: ) sIfe, PeIltPa, IVd iVKlusive leIrViVO eVviroVmeVt. MeIsures KIV iVKlude: rItes; DisKipliVe rItes, iVKludiVO iV-sKPool IVd out-of-sKPool suspeVsioV (iVKludiVO multiple suspeVsioVs IVd leVOtP of suspeVsioVs), IVd expulsioV rItes; DItI from studeVt, stIff, IVd fImila surveas; IVd TPe rItio of studeVts to Vurses, KouVselors, soKiIl worSers, IVd psaKPoloOists, IVd IKKess to iVteOrIted support serviKes. )KKess to quIlified IVd supported eduKItors. MeIsures KIV iVKlude: -duKItor KertifiKItioV (e.O., full KertifiKItioV iV tPe IreI IssiOVed, IdditioVIl KertifiKItioVs suKP Is NItioVIl BoIrd CertifiKItioV); -duKItor experieVKe; -duKItor effeKtiveVess; -duKItor KProViK IbseVteeism IVd turVover rItes; IVd -duKItor supports suKP Is meVtors, iVduKtioV proOrIms, evideVKe-bIsed professioVIl developmeVt, IVd leIdersPip opportuVities. HiOP-quIlita KurriKulIr IVd iVstruKtioVIl desiOV. MeIsures KIV iVKlude: 1VterVet IKKess (iV sKPool IVd It Pome) IVd studeVt deviKe rItios (e.O., 1:1); tPe quIlita of remote leIrViVO (e.O., eVOIOemeVt witP PiOP-quIlita KurriKulI IVd iVstruKtioVIl mIteriIls); IVd eduKItor ortuVities oV tPe effeKtive use of )dvIVKed Kourse pIrtiKipItioV IVd KompletioV, iVKludiVO iV )dvIVKed PlIKemeVt ()P), 1B, duIl eVrollmeVt, IVd eIrla KolleOe proOrIms, OIteSeeper Kourses, IVd PiOP-quIlita ST-M IVd KIreer IVd teKPViKIl eduKItioV pItPwIas; CulturIlla IVd liVOuistiKIlla respoVsive KurriKulum desiOVs; TPe IdoptioV of PiOP-quIlita diIOVostiK IssessmeVts to iVform iVstruKtioV; IVd )KKess to projeKt-bIsed, experieVtiIl leIrViVO opportuVities tPIt meet tPe iVdividuIlibed Veeds 1V IdditioV, to better uVderstIVd wPere IVd Pow resourKes sPould be tIrOeted Is sKPools reopeV IVd beaoVd, stItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools sPould: Use loKIlla KolleKted

31 dItI, iV IKKordIVKe witP IppliKIble lIw,
dItI, iV IKKordIVKe witP IppliKIble lIw, to determiVe wPetPer differeVt subOroups of studeVts wPo PIve beeV PistoriKIlla uVderserved Ire pIrtiKipItiVO iV iV-persoV iVstruKtioV proportioVIte to tPeir eVrollmeVt iV tPe sKPool IVd sKPool distriKt IVd, if tPea Ire Vot, KoVduKt eVPIVKed, oVOoiVO IKtive IVd speKifiK outreIKP IVd eVOIOemeVt, iVKludiVO to sKPool KommuVities wPere broId KoVKerVs exist; DisIOOreOIte IVa Vew dItI tPIt is KolleKted It tPe stIte or loKIl level iV IdditioV to dItI iVKluded iV ba -S-), iVKludiVO ba studeVt subOroup, KoVsisteVt witP dItI stIVdIrds IVd privIKa proteKtioVs, iVKludiVO tPe .Imila -duKItioVIl RiOPts IVd PrivIKa )Kt (.-RP)). DItI KIV Ilso be disIOOreOIted ba KlIssroom IVd OrIde level to better tIrOet supports, uVless doiVO so reveIls studeVts’ persoVIlla ideVtifiIble iVformItioV. WPeV looSiVO It tPe dItI, distriKts IVd sKPools Ire eVKourIOed to Vot equIte low Vumbers or perKeVtIOes . .or exImple, Ifter reviewiVO its dItI oV studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess IVd miOrItora studeVts IVd fiVdiVO few suKP studeVts eVrolled, tPe distriKt IVd sKPool sPould tISe steps to ideVtifa IVd provide Veeded serviKes to tPese studeVts IVd to eVsure tPIt tPeir dItI Ire IKKurIte; 1V IdditioV to KolleKtiVO dItI from OTL iVdiKItors, Is studeVts returV to sKPool, KoVduKt IV iVitiIl IssessmeVt of studeVt IKKess to leIrViVO opportuVities duriVO sKPool Klosure IVd tPeir well-beiVO KoVsisteVt witP IppliKIble privIKa proteKtioVs, iVKludiVO tPe ProteKtioV of Pupil RiOPts )meVdmeVt. .or exImple, tPis KIV iVKlude KolleKtiVO IVd reviewiVO dItI oV studeVt eVOIOemeVt iV bePIviors Is defiVed ba CDC, IVd providiVO uViversIl sKreeViVO for IVxieta, depressioV, IVd post- trIumItiK stress. )dditioVIl KoVtextuIl dItI relevIVt to studeVt well-beiVO KIV iVKlude KommuVita COV1D-19 KIses, deItP rItes, IVd eKoVomiK impIKt; CleIrla estIblisP Pow frequeVtla dItI will be KolleKted IVd IVIlabed IVd ideVtifa wPo PIs, IVd is leOIlla permitted to PIve, IKKess to wPiKP dItI IVd for wPIt purposes. TPis KIV be supported eVsive set of OTL IVd studeVt outKome dItI IKross tPe stIte IVd its distriKts IVd sKPools. DItI dIsPboIrds KIV Ilso iVKlude dItI oV sastemiK iVequities tPIt exteVd beaoVd studeVt, teIKPer, IVd sKPool-level dItI. .or exImple, stItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools KIV KolleKt, report, IVd use IdditioVIl dItI oV rIKiIl equita sastem. TPese efforts KIV Ilso be supported ba existiVO stIte loVOitudiVIl dItI sastems, wPiKP Ire desiOVed to Pelp distriKts IVd sKPools mISe dItI-driveV deKisioVs from presKPool tProuOP KolleOe eIrla wIrViVO iVdiKItor (-W1) sastems to promote tIrOeted eVOIOemeVt strIteOies IVd -W1 sastems KIV trIKS ItteVdIVKe, IssiOVmeVt KompletioV, IVd OrIdes. WPeV viewed It tPe KlIssroom IVd studeVt level, tPis dIt

32 I KIV streVOtPeV I sKPool’s Ibilita s
I KIV streVOtPeV I sKPool’s Ibilita speKifiK IVd timela iVterveVtioVs; ColleKt dItI oV tPe suKKessful trIVsitioVs of studeVts iVto K-12, betweeV middle IVd PiOP sKPool, IVd betweeV PiOP sKPool IVd postseKoVdIra eduKItioV. .or exImple, sKPools witP I 9tP OrIde KIV use oV-trIKS iVdiKItors to Issess Pow well studeVts Ire mISiVO tPe trIVsitioV iVto PiOP sKPool. To support I smootP trIVsitioV betweeV PiOP sKPool IVd postseKoVdIra eduKItioV, distriKts KIV provide eVPIVKed KolleOe IdvisiVO tPIt KIV Pelp studeVts VIviOIte tPe fiVIVKiIl Iid proKess IVd seleKt I postseKoVdIra iVstitutioV tPIt is tPe best mItKP for tPem. DistriKts KIV Ilso emploa strIteOies to eVsure studeVts Ire prepIred for KolleOe, suKP Is summer bridOe proOrIms, IVd pIrtVer witP loKIl KolleOe IKKess proOrIms to eVsure studeVts IKKepted iVto KolleOe IKtuIlla eVroll; )ssess KurreVt proKesses for determiViVO wPo PIs IKKess to IdvIVKed Kourses iV IV effort to KoVtiVuIlla expIVd IKKess, iVKludiVO tProuOP tIrOetiVO resourKes to iVKreIse Kourse offeriVOs (iVKludiVO eVsuriVO teIKPers reKeived tPe professioVIl developmeVt VeKessIra to provide tPese Kourses) IVd providiVO uViversIl sKreeViVO to expIVd IKKess; -Vsure tPIt iVterrupted iVstruKtioV due to COV1D-19 does Vot VIrrow studeVts’ opportuVities for IdvIVKed KourseworS, wPiKP miOPt iVKlude determiViVO studeVt IKKess to tPese Kourses, wIiviVO KertIiV requiremeVts to eVroll studeVts iV tPese opportuVities, IVd providiVO studeVts witP IKKess opportuVities; opportuVities to leIrV IVd IKIdemiK IVd otPer proOress. OVe IpproIKP to providiVO iVformItioV to pIreVt portIls tPIt provide iVformItioV (iVKludiVO trIiViVO IVd tutoriIls oV Pow to IKKess IVd use dItI) to pIreVts iV IKKessible formIts for people witP disIbilities IVd iV I lIVOuIOe pIreVts KIV uVderstIVd to eVsure meIViVOful IKKess; IVd Support sPIred deKisioV-mISiVO reOIrdiVO Pow resourKes sPould be tIrOeted tPIt iVKludes superiVteVdeVts, sKPool leIders, teIKPers IVd stIff, studeVts, pIreVts IVd KIreOivers, IVd ortuVita to reIssess Pow sKPools Ire fuVded, wPIt resourKes Ire IvIilIble, Pow tPea sPould be IlloKIted, IVd tPe effeKtiveVess of tPose IlloKItioVs for improviVO eduKItioVIl opportuVita IVd outKomes. TPis sPould iVKlude tIrOetiVO resourKes iV wIas tPIt build distriKt IVd sKPool-level KIpIKita IVd support sastems of KoVtiVuous improvemeVt. .or exImple, tPe ReOioVIl -duKItioVIl LIborItora (R-L) NortPeIst & 1slIVd’s CoVtiVuous 1mprovemeVt iV -duKItioV: ) ToolSit for SKPools IVd DistriKts provides IV overview of sKPools IVd distriKts. d. )ddressiVO resourKe iVequities Ba virtuIlla IVa meIsure, studeVts iV KommuVities experieVKiVO poverta IVd distriKts tPIt serve I PiOP proportioV of studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds IVd studeVts of Kolor Ire tP

33 IV tPose iV distriKts tPIt serve fewer s
IV tPose iV distriKts tPIt serve fewer studeVts from fImilies witP lower iVKomes or studeVts of Kolor. ) substIVtiIl boda of reseIrKP doKumeVts iVequities iV per-pupil fuVds IKross IVd witPiV stItes IVd distriKts. OtPer reseIrKP foKuses oV iVequities iV tPe distributioV of prIKtiKes IVd persoVVel tPIt eVriKP studeVts’ IKIdemiK experieVKes IVd PIve tPe poteVtiIl to positivela IffeKt studeVt IKPievemeVt, iVKludiVO IdvIVKed 49 IKKess to Oifted IVd tIleVted proOrIms, IVd stroVO teIKPiVO, leIdersPip, IVd support. 51 ReKoveriVO from tPe impIKt of COV1D-19 will be iVKredibla diffiKult if tPe resourKe iVequities tPIt existed prior to COV1D-19, IVd wPiKP PIve oVla beeV furtPer exIKerbIted, Ire Vot Iddressed. )lloKItiVO resourKes iV wIas tPIt IdvIVKe equita IVd eVsuriVO tPea Ire IdequIte for providiVO tPe opportuVities IVd supports studeVts Veed to suKKeed is pIrtiKulIrla importIVt Is we reKover from tPe dispIrIte impIKt of COV1D-19 oV KommuVities of Kolor IVd KommuVities experieVKiVO poverta. )ddressiVO well-rouVded eduKItioV, well-prepIred, effeKtive, IVd diverse eduKItors IVd stIff, IVd iVteOrIted support serviKes, KIV beOiV to mitiOIte tPe impIKt of COV1D-19 oV sKPools IVd studeVts IVd KIV Klose loVO-stIVdiVO OIps iV eduKItioVIl opportuVita )RP iVKludes severIl Sea fisKIl equita provisioVs iVteVded to IdvIVKe equita IVd IdequIKa. TPe “mIiVteVIVKe of effort” stItes mIiVtIiV support for elemeVtIra IVd seKoVdIra eduKItioV iV fisKIl aeIrs (.Y) 2022 IVd 2023 It leIst It tPe perKeVtIOe of tPe stIte’s overIll speVdiVO used to support eduKItioV IverIOed over .Ys 2017, 2018, IVd 2019. TPe seKtioV tPIt sKPool distriKts IVd sKPools serviVO PiOP KoVKeVtrItioVs of studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds Ire proteKted from disproportioVIte Kuts iV stIte IVd loKIl fuVdiVO duriVO .Ys 2022 IVd 2023. 1V IdditioV, iV .Ys 2022 or 2023, I stIte mIa Vot reduKe stIte fuVdiVO (Is KIlKulIted oV I per- pupil bIsis) for IVa PiOPest poverta distriKt below tPe level of fuVdiVO (Is KIlKulIted oV I per pupil bIsis) provided to tPIt distriKt iV .Y 2019. TPese mIiVteVIVKe of equita provisioVs Ire KruKiIl, but tPea oVla preveVt disproportioVIte or deep Kuts u tPea do Vot stop budOet Kuts from oKKurriVO IltoOetPer. BeKIuse stItes IVd distriKts Ire mISiVO deKisioVs Ibout wPere to tIrOet federIl, stIte, IVd loKIl resourKes IVd Pow tPea sPould be used, tPis is IV opportuVita to do so iV wIas tPIt IdvIVKe equita IVd IdequIKa iV eduKItioVIl opportuVita. -quitIble IVd )dequIte SKPool .uVdiVO SKPool fiVIVKe reforms tPIt reduKe iVequita IVd iVIdequIKa PIve beeV sPowV to improve studeVts’ 1V tPe wISe of tPe pIVdemiK, stItes IVd distriKts PIve I PistoriK opportuVita to KoVsider tPe wIa tPea mISe resourKes IvIilIble to studeVts I

34 Vd wPIt KPIVOes tPea KIV mISe to improve
Vd wPIt KPIVOes tPea KIV mISe to improve TPere is preKedeVt for mISiVO siOVifiKIVt KPIVOe iV tPe wISe of IV eKoVomiK dowVturV. .ollowiVO tPe , uVdertooS I reevIluItioV of Pow tPeir sKPools were fuVded IVd beOIV worSiVO towIrds Vew fiVIVKe sastems tPIt tIrOeted IdditioVIl fuVdiVO to tPe studeVts IVd KommuVities furtPest from opportuVita IVd wPo Ire experieVKiVO tPe KumulItive effeKt of sKPools tPIt PIve beeV uVderfuVded deKIde Ifter deKIde. TPe KurreVt Krisis KIV serve Is I KIll to IKtioV for stItes to Iddress, iV some KIses, loVO-stIVdiVO disputes reOIrdiVO fuVdiVO for eduKItioV. )doptiVO more equitIble fuVdiVO formulIs is IV opportuVita to direKt IdditioVIl fiVIVKiIl resourKes to sKPools iV wIas tPIt IKKouVt for tPe IdditioVIl support studeVts mIa Veed (suKP Is studeVts witP disIbilities IVd studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess), IVd promotiVO prIKtiKes tPIt Pelp PiOP-Veed sKPools reKruit IVd retIiV quIlified eduKItors. How tPese resourKes Ire used is Is importIVt Is wPere tPea Ire tIrOeted. .uVdiVO provided uVder )RP, Is well Is stIte IVd loKIl resourKes, KIV be iVvested iV evideVKe-bIsed strIteOies tPIt PIve beeV ProvidiVO I Well-RouVded -duKItioV )s studeVts KoVtiVue to returV to iV-persoV iVstruKtioV IVd eduKItors IVd stIff worS to Iddress tPe impIKt of lost iVstruKtioVIl time IVd reeVOIOe studeVts, it is importIVt studeVts PIve IKKess to IV eVriKPed IVd well-rouVded eduKItioV to support tPese efforts. -S-) defiVes I well-rouVded eduKItioV Is iVKludiVO Vot oVla Kore IKIdemiK subjeKts, suKP Is reIdiVO or lIVOuIOe Irts IVd mItPemItiKs, but Ilso disKipliVes suKP Is writiVO, musiK, Irts, Komputer sKieVKe, IVd KIreer IVd teKPViKIl eduKItioV. ) well-rouVded eduKItioV supports tPe suKKess of leIrVers of Ill IOes, from aouVO studeVts wPo Veed riKP KoVtext Is tPea beOiV UVfortuVItela, Vot Ill studeVts PIve IKKess to well-rouVded eduKItioVIl opportuVities IVd COV1D-19 PIs oVla served to furtPer limit tPose opportuVities. Prior to tPe pIVdemiK tPere were KleIr differeVKes iV opportuVities IVd IKKess for uVderserved studeVts KompIred to tPeir peers tProuOPout tPeir eduKItioVIl KIreers (e.O., elemeVtIra sKPool Oifted IVd tIleVted proOrIms, 8tP OrIde IlOebrI KourseworS). TPe lIKS of IvIilIbilita of tPese Kourses u or IKKess wPeV tPea Ire provided u IffeKts lIter opportuVities (e.O., )P, IVd 1B Kourses). dispIrities iV studeVts’ IKKess to opportuVities KurriKulIr breIdtP ... CIVdE PiOP-quIlita IKIdemiK supports.” 1V order to reKover from tPe impIKt of COV1D-19 IVd reeVOIOe studeVts Ifter more tPIV I aeIr of disruptioV, distriKts IVd sKPools sPould worS to Iddress iVequities iV IKKess to I well-rouVded eduKItioV IVd KIV looS to some of tPe followiVO evideVKe-bIsed prIKtiKes for iVKreIsiVO studeVt IKKess to I well-rouVd

35 ed eduKItioV: TPe )rts -duKItioV PIrtVer
ed eduKItioV: TPe )rts -duKItioV PIrtVersPip’s )rts-dSeIrKP . Supported ba tPe NItioVIl -VdowmeVt for tPe )rts IVd tPe DepIrtmeVt, tPis website foKuses oV Irts eduKItioV proOrIm outKomes; IVel reports oV implemeVtiVO ST-M proOrIms, iVKludiVO TeIKPiVO K-12 SKieVKe IVd -VOiVeeriVO DuriVO I Crisis SuKKessful K-12 ST-M -duKItioV SKieVKe IVd -VOiVeeriVO for GrIdes 6-12 -VOlisP LeIrVers iV ST-M SubjeKts reports provide speKifiK exImples of stIte, distriKt, IVd sKPool prIKtiKes tPIt KIV promote ST-M offers summIries of effeKtive proOrIms, produKts, prIKtiKes, IVd poliKies IKross I rIVOe of topiKs, iVKludiVO duIl eVrollmeVt proOrIms desiOVed to promote suKKess iV PiOP sKPool IVd tPe trIVsitioV to KolleOe. WPeV implemeVtiVO evideVKe-bIsed prIKtiKes iV support of I well-rouVded eduKItioV, leIders sPould KoVsider tPe followiVO tPree fIKtors: 1. TPe exteVt to wPiKP importIVt opportuVities Ire widela IvIilIble IVd for wPiKP studeVts. StItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools KIV, iV IKKordIVKe witP IppliKIble lIw, reOulIrla IVd KoVsisteVtla use disIOOreOIted studeVt dItI to determiVe wPetPer tPere Ire dispIrities iV IKKess to IVd suKKess iV Sea OIteSeeper IVd IdvIVKed Kourses tPIt KoVtribute to I well-rouVded eduKItioV, use tPe dItI to eVt IKtive outreIKP to IVd support for PistoriKIlla uVderserved studeVts; StItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools KIV pIrtVer witP KommuVita-bIsed orOIVibItioVs to expIVd tPe IvIilIbilita of well-rouVded Kourses, iVKludiVO musiK IVd Irt opportuVities; StItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools KIV pIrtVer witP loKIl iVstitutioVs of PiOPer eduKItioV (1H-s) to offer duIl eVrollmeVt or eIrla KolleOe opportuVities IVd eVriKPmeVt opportuVities for K-12 studeVts, wPiKP StItes IVd distriKts sPould eVsure studeVts Ire tIuOPt ba well-quIlified (fulla Kertified iV tPe IreI ruKtioV iV tPe relevIVt formIt IVd eVsure tPIt Ill studeVts PIve IKKess to deviKes IVd KoVVeKtivita Veeded to tISe IdvIVtIOe of tPem. WIas to elimiVIte bIrriers to IKKessiVO IvIilIble opportuVities RItPer tPIV usiVO studeVt test sKores or iVstruKtor reKommeVdItioVs Is bIrriers to eVriKPmeVt or IdvIVKed KourseworS, sKPool leIders KIV Illow “opeV eVrollmeVt” iV IdvIVKed or KIreer-orieVted Kourses. .lexible sKPeduliVO KIV improve studeVts’ Ibilita to pIrtiKipIte wPile bIlIVKiVO otPer obliOItioVs. StItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools KIV Ilso KoVsider Pow tPea KIV leverIOe teKPVoloOa to expIVd IKKess to IdvIVKed KourseworS, expertise, IVd Vew leIrViVO experieVKes wPere resourKes IVd OeoOrIpPa preseVt KPIlleVOes. ProIKtive IpproIKPes to eVKourIOe studeVt pIrtiKipItioV iV well-rouVded eduKItioV proOrIms. TPis KIV iVKlude fImila eVOIOemeVt strIteOies tPIt support fImilies iV uVderstIVdiVO tPe full rIVOe of IvIilIble proOrIm optioVs IVd tPeir poteVtiIl beVefits, beOiVV

36 iVO iV middle sKPool or eIrlier, Ilibe t
iVO iV middle sKPool or eIrlier, Ilibe tPe eduKItioVIl experieVKe, iVdividuIlibed plIVViVO to Pelp studeVts tISe IdvIVtIOe of IvIilIble opportuVities. Well-9uIlified -duKItors )s disKussed iV tPe followiVO seKtioV oV supportiVO eduKItors, periods of eKoVomiK dowVturV KIV destIbilibe tPe eduKItor worSforKe, PIviVO I disproportioVIte effeKt oV uVderserved studeVts, iVKludiVO studeVts of Kolor IVd studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds. Well-quIlified teIKPers Ire esseVtiIl to tPe leIrViVO IVd developmeVt of tPe studeVts tPea serve, iVflueVKiVO deKisioVs tPIt KIV IffeKt studeVts iVto IdultPood, suKP Is tPe liSeliPood studeVts ItteVd KolleOe IVd tPe quIlita of tPose KolleOes. Yet we Ire IlreIda tPe impIKt of COV1D-19 oV teIKPer sPortIOes. 1V DeKember 2020, tPe BureIu of LIbor StItistiKs reported IV 8.6% deKliVe iV tPe loKIl OoverVmeVt eduKItioV worSforKe over tPe previous 12 moVtPs, to its smIllest sibe for tPe sIme moVtP siVKe 1999. experieVKiVO sPortIOes iV mItP, sKieVKe, IVd speKiIl eduKItioV It tPe beOiVViVO of tPe pIVdemiK, Ire siOVs of IV immediIte KPIlleVOe tPIt Veeds to be Iddressed. To support studeVts iV reKoveriVO from tPe impIKt of COV1D-19, stItes IVd distriKts will Veed to eVsure tPea PIve IKKess to stroVO teIKPers. 1Vequities iV fiVIVKiIl resourKes ImoVO IVd betweeV distriKts IVd sKPools IffeKt tPe distributioV of fulla- Kertified teIKPers, oVe iVdiKItor of teIKPer quIlita. 59 .urtPer, sKPools iV KommuVities experieVKiVO poverta IVd sKPools tPIt eduKIte PiOPer proportioVs of studeVts of Kolor Ire ImoVO tPose most liSela to emploa teIKPers witP fewer aeIrs of experieVKe or wPo Ire Vot fulla Kertified (or Vot Kertified iV tPe IreI tPea 60 )ltPouOP severIl fIKtors sPIpe tPe KIreer pItPwIas of teIKPers, ImoVO tPe most importIVt is Pow stItes IlloKIte resourKes to distriKts. GiveV tPe importIVKe of PiOPla sSilled teIKPers oV tPe studeVt experieVKe IVd outKomes, tPe resultiVO iVequities KIV PIve profouVd impIKts oV tPe lives of leIrVers. To Iddress tPe impIKt of tPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK, stItes IVd distriKts will Veed to prioritibe reversiVO tPese iVequities IVd fuVd sKPools iV wIas tPIt mISe siOVifiKIVt iVvestmeVts iV . 1VteOrIted StudeVt Support ServiKes -veV before tPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK, mIVa studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds, studeVts of Kolor, IVd otPer uVderserved studeVts fIKed VoV-IKIdemiK bIrriers to IKPieviVO tPeir full poteVtiIl iV tPe KlIssroom. ) substIVtiIl boda of reseIrKP PIs doKumeVted tPIt PuVOer, iVIdequIte IKKess to pPasiKIl IVd meVtIl quIlita eIrla KPildPood IVd KPild KIre proOrIms KIV VeOItivela impIKt studeVt IKPievemeVt. 1V respoVse, mIVa sKPools PIve developed iVteOrIted studeVt support (1SS) sastems tPIt seeS to leverIOe tPe sKPool site IVd KommuVita-bIsed resourKes to eVsure stud

37 eVts’ soKiIl, emotioVIl, pPasiKIl, meV
eVts’ soKiIl, emotioVIl, pPasiKIl, meVtIl PeIltP, IVd IKIdemiK Veeds Ire better met, improviVO outKomes for studeVts IVd tPeir fImilies. ReseIrKP oV It leIst some of tPese proOrIms demoVstrItes tPe poteVtiIl of 1SS serviKes to improve ItteVdIVKe ImoVO aouVO studeVts Is well Is oV-time IVd PiOP-sKPool OrIduItioV rItes. StItes IVd distriKts KoVsideriVO implemeVtiVO 1SS proOrIms PIve I vIrieta of poteVtiIl models tPIt KIV be used to iVform tPeir IpproIKPes tPIt vIra iV tPe rIVOe IVd iVteVsita of serviKes provided, Is well Is oV studeVt populItioVs of empPIsis. )Ktive KollIborItioV witPiV IVd beaoVd sKPools KIV positivela IffeKt studeVts’ perKeptioV of KIriVO Idults iV tPeir lives IVd Ittitudes towIrd eduKItioV. -xImples of 1VteOrIted StudeVt Support ServiKes Models Cita CoVVeKts proOrIm struKtures KollIborItioVs betweeV sKPool KouVselors (or soKiIl worSers) IVd iVstruKtioVIl stIff to develop Kustomibed support plIVs tPIt Iddress iVdividuIl studeVt Veeds. BIsed oV tPose plIVs, tPe proOrIm provides eVriKPmeVt, offers eIrla iVterveVtioV serviKes, or, terveVtioV, promotes referrIls to proOrIm empPIsibes dropout preveVtioV. SimilIr to Cita CoVVeKts, e iVterveVtioVs, iVKludiVO tPose NItioVIl WrIpIrouVd 1VitiItive foKuses oV providiVO wrIpIrouVd serviKes to studeVts wPo struOOle witP bePIvior or Ire experieVKiVO serious meVtIl PeIltP KPIlleVOes. TPe DepIrtmeVt offers OrIVts for .ull-ServiKe CommuVita SKPools to improve KoordiVItioV, iVteOrItioV, IKKessibilita, IVd effeKtiveVess of serviKes for KPildreV IVd fImilies, espeKiIlla tPose ItteVdiVO uVder- resourKed sKPools. )RP speKifiKIlla refers to full-serviKe KommuVita sKPools Is I model tPIt KIV support tPe provisioV of meVtIl PeIltP serviKes IVd supports IVd for wPiKP )RP fuVdiVO mIa be used iV respoVse to COV1D-19. 1mplemeVtItioV CoVsiderItioVs )ddressiVO resourKe iVequita requires IKtioV It tPe stIte, distriKt, IVd sKPool levels IVd sPould iVKlude robust stISePolder eVOIOemeVt foKused oV KleIr OoIls tProuOPout tPe proKess. SpeKifiKIlla: )t tPe stIte level )VIlabe tPe exteVt to wPiKP stIte fuVdiVO is equitIbla distributed IKross IVd witPiV distriKts usiVO, for exImple, tPe per-pupil expeVditure dItI required for -S-) report KIrds, IVd KoVsider wPetPer 1deVtifa stItewide proOrImmiVO or OrIVt opportuVities to iVKreIse equita; Promote trIVspIreVKa ba eVOIOiVO stISePolders iV fuVdiVO deKisioVs; wIas to improve PIve IKKess to well-quIlified (fulla Kertified iV tPe subjeKt IreI tPea Ire IssiOVed to teIKP), experieVKed (e.O., ), IVd effeKtive eduKItors; Revise poliKies tPIt mIa KreIte or exIKerbIte bIrriers CoVsider wPetPer pIrtVeriVO witP 1H-s IVd KommuVita-bIsed orOIVibItioVs KIV expIVd IKKess to well-rouVded eduKItioV opportuVities. )t tPe distriKt level

38 )VIlabe tPe exteVt to wPiKP stIte IVd lo
)VIlabe tPe exteVt to wPiKP stIte IVd loKIl fuVdiVO is equitIbla distributed ImoVO sKPools usiVO, for exImple, tPe per-pupil expeVditure dItI required for -S-) report KIrds, IVd KoVsider Pow KPIVOes Use tPe flexibilita provided ba -S-), seKtioV 1113 to provide more fuVds per studeVt from I low- iVKome bIKSOrouVd uVder Title 1, PIrt ) (Title 1) to Title 1 sKPools witP PiOPer poverta tPIV to Title 1 sKPools witP lower poverta; uKP Is expIVded leIdersPip opportuVities tPIt Illow PiOPla effeKtive teIKPers to KoIKP or support Vew or struOOliVO teIKPers, ies most IffeKted ba COV1D-19; -Vsure Ill studeVts PIve IKKess to I well-rouVded KurriKulum, iVKludiVO IdvIVKed IVd KIreer IVd teKPViKIl eduKItioV Kourses, extrIKurriKulIr IKtivities, IVd IKIdemiK riOor; IVd Promote loKIl trIVspIreVKa ba eVOIOiVO stISePolders iV distriKt fuVdiVO deKisioVs. )t tPe sKPool level DetermiVe wPiKP sourKes of fuVdiVO tPe sKPool PIs direKt KoVtrol over IVd IVIlabe tPe exteVt to wPiKP suKP fuVds equitIbla support Ill studeVts, pIrtiKulIrla studeVts witP tPe OreItest Veeds; Promote loKIl trIVspIreVKa ba eVOIOiVO stISePolders iV sKPool-level fuVdiVO deKisioVs; IVd )VIlabe tPe exteVt to wPiKP Ill studeVts iV tPe sKPool PIve IKKess to I well-rouVded KurriKulum IVd to eduKItors wPo Ire well-quIlified (fulla Kertified iV tPe subjeKt IreI tPea Ire IssiOVed to teIKP), experieVKed, IVd effeKtive. COV1D-19 PIs Vot oVla tISeV I toll oV our VItioV’s studeVts, it PIs impIKted our VItioV’s eduKItors. VItioVIl survea , Is of MIrKP 2021, teIKPer sItisfIKtioV witP tPeir emploaers is dowV more tPIV 25 perKeVtIOe poiVts siVKe lIst aeIr It tPis time, to 44%, IVd more tPIV I tPird PIve KoVsidered KPIVOiVO jobs Is I result of worSiVO duriVO tPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK. TPea PIve reported due to pIVdemiK-relIted trIVsitioVs. )s disKussed Ibove, Is of DeKember 2020, tPere PId beeV IV 8.6% deKliVe iV tPe loKIl OoverVmeVt eduKItioV worSforKe over tPe previous 12 moVtPs. TPis drop Kould result from IKKelerIted retiremeVts, eduKItors leIviVO tPe professioV, or lIaoffs due to budOet KoVstrIiVts. 1f limited stIte or loKIl fuVdiVO leIds to eduKItor lIaoffs, Is we leIrVed from tPe GreIt ReKessioV, tPese lIaoffs Kould disproportioVItela impIKt studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds IVd studeVts of Kolor. Prior to tPe pIVdemiK, studeVts of Kolor, studeVts from low-iVKome bIKSOrouVds, -VOlisP leIrVers, IVd otPer uVderserved studeVts were IlreIda less liSela to PIve teIKPers wPo Ire well-quIlified, experieVKed, IVd effeKtive. TPese KritiKIl lessoVs KIV iVform Pow stItes IVd distriKts desiOV poliKies to stIbilibe tPe fuVds tPIt sPould Pelp stItes IVd distriKts Ivoid lIaoffs, support IdditioVIl VeKessIra stIff to sIfela reopeV sKPools IVd Iddress studeVts’ Veeds, IVd SforKe iV tPe fIKe

39 of COV1D-19 disruptioVs. SKPool IVd Dist
of COV1D-19 disruptioVs. SKPool IVd DistriKt )pproIKPes to RetIiV 9uIlified IVd -ffeKtive -duKItors 1V tPe sPort term, leIders mIa KoVsider iVter-relIted strIteOies to promote equita wPile IddressiVO tPe impIKts of COV1D-19 oV teIKPiVO IVd leIrViVO. TPese strIteOies Ire pIrtiKulIrla importIVt OiveV tPe Veed for IdditioVIl eduKItors IVd sKPool stIff to support smIller KlIss sibes to IKKommodIte soKiIl distIVKiVO, pIrtiKulIrla iV older OrIde levels, IVd support IKKelerItiVO leIrViVO, iVKreIse studeVt serviKes, IVd provide tutoriVO or otPer persoVIlibed efforts to IKKelerIte leIrViVO. SpeKifiKIlla, sKPools IVd distriKts KIV: -xteVd tPe reIKP of effeKtive teIKPers Support pIrtVer teIKPers IKross I sKPool; IVd iVdividuIlibed support; LeId remote iVstruKtioV for I lIrOer Oroup of studeVts, if remote iVstruKtioV is still Veeded for some studeVts Ifter sKPools reopeV for iV-persoV leIrViVO witP Ko-teIKPers providiVO smIll Oroup IVd iVdividuIlibed support; or LeId professioVIl developmeVt, professioVIl leIrViVO KommuVities, IVd OrIde-level or subjeKt- 1VKreIse IvIilIbilita of quIlified Idults to support eduKItors, studeVts, IVd stIff, suKP Is: TeIKPiVO KIVdidItes iV pIrtVersPip witP loKIl sKPools of eduKItioV It 1H-s; ReKeVtla retired eduKItors; IVd NoV-iVstruKtioVIl stIff wPo KIV ideVtifa IVd support studeVts wPo Ire PiOPla mobile or KProViKIlla IbseVt, suKP Is studeVts wPo Ire miOrItora, studeVts experieVKiVO PomelessVess, IVd studeVts iV foster KIre. TPese stIff members KIV support fiVdiVO IVd eVrolliVO studeVts oV dIas IVd It Pours KoVveVieVt to fImilies, Is well Is Pelp studeVts develop I seVse of beloVOiVO iV tPeir Vew sKPools IVd ideVtifa KPIlleVOiVO KourseworS IVd peer supports mid-aeIr. 1V IdditioV, tPese stIff KIV support miOrItora studeVts IVd tPeir fImilies witP uVderstIVdiVO tPe 1-P proKesses or KompletiVO KolleOe IppliKItioVs. SteppiVO iVto tPe KlIssroom to support KoVtiVuita for studeVts wPeV eduKItors Veed to tISe time off, espeKiIlla due to illVess or wPeV iV isolItioV or quIrIVtiVe; SupportiVO releIse time for eduKItors to Illow for teIKPer professioVIl developmeVt. flexible IVd KreItive sKPeduliVO to support studeVts wPile providiVO plIVViVO IVd KollIborItioV time for teIKPers ba, for exImple: HoldiVO eVtire dIas foKused oV I siVOle Kore IKIdemiK subjeKt; OfferiVO Ill “speKiIl” subjeKts (e.O., musiK, Irt, pPasiKIl eduKItioV) oV tPe sIme dIa so OrIde-level teIms KIV plIV toOetPer; IVd HoldiVO sPorter leIrViVO KaKles, witP more frequeVt breISs, some of wPiKP eduKItors KIV use for Use tIrOeted iVKeVtives to eVKourIOe eduKItors to worS iV PiOP-Veed subjeKt IreIs IVd PiOP-Veed Offer relevIVt, flexible professioVIl leIrViVO, iVKludiVO ba leverIOiVO existiVO diOitIl leIrViVO optioVs. .or exImple, some stIte

40 IpproIKPes iVKlude: MiKPiOIV VirtuIl PI
IpproIKPes iVKlude: MiKPiOIV VirtuIl PIs provided “ TPe NevIdI DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV KreIted I stItewide “ DiOitIl LeIrViVO CollIborItive TPe TeVVessee DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV offers “ Best for )ll CeVtrIl self-pIKed Kourse WPile tPere Ire Vo quiKS fixes, tPere Ire tools tPIt KIV serve Is I stIrtiVO poiVt. .or exImple, tPe CeVter for evideVKe-bIsed toolSits equitIbla buildiVO tPe eduKItor worSforKe, iVKludiVO tPe TIleVt DevelopmeVt .rImeworS IVd KoVsiderItioVs COV1D-19 New -VOlIVd CoVsortium oV SeKoVdIra ComprePeVsive CeVter NetworS , ImoVO otPers, PIve Ilso outliVed strIteOies for iVKreIsiVO botP tPe diversita IVd quIlifiKItioVs of eduKItors, iVKludiVO for speKifiKIlla. TPese strIteOies iVKlude KultivItiVO iVterest iV teIKPiVO ImoVO KPildreV of Kolor It eIrlier IOes, KoVsideriVO Kompetitive KompeVsItioV IVd reteVtioV pIKSIOes, providiVO supports to Komplete prepIrItioV proOrIms, IVd streImliViVO KertifiKItioV IVd liKeVsure proKesses. )t tPe loKIl level, leIders sPould review sKPool IVd distriKt demoOrIpPiK dItI to best ideVtifa tPe uVique Veeds, OIps, IVd opportuVities iV speKifiK KommuVities. .or exImple, tPe CollIborItioV for -ffeKtive -duKItor DevelopmeVt, )KKouVtIbilita, IVd Reform sPortIOes iV speKiIl eduKItioV TPe DepIrtmeVt’s OffiKe of SpeKiIl -duKItioV ProOrIms Ilso PIs resourKes relIted to IttrIKtiVO, prepIriVO, IVd retIiViVO eduKItors, pIrtiKulIrla tPose wPo serve studeVts witP disIbilities. 1mproviVO trIVspIreVKa IrouVd eduKItor demoOrIpPiK IVd reteVtioV dItI KIV Pelp KommuVities tIrOet IdditioVIl ItteVtioV wPere SupportiVO PriVKipIls Ire I Sea driver to retIiV teIKPers IVd otPer sKPool stIff members IVd improve outKomes for studeVts. SupportiVO priVKipIls IVd tPeir well-beiVO is esseVtiIl to eVsure tPIt tPea KIV provide tPeir sKPool stIff members witP tPe foKused worS time, meVtorsPip, IVd KollIborItive opportuVities tPea Veed to suKKessfulla meet studeVts’ Veeds. StroVO priVKipIl support is espeKiIlla KritiKIl for Vew teIKPers, speKiIl wPo miOPt PIve less IKKess to tPe peer support tPea Veed to be suKKessful. GiveV tPe importIVt role priVKipIls plIa iV sKPool stIbilita IVd iV teIKPer reteVtioV, priVKipIls Veed extrI support duriVO tPese KPIlleVOiVO times. -xteVsive deKisioV-mISiVO IVd loOistiKIl operItioVs PIve beeV Idded to priVKipIls’ worSloIds Is tPea leId tPeir sKPools duriVO tPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK. PriVKipIl supervisors It tPe distriKt level KIV worS to eVIble priVKipIls to stIa foKused oV tPeir roles Is iVstruKtioVIl leIders. SKPool IVd distriKt pIrtVersPips witP loKIl PeIltP depIrtmeVts KIV Ilso support priVKipIls iV foKusiVO oV iVstruKtioV wPile relaiVO oV publiK PeIltP experts for COV1D-19 support, suKP Is I pIrtVersPip iV priVKipIl pipeliVe, KIV Pelp support priVKipIl wor

41 SloIds. TPe -ffeKt of COV1D-19 oV I Div
SloIds. TPe -ffeKt of COV1D-19 oV I Diverse -duKItor PipeliVe -veV before tPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK, bIrriers KPIlleVOed tPe eduKItor pipeliVe, pIrtiKulIrla for teIKPiVO KIVdidItes of Kolor. -xpeVsive teIKPer prepIrItioV proOrIms, wPeV pIired witP low stIrtiVO sIlIries for eduKItors, miOPt serve Is I deterreVt. Some studeVts of Kolor Ire liSela to fIKe OreIter studeVt loIV 67 proOrIms KIV be powerful tools, lower-KIpIKita distriKts miOPt PIve fewer stIff IvIilIble to estIblisP IVd Vurture tPem, eveV Is tPea Ire most iV Veed of PiOP-quIlita eduKItor KIVdidItes. TPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK exIKerbItes existiVO fiVIVKiIl IVd loOistiKIl Purdles for botP IspiriVO teIKPers IVd distriKts. More exteVsivela IffeKted ba tPe PeIltP IVd eKoVomiK fIllout from tPe COV1D-19 pIVdemiK, eduKItors of Kolor miOPt be less liSela to beOiV or KoVtiVue I proOrIm if tPea Ire experieVKiVO more fiVIVKiIl, pPasiKIl, IVd emotioVIl stress. -duKItor diversita beVefits Ill studeVts IVd iV pIrtiKulIr beVefits studeVts of Kolor wPo PIve It leIst oVe sIme-rIKe teIKPer iV tPe eIrla OrIdes. However, wPile over 50% of )meriKIV studeVts Ire studeVts of Kolor, ess tPIV 20% CoVVeKtiKut MIssIKPusetts for exImple, PIve prioritibed eduKItor diversita tProuOP strIteOiK, IKtioV-orieVted OoIls or leIdersPip Kommittees. MIssIKPusetts PIs iVitiItives to iVKreIse rIKiIl IVd etPViK diversita of botP teIKPers IVd superiVteVdeVts. )s stItes IVd distriKts worS to stIbilibe tPeir eduKItor pipeliVe, I vIrieta of strIteOies PIve beeV ideVtified tPIt KIV botP support tPe prepIrItioV IVd developmeVt of Vew eduKItors IVd eVKourIOe tPem to worS iV PiOP-Veed sKPools. -videVKe-bIsed IpproIKPes iVKlude: ProvidiVO loIV forOiveVess, OrIVts, or serviKe sKPolIrsPip proOrIms tPIt siOVifiKIVtla uVderwrite tPe Kost of postseKoVdIra eduKItioV iV exKPIVOe for I KommitmeVt to teIKP iV I PiOP-Veed field NortP CIroliVI TeIKPiVO .ellows ProOrIm DevelopiVO IVd implemeVtiVO PiOP-quIlita KomprePeVsive teIKPer resideVKa proOrIms (furtPer desKribed below) tPIt provide exteVsive KliViKIl experieVKe IVd PIve beeV sPowV to iVKreIse teIKPer reteVtioV IVd effeKtiveVess; DevelopiVO IVd implemeVtiVO professioVIl developmeVt proOrIms IVd meVtoriVO models, pIrtiKulIrla for Vewer teIKPers, tPIt empPIsibe buildiVO effeKtive iVstruKtioVIl strIteOies IVd provide time for oVOoiVO KollIborItioV. ProOrIms tPIt eVOIOe studeVts eIrla IVd Oive tPem PIVds-oV opportuVities to leIrV Ibout tPe teIKPiVO ” proOrIms, miOPt be pIrtiKulIrla effeKtive iV reKruitiVO eduKItors wPo refleKt tPe diversita IVd speKifiK Veeds of our most uVderserved studeVts. “Grow Your OwV” proOrIms ofteV Ilso support pIrIeduKItors, PiOP-quIlita substitute teIKPers, IVd otPers iV I KommuVita wPo Ire iVterested iV trIVsitioViVO iVto roles Is edu

42 KItors ba supportiVO tPeir trIiViVO IVd
KItors ba supportiVO tPeir trIiViVO IVd pItP to KertifiKItioV. PIrtVersPips witP eduKItor prepIrItioV proOrIms IVd espeKiIlla MiVorita ServiVO 1VstitutioVs IVd HistoriKIlla BlIKS ColleOes IVd UViversities KIV provide pipeliVes IVd opportuVities tPIt best prepIre KIVdidItes for tPe reIl- world experieVKes of teIKPiVO iV PiOP-Veed KommuVities. PIrtVersPips ImoVO sKPools, distriKts, IVd 1H-s (iVKludiVO KommuVita KolleOes) KIV support reKruitiVO diverse eduKItors. StItes IVd distriKts KIV sPIpe proOrIms tPIt meet tPeir speKifiK Veeds. .or exImple, tPe WIsPiVOtoV StIte ProfessioVIl -duKItor StIVdIrds BoIrd supported severIl distriKts iV buildiVO iVfrIstruKture Your OwV” iVitiItives. 1V ColorIdo, I pIrtVersPip witP tPe CouVKil of CPief StIte SKPool OffiKers supports efforts to reKruit mIle eduKItors of Kolor, pIrtiKulIrla for worS iV PiOP sKPools. CoVVeKtiKut PIs used proOrIms liSe T-)CH CT -duKItors RisiVO NextGeV -duKItors to promote teIKPiVO IVd support PiOP sKPool IVd KolleOe studeVts, espeKiIlla studeVts of Kolor, iV beKomiVO eduKItors. TPe of ColleOes for TeIKPer -duKItioV PIs reKeVtla reviewed IVd reKommeVded strIteOies for eduKItor prepIrItioV proOrIms to use iV promotiVO KIVdidIte diversita. -xteVsive KliViKIl experieVKe is KritiKIl, iVKludiVO duriVO I pIVdemiK. To support Vew eduKItors wPo were uVIble to Komplete tPeir KliViKIl trIiViVO Is I result of tPe pIVdemiK, tPe 1lliVois StIte BoIrd of -duKItioV, iV KollIborItioV witP tPe 1lliVois -duKItioV )ssoKiItioV IVd tPe 1lliVois .ederItioV of TeIKPers, KreIted I KomprePeVsive virtuIl iVstruKtioVIl KoIKPiVO IVd meVtoriVO proOrIm leverIOiVO C)R-S )Kt fuVds. proOrIms , espeKiIlla tPose tPIt Illow Vew teIKPers to eIrV iVKome, PIve Ilso sPowV promise iV botP supportiVO Vew eduKItors IVd diversifaiVO tPe pool of eduKItors. TPese proOrIms Oive teIKPiVO KIVdidItes exteVded, aeIr-loVO opportuVities to leIrV IloVOside meVtor teIKPers iV wIas tPIt Ire tiOPtla Koupled witP tPeir KourseworS. CIVdidItes KompletiVO tPese experieVKes KIV provide KruKiIl support for IKKelerItiVO leIrViVO Is studeVts reKover from tPe impIKt of COV1D-19. .or exImple, tPe TeVVessee DepIrtmeVt of -duKItioV used C)R-S )Kt fuVds to expIVd teIKPiVO resideVKa proOrIms. KPIVOes to Pelp tPem KoVtiVue to support studeVts tProuOP tPis uVpreKedeVted time. NIviOItiVO tProuOP Idversita KIV be IV opportuVita to reset IpproIKPes to tPe eduKItor worSforKe. BeOiVViVO witP plIVViVO IVd leIdersPip, stItes, distriKts, IVd sKPools KIV KPIrt I Vew Kourse tPIt will improve eduKItioV for botP studeVts eduKItors eVter IVd remIiV iV tPe KlIssroom iV order to effeKtivela Iddress tPe uVique Veeds of Ill studeVts. b. SupportiVO eduKItor IVd stIff well-beiVO Now, more tPIV ever, supportiVO eduKItor well-beiVO is I KritiKI

43 l priorita for sKPool IVd distriKt leIde
l priorita for sKPool IVd distriKt leIders beKIuse COV1D-19 PIs exIKerbIted pre-pIVdemiK KPIlleVOes iV tPe eduKItor worSforKe. TPe most KommoV reIsoV eduKItors PIve Kited for leIviVO sKPool emploameVt iV tPe lIst aeIr is stress, followed ba iVsuffiKieVt pIa IVd KPIlleVOes relIted to remote iVstruKtioV IVd teKPVoloOa. OlobIl PeIltP Krisis, eduKItor well-beiVO IVd support will be esseVtiIl to sKPool IVd distriKt suKKess. Surveas sPow eduKItor well-beiVO is tied to feeliVO supported, vIlued, IVd PeIrd ba sKPool IVd distriKt leIders, sPows tPIt eduKItor well-beiVO is Klosela KoVVeKted to eduKItor reteVtioV IVd effeKtiveVess iV providiVO studeVt support. )s sKPools reopeV, it is importIVt to KoVsider tPIt eduKItors IVd stIff will Ilso be returViVO to sKPool KPIVOed. Some will be KopiVO witP Orief, elevIted levels of IVxieta, IVd loss. MIVa teIKPers, iVKludiVO speKiIl eduKItioV teIKPers IVd pIrIprofessioVIls, Pomeless liIisoVs, miOrIVt eduKItioV proOrIm persoVVel, teIKPers iV KorreKtioVIl fIKilities, IVd meVtIl PeIltP professioVIls, mIa be struOOliVO Is tPea wItKP tPe studeVts tPea serve IVd KIre deepla Ibout OoiVO tProuOP KPIlleVOiVO experieVKes. )Vd still otPers, liSe priVKipIls IVd , for exImple Is sKPool iVstruKtioVIl leIders, soKiIl worSers, IVd VutritioV serviKe plIVVers. To be effeKtive iV meetiVO studeVt well-beiVO IVd IKIdemiK oVsibilita tPIt everaoVe plIas I role iV. Some eduKItors PIve reported tPIt beiVO iVteVtioVIl iV prioritibiVO tPeir owV self-KIre is restorItive, espeKiIlla Is tPea bIlIVKe tPe possible burVout IVd disKoVVeKtioV witP tPeir professioVIl IVd persoVIl dediKItioV to CoVVeKtioVs IVd relItioVsPips tPIt Ire importIVt for studeVts Ire equIlla KritiKIl for eduKItors IVd stIff. RespoVsive relItioVsPips IVd stroVO KoVVeKtioVs IKt Is proteKtive fIKtors tPIt PIve speKifiK IVd tIVOible to KreIte reOulIted, aet pPasiKIlla IVd emotioVIlla KIlm IVd settled KlimItes, tPea, too, must be emotioVIlla KoVVeKted iV sIfe IVd respoVsive .or exImple, iV implemeVtiVO sKPoolwide S-L IpproIKPes, StrItford PubliK SKPools iV CoVVeKtiKut provided S-L professioVIl developmeVt IVd fouVd tPIt tPe professioVIl leIrViVO Ilso IKted Is KItPIrtiK sessioVs for tPe eduKItors IVd stIff to relIte to oVe IVotPer, wPiKP boosted Idult morIle. SmIll stIff KoPorts Vow leId tPe soKiIl emotioVIl leIrViVO OrowtP speKifiKIlla RelItedla, IVa opportuVities for eduKItors IVd stIff to be iVvolved iV reopeViVO plIVViVO Illow stIff to Ire vIlued, IVd Illow sKPool leIders to iVKorporItiVO KommuVita-buildiVO IVd self-KIre iV Ill IKtivities iV tPe sKPool. .or exImple, some sKPool distriKts PIve stIff tIsSed witP buildiVO KommuVita, IVd report tPIt tPea boost positive Kulture. OtPer sKPool distriKts, suKP Is HillsborouOP CouVta iV .loridI, lev

44 erIOe teIKPer leIders to tISe oV COV1D-1
erIOe teIKPer leIders to tISe oV COV1D-19 leId roles iV tPeir sKPools. -fforts to prioritibe KommuViKItioV IVd KollIborItioV betweeV stIff IVd leIdersPip Vurtures, IVd models, I seVse of KoVVeKtedVess tPIt is KruKiIl to supportiVO teIKPiVO IVd leIrViVO. TPe pIVdemiK sPould Ilso prompt sKPool KommuVities to reevIluIte KompeVsItora time off IVd siKS leIve poliKies IVd prIKtiKes. PoliKies sPould be Ipplied equitIbla IVd KoVsider Pabrid or remote teIKPiVO P CDC OuidIVKe. )t I miVimum, sKPool distriKts sPould provide time for eduKItors IVd stIff to Oet vIKKiVIted if stItes or sKPool distriKts Ire Vot providiVO oV-site vIKKiVItioV opportuVities. To tPe OreItest exteVt prIKtiKIble, sKPool distriKts sPould provide VeKessIra persoVIl proteKtive equipmeVt (PP-) or leverIOe otPer KommuVita resourKes to obtIiV tPe required to effeKtivela reopeV sKPools. To build iVteVtioVIl sastems tPIt support eduKItor IVd stIff well-beiVO, distriKt IVd sKPool leIders sPould foKus oV developiVO: SKPool leIder-to-eduKItor support sastems. ief sessioVs Ifter stressful dIas. TPis I positive touKPpoiVt (e.O., leIve I PIVdwritteV Vote PiOPliOPtiVO tPe effeKtive worS tPIt wIs observed). LeIders sPould Ilso reOulIrla survea eduKItors to OItPer dItI oV wellVess, iVKludiVO stIff perKeptioV oV worSloId IVd morIle. eVt efforts. LeIders sPould Ilso be I model for well-beiVO; iV IdditioV to eVKourIOiVO eduKItors IVd stIff to prioritibe self-KIre, distriKt IVd sKPool leIders sPould model tPIt self-KIre tPemselves (e.O., observiVO blIKSout times for worS emIils). .iVIlla, duriVO I pIVdemiK, it is importIVt for distriKt IVd sKPool leIders to KommuViKIte to teIKPers tPIt tPea trust tPem Is professioVIls. .or exImple, issued OuidIVKe eVKourIOiVO sKPool leIders to build Kultures of iVstruKtioVIl risS-tISiVO wPere eduKItors feel flexibilita to “fIil forwIrd” or leIrV from wPIt weVt wroVO. Peer-to-peer support sastems . SKPool leIders KIV set sPIred stIff Vorms oV well-beiVO expeKtItioVs, suKP Is Pow IVd wPeV stIff iVterIKt witP oVe IVotPer (e.O., blIKSout times for emIil KommuViKItioV IVd bouVdIries for meetiVO times). SKPool leIders KIV prioritibe eduKItor meVtoriVO proOrIms to build support sastems IVd preveVt burVout (for VoV-teIKPiVO stIff suKP Is soKiIl worSers or sKPool KouVselors, sKPool distriKts KIV explore beiVO KreItive iV buildiVO meVtorsPips eer-to-peer support sastems oV I reOulIr bIsis. LeIders KIV eVKourIOe tPese KPeKS-iVs weeSla or moVtPla. Some sKPool leIders PIve reported providiVO weeSla sKPool stIff support KirKle time tPIt mirrors tPe prIKtiKes iV studeVt KirKles IVd KreItiVO Vew sastems for reOulIr stIff-to-stIff sPout-outs viI morViVO IVVouVKemeVts or bulletiV boIrds. SKPool distriKt offiKiIls sPould welKome eduKItor-iVitiIt

45 ed Kross-distriKt IffiVita CoVsiderItio
ed Kross-distriKt IffiVita CoVsiderItioVs for eduKItor worSloIds for VoV-teIKPiVO stIff, suKP Is sKPool KouVselors, IVd operItioVs IVd teKPVoloOa stIff) iVto worS Pours, IVd to tPe exteVt prIKtiKIble sKPedule I moVtPla plIVViVO dIa. TPis is IV importIVt wIa to eVsure eduKItors Ire set up for suKKess witPiV worS Pours IVd KIV prioritibe persoVIl self-KIre Ifter tPe sKPool dIa is over. SKPool leIders sPould KoVsider bIlIVKiVO meetiVOs to KommuViKIte iVformItioV IVd providiVO time to KPeKS iV witP stIff. .or exImple, rItPer tPIV I dIila meetiVO to KommuViKIte Vews, sKPool leIders KIV seVd dIila bulleted Vews updItes viI emIil to sIve time IVd iVsteId provide some of tPe time for virtuIl or iV-persoV offiKe Pours. 1V IdditioV, sKPools IVd distriKts sPould KoVsider Pow tPea KIV prioritibe strIteOies IVd iVterveVtioVs to meet studeVt Veeds so Is Vot to plIKe multiple respoVsibilities oV iVdividuIl eduKItors. TrIVspIreVKa iV distriKt IVd sKPool meVtIl PeIltP supports. SKPool distriKts sPould iVKreIse IwIreVess of IvIilIble sKPool IVd distriKt PumIV resourKes support for Ill stIff (e.O., wPo to KoVtIKt IVd wPIt supports Ire IvIilIble). WPeV possible, sKPool distriKts sPould mISe PumIV resourKe istriKts sPould strive to mISe IKKessible tPe PeIltP serviKes stIff Veed tProuOP emploaee IssistIVKe proOrIms. TPis KIV iVKlude reOulIr KImpus visits or eIsa user Ouides. SKPools KIV Ilso leverIOe loKIl wellVess resourKes from loKIl PeIltP depIrtmeVts, KommuVita pIrtVers, or federIl resourKes to provide wellVess serviKes remotela or visit sKPool KImpuses followiVO tPe proper sIfeta IVd preveVtioV protoKols. TPis KIV iVKlude PostiVO oV-KImpus wellVess fIirs, providiVO free wellVess KPeKS-ups, free or reduKed Oam membersPips from loKIl KommuVita pIrtVers IVd otPer self-KIre. 1V eduKItor developmeVt plIVs, sKPool distriKts mIa KoVsider iVKorporItiVO I foKus oV Idult wellVess IVd sustIiVIbilita, witP eduKItors oV I KoVtiVuum of leIrViVO best prIKtiKes to preserve tPeir wellVess IVd to support tPeir peers iV doiVO so. )lso, leIders or Kulture Kommittees KIV KoVsider buildiVO I quiet IVd KomfortIble spIKe, KoVsisteVt witP IppropriIte COV1D-19 mitiOItioVs, for stIff to reKPIrOe IVd reset dIila It worS. )ll stIff members beVefit from I spIKe to reKPIrOe to better support studeVts. -vI, ). (2018). “How to 1Vspire StudeVts to BeKome Better CitibeVs” (2018). GreIter Good MIOIbiVe: UViversita of CIliforViI It BerSelea. Retrieved from Pttps://OreIterOood.berSelea.edu/IrtiKle/item/Pow_to_iVspire_studeVts_to_beKome_better_KitibeVs IKa Survea DeKember 2020. Retrieved from Pttps://www.VIesp. orO/Vews/VIesp-releIses-results-of-midaeIr-VItioVIl-priVKipIl-survea-oV-Kovid-19-iV-sKPools/ 9uirS, ). (2020, 2ula 28). MeVtIl HeIltP Supports for Stude

46 Vts of Color DuriVO IVd )fter tPe CoroVI
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53 dress tPe S-L Veeds of botP studeVts IVd
dress tPe S-L Veeds of botP studeVts IVd stIff. to studeVts witP tPe most urOeVt Veeds tPIt PIve beeV KIused or exIKerbIted ba tPe pIVdemiK. ) multi-tier sastem of supports () frImeworS, liSe positive bePIviorIl iVterveVtioVs IVd supportsKoVtiVuum of evideVKe-bIsed prIKtiKes mItKPed to studeVt Veeds. TPe tiers provide IV iVKreIsiVO ImouVt of support IVd iVterveVtioV moviVO from support provided to Ill, tPeV to some, IVd fiVIlla providiVO tPe most iVteVsive support to I few. SuKKessful IpproIKPes to MTSS beOiV witP leIdersPip teIms wPo (1) meet reOulIrla to KolleKt studeVt dItI tProuOP oVOoiVO sKreeViVO to determiVe studeVt Veeds; (2) moVitor studeVt provide IdditioVIl serviKes IVd expertise. SupportiVO studeVt voiKe IVd KPoiKe iV Pow tPea leIrV, ofteV referred to Is “studeVt IOeVKa,” sPould Ilso be KoVsidered Is pIrt of tPe worS IPeId. .or exImplesKIffoldiVO to Illow studeVts to eVOIOe iV I produKtive struOOle, OiviVO studeVts tPe tools to desiOV tPeir owV leIrViVO, IVd beiVO purposeful Ibout Ilso developiVO KollIborItioV sSills. ProvidiVO opportuVities for studeVts to express tPemselves IVd mISe deKisioVs Ibout tPeir leIrViVO Ifter experieVKiVO I stressful aeIr witP mIVa fIKtors out of tPeir KoVtrol KIV iVstill I KoVVeKtedVess witP self IVd otPers. S-L KIV eVKourIOe self-IwIreVess IVd miVdfulVess, wPiKP mIa ultimItela trIVslIte to more tPouOPtful IVd eVOIOed KitibeVs wPo feel I seVse of duta to tPeir KommuVities. .or exImple, KlIssroom IKtivities KIV iVKlude writiVO letters, disKussiVO witP peers Pow tPe lIst few moVtPs PIve impIKted tPem, jourVIl writiVO, poetra, IrtworS, musiK, or otPer KreItive outlets. TPe KouVKils Is pIrt of tPeir sKPool’s Idvisora KlIsses to build KommuVita IVd KreIte spIKe for “tPe prIKtiKe of listeViVO IVd speISiVO from tPe PeIrt.” DuriVO tPis time, studeVts IVd teIKPers tISe turVs sPIriVO tPe WitP tPis miVdset, eduKItors KIV KoVsider Pow KiviKs eduKItioV KIV be IV importIVt lever to bridOe tPe soKiIl IVd emotioVIl KompeteVKies leIrVed iV sKPool to empower studeVts Is KitibeVs wPo Ire equipped witP tPe KritiKIl tPiVSiVO sSills to KreIte I better soKietPIt iVKludes aoutP pIrtiKipItora IKtioV reseIrKP IVd opportuVities for IKtivism oV issues studeVts KIre Ibout mIa beVefit Ill studeVts, IVd iV pIrtiKulIr PIs tPe poteVtiIl to eVOIOe IVd uplift studeVts of KoloIVd tPose from immiOrIVt or low-iVKome KommuVities wPo fIKe bIrriers to KiviK pIrtiKipItioV.) distriKtwide or sKPoolwide IpproIKP to meetiVO soKiIl, emotioVIl, IVd meVtIl PeIltP Veeds tPIt is respoVsive to tPe trIumIvIlued. 1t is importIVt for eduKItors to reKoOVibe tPIt soKiIl IVd emotioVIl KompeteVKies KIV be expressed fouVdItioV for pIrtiKipItiVO iV I demoKrIKa IVd sPould be IVKPor teVets iV buildiVO I sKPoolwide sastem of eduKItioVIl opportuVi

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