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Uploaded On 2022-09-07


EMERENCY CODE TRAININSUBSTITUTE EMPOYEES EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGOVERVIEBroZard Count PubOLc ScKooOs x000bBCPSx000c Kas seven x000b7x000c emerJenc codes to respond to tKreatsx000f ID: 952962

code tke emergency x000f tke code x000f emergency tkreat campus staff red room x000c x000b durlnj decoared skouod students




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Presentation Transcript

BROWARD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLSEmerJenc\ Code TraLnLnJ EMER*ENCY CODE TRAININ*SUBSTITUTE EMP/OYEES EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGOVERVIE:BroZard Count\ PubOLc ScKooOs BCPS Kas seven 7 emerJenc\ codes to respond to tKreats Lssues and concerns for BCPS students staff and propert\.It Ls crLtLcaO to fuOO\

understand tKese emerJenc\ codes and tKeLr responses especLaOO\ for substLtute empOo\ees ZKo ma\ ZorN at dLfferent EvacuatLon Map/s posted Ln ever\ cOassroom. EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGCAMPUS INFORMATIONEacK scKooO ZLOO provLde LnformatLon and JuLdance to substLtuteempOo\ees reJardLnJ tKeLr specLfLc sLte ruOes operatLons and pT

Ke admLnLstratLon sKouOd be contacted for an\ and aOO questLons or TeacKers and staff can aOso provLde LnformatLon. EMERGENCY CODE TRAINING Code Red Ls tKe most serLous emerJenc\ code LnvoOvLnJ a compOete OocNdoZn.Code Red Ls decOared for an LmmedLate tKreat ontKe campus or facLOLt\ propert\.TKe tKreat ma\ LncOude an actLve sKooter/NLOOer&

#x000f; poOLce pursuLnJ a suspect across campus a reported fLrearm on campus an unautKorL]ed person refusLnJ to foOOoZ securLt\ procedures or otKer dLrect tKreats ZKLOe on campus. EMERGENCY CODE TRAINING An\one can caOO a Code Red EMERGENCY CODE TRAINING DurLnJ a Code Red aOO students staff vLsLtors a

nd otKer personneO must Oocate a pOace to safeO\ sKeOter –no movement on campusand teac Even tKouJK aOO cOassroom doors are OocNed at aOO tLmes Lt Ls crLtLcaO to ensure tKat aOO doors and otKer access poLnts are secured from entr\.If a secure area cannot be LmmedLateO\Oocated personneO sKouOd move to Oocate an area to sKeO

ter-Ln-pOace orfOee tKe area from an LmmedLate tKreat. EMERGENCY CODE TRAINING DurLnJ a Code Red decOaratLon ZKen tKe door Ls open durLnJ tKe movement of students and staff Lt Ls up to tKe dLscretLon of tKe staff member ZKen to cOose tKe OocNed door -ZKLcK sKouOd be as soon as possLbOe.TKe cOosLnJ of tKe door Ls a baOance of permLtt

LnJ access to sKeOter and den\LnJ access to tKe area b\ tKe tKreat s .Once tKe door Ls cOosed Lt sKouOd not be opened untLO a Code *reen Ls decOared b\ tKe admLnLstratLon or OaZ enforcement EMERGENCY CODE TRAINING DurLnJ a Code Red tKe door ZLndoZ sKouOd be covered room OLJKturned off and Ltems pOaced

Ln front of tKe OocNed door to den\ access or observatLon Lnto tKe room -Lf possLbOe due to tKe OocatLon of tKe tKreat s . Staff and students must move aZa\ from tKe door s and ZLndoZ s to a sKeOter area ZLtKLn tKe room to LncOude batKrooms and cOosets.TKe staff and students not Lnan Lnner

room sKouOd Jet totKe OoZest poLnt as possLbOe tosKeOter aZa\ from tKe tKreat s . EMERGENCY CODE TRAINING If tKe fLre aOarm Ls actLvated durLnJ a Code Red \ou donot evacuateunOess tKere Ls cOear dLrectLon from admLnLstratLon or a serLous and dLrect fLre tKreat to \our OocatLon. At tKe concOusLon of a Code Red

a Code YeOOoZ ZLOO be decOared so tKe SAFE Team can depOo\ to assess tKe sLtuatLon cKecN tKe campus support \ou. EMERGENCY CODE TRAINING BCPS Kas an actLve sKooter vLdeo for aOO personneO to vLeZ to e[pand tKeLr aZareness and preparednessCOLcN /LnN BeOoZ Name and Email -SUB-Employee number/Smart Location number - EMERGENCY

CODE TRAININGCode YeOOoZCode YeOOoZ Ls decOared for a tKreat near or affectLnJ tKe campus or facLOLt\ propert\.TKe tKreat ma\ LncOude a danJer crLmLnaO act poOLce cKase or otKer OaZ enforcement actLon Ln tKe pro[LmLt\ of tKe campus.DurLnJ a Code YeOOoZ students and staff are pOaced Ln OocNdoZn ZLtK SAFE Team members

movLnJ around campus to assess tKe sLtuatLon and address an\ LmmedLate needs for eacK room –\ou sKouOd advLse tKem of an\ concerns or EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGCode YeOOoZDurLnJ a Code YeOOoZ teacKLnJ contLnues ZLtKout an\ movement from tKe OocNed room.Red or Jreen pOacards are used to provLde LnformatLon to tKe SATeam at tKe door.A

Jreen pOacard LndLcates tKat aOO persons are accounted for anno assLstance Ls needed Ln tKe room at tKat tLme.A red pOacard means tKat a person Ls not accounted for or an e[tra person Ls Ln tKe room.EOectronLc communLcatLons can aOso be used to sKare LnformatLonvLa emaLO or otKer format. EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGCode BOacNCode BOacN Ls decOa

red for a bomb tKreat.AdmLnLstratLon ZLOO provLde JuLdance reJardLnJ an\ evacuatLon of tKe campus.SAFE Team members ZLOO assLst \ou.Do not toucK OLJKts or eOectrLcaO equLpment.RadLos and ceOOuOar teOepKones sKouOd not be used untLO aZa\ from tKe campus at tKe evacuatLon OocatLon. EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGCode BOueCode BOue Ls decOared for a m

edLcaO emerJenc\ on campus.AdmLnLstratLon must be contacted for an\ medLcaO concerns or emerJenc\.11 sKouOd be contacted for an\ LmmedLate medLcaO emerJenc\ to LncOude durLnJ Code Red and otKer TKe SAFE Team ZLOO assLst \ou. EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGCode BroZnCode BroZn Ls decOared to LmpOement a sKeOter-Ln-pOace OocNd

oZn or evacuatLon for a tKreat not LncOuded Ln anotKer Code BroZn ma\ be utLOL]ed for an e[pOosLon cKemLcaO reOease/spLOO or otKer tKreat on or near tKe campus.DurLnJ a Code BroZn addLtLonaO LnstructLons ZLOO be provLded to students and staff for tKe proper response. EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGCode OranJeCode OranJe Ls an evacua

tLon code and ma\ be assocLated ZLtK otKer codes.Code OranJe Ls decOared ZKen a sLtuatLon Zarrants a response be\ond tKe prevLous emerJenc\ codes.DurLnJ a Code OranJe addLtLonaO LnstructLons ZLOO be provLded to students and staff to address tKe tKreat s or concern s and to LncOude tKe specLfLc evacuatLo

n routes and EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGCode *reenCode *reen Ls an aOO cOear to return to normaO operatLons.Code *reen ZLOO be decOared ZLtK a passZord or dLrect contact from admLnLstratLon ZLtK a Ne\ to \our room or area.POease contact admLnLstratLon or anotKer staff member Lf \ou Kave an\ questLons or concerns. EMERGENCY CODE TRAININGEmerJen