Sample Presentation Sample Presentation

Sample Presentation - PowerPoint Presentation

yoshiko-marsland . @yoshiko-marsland
Uploaded On 2016-04-30

Sample Presentation - PPT Presentation

Ashen and the 14 Gremlins Elonarra of the Shadows Description 18yearold Prince Ashen works as a wizards apprentice to his stepfather though he is more a slave than a pupil Each day the stepfather asks his swirling magic orb who is the most powerful of all with which it answers without ID: 299426

plot ashen map finds ashen plot finds map magical woods assassin takes gremlin cave evicted aimless wandering ogre magic




Presentation Transcript


Sample PresentationSlide2

Ashen and the 14 Gremlins


of the ShadowsSlide3


18-year-old Prince Ashen works as a wizard’s apprentice to his stepfather, though he is more a slave than a pupil. Each day, the stepfather asks his swirling magic orb who is the most powerful of all, with which it answers without fail “you of course, my lord.” However, when one day the magic orb answers “the young Prince, my lord,”


life will never be the same. Slide4

Story Details

Story Genre: Fantasy

World Description:


Midlands, a small kingdom dominated by rolling green hills and large sections of


Home to gremlins, fairies, goblins, and elves

Lots of mages live there

Ruled by a monarchy

Main export is chromatic apples (colors = different powers; Gold Apples are dangerous and illegal and only grow in deep forests, and black apples are illegal because they induce death)Slide5



Personality Trope:


; The Fool; Idiot Hero

Role: Protagonist

Fatal Flaw: Obliviousness

Average height

Short brown hair

Blue eyes

Often wears buttercup yellow tunics

Wears black leather boots

Wears baggy brown linen pantsSlide7


Is the Prince of Grassy Midlands

Father died when Ashen was 3; mother is a fool

200-year-old Wizard became king (& his stepfather)

Ashen became his apprentice, but for reasons he can’t understand hasn’t really learned much magicSlide8

Plot SynopsisSlide9

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of allSlide10

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of all

Assassin takes him into woodsSlide11

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of all

Assassin takes him into woods

Ashen finds Gremlin CaveSlide12

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of all

Assassin takes him into woods

Ashen finds Gremlin Cave

Ashen is EvictedSlide13

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of all

Assassin takes him into woods

Ashen finds Gremlin Cave

Ashen is Evicted

Aimless WanderingSlide14

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of all

Assassin takes him into woods

Ashen finds Gremlin Cave

Ashen is Evicted

Aimless Wandering

Ogre sent after AshenSlide15

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of all

Assassin takes him into woods

Ashen finds Gremlin Cave

Ashen is Evicted

Aimless Wandering

Ogre sent after Ashen

Finds ReneeSlide16

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of all

Assassin takes him into woods

Ashen finds Gremlin Cave

Ashen is Evicted

Aimless Wandering

Ogre sent after Ashen

Finds Renee

Confront OlinSlide17

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of all

Assassin takes him into woods

Ashen finds Gremlin Cave

Ashen is Evicted

Aimless Wandering

Ogre sent after Ashen

Finds Renee

Confront Olin

Wizard resignsSlide18

Plot Map

Ashen is said to be the most magical of all

Assassin takes him into woods

Ashen finds Gremlin Cave

Ashen is Evicted

Aimless Wandering

Ogre sent after Ashen

Finds Renee

Confront Olin

The End

Wizard resignsSlide19

Plot Analysis

Plot Type: Voyage and Return

Motifs: Apples (& corresponding colors)

Mythological Inspiration: German/European Fairytales; Grimm’s Fairytales

Magic System: Soft. Very soft.