Check Deposit Check Deposit

Check Deposit - PDF document

asmurgas . @asmurgas
Uploaded On 2020-11-19

Check Deposit - PPT Presentation

use of you have entered into with account are incorporated by 1 Services The remote depo sit capture services Mobile Geposit 牥敳椀最湥搠琀漠慬氀漀眀 礀漀甠琀漠 ID: 818918

deposit mobile service items mobile deposit items service device agree time checks image item account agreement reserve information supported




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Presentation Transcript

Check Deposituse of you have entered in
Check Deposituse of you have entered into with account, are incorporated by 1.Services. The remote deposit capture services (“Mobile Geposit”⤀⁡牥⁤敳椀最湥搠琀漠慬氀漀眀礀漀甠琀漠洀慫攠搀数潳椀瑳⁴漀牥浯瑥 汯捡瑩潮猠2.Acceptance of Terms. Your use of the Mobile Deposit constitutes your acceptance of this Agreement. ThisAgreement is ubject to hange rom me to timWe ll otify you of aterial hange via e-mail, through or on our website(s) providing a link 3. approval App to your account with us electronically transmitting and conditions of with the hardware and 4.Equipment. To use the Service, you must have a supported mobile device (e.g., smartphone, iPad, etc.) with asupported camera and a supported operating system, have a data plan for your mobile device, and download the device operating system or mobile carrier will be compatible with the Service. 5.Limitations of Service. When using Mobile Deposit, you may experience technical or other difficulties. Thecredit union cannot assume responsibility for any technical or other difficulties or any resulting damages that you may incur. There may be qualification requirements for use of Mobile Deposit, and we reserve the right to change the qualifications at any time without prior notice. We reserve the right to change, suspend or discontinue Mobile Deposit, in whole or in paprior notice to you. 6.Eligible items. You agree to scan and deposit only checks as that term is defined in Federal Reserve RegulationCC (“Reg CC”).夀漀甠愀杲攀攠琀桡琠礀漀甠眀椀氀氀漀琀⁵猀攠䵯戀椀氀攀⁄数潳椀琀瑯⁳挀慮⁡渀搠搀数潳椀琠愀渀礀⁣栀散欀猀爠潴栀敲⁩瑥洀猀⁡猀 猀桯眀渠戀敬漀眀㨠ㄮ䍨散欀猀爠椀瑥洀猀⁰愀礀慢氀攀⁴漀⁡渀礀 灥爀猀潮 潲⁥湴椀琀礀琀栀敲⁴桡渀 礀漀甮㈮䍨散欀猀爠椀瑥洀猀⁤牡眀渠漀爀琀桥爀睩猀攠椀猀猀略搠戀礀 礀潵 漀爀⁡渀礀 潴栀敲⁰敲猀潮渀 慮礀昀 礀漀畲⁡挀慣挀潵湴 漀渠眀栀椀挀栠礀潵⁡牥 愀渠愀畴桯爀椀稀攀搠猀椀最湥爀爠樀漀椀湴 慣挀潵湴 栀潬摥爀⸠㌮䍨散欀猀爠椀瑥洀猀⁣潮瑡椀湩湧扶椀潵猀 慬琀敲慴椀潮⁴漠愀渀礀昀⁴栀攠昀椀敬摳渀 瑨攀⁦爀潮琠潦⁴栀攠挀桥挀欀爠椀瑥洀Ⱐ漀爀睨椀挀栠礀漀甠欀湯眀 潲⁳畳灥挀琬爠猀桯甀氀搠欀湯眀爠猀畳瀀散琬⁡爀攠昀爀慵摵氀敮琀爠潴桥爀睩猀攀漀琠慵瑨潲椀稀敤⁢礀⁴栀攠漀眀湥爀昀⁴栀攠愀挀挀潵湴 漀渠眀栀椀挀栠琀栀攠挀桥挀欀爠椀瑥洀⁩猀⁤牡睮⸠㐮䍨散欀猀爠椀瑥洀猀⁰牥瘀椀漀甀猀氀礀⁣潮瘀敲琀敤⁴漠愀⁳甀扳瑩琀畴攠挀桥挀欀Ⱐ愀猀⁤攀昀椀湥搠椀渠刀敧 䍃⸀5.Checks or items drawn on a financial institution located outside the United States.6.Checks or items that are remotely created checks, as defined in Reg CC.7.Checks or items not payable in United States currency.8.Checks or items dated more than 6 months prior to the date of deposit.9.Checks or items Mobile Deposit otherwise not acceptable under the terms 10.Check or items on which a stop payment order has been issued, drawn on a c

losed account, or forwhich there are in
losed account, or forwhich there are insufficient funds. Nothing in the Agreement should be construed accept any that type of be required to identify or reject any deposit that fail 7.Security of Your Mobile Device and Account Information. You are responsible for (i) maintaining theconfidentiality and security of your Mobile Devices, access number(s), password(s), security question(s) and answer(s), account number(s), login information, and any other security or access information, used by you to access the Service (collectively, “Access Information”), and⠀椀椀⤀⁰爀敶敮琀椀湧 畮愀畴栀漀爀椀稀攀搠愀挀挀敳猀⁴漀爠畳攠漀昀⁴栀攠information, files or data that you store, transmit or use in or with the Service (collectively, “Account Information”). 夀潵 慧爀攀攠渀漀琠瑯⁳甀灰氀礀 礀漀畲⁁挀挀敳猀⁉渀昀潲洀慴椀潮⁴漠愀渀礀漀渀攮 夀潵 睩氀氀 扥⁲敳瀀潮猀椀戀氀攠昀潲⁡氀氀⁥氀散瑲潮椀挀 communications, including image transmissions, email and other data (“Communications”) entered using the 䄀挀挀敳猀⁉渀昀潲洀慴椀潮⸠䄀渀礀⁃潭洀畮椀挀慴椀潮猀⁲散敩瘀攀搠琀桲潵杨⁴栀攀⁵猀攠漀昀⁴栀攠䄀挀挀敳猀⁉渀昀潲洀慴椀潮 睩氀氀⁢攠搀敥洀敤⁴漀⁢攠猀敮琠漀爀⁡畴栀潲椀稀敤 戀礀 礀漀甮 夀潵 慧爀攀攠琀漠椀洀洀敤椀慴攀氀礀 渀潴椀昀礀⁵猀 椀昀 礀潵⁢攀挀潭攠愀眀慲攠漀昀⁡渀礀潳猀Ⱐ瑨敦琠漀爀 畮慵瑨漀爀椀稀敤⁵猀攀昀⁡渀礀⁁挀挀敳猀⁉渀昀潲洀慴椀潮Ⱐ椀湣氀畤椀渀朠礀漀畲 䵯戀椀氀攠䑥瘀椀挀敳⸠圀攠牥猀敲瘀攠琀栀攠物杨琠琀漠搀敮礀 礀漀甠慣挀敳猀⁴漀⁴栀攠匀敲瘀椀挀攠⡯爀 愀渀礀 灡爀琠瑨敲敯昀⤀⁩昀⁷攠戀敬椀攀瘀攠琀桡琠慮礀 氀潳猀Ⱐ瑨敦琠漀爀⁵渀愀畴栀潲椀稀攀搠甀猀攀昀⁁挀挀敳猀 䥮昀潲洀慴椀潮⁨慳挀挀畲爀敤⸠8.The image of image quality of the items must comply with the requirements established from time to time by ANSI, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board, or any other regulatory agency, clearing house or association. You agree that we shall not be liable for any damages resulting from a check or item’s poor image quality, includi渀朠瑨漀猀攠牥氀慴攀搠琀漠牥樀散瑩漀渠漀昀爠瑨攀 摥氀愀礀敤爠椀洀灲潰敲⁣爀敤椀瑩湧 潦⁳畣栠愀⁣桥挀欀爠椀瑥洀Ⱐ漀爀⁦爀漀洀⁡渀礀 椀湡挀挀畲愀瑥 椀湦潲洀慴椀潮 礀漀甠猀異灬礀⁲敧慲摩渀朠琀栀攠挀桥挀欀爠椀瑥洀⸀9.Endorsements and Procedures. Before transmission, you agree to restrictively endorse any item transmittedthrough Mobile Deposit as “For Mobile deposit only at signature endorsement or as otherwise instructed by . You agree to follow any and all other procedures and instructions for use of Mobile Deposit as CU may establish from time to time. The Federal Law regarding fund availability requires the Financial 10.Receipt of Items. We reserve the right to reject any item transmitted through Mobile Deposit, at our discretion,without liability you. We are not not receive or for images transmissi

on. An image of when you receive a confi
on. An image of when you receive a confirmation image. Receipt mean that the transmission was complete that funds will be redited check or item. 11.Availability of Funds. You agree that items transmitted using Mobile Deposit are not subject to the fundsMobile Deposit will based on worthiness, the length and extent of your relationship with us, transaction and CU, in its discretion, deems 12.Upon your receipt of CU that we have received image of temyou agree tprominently ark e item Electronically Presented” or VOIG” d to erly dispose of it is for payment. You agree never to the item. You will item, or a aid in the with respect to audit purposes. 13.Deposit Limits. We reserve the right to impose limits on the amount(s) and/or number of deposits that youtransmit using Mobile Deposit and to modify such limits from time to time. 14.Equipment. To use the Service, you must have a supported mobile device (e.g., smartphone, iPad, etc.) with asupported camera and a supported operating system, have a data plan for your mobile device, and download the App to your mobile device. We do not guarantee that your particular mobile device, mobile device camera, mobile device operating system or mobile carrier will be compatible with the Service. 15.the Services away, and in no event later than 60 days after the applicable CU account statement is days, such statement regarding all Deposit shall be you are prohibited CU for such alleged error. 16.Presentment. The manner in which the items are cleared, presented for payment, and collected shall be insubject to the Gepository 17.Ownership & License. ownership and associated content, technology, and website(s). Your use of Mobile Deposit is subject to and conditioned upon your complete compliance with this Agreement. 18.Cancellation by You; Termination or Refusal by Us. You may cancel the Service at any time, allowing us areasonable opportunity to act upon your request. If you cancel, we will not refund any portion of any fee assessed for any checks and items previously deposited via the Service. We will have no obligation to honor any instructions, in whole or in part, that (i) we reasonably believe is used for any illegal or improper purpose or activity; (ii) we have reason to believe may not be authorized by you; (iii) would violate any law, rule or regulation applicable to us or the Service; (iv) is not in accordance with any other requirements stated in this Agreement or any of our policies, procedures or practices; or (v) for our protection or yours, we have reasonable cause not to honor. 19.User warranties and indemnification. You warrant to the credit union that:a.You will only transmit eligible items that you are entitled and items will include all signatures.b.Images will meet the image quality standards.c.You will not transmit duplicate items.d.You will not deposit or represent the original item.f.All information you provide to g.You will comply with this Agreement and all applicable rules, laws and regulations.h.You agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any loss for breach of this warranty provision.20.Geographic Constraints. You agree that you will not use the Service in locations that are prohibited underU.S. law and regulations, including laws and regulations issued by the Office of Foreign Assets Control