2019 Capital Outlay Seminar 2019 Capital Outlay Seminar

2019 Capital Outlay Seminar - PowerPoint Presentation

ellena-manuel . @ellena-manuel
Uploaded On 2020-01-17

2019 Capital Outlay Seminar - PPT Presentation

2019 Capital Outlay Seminar Simonne R Whitmore State Capital Outlay Administrator Office of Facility Planning and Control September 2019 For Nonstate Entities Before We Get Started Restrooms Exits ID: 773073

outlay capital funding project capital outlay project funding state appropriation priority appropriations general endeavor cash required agreement funds information




Presentation Transcript

2019 Capital Outlay Seminar Simonne R. Whitmore, State Capital Outlay AdministratorOffice of Facility Planning and ControlSeptember 2019 For Nonstate Entities

Before We Get Started RestroomsExitsIntroductions

Why Are You Here Today? What Do You Hope to Learn? Seminar Objectives

The Language of Capital Outlay

Submit a Capital Outlay Request Receive an Appropriation in the Capital Outlay Act Receive Funding of the Appropriation Execute the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement Proceed with Project Receive Disbursement of Funds Advancing a Capital Outlay Project

Objectives Understand the definition of Capital Outlay Understand the information required in a capital outlay request Understand general bond priorities Understand the difference between an appropriation and funding Understand the limits of an appropriation Know where the go for help

Important Aspects of Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Requests eCORTS General Obligation Bonds Appropriations versus Funding Lines of Credit Cooperative Endeavor Agreement Administration

What is “Capital Outlay”?

What is Capital Outlay? One of two state budgets prepared annually Capital Budget

What is Capital Outlay? The process of developing, enacting and executing the state capital outlay budget Execution Development Enactment

What is Capital Outlay? Project funding comes from a variety of sources Local Funding – Fees, Taxes, Assessments Private Donations Federal or State Grants State Capital Outlay

What is Capital Outlay?

STATE OF LOUISIANA There is no quick check!

Fund s R e q u e sted Fund s Appropri ated Proj e c t Funded Funds Availab leCooperative Endeavor Agreement Executed Ju ne 2020 Sep 2020Oc t 2020Nov 2020BEST CASE SCENARIO Nov 2019 When do funds become available?

Capita l Outla y is not designed t o be a quick fix. Plan Ahead

As an applicant… Select a project that qualifies for Capital Outlay expenditures Get access to eCORTS Make sure that your request contains the statutorily required information Submit your request on time Follow-up with your legislator regarding a letter of support for your project.

Capital Outlay Projects P erman e n t – useful life of at l e ast 1 0 yearsMajor – complex, requiring coordination of tw o or more trades

Examples of Projects that Qualify

Examples of Projects that DON’T Qualify

Capital Outlay Requests Submission Requirements Must be submitted by 11:59 pm, November 1 st each year Are required annually for the life of the project Are submitted electronically through the eCORTS systems Must include certain statutorily required information

Nonstate Entity Requirements

Capital Outlay Requests Shall include a detailed project description and justification including an anal ysis of n eed R.S. 39:1 02

Statutorily Required Information an analysis of need with corroborative data, a reasonable estimate of the date when the project will be needed, the project's proposed location, the estimated construction cost, the estimated local match requirement and amount of local funds expended on the project, the cost of equipping and furnishing the project,

Statutorily Required Information the cost of opening and operating the facility for the first year, the estimated annual operating and maintenance costs of the facility, and the method and source of financing for each of the next five years, the estimated completion date of the project identification and description of other similar facilities and projects in the given area and an evaluation of their capabilities to meet needs, and the order of priority.


General Obligation Bonds

General Obligation Bond Appropriations General Obligation BondsPriority 1 | Cash Appropriation | Reauthorized Priority 2 | Cash Appropriation | New Priority 3 | Cash Appropriation | New Priority 4 | Cash Appropriation | New Priority 5 | Non-Cash Approp . | New / Reauth.

Priority 1Al w ays a r eauthorization of app ropriationswith PRI OR lines of credit Pr ior i ty 1 Prio r ity 1 Priority 2Prio rity 3Priority4 Priority 5

New auth o rizati o n forCASH To be s p en t in the fiscal year of the ActPriority 2

New authorization f or CASH N O T t o be spen t in thefiscal year of the Act Priorities 3 and 4

New o r reauthorized BUDGET AUTHORITY Ca n onl y be g ranted a NONCASH line of creditPriority 5


22 ( 123 ) Offices for Southern Louisiana Health Center 23 Pla n n i n g and C o ns truction24(East Baton Rouge )25Payable fr om General Obligation Bonds26Priority 1 $ 2,000,000 Example AppropriationAB CDEF

Being in the A ct is NO T the same as receiving fund i ng Appropriated vs Funded

R epresents budge t auth o rity ( legislative approval for you to receive funding ) Appropriations

Means an allocation of funds “Funding” can be a C ash Line of Credit or a Noncash Line of CreditFunding

…to a specif ic entit y , for a specifi c purpose Appropriations are made…

A pp r o p ri a tion s A uth o rity to R e c eive Funding Funding Commitmen t of fundsAppropriations versus Funding

B D E Understanding Appropriations F C A

Ap propriations M emos are distributed Gene ral Obligation Bo nd appropriations are considere d for funding Lines of Credit are granted by the State Bond CommissionNotification of Line of Credit Status Memos are distributed Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) documents are generated and executedWhat to Expect After the Legislative Session

Cooperative Endeavor Agreements Moving Nonstate Entity Projects ForwardNonstate Entity projects are administered by OFPC Entities must enter into a contract with the State that defines the terms of the agreement that will allow the use of State funds for the project This contract is called a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) Entities must submit a completed CEA Data Form each year to provide the information needed for any updates or communications from OFPC

Capita l Outla y W ebpa g e eCORTS Instructions Nonstate T raining Manual Capita l Outla y StaffResources

htt p ://ww w .doa.louisia n a.gov /fpc/ fpc.htm Email: CapitalO utl a y@l a .g o v Phone : 225.342.0823 Contact Capital Outlay Staff Lanetta Barthelemy, Analyst Marc Parenti, Analyst Claire Vermaelen, Analyst Simonne Whitmore, Capital Outlay Administrator
