Anesthesia Intro http:// Anesthesia Intro http://

Anesthesia Intro http:// - PowerPoint Presentation

fanny . @fanny
Uploaded On 2023-07-22

Anesthesia Intro http:// - PPT Presentation

youtubeIgpZ4OyidY Meaning Derived from the Greek term for loss or lack of sensation 3 Types of Anesthesia Local Regional General Local Anesthesia Remain awake and conscious Insensitivity to pain but can still feel pressure and sensation ID: 1010014

anesthesia general local regional general anesthesia regional local heart anesthetic numb prevent pressure body area causing blood levels breathing




Presentation Transcript

1. Anesthesia

2. Introhttp://youtu.be/Ig-pZ4OyidY

3. Meaning Derived from the Greek term for “loss or lack of sensation” 3 Types of Anesthesia LocalRegionalGeneral

4. Local AnesthesiaRemain awake and consciousInsensitivity to pain, but can still feel pressure and sensation Given in the form of spray, shot or ointmentOnly numbs small, specific areas of the body

5. Local AnestheticOften used in dental offices when numbing an area of the oral cavityCan be topical (on the surface) Topical often applied before needle injection of local anesthetic

6. Local AnesthesiaDrugs used include lidocaine, Novocaine, and tetracaineOriginally, cocaine was usedHad to find alternatives because of its addictive qualities

7. Local AnesthesiaUsed in minor outpatient surgeriesEffects wear off in 4 to 5 hours Need to be cautious around numb area afterwards to prevent harm For example, biting a numb cheek

8. Regional AnesthesiaNumbs a wider region of the body than localPeripheral regional anesthesia blocks a nerve or nerve bundle to numb a limbCentral anesthesia injects anesthetic into cerebrospinal fluid or into space outside spinal canal

9. Regional AnesthesiaEpiduralsCentral anesthetic given to women in laborDrugs are continuously fed into epidural space via catheterLoss of sensation from waist down

10. Regional AnesthesiaSpinal blockDrugs injected into cerebrospinal fluidOne time injection; no catheter neededWaist-down paralysis (more than epidurals)

11. Regional AnesthesiaMore risky than localPossible seizure or heart attack because of involvement with Central Nervous SystemIf more paralysis is needed, may switch to general anesthesiaStrict monitoring of patients under regional anesthesia

12. General AnesthesiaCompletely unconscious and immobilizedAdministered via IV (needle into vein) or gas (mask or tube) or a combination of both

13. General AnesthesiaUsed in major surgeries that require long lengths of timeFor example, knee replacement or heart bypass

14. General AnesthesiaUse a combination of medications toRelieve anxietyKeep you asleepMinimize painRelax muscles to prevent movementBlock out memory of surgery

15. General AnesthesiaGeneral anesthesia affectsThe spinal cord, causing immobilityBrain stem, causing unconsciousnessCerebral cortex, causing changes in brain’s electrical activity

16. General AnesthesiaAn anesthesiologist is present before, during, and after operationMedical history is reviewed before handAnesthesia requires certain conditions for patients with low blood pressure or those that are alcohol/drug users

17. General AnesthesiaMonitors during operationPulse oximetry (oxygen levels in blood), heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rates, carbon dioxide exhalation levels, temperature, concentration of anesthetic, brain activity

18. General AnesthesiaStages1. Induction: starting to feel the effects, but not yet unconscious2. Excitement: unconscious, short period of irregular breathing and heart rate3. Anesthetized: muscle relaxation, regular breathing4. Overdose: does not regularly occur, but swift action should be taken to prevent heart/breathing stoppage, brain damage, or death

19. General AnesthesiaSide effects afterwardsVomitingNauseaNumbness in area operated onDisorientation

20. General AnesthesiaSerious risksSuffocationAllergic reactionOrgan failureStrokeDeath

21. Which Type to Use? Depends on:Type of SurgeryLocation of SurgeryLength of SurgeryCurrent and previous medical conditionsAllergiesReaction to anesthesiaMedications currently takingAge, height, weight

22. Referenceshttp://science.howstuffworks.com/anesthesia.htmhttp://kidshealth.org/teen/your_body/medical_care/anesthesia_types.html#