Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance

Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance - PowerPoint Presentation

mitsue-stanley . @mitsue-stanley
Uploaded On 2017-04-11

Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance - PPT Presentation

By Hannah The Great Disappearance but Devastating Thirtynine year old Amelia Earhart and fortyfour year old Frederick Noonan her navigator started their fatal flight on May 21 1937 Amelia changed their flight plan because of bad weather conditions They had already flown ID: 536347

plane amelia navigator 000 amelia plane 000 navigator www theories flight truth aliens island itasca fuel left miles wrong




Presentation Transcript


Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance

By: Hannah Slide2

The Great Disappearance, but Devastating!

Thirty-nine year old Amelia Earhart’ and forty-four year old Frederick Noonan, her navigator, started their fatal ( ? ) flight on May 21, 1937. Amelia changed their flight plan because of bad weather conditions. They had already flown 22,000 miles and had only 700 miles left in their journey. The distance they still had would consume most of the fuel they had because they left with 1,000 gallons, which was enough to last 20 hours of flying. To help her out, the U.S. government stationed ships along the flight route and made sure that the Coast Guard ship,


was anchored close to the island. At 3:45AM, Amelia made her first radio contact with the


After that she made requests for bearings at 6:14AM,6:45AM, and 7:42AM. At 7:42AM she commented, “We must be on you but cannot see you,” which maybe meant that she and her navigator felt they were on target. She made another transmission at 8:00AM requesting another bearing. At 8:44AM she said, “We are on the line of position 157-137. We are running north and south.” Amelia and her navigator were never heard from again. What ever happened to them?Slide3

What’s the Evidence?

Foggy weather that day (adverse conditions) could have taken the plane off courseThe government spent $4,000,000 looking for Amelia and gave up after two weeks

She and her navigator were probably exhausted after traveling 22,000 miles The plane had 1,000 gallons of fuel enough for 20 hours of flyingThe distance they were required to travel would consume most of fuelSlide4

Evidence Continued from Slide 3

Navy ships and the Itasca had never actually seen Amelia’s plane or found her remains so she could still be alive

Amelia had experienced navigator so he wouldn’t fly her off course and probably would have guided the plane to safetySlide5

Theories, Theories, and More Theories!

Landed on an uninhabited island

Abducted by aliens Crashed on a suicide runCaptured by Japanese and forced to be “Tokyo Rose”

Was an American spy for the JapaneseSlide6

The Truth, in My Opinion!

Amelia's abduction by aliens is not true because we are not sure that aliens exist!She was not on a suicide run because she would have went alone

Spy is wrong because I read several articles about her and they made me feel like she was a true AmericanTokyo Rose is wrong because George Putman, her husband didn’t think the voice on the radio sounded like herSlide7

Finally, the Truth!

You can see that there is only one theory left. That theory is that Amelia and her navigator landed on a deserted island. Even though it was possible that they could have crashed in the ocean, there were many chances that they could survive including life jackets, provisions, plane floating, and many more! With all of these, you can tell that it is not farfetched. Slide8

Continued from Slide 7

Today, scientists are checking DNA for bones that are believed to be Amelia’s. The world will know soon!Slide9

Fast Facts!

Amelia grew up with her grandparentsShe went on her first plane ride in 1920Two years later, she broke the woman’s altitude record

She first flew over the Atlantic in 1928She attended six different high schools but she actually graduated on timeThe year she disappeared, she met Orville Wright in Philadelphia at the Franklin InstituteSlide10

You Can Figure it Out Too!

Now you see that I have made my own conclusion. You can make yours too with this informative PowerPoint about Amelia Earhart’s disappearance. No conclusion is wrong!! With you, the truth may be revealed! Slide11

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