AD 1300s came to power in Mexico AD 1300s came to power in Mexico

AD 1300s came to power in Mexico - PowerPoint Presentation

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AD 1300s came to power in Mexico - PPT Presentation

The Aztecs Present day MexicoCity Settled by Aztecs after they saw the sign they had been in search ofan eagle perched with a snake in its beak Switched from hunting to farming Built chinampas ID: 219372

people aztecs mexico power aztecs people power mexico aztec built warfare conquered carried brought capital spanish priests human empire




Presentation Transcript


AD 1300s came to power in Mexico

The AztecsSlide2

Present day Mexico-CitySettled by Aztecs after they saw the sign they had been in search of-an eagle perched with a snake in its beak

Switched from hunting to farming

Built chinampas: artificial islands made of earth embedded in a shallow lake bed; they were essentially floating gardens in which they grew corn, squash, and beansThey later built canals for transportation


In the 1400s they greatly expanded their territory through fierce conquests and various alliances

Spread empire from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific

Aztec people- approx. 30 millionWar brought power and wealth

Tribute/taxes helped turn their capital into a great city

The Aztec EmpireSlide4


a single ruler chosen by nobles and priests

Nobles and political leaders wore luxurious feathered cloaks and gold jewelryMajority of people were commoners who farmed At the bottom of society were slaves-criminals and prisoners of war; however, they could own land and buy their freedom

Aztec power also secured long distance traders who brought and carried goods and also served as



and SocietySlide5

Chief Aztec god was


-the sun godHis pyramid temple towered above the capital cityBattled forces of darkness each night and reborn each morning


was no promise that the sun would always win-to give the god strength they offered human sacrifices through the priests


Other cultures implemented the concept of human sacrifice but not on the scale of the Aztecs and of course the Mayans

They carried out almost continual warfare

Among the conquered peoples, discontent and rebellion gradually rose up among the people

This created an advantage for the Spanish who would later arriveSlide7

The Aztecs believed that illness was punishment from the gods

However, priests did use some medical practices

The Aztecs, like the Mayas, had 2 accurate calendars: 365 for harvests and 260 for religionPriests were keepers of Aztec knowledge-they recorded laws and events

They also utilized math and astronomy

Education and LearningSlide8

By the early 1500s, the Aztecs were conquered by Spanish conquistadors.

Warfare and introduced illnesses