Jane Pei-Chen Chang  & Chung- Jane Pei-Chen Chang  & Chung-

Jane Pei-Chen Chang & Chung- - PowerPoint Presentation

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Jane Pei-Chen Chang & Chung- - PPT Presentation

Chieh Hung Section H OTHER DISORDERS PROBLEMATIC INTERNET USE PIU Adapted by Jane PeiChen Chang Chapter H6 Companion PowerPoint Presentation The IACAPAP Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health is ID: 1033117

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Presentation Transcript

1. Jane Pei-Chen Chang & Chung-Chieh HungSection H: OTHER DISORDERSPROBLEMATIC INTERNET USE (PIU)Adapted by Jane Pei-Chen Chang Chapter H.6 Companion PowerPoint Presentation

2. The “IACAPAP Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health” is available at the IACAPAP website http://iacapap.org/iacapap-textbook-of-child-and-adolescent-mental-healthPlease note that this book and its companion powerpoint are:·        Free and no registration is required to read or download it·        This is an open-access publication under the Creative Commons Attribution Non- commercial License. According to this, use, distribution and reproduction in any medium are allowed without prior permission provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial.

3. Problematic Internet UseLearning objectives: Definition/DiagnosisEpidemiologyPathophsyiologyTreatmentCourse and OutcomePrevention

4. Problematic Internet UseThe BasicsDefinitionBehavior/ IllnessDiagnosishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB5cSLdOr8U&feature=related World of WarcraftDangerous addiction or cultural phenomenon?

5. Maladaptive preoccupation with internet use, experienced as irresistible, for periods of time longer than intendedSignificant distress or impairment resulting from internet useAbsence of other psychiatric pathology that might explain the excessive Internet use.Problematic Internet UseDefinition

6. Problematic Internet UseDiagnosis

7. Problematic Internet UseMeasures

8. Problematic Internet UseEpidemiologyPrevalence rate: 1%-18% of adolescentsWestern societies: 2-12%Eastern societies: 2-18%GenderBoys tend to have higher rate for PIU

9. Problematic Internet UseNegative ConsequencesImpaired academic performance Impaired social interaction/family relations Decreased self-perceived acceptance by peersIncreased drinking in males Lower self-worth in females

10. Problematic Internet UseAssociated Psychiatric Symptoms and ComorbidityHostility Depression, irritability or mood changes Phobic anxietyDaytime sleepiness or sleep deprivationLegend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, one of the most popular video games

11. Problematic Internet UseNegative ConsequencesFailed marriagesUnemploymentNeglected childrenSleep deprivationLosing controlCraving and withdrawalSocial isolationAcademic failureFinancial problemsJob lossMarital discordAggressionStudies with adults show association with:

12. Problematic Internet UsePossible Negative Effectshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdDmp_Ak1no&feature=related

13. Problematic Internet Use Pathophysiology

14. Problematic Internet UseRisk FactorsPsychiatric ComorbidityAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderDepressionSocial supportSocially isolatedLow self esteemPoor quality family relationshipsLoneliness

15. Problematic Internet UseEffect on the BrainfMRI similar to substance addictionChanges in orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortexPoorer executive control and impulse controlhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwNY_-FiwYUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26KPzJwt6wQ&list=PL5F250D3E5D945F37&index=1

16. Currently no treatments supported by evidenceNot an official diagnosisNo pharmacologic nor psychotherapeutic intervention has received adequate testing Shortcomings of current treatment studies of PIU.Problematic Internet Use Treatment

17. Problematic Internet Use Treatment

18. Family based intervention may workTailored managementhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtMJ4NJvTwIProblematic Internet Use Treatment

19. Identify pattern of use with logbook Set clear, specific goals Limit and shorten Internet usage timeNegotiate one computer free day per week Use reminder cards of negative consequences of Internet use Make a list of former hobbies or interests Increase time spent on sports, hobbies and other non- Internet activities Join PIU support group Problematic Internet Use Treatment: Behavioral Strategies for Clinicians and Self-Help Tips for Patients

20. Problematic Internet Use Course and OutcomeHigh relapse rateReady accessibility of InternetLow awareness

21. Problematic Internet Use PreventionIncrease awareness of PIUParental supervision for internet useSet time limits tointernet use for children and adolescence under age of 18.

22. Websites offer help for problematic internet usewww.netaddiction.comhttp://www.netaddictionrecovery.comProblematic Internet Use Further Information

23. Problematic Internet Use Thank You!