Maegan Wiest Maegan Wiest

Maegan Wiest - PowerPoint Presentation

yoshiko-marsland . @yoshiko-marsland
Uploaded On 2016-09-15

Maegan Wiest - PPT Presentation

Service Project May 2012 Choreographing Joseph O v e r v i e w For my senior service project I was encouraged to pick a cause that was near to my heart I decided to choreograph my high school musical because musical theatre and dance are two of my passions ID: 466778

dance music performance movements music dance movements performance stage production musical project leadership combinations show cast dancers choreography steps




Presentation Transcript


Maegan WiestService ProjectMay 2012

Choreographing JosephSlide2





For my senior service project, I was encouraged to pick a cause that was near to my heart. I decided to choreograph my high school musical because musical theatre and dance are two of my passions.

The performance was “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” and took place May 2-5



Auditions took place in December and rehearsals began in January. The practices were every day of the week for at least two hours. The total amount of hours that I put into choreographing the show and teaching the steps are in the hundreds.

Over 100 students participated in the performance and approximately 20 adults spearheaded the task of directing and building the set.

My responsibilities as choreographer included: researching the musical, exploring the different genres of music/dance in the production, designing combinations, teaching the combinations to the cast members and critiquing the performers once they had learned the steps and movements.Slide3

Choreography processFamiliarize with music from production

Listened to “Joseph” soundtrack every day on bus to and from school and in spare time.

Played music on the

piano.Research the musical and types of danceSources: YouTube, “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” film.Genres of dance: Rock n’ Roll, Go Go, Cabaret, Fosse Jazz, Square Dancing, Calypso, Ballet.Put together combinationsSpent hours up in room listening to music, trying out movements and sequencing steps in time to music. Also made sure that movements went with words and storyline. *Telling a story through movements.*Slide4

Choreography process (cont.)Teach steps to cast at rehearsals

Show movements, set up formations and correct.Rehearse!

Go with music over and over again, striving for improvement and best

result.Adapt.Change movements if cast does not catch on. Also, once the stage was constructed, had to make changes in order for the stage to not collapse in certain parts (too much pressure on weaker spots).Spot-check.During/directly before performance week, watch and critique.Go over rough spots.Slide5

Challenges:Challenges included:Lack of dancers. I am one of three dancers in my entire school. For this project, I had to teach fifty-some non-dancers how to dance.

Lack of music. Since we did not purchase the score that included the dance sequences that we were preparing to include in the production, we had to add music.


to technical difficulties related to the stage. As mentioned previously, the stage was constructed for the soul purpose of putting on the show which meant for us that it was not finished being built until a few weeks before the performance. At the last minute, I had to change movements and sequences because there were too many people providing an immense amount of pressure on one section of the stage. This could have caused the stage to collapse.Slide6

Impact:I grew to learn so much more about leadership and how to present creative ideas in a clear and concise format during this project.I knew

that as a senior in a leadership position, I influenced others with my style of leadership and attitude. I demonstrated a positive attitude towards working towards our goals and the arts as a whole.

I realized

that we unfairly hold the leaders in our lives to a certain standard and when bad things happen it automatically becomes their fault because they are in charge. Through this project, I learned that sometimes circumstances are out of a leader’s control and that it is much harder to be in charge than to be led by someone else.Slide7

Go Go Dancers during intermission of performanceSlide8

Me with my choreography binderSlide9

“Joseph’s Coat” NumberSlide10

Performance/Rehearsal Footage:







I choreographed my high school’s production of “Joseph” as an act of service because I am passionate about musical theatre and ballet.

The choreography process involved: researching the show, examining the different genres of dance, coming up with combinations, teaching the combinations to the cast and lastly, critiquing the final product.

I was impacted by this project in the following ways:

Learned more about leadership/presenting creative ideas clearly

Realized the burden of responsibility that comes with power

I made an impact on the people that I worked with through my example of leadership and my positive attitude towards task-production and the arts.

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