Howie   Kilpatrick Nick Howie   Kilpatrick Nick

Howie Kilpatrick Nick - PowerPoint Presentation

tatiana-dople . @tatiana-dople
Uploaded On 2018-11-08

Howie Kilpatrick Nick - PPT Presentation

Arcaria Zach Gilday William James Early Life Born on January 11 1842 in New York City Grew up in a wealthy household He was one of five children Family consisted of historians biographers and critics ID: 721499

james psychology theories william psychology james william theories http arousal definition stanford effects university harvard truth emotion decision philosophy body mental 2002




Presentation Transcript



KilpatrickNick Arcaria Zach Gilday

William JamesSlide2

Early Life

Born on January 11, 1842 in New York City.Grew up in a wealthy household.He was one of five children.Family consisted of historians, biographers, and critics.

His father was a



Aspired to be an artist or scientist, and studied painting with William Morris Hunt when he was 16.Slide3


In 1861, James entered Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard University.Suffered severe depression and contemplated suicide. In 1865-6, left America to study psychology under Helmholtz in the Amazon.In 1869, he received his M.D. from Harvard University.In 1872, focused his studies on psychology instead of medicine. Shortly after, in 1875 he started teaching psychology there.Was fluent in five languages.Slide4

Theories - Pragmatism

Definition – an approach that assess the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application.What difference will this truth make in your life?Example – Truman’s decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Logical decision to convince the Japanese to surrender. Slide5

Theories - Functionalism

Definition – the doctrine and philosophy of mind according to which mental states are defined by their causes and effects.How the causes and effects of different situations affect your mental state.If you have a big test coming up, you will get anxious, and start to shake.When the body experiences pain, it produces the thought that something is wrong with the body, therefore causing anxiety , wincing, and moaning. Slide6

Theories – James Lange Theory of Emotion

Definition – argues that an event causes physiological arousal first, and then we interpret the arousal. Only after our interpretation of the arousal, do we experience emotion.I see a bear. My muscles tense, my heart races. I feel afraid.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipFiG-p_nWc&feature=player_detailpageSlide7


Wade, Carole. Invitation to Psychology. Third. Upper Saddle River,NJ,U.S.: Pearson Eduacation, Inc., 2005. 6,133,163. Print. Cherry, Kendra. "William James Biography." About.com. About.com. Web. 10 Sep 2013. <http://psychology.about.com/od/profilesofmajorthinkers/p/jamesbio.htm>. Goodman, Russell, "William James", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2012 Edition), Edward N.


 (ed.), URL = <http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2012/entries/james/>.

History of Psychology

. 1. Danbury, CT, U.S.: 2002.

Developmental Psychology.

4 . Danbury, CT, U.S.: 2002.